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10 Things That Will Happen to Your Body if You Start Eating 2 Eggs a Day

by June 15, 2017

No matter what you like to have for breakfast, eggs have always been a family favorite in the mornings. They might just be more beneficial than you think too!

Eggs have recently been given a bad connotation because of high cholesterol fears, but new studies show that they are actually pretty beneficial for you. In fact, they might even be a superfood! The recent study outlines the positive benefits you’ll obtain just by eating 2-3 eggs a day!

You might already be suspicious because eggs are high in cholesterol. But, don’t worry. While eggs are indeed high in cholesterol, they do not adversely affect your blood cholesterol levels. A single egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which is over half the recommended daily intake, but that doesn’t mean an egg breakfast is going to cause your cholesterol levels to spike. In fact, your liver naturally produces cholesterol. When you eat eggs, your liver will just produce less so everything evens itself out. They are also known to increase HDL, which is good cholesterol!

HDL stands for High-Density Lipoproteins, and it is known as good cholesterol. People with higher levels of HDL typically have a lower risk of acquiring heart disease or experiencing any other cardiovascular complications such as stroke and heart attack. One study even showed that two eggs per day for six weeks increased Hdl levels by 10%! But raising your good cholesterol levels and supplying you with adequate protein are not the only benefits of eggs. In fact, just eating two eggs per day can have these 10 effects on your body!

10 Things that Happen to your Body After Eating Two Eggs:

They contain biotin and vitamin B12 which will make your hair, nails, and skin look amazing.

They slow down the production of the body’s own cholesterol by using Phosphatides.

They can stimulate weight loss because they are full of proteins, and have no carbohydrates.

The Choline present in eggs can help fight cancer. In one study, women who ate eggs every day had an 18% decreased the chance of developing breast cancer.

They contain Folic acid, which is amazing for starting a family.

They give you a boost of energy because they contain up to si grams of protein and only 70 calories!

The choline present in eggs can increase your liver function.

Eggs contain high levels of lutein and Zeaxanthin antioxidants so they are amazing for your eyes.

They protect your bones because they have massive amounts of vitamin D.

They make you eat less because they fill you up faster.

Best and Worst Sunscreens of 2017

by June 15, 2017

I’m sure we have all been forced to lather up in sunscreen by our mothers before we are set out to go play. I remember how aggravating and embarrassing it was then, but mom always said it was necessary; little did she know it was actually harmful.

The sun omits some powerful ultraviolet rays that can be increasingly bad for our skin. However, that doesn’t mean we should avoid it overall. In fact, we really need vitamin D in order to maintain a healthy body. Too much sunlight can cause the growth of cancer, and the key is to get enough sunlight to supply you with sufficient vitamin D without getting sunburned. To keep us from being sunburned we often resort to sunscreen, but new studies are showing that this is the entirely wrong method.

While there are sunscreens that are healthy and effectively protect you from the sun’s harmful rays, over 75% of modern day sunscreens are essentially toxic for our bodies. They contain harmful chemicals that can even increase our chances of acquiring cancer, rather than decreasing it like they claim they do. The Environmental Working Group performed a study on modern day sunscreens and their effectiveness and toxicity. Not only are the majority of sunscreens completely ineffective, but they can cause even more problems.

According to the study, “Our review…shows that some sunscreen ingredients absorb into the blood, and some have toxic effects. Some release skin-damaging free radicals in sunlight, some act like estrogen and disrupt hormones, and several can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation. The FDA has not established rigorous safety standards for sunscreen ingredients. Sunscreens haven’t been regulated since 1978 in the USA, and the SPF factor only tells you how effective a sunscreen is against UVB rays which cause sunburn.”

The ingredients in the sunscreens are toxic and can cause widespread side effects. Some of the dangerous chemicals in sunscreen include oxybenzone, methoxycinnamate, and PABA are estrogenic chemicals linked to cancer. Thankfully, there are some nontoxic sunscreens that can keep you from becoming as red as a lobster. Here is a list of the best and worst sunscreens of 2017.


