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9 Beauty Secrets From India To Make Your Hair Grow Faster

by July 5, 2017

Everyone wants their hair to be healthy, shiny, and long! Good hair makes you feel good, but you’re not going to get there by treating it with chemically composed shampoos.

If you want real shiny and healthy hair you’re going to get the best results by doing it naturally. There are tons of different natural ingredients that are awesome for your hair. People of Indian, Chinese, or any Asian descent tend to age extremely well. India is known for their luscious, dark, and shiny hair. It’s not just good genetics either. There are lots of different ancient Indian beauty secrets that people still use today because of how effective they really are. In fact, here are 9 you can try for yourself. You have guaranteed results using natural ingredients.

Cold Water Rinse

We often don’t think about how the temperature of our showers might affect us. While a hot steamy shower is good for a lot of things, you should actually be rinsing your hair with cold water. When you rinse with cold water it opens up your pores and stimulates blood flow throughout your scalp. Increased blood flow is great for anything, especially your hair.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a fantastic natural ingredient because it can be used for so many different things. It is most commonly used on cuts and burns to soothe a sting, but it’s also great for your hair. All you have to do is extract the juice out of a couple aloe vera leaves and massage it thoroughly into your scalp. It nourishes your hair roots and can stimulate hair growth.

Coconut Oil Massage

Coconut oil is like aloe vera. It can be used in almost a thousand different ways. Coconut oil is known to be great for your hair because of its high content of lauric acid. It breaks down the sebum buildup from your hair follicles and makes your look and smells great too!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an essential natural ingredient to lead a healthy life. It can balance pH levels in your scalp and prevent dandruff. It has also been reported to treat a dry and itchy scalp! Once a week just replaces your shampoo with apple cider vinegar. You’ll be baffled.

Protein Hair Masks

A common cause of hair loss is a lack of protein in your diet. You can give your scalp and hair roots an extra protein boost by making a protein hair mask. Separate the whites of eggs and whip them really good. Apply the paste to your hair roots. It’ll breathe new life into your locks.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are one of the best natural healing methods because they treat so many different health ailments. Many people include essential oils in their beauty regimen because they can make you look 10 years younger, skin and hair! Some of the most popular essential oils to restore hair health is Lavender, rosemary, jojoba, and almond.

Train Your Hair

If you want to really achieve healthy hair you’re going to need to train it. It isn’t good to wash your hair every single day, especially with man-made shampoos. It can affect the pH level of your scalp and can cause gray hair. If you can manage to train your hair to where it can last a couple days in between washes it will revitalize it. It needs a break every now and then. 

If You Drink a Shot of Whiskey Every Day, This is The Amazing Benefits it Will Have on Your Body

by July 5, 2017

Whiskey is often referred to as liquid gold, and not just because of the buzz, it gives you. There are much more benefits to a shot of whiskey than a good time!

There are many actual health benefits that come from drinking a bit of whiskey every day. However, I want to start out by saying that if you want to achieve actual health benefits from whiskey you will need to have an organic brand. You don’t want any of the sugar, preservatives, or additives that come in the cheaper drinks.

When you think of whiskey you might think of some cowboys sitting around a fire, or maybe a couple old men in a bar fight. The truth is, whiskey can go both ways! But you don’t have to be a man or a cowboy to enjoy a good whiskey. People tend to have a love-hate relationship with this particular form of alcohol because of the prohibition era, but it might all change if they knew all the actual benefits to be obtained from a little whiskey.

Whiskey is a distilled alcoholic beverage that is made from grain mash. Quality, flavor, price, and the name of the whiskey all depend on what kind of grain it came from. Whiskey comes from a  variety of different grains including barley, rye, buckwheat, corn, and wheat. While alcohol is typically thought of to be bad for you, the risks are only brought along by excessive consumption. One glass of whiskey isn’t going to hurt you. In fact, it might really help you. Whiskey is really low in saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and also carbohydrates. Besides a large amount of alcohol, there isn’t that much to whiskey.

Many people might think that drinking will cause you to gain weight. While beer can give you a beer belly and margaritas aren’t exactly low in sugar, whiskey can actually help you lose weight. Alcohol is composed of simple sugars that are broken down easily and used for energy in the body. A few little whiskey shots might be enough to flush out some calories.

Other studies have shown that whiskey is an effective treatment for dementia. It can boost your cognitive performance and reduce your chances of developing mind diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Ellagic acid is extremely useful in fighting against free radicals in the body. Free radicals are often associated with interrupting neural pathways and transmissions. Whiskey can reduce the mental decline and improve our memory as we get older.

