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7 Reasons You Should Never Dump Old Pickle Juice

by July 6, 2017

Your grandparents might have told you many different uses for pickle juice, and they were telling the truth all along. Pickle juice can be used for a ton of different things!

You might pour the pickle juice down the drain and toss out the jar as soon as you eat the last pickle. You might not like to drink pickle juice, but you don’t have to! Pickle juice can be used in a million different scenarios and it is great for your body too! Some people enjoy drinking pickle juice, I know I do. I remember getting pickle sickles at baseball games as a child and they were delicious! If you enjoy the salty taste of pickle juice you are in luck because it’s really good for you!

Pickle juice is full of vitamins and antioxidants. It’s actually a great beverage for those sunny hot days you’ve been working on the lawn or washing the car. It can help prevent dehydration significantly. Some people even claim it is better than a sports drink, but that’s not all it can do. Here are 7 reasons you should never dump out your pickle juice!

1. It Relieves Muscle Cramps

I can remember my grandmother telling me this. Pickle juice can relieve muscle cramps and pain because it hydrates the body so well. My grandparents swore by it and many athletes will too. It’s the perfect after workout beverage.

2. It’s Better than a Sports Drink

Many athletes and active people will agree that pickle juice is much better than sports drinks. Sports drinks might contain some electrolytes but they are also full of sugar, sweeteners, and additives. “Pickle juice is really popular with athletes when it comes to pre or post workout meals. The body loses both sodium and potassium while sweating during a workout, and needs to maintain the electrolyte balance. The calcium chloride and vinegar present in pickle juice make the sodium and potassium more readily absorbed by the body”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat.

3. Digestion

Pickle juice can increase your overall digestive health. It is so good for your tummy because it contains vinegar, a fermented food that encourages the growth and healthy balance of good bacteria flora in your gut.

4. Prevents Hangovers

Some people are lucky enough to be able to drink and not experience a hangover. However, the rest of us know the pain. Hangovers are an awful thing to experience and pickle juice can prevent them. It helps balance your electrolytes and replenishes your sodium levels. Combine it with water to hydrate faster and be uplifted and ready to go after a long night of fun.

5. It Contains Antioxidants

Antioxidants are great for your skin, hair, and nail health. They prevent free radical damage and protect your healthy cells. It is also more readily absorbed by the body due to the acidic content of the pickle.

6. Treats Period Symptoms

Instead of popping a dangerous NSAID, drink a glass of pickle juice. Pickle juice is known to be able to alleviate cramps and curb salt cravings during menstrual cycles.

7. Stimulates Weight Loss

Pickle juice can even help stimulate weight loss. not all of us have the time to be going to the gym every day. According to According to a study from Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, consuming pickle juice can help you lose weight and help keep your blood sugar balanced.

Chemotherapy May Spread Cancer and Trigger More Aggressive Tumors, Scientists Warn

by July 6, 2017

Cancer is one of the most malicious diseases that we have ever faced. It’s a plague of all nations, and it has become more a business than a medical condition.

Cancer is a horrible thing to experience first hand or second hand. It’s extremely traumatic to watch a loved one’s health decline so rapidly – especially when they have to go through chemotherapy. You might notice that in the modern day world we see more cases of cancer than we ever have. For example, in the United States alone there are an estimated 1,688,780 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in 2017. Not only that, but there will be over six hundred thousand deaths in the US this year. You might wonder why we would see so much cancer in an era of such medical and technological advances.

Unfortunately, in the modern day, world money has become far more important than the lives and health of the people. The world is run by an elite group of people who control everything from our food, medicine, gas, land, and everything else you can think of. These elite individuals have figured out how to run the entire world by controlling all the resources. Our foods are made up of ingredients that are never supposed to be ingested by humans. Processed foods cause cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and basically every other epidemic we are experiencing today.

Cancer is a multi-billion dollar industry. We pay them money for food that causes cancer and then we go right back to them to treat it. It’s an endless cycle of billions of dollars in profit. If they’re causing cancer in the first place you can’t possibly expect their cancer treatment to be effective. Chemotherapy is the most common cancer treatment and there have been multiple medical studies proving that it might even worsen cancer rather than eliminate it. The cancer industry makes over $200 billion dollars a year. Do you really think they want to prevent it? No cancer equals no money for them.