  • Dr. Mercola SPF 50 Sunscreen
  • True Natural Neutral Unscented Sunscreen SPF 50
  • Loving Naturals Adorable Baby Sunscreen stick SPF 30+
  • Blue Lizard Australian Sensitive Sunscreen SPF 30
  • Burnout Ocean Tested Physical Sunscreen SPF 30

Sunscreens that you are going to want to avoid are Coppertone brands, banana boat, CVS branded sunscreens and any neutrogena products. Just remember to stay hydrated and spend some time in the shade, and you should be fine. Just avoid these sunscreens!

The Common Weakness That Causes Elderly People To Die Prematurely

by June 15, 2017

We all want to live long and full lives, but  we can’t avoid aging. However, keeping your body in peak performance can definitely give you a better chance.

Aging is actually pretty scary; we avoid the thought that time never stops and we only have an allotted amount of time here, and when it’s up… well, it’s up. Father time doesn’t make any exceptions either. That’s why we need to make sure our bodies are performing at their peaks. But what parts of our bodies do we need to focus on to ensure that we live longer? You might jump to conclusions and assume that it would be a major system in the body such as the cardiovascular or immune system; but it isn’t. In fact, one of the biggest causes of health decline in old age is your lower body.

When you have a weak lower body, your legs start to give up. One of the most basic necessities for health is being able to eat and then move around to work off all the extra calories. Once you can’t move your entire body starts to decline and it begins a snowball effect of health issues. You always need to be active because we start to lose our muscle mass, which are ideally protein reserves. When we aren’t getting enough protein our muscles become weaker and weaker until there is no point of return.  

One of the biggest issues older people have is when they start to fall all the time. They lose muscle mass, they get weaker, their bones start to get brittle, and with each fall a larger chip falls away from their overall health. They continually take more damage each time they fall, sometimes resulting in bed riddance – and that’s basically the end. Point of the matter is, you have to keep your lower body healthy to keep going. As soon as you lose your activity your health will slowly start to decline.  

If you want to keep your lower body healthy you don’t have to go to the gym and workout fr hours on end everyday. All you have to do is go for a walk everyday. If you can manage to walk one to two miles a day, your entire health status will be revitalized.

Farmed Salmon – One of the Most Toxic Foods in the World

by June 15, 2017

Today you have to be extremely careful about the food you eat. Corporations and companies care about nothing more than making money, and it’s all at the expense of your health.

Business CEO’s in today’s world couldn’t care less about your health. Actually, they might even want your health to decrease, so they can additionally make money off of you by pharmaceuticals. Money is all that matters in today’s world, and our health is declining rapidly. If you don’t believe me about the food, just watch the documentary Fillet-oh-Fish by filmmaker Nicolas Daniel. It shows the secret side to food production, especially behind farmed fish.

Fisheries today result in dangers to consumers because of their use of genetic mutation, toxic chemicals, chemical pollutants, antibiotics, and hormones! Salmon farms along the border of the Norwegian Fjords are extremely contaminated with bacteria, drugs, and pesticides. This is because there is a layer of waste that is some 49 feet tall! The salmon farms are located in open water and the contamination is in no way contained.

These salmon are extremely poisoned and sold all throughout the world as food – and the chemicals, drugs, hormones, pesticides, and whatever else they’re full of, is being transferred to us – and we don’t even get a warning about it.

This hasn’t gone without effect either. Like usual, the contaminated salmon has a cause an effect. Because of the distribution of the dangerously contaminated fish, Sea Lice, Pancreas Disease, and Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus have spread all across Norway! Think consumers have been warned? Nope, the businessmen are sitting on their asses and raking in the profits while thousands of people are deathly sick.

If you enjoy fish, but would like to avoid sea lice and pancreas disease, you should always eat fresh caught fish instead of farm raised. While wild fish does contain some heavy metals and contaminants, you can trust only a few brands. For example, Alaskan Sockeye Salmon is always wild caught and nutritional benefits outweigh the risks.

Toxic Teeth: How Root Canal Procedures Dramatically Increase Your Risk of Chronic Disease

by June 15, 2017

I don’t know about you guys, but I hate going to the dentist. Just think about it; those scraping tools on your front teeth – just gives me shivers thinking about it.

