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How to Repel Ticks Effectively and Easily with One Ingredient

by June 8, 2017

Ticks are an annoying parasite that seems to always find their way back into your life; especially if you have pets. They are among the worst pests to have, and you have to be careful how you handle them.

Ticks are small arachnids that bite to fasten themselves onto the skin. They feed on blood, and they typically live in fur and feathers of birds and animals. It is extremely common for your pets to acquire ticks because they are so drawn to their camouflaging fur. The fur on the back of a dog is the perfect safe haven for ticks. You have to be very careful about ticks because they carry many harmful diseases. If you ever find a tick you need to remove it immediately and be careful doing so. Because they attach themselves with a rough bite when you pull their bodies their legs will likely stay. But, removing the tick’s body will reduce your chances of catching a disease or infection.

The medications designed by animal pharmaceutical companies claim to be the answer to your pets tick problem, but they might also be the introduction to many more problems. They are composed of chemicals that can cause other health issues for your pets. Just last year, EPA released a warning regarding the flea and tick medications that go on the back of your pet’s neck. The advisory was issued due to a significant increase in reported adverse reactions — everything from mild skin irritation to seizures and death. In 2008, over 44,000 reactions presumed to be tied to spot-on products were reported by pet owners, veterinarians, and other animal caretakers.

If you really want to get rid of ticks, rose geranium oil is going to be your best friend. While there are two varieties of this oil, you’re going to get the most use out of the rose geranium oil with the botanical name of Pelargonium capitatum x radians. All you need to do is apply a small drop of the oil to the back of each leg and wrist, and the neck and voila! The ticks will start to fall off one by one. You should also put a drop at the base of the tail for added assurance.

Use This Once A Week to Make Your Face Look 10 Years Younger

by June 8, 2017

These days people will go to great lengths to look younger. People have resorted to plastic surgeries, chemicals, laser treatments, and more. However, the best method has been under our noses the entire time.

Face washes and acne cleanses are known for having dangerous chemicals in them. They are rough astringents on your face and can make things a million times worse. That is why rice is your best friend. Rice is known for having lots of nutritional compounds and it is also rich in minerals. Applying a rice mask can have more benefits than you think. For example, rice can protect your face from dangerous ultraviolet sunrays. It is a fantastic anti-inflammatory and it can even soothe a sunburn!

This face mask has been used in traditional Japanese medicine for thousands of years. It might be the best kept secret of Asia! It is a natural remedy which means it contains no harmful chemicals. It soothes the skin, and the remedy is easy to make. This face mask will work ten times better than other OTC face creams, and it is significantly cheaper. Here’s the recipe.

Rice Mask Recipe:

Over medium heat, cook two to three tablespoons of rice in cold water and cook until the rice softens. Drain the rice making sure to reserve the cooking liquid. In cold water, wash the cooked rice.

Remove the rice and add one tablespoon of milk and one tablespoon of honey. Once this mixture has bonded, apply to your clean neck and face. After 30 minutes, rinse with the rice water you reserved from before.

Ladies – Know These 4 Signs of Ovarian Cancer

by June 8, 2017

Ovarian cancer is ranked as the fifth highest mortality rate among women in the United States, with an estimated 22,440 new cases expected to be diagnosed in 2017. Often found at advanced stages, the SEER Program of the National Cancer Institute reports that the 5-year survival rate stands at only 46.2%

The question then becomes, what can we do to protect ourselves and our loved ones? The biggest problem currently faced by women is the lack of information, and of the amount of incorrect information that has been accepted. For example, most women are confident in knowing that maintaining a regular PAP test will ensure they are being screened for gynecological cancers. The truth is that while the PAP can detect abnormal cervical cells, it does NOT screen for Ovarian Cancer!

cancer, ovarian cancer, signs of ovarian cancer

In fact, there are no reliable screening tests currently in existence. While some companies will claim they have a reputable test available, the U.S. Federal Drug Agency (FDA) announced in September 2016 that women should not put their faith in any tests that are currently marketed as screening tests for Ovarian Cancer. The Agency states, “there are currently no screening tests for Ovarian Cancer that are sensitive enough to reliably screen for ovarian cancer without a high number of inaccurate results.”

The current diagnostic process begins with three separate tests; a complete pelvic exam, a transvaginal or pelvic ultrasound and a CA-125 blood test. Using these tests in combination has proven to be the most effective. In the event that the doctor still has questions, they may choose to also order a CT scan or PET scan. In the end, the only definitive way to diagnose ovarian cancer is through a biopsy.


What Factors Increase Your Risk of Ovarian Cancer?

