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This Japanese Breathing Technique Will Help You Lose Stomach Fat Fast

by June 19, 2017

Losing weight is not an uncommon thing to want to do. These days everyone is looking for a way to lose a few pounds without sacrificing time and effort.

While you have to exert a little effort to lose some weight, it can be difficult to find the time today. We are all so busy with 40 and 50 hour work weeks that we barely have time to enjoy ourselves. With the little bit of free time we do have, nobody really wants to add an exercise routine in there. If you want to have your body in peak performance and shape you’re going to have to work for it basically all the time. However, there is an easier way to lose weight. Miki Ryosuke, a Japanese actor, discovered an extremely effective way to lose weight naturally – and it doesn’t require crunches or push ups. In fact, all you gotta do is breath!

Miki Ryosuke experienced severe back pain and his doctor recommended that he do this exercise to decrease his back pain. He [performed the exercise for a few weeks, and is back pain was decreased – but that’s not all. Miki lost 28.7 pounds and 4.7 inches off of his waist! All you have to do is stand in this position, take a three second breath, then exhale strongly for seven seconds. It really works too!

Research performed at the Hampton University found that the combination of yoga and deep breathing exercises to help overweight teens lose weight. Sixty high school students were divided into two groups. Group one performed 40 minutes of yoga and deep breathing exercises four times a week for 12 weeks. The second group stayed within their normal routine, and the researchers found that group one lost an average of 6 pounds with no daily caloric intake reduction!

How to Do It:

  1. Stand with one leg forward and the other back
  2. Strain your glut muscles while transferring your weight to your back foot
  3. Slowly inhale for 3 seconds while lifting your arms above your head
  4. Exhale forcefully but carefully for 7 seconds, while straining all of your body’s muscles

Cannabis May Help Rejuvenate the Aging Brain and Ward Off Dementia

by June 18, 2017

The medicinal benefits of marijuana have long been proven. Whether you believe in them or not is entirely up to you, However, facts are facts. As we continue to study this extremely beneficial plant we are finding out more and more about it.

Your body has a widespread receptor system that binds particularly with cannabis, or THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the primary ingredient in marijuana. It binds with the endocannabinoid receptor system in the body. There are cannabinoid receptors in your lungs, liver, kidneys, immune system, and more. Scientists often refer to it as the most widespread receptor system in the body. When a cannabinoid activates a cannabinoid receptor you experience the therapeutic and psychoactive properties of marijuana.

A preclinical study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that very small doses of tetrahydrocannabinol can be effective in treating dementia. They can slow the production of beta amyloid proteins. The beta amyloid proteins are thought to be the primary characteristic and cause of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The study was published in 2014.

Co-author of the study, Neel Nabar, cautions against drawing quick conclusions from their study saying:
“It’s important to keep in mind that just because a drug may be effective doesn’t mean it can be safely used by anyone. However, these findings may lead to the development of related compounds that are safe, legal, and useful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.”

There was also another study performed by Salk Institute in Jolla, California that found THC to be beneficial in the fight against dementia and Alzheimer’s. David Schubert, the professor at the Salk Institute and senior author on the study says, “Although other studies have offered evidence that cannabinoids might be neuroprotective against the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, we believe our study is the first to demonstrate that cannabinoids affect both inflammation and amyloid beta accumulation in nerve cells.”

Marijuana has long been controversial but the facts are here. It is extremely beneficial in the fight against so many different diseases. With growing awareness, we will be able to get the people who need this amazing natural herb.

15 Ancient Beauty Secrets That Are Useful Even Today

by June 18, 2017

We are all looking to improve the way we look somehow. Whether you want to improve the volume of your hair, or get clearer skin, there’s always something that we want to improve.

No matter what you want to change about your body, you should always love yourself first. We are all humans and we all have flaws. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your appearance somehow. Looking better equals feeling better most of the time! We can all appreciate a little beauty pampering.