It’s also good for the old ticker. Yes, whiskey can even improve your cardiovascular health. There have been a number of studies performed on the effects of whiskey on heart health, and according to them, it plays a major role in promoting it. One study revealed that those who consume a moderate amount of whiskey on a regular basis have almost a 50% lower chance of experiencing a stroke or heart attack, and that’s a big percentage.

Some people even think whiskey could be beneficial for cancer prevention. Because of the extremely high levels of ellagic acid in whiskey, it can neutralize free radicals and the harmful byproducts of cellular metabolism that cause diseases such as cancer. It can additionally help prevent diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and premature death.

One of the biggest issues we have in America today is heart disease. Heart disease is acquired when our blood is full of high bad cholesterol and clots are formed. Blood clots can cause thrombosis, heart attacks, stroke, and even death. Whiskey effectively produces good cholesterol that helps cancel out the bad cholesterol.

If you’re drinking alcohol to get drunk it won’t have a very positive effect on your body, especially your liver. However, a shot or two of whiskey after a long day might keep the doctor away!

12 Things That Will Happen If You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Daily

by July 5, 2017

There are tons of different natural remedies that can revolutionize your health and your looks. In a world of pharmaceuticals and plastic surgery, natural remedies are going to be your best friend.

One of the best natural ingredients out there is apple cider vinegar. Apples are amazing for your health alone, I mean everyone knows an apple a day keeps the doctor away. However, a glass of apple cider vinegar a week might do the same. It has amazing benefits for your entire body, and it is an excellent natural ingredient to use in your beauty regimen. Apple cider vinegar is fantastic for your skin. It is known to regulate the pH balance of your skin. Mix one cup ACV with a cup of cold water. Apply to your face with a cotton ball and you’ll feel much better than when you use those chemical washes.

It not only rejuvenates your skin and regulates the pH balance, it can also clear acne. When taken orally on a daily basis can get rid of your acne for good. Applying it topically can even kill excess bacteria, germs, and draws out toxins. You can also mix apple cider vinegar with Epsom salt to treat eczema! All you have to do is mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and Epsom salt and your skin will be relieved of rashes and breakouts.

Have you ever experienced the wrath of the sun on your shoulders? Sunburn sucks, and it can be super painful. Thankfully, Apple cider vinegar can treat that too! Applying it directly to the affected areas brings the sting out almost immediately. It can also keep you from peeling so you get to keep your summer tan. Other people use it to replace their shampoo and conditioner. It is so good for your hair that it can clean it and stimulate more growth at the same time. You can mix apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and chemical free shampoo to make an extraordinarily effective shampoo. It will breathe new life into your locks.

Many people today are looking to shed a few pounds. Obesity has become quite the issue, especially in America. Instead of taking weight loss supplements and diuretics, take some apple cider vinegar. It can stabilize your blood sugar and control your appetite. Try adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to every 8 oz glass of water you drink throughout the day.

Apple cider vinegar has also been shown to effectively improve digestion and reduce food poisoning. If you ate some bad sushi, drink an 8 oz glass of water with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. It is a trifecta of antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

Which Egg Do You Think Came From a Healthy Chicken?

by July 5, 2017

It can be difficult to know whether or not you are eating healthy food in the modern day world. In the old times you could just eat veggies and wholesome natural ingredients, but today even those are corrupted.

One of the most common and favorite foods among Americans are eggs. Eggs are an excellent breakfast food and a great way to start off the day. However, it can be hard to tell what eggs are good eggs nowadays. There are factory chickens that are packed full of toxic antibiotics and preservatives. They are more artificial than real and that’s exactly the opposite of what you want. Artificial foods and eggs treated with antibiotics and additives can be toxic for your body.

In the photo above you can see three different eggs; the first one has a dark orange color, the second has a yellow color, and the third has a light orange color. It might seem like a small difference, but this can actually indicate whether or not you are eating a healthy egg. Which one do you think came from a healthy chicken?

The first egg that has the dark orange yolk comes from the healthiest egg. This yolk comes right from a chicken farm where they get the ingredients they need in order to sustain a healthy egg. They are kept in a pasture or field, not a dark room with thousands of other caged chickens. They need sunlight and grass insects, not darkness and spiders.

The second egg was bought from a supermarket. It comes from a factory full of chickens in bad living conditions. Instead of thriving in a grassy pasture and eating crickets and other bugs, they are kept in a dark room to eat spiders and GMO grains.