Chemotherapy is awful for your body in so many different ways. It is detrimental to your health because it kills more healthy cells than cancer cells. Chemotherapy, the most common cancer treatment, actually originated in world war I and world war II. The science of chemotherapy was derived from mustard gas. Shocking? I guess cancer really is a war. The fasting growing cells in the human body are hair follicles, stomach lining, immune system, bone marrow, and hair follicles. Makes sense that those are the first to go when chemotherapy treatment is begun.

The toxic medicine switches on a repair mechanism in the body which allows tumors to grow back even stronger. This is completely the opposite goal of a cancer patient.  It also increases the number of vantage points of bacteria, pathogens, and deadly chemicals to get into your blood stream. These discoveries were made by Dr. George Karagiannis, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, New York.

“One approach would be to obtain a small amount of tumor tissue after a few doses of preoperative chemotherapy,” he said. “If we observe that the markers scores are increased we would recommend discontinuing chemo and having surgery first, followed by postoperative chemo. We are currently planning more extensive trials to address the issue.”

“In this study, we only investigated chemotherapy-induced cancer cell dissemination in breast cancer. We are currently working on other types of cancer to see if similar effects are elicited.”

Chemotherapy does not make people recover from cancer. It is far more deadly than the cancer disease in the beginning. It literally kills all of your healthy cells and sets your body up to regrow cancer. There are many different natural healing cancer facilities in many different countries – but you’ll have to look for them. It might be pricey too, but in the end, it will be well worth it.

World’s First Probiotic Beer May Heal The Gut And Improve Immunity

by July 6, 2017

Beer is often thought to be bad for you. While alcohol, in general, isn’t particularly good for you, scientists have produced the world’s first beer that can increase your gut health.

Beer is drunk around the world by all kinds of different people and cultures. Beer or any other type of alcohol is typically thought of to be really bad for your health. That’s because of the dangers it poses for your liver. People usually drink to get drunk and that is excessive. However, there are multiple different ways it can be beneficial to your health too. Whiskey can increase your cardiovascular health and tequila can stimulate weight loss! Well, scientists have now invented the world’s first probiotic beer.

Researchers from the National University of Singapore have developed the world’s first probiotic beer. Normally hop acids, an essential ingredient in all beer, typically kills probiotics before the product finishes fermenting. The researchers were successful in their mission to create a dairy free probiotic rich beer that contains strain Lactobacillus paracasein L26. This probiotic is already found in the human immune system.

Chan Mei Zhi Alcine, who developed the beer, said: “For this beer, we used a lactic acid bacterium as a probiotic microorganism. It will utilize sugars present in the wort to produce sour-tasting lactic acid, resulting in a beer with sharp and tart flavors. The final product, which takes around a month to brew, has an alcohol content of about 3.5 percent.”

You won’t see a doctor recommend that you drink beer. However, if you suffer from issues due to a lack of probiotics this might be the Friday night drink for you!

You Probably Think Those Are Just Ladybugs In Your House, The Truth Is Much More Dangerous

by July 6, 2017

Ladybugs are less than harmless. They’re actually thought of to be a sign of good luck! Everyone can appreciate the gentleness of a ladybug but don’t get them confused with Asian lady beetles.

Multicolored Asian lady beetles are not at all the same as ladybugs. While a lady bug infestation might become a little annoying, it doesn’t present any dangers to you or your health. Ladybugs are extremely common and most of the United States see them every year. However, in central Texas families are dealing with a peculiar infestation – Asian lady beetles. They are not friendly at all either. They are a non-native species of beetles that look just like ladybugs.

Asian lady beetles are terrifying and dangerous because they try to feed on humans. “They have a habit of tasting things they land on,” University of Texas entomologist Dr. Alex Wild told KEYE. They originate from Japan and they first were introduced to the motherland in the 1960s to help with pest control. However, they are wreaking havoc on the homes of many families in Texas. They are attracted to illuminated surfaces like sunlit walls. The University of Kentucky Agriculture wrote that they come in autumn and they affect the overall quality of life and that they are such a nuisance.

When it starts to get cold outside Asian lady beetles take cover from the outside in your home. It is also strongly recommended to never squish an Asian lady beetle because they give off a noxious gas when squished. They also are said to leave a yellow stain on any surface they’re killed on. Many people have even reported that they are biting their pets and being bitten in the nighttime.