If you watch television these days you will quickly see that people want to improve their appearance, and it’s a big business. There are tons of things people want to change about themselves and big companies claim to be the answer. But, that’s not quite the case. While they do offer you a slimmer waist, clearer skin, more voluminous hair, there is always a catch. In fact, modern day beauty products do little good. That’s exactly why you should resort to natural remedies and ancient beauty hacks that have been used for centuries, maybe even millenniums! These ancient beauty remedies have an almost 100% success rate and anyone can use them. They’re easy, effective, and inexpensive. What are you waiting for?

Olive oil

 Olive oil isn’t just useful in cooking. It can be used for tons of different beauty regimens. It can be a base for shampoo, hair care creams, and balms. It has the ability to revolutionize your hair.


Baths are good for so many reasons. Baths release stress, improve skin health, and ancient Romans have soaked in baths for thousands of years for its amazing effects on your skin. Baths also make you feel better, ache less, and smell great.

Aromatherapy Massages

Aromatherapy has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. It can effective in treating tons of health issues and beauty problems. Aromatherapy massages can stimulate good health all over your body because of the powerful essential oil compounds and meridian points all throughout your body.

Textured Cloths instead of Scrubbing

 Scrubbing might seem like the most effective way to shed dead skin cells, but a textured cloth does just as good and without all the irritation.


Sugar is an excellent exfoliator. Simply mixing sugar and honey together can revolutionize your skin health. Just mix up equal parts and exfoliate! It works great for chapped lips too!

Honey Mask  

Honey has tons of antibacterial properties in it and it is amazing on your face. Have acne? Mix up some honey and coconut oil and apply to your face. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Henna and Basma

Henna and Basma has been long known for its positive effects on hair.

Rosehip Cream

Rosehip is a powerful essential oil with an amazing fragrance. It is great for your skin too.

Egg Masks

Eggs are as good as gold when it comes to strengthening your hair.

Cabbage Leaves

Cabbage has intense anti-inflammatory properties and it is excellent for reducing pain. Breastfeeding mothers have covered their breasts in cabbage leaves for centuries to ease that pain and irritation from nursing.

Sour Cream

 Sour cream can rejuvenate hard and calloused hands.

Lemon Juice

 Lemon juice is an excellent natural astringent that can dry up that oily face without causing irritation from toxic chemicals.


Get rid of cellulite by spreading some clay over the affected area every day. You’ll soon see them disappear.

Avocado and Olive Oil

 have frizzy hair? All you gotta do is mix half an avocado with two teaspoons of olive oil and massage it into your clean hair. After 20 minutes rinse out with warm water and condition. Your hair will be frizz-free for days!

Coconut oil

Coconut oil can be used to quickly cure dry cuticles. All you do is add some coconut oil to your hand cream and lather up!

The Metaphysical Cause of Cancer

by June 18, 2017

Many people believe that there is a much bigger cause of disease than some kind of physical ailment; Many people believe that there is a metaphysical cause of all disease. What do you think?

Louise Hay is an expert on the metaphysical and she has outlined her thoughts on the metaphysical cause of cancer in her new book titled, You Can Heal Your Own Life. She, alongside many other people, believe that cancer and many other diseases are caused by a metaphysical disturbance in emotion. She states that cancer is often a product of unresolved fears or traumas. Louise herself was diagnosed with cancer. After she was diagnosed she pinpointed her own cancer cause to unresolved childhood abuse that she had experienced but never truly worked through.

Metaphysics investigates the nature of first principles and the problems of ultimate reality. It’s link to the physical world is essential in any healing process. If you can address the metaphysical cause of your disease you will have much better results in eradicating the disease from your body. When we first indicate that our body is being affected by disease, the body communicates to us that our way of thinking is out of harmony with what is actually beneficial to our bodies. You can not simply cure a disease without first addressing the metaphysical issue, even if you don’t realize it.

The physical body does not create illness because the physical body can do nothing by itself; it solely relies on the metaphysical soul, spirit, and inner self. The most frequent causes of illness are negative attitudes and emotions, guilt, the need for attention, or the need to escape an unpleasant situation. According to Louise, the metaphysical cause of cancer is “Deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds.”