  • Age: the risk of ovarian cancer increases as you get old, with the highest risk age group being women aged 50-79
  • Family History: if you have any close blood relatives who have either been diagnosed with ovarian cancer at any age, or breast cancer prior to the age of 50, your risk is higher
  • Ethnicity: Jewish women of Eastern European descent have a higher risk. Certain groups of French Canadians may also carry a higher risk; the studies are still being conducted to confirm this finding
  • Oral Contraceptives/Hormone Replacement: if you have used oral contraceptives you have a lower risk, however if you have taken hormone replacement, regardless of the reason for having done so, this increases your risk
  • Reproductive History: your risk is increased if you have not delivered a child, or if you have a history of difficult getting pregnant
  • Endometriosis: if you have previously been diagnosed with endometriosis, this also increases your risk of ovarian cancer

cancer, ovarian cancer, signs of ovarian cancer

Women Should Watch for These 4 Early Warning Signs:

  1. Pain – Whether in the pelvic or abdominal areas, any pain that is different than your usual menstrual cramping, or that lasts longer than 3 weeks, should warrant a conversation with your doctor
  2. Urinary Symptoms – Changes in the urgency or frequency of urination are a sign that something is off in your body. If you notice either that you need to urinate more often, or that you are starting to regularly feel a sudden and immediate need to urinate, consider that a red flag.
  3. Bloating – Persistent bloating, regardless of what you are eating, that you cannot seem to shake. This also includes if you notice an increase in the size of your abdomen with no explanation, even if you are not feeling like you are bloating at the time.
  4. Changes in Eating Habits – While these signs could indicate several different conditions, a change in your eating habits, combined with any of the above symptoms, is a cause for concern. These changes may include difficulty eating, or finding that you feel full quickly.

cancer, ovarian cancer, signs of ovarian cancer

As the disease progresses, you may see additional signs and symptoms, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Painful intercourse
  • Constipation
  • Back pain

If you are experiencing any of the above signs or symptoms, or are concerned at all about the possibility of cancer, you need to contact your doctor immediately!

16 Foods You Can Eat a Lot of and Still Not Gain Weight

by June 8, 2017

Today we are all looking to lose a pound or two, but we often don’t want to give up our snacks to do so. Thankfully, there are these 16 foods that you can eat a lot of without gaining weight.

Even the most determined weight watchers slip up from time to time. As humans, we can always appreciate a good snack. I mean what else are we going to eat throughout the movies? There are foods that are low in calories and packed full of fiber, which keeps you full longer without having to worry about gaining any weight. Some of them are the best snack ever too. They’re tasty, nutritional, and they don’t make you gain any weight. What’s not to love?


Eggplants are packed full of nutrition and they are fantastic at keeping you full. It only has 24 calories in it too, so you can feast without regret.


Popcorn is by far the best movie snack, we all know that. It is very limited in calories if you refrain from all the salt and butter, so enjoy as much as you want.


Celery is an excellent snack, paired with peanut butter or alone.  Celery stems are actually 95% water, so no damage done there. Your snacking needs will be sufficed and you’ll be hydrated.

Oranges, Grapefruits, and Tangerines

Citrus fruits are delicious and naturally sweet. Sometimes the most toxic food we consume is processed sugar, but tangerines and oranges can cure that sweet tooth without all the harmful health effects. They are naturally sweet and iconically delicious.


Beetroot is amazing for your body, and you can eat as much as you want.  Containing only 40 calories,  feel free to dive in.


Cucumbers are excellent snacks because they are full of water. They will rehydrate you and stimulate weight loss.


Zucchini only contains 42 calories and it boosts digestive function. Snacking on cucumbers can easily stimulate weight loss along with filling you up, for longer.


Pineapple contains bromelain and it metabolizes proteins effectively!


Strawberries are delicious, sweet, and healthy. They are not only known for being low in calories, but they can also increase your cardiovascular health.


Cabbage is amazing for a weight loss snack because it is only 7 calories! The nutrients rival with iodine which is beneficial for weight loss.


We all know salad is the food for people wanting to lose weight, but why? Well, salad is packed with folic acid which is awesome for losing weight.


Eggs are full of protein, which is essential when it comes to staying full.You can also eat as many as you want day or night without gaining weight!


Cranberries are loaded with vitamin C and other diuretic properties.

Apples and Plums

Apples are extremely satisfying for your tummy and they can also improve your eyesight. They don’t say an apple a day keeps the doctor away for just any reason. Plums are additionally packed with potassium and vitamin C which keeps the vessels and heart healthy.


Watermelon is full of water which can provide essential hydration. They also provide you with energy throughout the day,


As gross as it sounds, Algae can maintain proper thyroid function. It keeps hormones in balance and prevents weight gain! And actually, when you add it to the perfect dish, it can be quite tasty!

How A 70 Year Old Woman Who Went Sugar Free 28 Years Ago Looks Like Today

by June 8, 2017

The food we are surrounded by today is extremely unhealthy and can cause a world of health issues. They very well might be the primary reason we are all suffering from so many detrimental diseases.