Regardless of what you’re getting performed at the dentist, it’s never any fun. However, we do need to go to the dentist. We have to take care of our teeth because we only get one pair. But new studies show that some of the operations our dentist are performing on us are making things worse – like a root canal. One doctor hasn’t performed a root canal in over 20 years!

Root canals are an endodontic treatment done to the inside of the tooth. They claim it is necessary when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed. But, some doctors refuse to do them. Why? Well, because root canals can make you extremely sick. This is because there is bacteria harbored within the root of our teeth, and the bones can release potent toxins when it is performed. The root canal takes away the blood flow, which suspends the immune system function in the tooth, giving the bacteria and potent toxins free reign to your body.

The pathogenic bacteria that is exposed to the mouth after the root canal infect the surrounding jawbone and wreak Havoc on your mouth. Dr. Kulacz is a dentist out of Somers,  New York. He opened his office in 1992 after six years of being an associate. He has spent an extraordinary amount of time studying root canals and their toxic effects. So much that he published a groundbreaking book titled, The Toxic Tooth: “How a Root Canal Tooth Might be Making you Sick.”

He states:

“I did a lot of root canals for many years,” he says. “Everything was going smoothly until one day, a patient of mine said to me, ‘You know, I heard from my physician that root canals may be bad; that root canals may cause or contribute to other diseases in the body.’

And I said, ‘You’re crazy. Who is telling you this? That’s impossible.’ He said, ‘You got to look at this information.’ He gave me websites of organizations like the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) to look at.

I went on to explore this topic so I could come back to him and say, ‘Here is where you’re wrong, here’s where your physician is wrong, and here is where the American Dental Association (ADA) is right.’

Lo and behold, I found out they’re right; I was wrong.

I looked at Weston Price’s work, the work of Rosenow, and others. I decided to go to an IAOMT meeting… Dr. Boyd Haley’s lecture on root canals and how toxic they are changed my life. I realized I was wrong… From that day on, I changed my practice.”

This Dentist Refused to Perform A Root Canal For Over 20 Years – This Is The Reason Why

by June 15, 2017

I don’t know about you guys, but I hate going to the dentist. Just think about it; those scraping tools on your front teeth – just gives me shivers thinking about it.

Regardless of what you’re getting performed at the dentist, it’s never any fun. However, we do need to go to the dentist. We have to take care of our teeth because we only get one pair. But new studies show that some of the operations our dentist are performing on us are making things worse – like a root canal. One doctor hasn’t performed a root canal in over 20 years!

Root canals are an endodontic treatment done to the inside of the tooth. They claim it is necessary when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed. But, some doctors refuse to do them. Why? Well, because root canals can make you extremely sick. This is because there is bacteria harbored within the root of our teeth, and the bones can release potent toxins when it is performed. The root canal takes away the blood flow, which suspends the immune system function in the tooth, giving the bacteria and potent toxins free reign to your body.

The pathogenic bacteria that is exposed to the mouth after the root canal infect the surrounding jawbone and wreak Havoc on your mouth. Dr. Kulacz is a dentist out of Somers,  New York. He opened his office in 1992 after six years of being an associate. He has spent an extraordinary amount of time studying root canals and their toxic effects. So much that he published a groundbreaking book titled, The Toxic Tooth: “How a Root Canal Tooth Might be Making you Sick.”

He states:

“I did a lot of root canals for many years,” he says. “Everything was going smoothly until one day, a patient of mine said to me, ‘You know, I heard from my physician that root canals may be bad; that root canals may cause or contribute to other diseases in the body.’

And I said, ‘You’re crazy. Who is telling you this? That’s impossible.’ He said, ‘You got to look at this information.’ He gave me websites of organizations like the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) to look at.

I went on to explore this topic so I could come back to him and say, ‘Here is where you’re wrong, here’s where your physician is wrong, and here is where the American Dental Association (ADA) is right.’

Lo and behold, I found out they’re right; I was wrong.

I looked at Weston Price’s work, the work of Rosenow, and others. I decided to go to an IAOMT meeting… Dr. Boyd Haley’s lecture on root canals and how toxic they are changed my life. I realized I was wrong… From that day on, I changed my practice.”

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