Cancer is typically described as a physical block, like hundreds of other diseases that are characterized by rapid and uncontrollable cell division. It can spread to the lymphatic system or the blood stream. Many people also believe cancer to be an emotional block. It is the product of emotional wounding that was experienced in isolation during childhood. Some of the most common emotional wounds that are thought to lead to cancer are rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal, injustice, and depression.

Other Metaphysical Causes of Cancer:

Cancer occurs in advanced souls who have come to heal, it is through their journey with the disease that they are able to deliver healing energy to those around them. This healing can happen on a spiritual, emotional and even physical level, it can also occur directly or indirectly.

Cancer can also occur when a healer needs to be reminded of their gifts. Often through their journey with cancer they are reunited with their healing abilities, this can happen on both a conscious and subconscious level.

Cancer does not always have to be linked to an individual trauma, rather it can indicate a deep healing that involves an entire soul group. When someone develops develops cancer, it acts as an awakening and healing process for other members of the same soul group. This healing process can be a product of multiple lifetimes and can also take multiple lifetimes.

What 1 Teaspoon of Bee Pollen Can Do Energy, Immunity, Digestion, and Inflammation in One Month

by June 16, 2017

Raw honey is amazing and if you are familiar with it then you know how truly beneficial it is. Any and all things bee related tend to be great for us that being everything from the honey to the pollen itself.

Apitherapy, in case you aren’t aware, is a type of alternative medicine that uses bee products like pollen, honey, venom, and royal jelly to help people. Bee pollen actually contains almost all of the nutrients we need in order to thrive. When harvesting this pollen beekeepers attach a pollen trap in the doorway of the hive and it removes the pollen from their legs as they enter and is completely harmless.

Of course, they have to be careful and only collect small amounts as to make sure the bees still have their food source. One bee colony can produce about two to fifteen pounds of pollen each year. You can buy bee pollen in many different forms ranging from fresh to dehydrated. This amazing bee pollen contains over two hundred and fifty substances including things like amino acids, vitamins, and micronutrients.

If you are not already taking part in the ingestion of bee pollen you definitely should add it to your diet. The anti-inflammatory effects alone from bee pollen have even been compared to NSAID drugs. When partnered with a healthy diet and exercise there is nothing bee pollen cannot do.

Ingesting bee pollen will also give you a boost when it comes to energy, improve your immune system, and get rid of any allergy issues you may be dealing with. There is literally almost no downside to eating a teaspoon of bee pollen each day. If you want to give it a try start off with one or two granules and work your way up from there. (If you notice any sort of reaction of course stop and consult your doctor as you may be allergic.)

Eventually, you will be ingesting one to two teaspoons a day and reaping all the benefits of this ‘superfood.’ Are you going to be giving bee pollen a try or do you already consume it? What do you think about this?


Vagina Smells and What They Mean

by June 16, 2017

Your vagina will always have a scent whether it is pleasant or not. Even when our hoo-has are healthy they still produce an odor.

The smell of our vaginas depends on several factors and of course, no two vaginas have the same exact scent. Strong and musky scents usually come about when we are overly sweaty down there and the dreaded fishy smell tends to occur when we are dealing with an infection of some kind. There is an explanation for each and every vaginal smell we encounter.

Now if your hoo-ha smells well, foul and is producing an out of the normal color discharge you obviously may need to get tested for an STD the same goes for a sour puss. It really isn’t rocket science you guys. You may even notice a metallic smell when you are about to get your period. That is because of the iron in your blood that is about to come to the light.

Typically if the odor is overwhelming or bad it is good to see a doctor to determine your root issue so that something can be done about it. There is no shame in having vaginal smells. We all have them and we always will. So long as you maintain your vaginal health you have nothing to worry about. If you think you are having a problem with your vaginal odor or if you’re uncomfortable about it please take the time to watch the video below.




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