One Kansas dog known for chasing bugs started showing ill symptoms. He began to skip meals and sleep excessively. Concerned, his owner started to examine him only to see him start foaming at the mouth! There were 30 to 40 Asian lady beetles hanging on the roof of its mouth!

6 Reasons Why Banana Peels Are Great For Your Skin

by July 6, 2017

When it comes to fruits and vegetables we often think the only nutritious part is the actual fruit, but that’s not the case at all!

Of course, you are going to get more nutrition and benefits from the actual fruit or vegetable that lies under the peel, but there are actually tons of different ways you can utilize the peels too! Bananas, for example, are fantastic for our health. They are loaded down with potassium, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. But a banana peel is capable of a lot more than tripping the villain behind you. They’re excellent for our skin.

Banana peels can actually be used in a lot of different ways! Many different ancient cultures have been known to utilize the banana peel in their daily beauty regimen. The peel is fantastic for your skin because the nutrients and antioxidants can significantly reduce skin inflammation. They can be used to treat skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.

Prevent Wrinkles

Banana peels are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that can combat free radicals and prevent cell damage. Healthier skin cells equal healthier skin, thus you have fewer wrinkles, dark spots, and blemishes. Rub the inner portion of the peel gently on your skin. Leave it for an hour and then wash your face off with warm water.

It Treats Acne

Acne is something that has all struggled with a time or two at least. You know those days where you have something important like a date, and you wake up only to find a huge whitehead right on your forehead. Instead of mashing and popping them and risking infection, rub the banana peel over the affected areas. Its anti-inflammatory properties can get rid of it in a night!

It Moisturizes Skin

Banana peels are full of moisture and potassium, which is amazing for your skin. If you have recently suffered from dry skin and irritation, banana peels are going to solve it all. It’s the same rodeo, just rub the banana peel gently over your face.

It Eases Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes can be caused by many different things such as allergies, fluid retention, or sleep deprivation. The high amount of potassium can relieve the puffiness in your eyes and they can also get rid of dark under eye circles! Instead of using cucumber slices, just place a piece of banana peel over both eyes! Leave for thirty minutes to an hour and rinse with warm water.

Protects Skin from UV Rays

Banana peels are very high in vitamin C, an essential vitamin for your skin health. It prevents cellular damage from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. It can be used as a great natural sunscreen alternative, especially because so many sunscreens have been linked to cancer.

Get Rid of Warts

No matter how many times you lance it or pick it off it will always come back. Sound familiar? Well, banana peels can also get rid of warts and growths. Rub the peel on your wart and place a band-aid over it. Leave for thirty minutes then wash with warm water.

Get Rid of Varicose and Spider Veins From Inside

by July 6, 2017

Varicose veins can pop up out of nowhere and they can take a toll on your self-confidence. They’re not particularly dangerous to your health, but they aren’t a pretty sight to see.

Varicose veins are large, raised, swollen blood vessels that twist and turn. They are typically small in size and are a blue, red, or purple hue. They most commonly affect the leg areas but can occur in other areas too. There are multiple different causes of varicose veins, including heredity, obesity, standing on your feet all the time, pregnancy, birth control pills, and conditions that cause pressure such as tremors. They are also most common in women.

They are very common when a woman becomes pregnant because of hormonal influences. Women are actually twice as likely to develop varicose veins than men. There are different precautions you can take to prevent yourself from getting spider veins, but you’ll always want to use the natural methods. Pharmaceutical creams and ointments will only make it worse.

According to a 2007 study published in the Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, researchers found that nerve injuries following varicose vein surgeries are common and more than half the patients treated will develop recurrent varicose veins within 10 years of the surgery. If you want to prevent yourself from getting spider veins it can help a lot to wear proper footwear. You need the adequate support to keep them away. Losing weight can also help get rid of varicose veins, as obesity is a common cause.

If you already have varicose veins then you are probably desperate to hear what will finally make them go away. It’s an easy natural remedy and it really works. It contains mango which is loaded with vitamin K and antioxidants. All you have to do is make this yummy smoothie and enjoy every morning! The remedy is also budget friendly!

Mango Green–  Kale and spinach attacks free radicals and promotes vascular health. The ginger acts as a stimulant improves circulation.

  • 3 cups mango
  • 1 cup kale
  • 3 pitted Medjool dates
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 1 cup coconut or filtered water
  • 1-inch ginger root

Mix all the ingredients in a blender and mix it up! Enjoy a tasty healthy beverage and kiss your varicose veins goodbye.

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