The food that we are surrounded by is own and controlled by greedy, money hungry CEO’s. They replace any nutritional value with cheaper toxic ingredients. Because they pack our food full with these toxic chemicals disease is on the rise, and their pharmaceutical brothers enjoy the business. All in all, in the modern day world if you want to be healthier you are going to need to refrain from these toxic ingredients completely, like 70 year old Carolyn Hartz did.

Carolyn Hartz is a 70 year old woman who has refrained from eating processed sugar for almost 30 years! She says that she used to be completely addicted to sugar, like many other Americans. The processed sugar in our food can become easily addictive, and ruin your health in the blink of an eye. Many people are starting to become awake to the poisonous foods we are eating and the dangerous medications were being prescribed. Because of this, we are starting to see the real effects of not eating processed sugar. Take Carolyn for example; she is 70 years old and has a glowing complexion, firm skin, dark long hair, and is in excellent health. It’s as if she consumed a youthful potion, when all she did was cut sugar out of her diet.

According to Mrs. Hartz, “while it may be ‘a little more difficult’ to stay in shape for women post 40, it can still be possible if you really want to work at it”. ” she said. “I believe it is very important to be aware of the type of food you eat and the quantity of food you eat. Being mindful while you are eating is a huge factor. Mindless eating can lead to unnecessary weight gain. I say to my customers ‘taste and enjoy every mouthful’… it will help you slow down and you will be less likely to overeat.”

Ever since the 1970’s food has taken a turn for the worse. It causes a multitude of health issues for us and processed sugar is among the most malevolent. Processed sugar comes from high fructose corn syrup, and it metabolizes differently than glucose. Fructose falls onto your liver and it is quickly converted into fat. This can cause severe health issues as well as obesity.

Getting healthier and living a longer and fuller life is as easy as switching to organic ingredients and taking care of your body. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients in your food, it is most likely not going to be good for you. How did Mrs. Hartz do it? “I have been sugar free for 28 years. It was difficult at first as I was a sugar addict but I believe it is one of the most important reasons I have been able to keep myself healthy and keep my body shape.

I make sure I eat protein with every meal especially breakfast. It stops the cravings.” She says. Like all dietary physicians and experts would also recommend reducing portion sizes. It can have a better effect than you think. You don’t have to deprive yourself of the food you love, just refrain from the ones filled with processed sugar and preservatives!

These Five Foods Effectively Kill Cancer, And It’s Time We Started Eating Them

by June 8, 2017

Cancer is a malevolent disease that has struck terror on millions of people around the globe. However, many physicians and doctors claim it is the cancer drugs that is killing people, not cancer.

Chemotherapy is the most commonly used drug in the combat against cancer. It is extremely poisonous and the side effects are often the worst part of fighting cancer. Many people believe chemotherapy to just be a simple method of business. In fact, cancer is a huge business in America and lots of people are getting rich from it. it’s a $200 billion a year business. Yet 98 percent of conventional cancer treatments not only fail miserably, but are also almost guaranteed to make cancer patients sicker. That is exactly why you should resort to natural cures.

The earth has given us tons of different ingredients to beat even the worst of diseases – cancer included. With over 100 different types of cancer, it can become difficult to treat. However, there are many natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to eliminate cancer cells. For example, THC, the leading chemical in cannabis, can induce apoptosis in a cancer cell, the process in which a cell kills itself. More amazingly, it does this without harming any healthy cells! That’s not the only natural remedy that can cure cancer either. In fact, here are 5 foods that can kill cancer just by eating them!

Blueberries and Raspberries

Blueberries and raspberries contain powerful phytochemicals called anthocyanins which is a powerful disease fighting ability. Blueberries are an excellent source of vitamins C and K, manganese and a good source of dietary fiber. Blueberries are among the fruits highest in antioxidant power, largely due to their many phytochemicals. The phytochemicals are known to have a decreasing effect on oxidative stress and angiogenesis.

Coffee and Green Tea

EGCG and other green tea antioxidants have been found to stop cancer cells from growing, kill cancer cells, and prevent the formation and growth of new blood vessels in tumors.


Like blueberries, tomatoes have an abundance of phytochemicals. The tomato’s red hue comes chiefly from a phytochemical called lycopene. Tomatoes have attracted particular attention from prostate cancer researchers because lycopene and its related compounds tend to concentrate in tissues of the prostate.

Dark Chocolate

Yes, even chocolate can cure cancer. In 2005, researchers at Georgetown University found that a compound called pentameric procyanidin was able to deactivate certain proteins in the body, causing them to stop building new tumor cells. Pentameric procyanidin is naturally found in chocolate.


The lead ingredient in turmeric is known as curcumin, and it has powerful anticancer effects too. Studies have shown that curcumin helps prevent several forms of cancer including breast, lung, stomach, liver, and colon because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It stops the development of cancer by interfering with the cellular signaling aspects of the chronic disease.

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