When you’re buying eggs you’re going to want to look for those with a dark orange yolk. It shows that they came from an appropriate living facility with the correct nutrition and exposure!

The Documentary That Major Health & Food Corporations Don’t Want You to See, Streaming on Netflix

by July 4, 2017

The world has been corrupted by money hungry CEOs, and they continue to poison us in every way they can. They care about nothing besides how they can make money, and it’s usually at the expense of your health.

The food supply is one of the biggest issues we face today. Not that we don’t have enough, we do. It’s that none of it is real – it’s all artificial, processed, preservatives, and chemicals made to look like food. It’s not meant to nourish our bodies, it’s meant to nourish someone’s bank account. The food that we are eating today is filled with toxic chemicals and it is causing the downfall of the American health fast. There has been a growing awareness of the vicious money scheme the food industry has become – and the people are rising.

Because of the rising health complications of Americans in the last few years, people are starting to see that the food we are eating isn’t even food. People are getting sicker, cancer is on the rise, and heart disease is the number one killer in the United States – all because of our chemically produced food that is covered in pesticides and preservatives. Monsanto’s dangerous Glyphosate pesticide chemical has found its way into the human body from so many different directions. A good majority of our food is covered in it, and it has been linked to tons of different health complications. But does the FDA care? Of course not.

The major decline in health has caused many people to become suspicious. Thus, many studies have been performed on the nutrition that the Americans have been exposed to. Many studies later, we are well aware that the Standard American Diet and the FDA’s guidelines are more than flawed.

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine”

Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor-in-Chief of The New England Medical Journal (NEMJ).

Executive producer, Joaquin Phoenix has released a follow-up film from the award-winning documentary, Cowspiracy, which was focused on the gruesome and negligent conditions animals and agricultural food supply are put through. From deforestation to cow fistulation, it covered a wide variety of why we shouldn’t trust the modern day food suppliers. They’re back now with an even more interesting film, and corporate leaders, food producers, and CEO’s do not want you to see it.

The film is called ‘what the health’, and it is streaming on Netflix now. It was released June 16th and produced by activist Joaquin Phoenix. When celebrities are people who tend to lead trends to take such a part in global awareness it can have an extremely positive impact. Filmmaker Kip Andersen is followed throughout the film trying to uncover the secrets of the nation’s leading health organizations that they don’t want to get out.

“With heart disease and cancer the leading causes of death in America, and diabetes at an all-time high, the film reveals possibly the largest health cover-up of our time. With the help of medical doctors, researchers, and consumer advocates, What the Health exposes the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare dollars, and keeping us sick.”

The film studies the role of pharmaceutical companies, agribusiness, and processed animal food companies play when it comes to the massive decline in public health – you can see the trailer below. Don’t forget to make an informative movie night out of it!

This is How Your Brain Physically Changes When You Consume Turmeric

by July 4, 2017

Turmeric is an amazing spice that can be used to treat many different health ailments. Many people refer to it as the ‘cure all’ spice, but it has one powerful benefit that is often overlooked.

Turmeric has been proven to treat over 600 different health ailments and issues. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and can be used in a ton of different ways. It is most specifically known for its antioxidant content.  And it is prized for its color and earthy flavor in culinary traditions around the world. But – it has also been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years.

The benefits of turmeric are derived from the primary compound of the spice – curcumin. Curcumin is a common curcuminoid that can be used to treat many different things, including inflammation, arthritis, brain boosting, protecting the heart, and it even might be helpful in fighting against diabetes and cancer. But, new studies show that turmeric can physically change your brain for the better. Scientists studied aromatic turmerone, a fat-soluble component of turmeric. German researchers studied the effects of this compound on adult rats and its effects on neural stem cells.

They found that neural stem cells increased in number by as much as 80% when exposed to ar-turmerone. They witnessed the true healing abilities of this powerful compound when rats formed new brain cells in the subventricular zone and the hippocampus. These areas are where new neurons are formed, and they also noticed a size growth in both areas of the brain. Ar-turmerone is a regenerative that can aid neural stem cells in brain regeneration.

Researchers even believe that it could eventually lead to helping neural degenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Ar-turmerone can also differentiate stem cells into neurons, a major goal of regenerative medicine.

The studies suggest that curcumin can improve the overall memory of Alzheimer’s patients too. Many people resort to just using curcumin in order to obtain health benefits, but consuming turmeric as a whole can offer a wide range of therapeutic compounds curcumin might miss.

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