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How to Get Rid of Cockroaches Forever! 100% Proven!

by May 27, 2016

Come on let’s face it, no matter who you are nobody likes bugs, especially not in your home. Let’s use cockroaches as an example, once they start popping up, it is almost impossible to get rid of them, but not anymore!

Most of the time when people begin to see bugs they do one of two things; 1. Call and exterminator or 2. Go to the store and buy insect repellent.

Insect repellent is awful, not only does it come along with an unpleasant odor but it is also full of chemicals that are dangerous to the health of humans and animals. Ditch the chemicals people, they are not doing you any good!

The following method is one of the most effective ways that I have found to get rid of insects in the house, and you only need a couple of cheap ingredients.

  • 1 raw egg yolk
  • 30-50 grams of boric acid


Pour the boric acid into a bowl and top with the egg yolk. Mix the 2 ingredients until it starts to form a slurry. Form the mixture into small balls and leave them alone for an hour to dry. Distribute them evenly throughout the house, paying special attention to bathrooms and the kitchen.

The best part is that the balls are completely harmless to animals and humans, so there will be no anxiety when using the product.

Vegan Carrot Cake Oatmeal

by May 27, 2016

Ahhh, carrot cake one of the greatest treats there is; I mean come on, it is warm, flavorful and covered in cream cheese frosting. But eating it is not always the best decision, due to the calorie count, good news now you can!

This oatmeal has everything you would want in a delicious cake; it is creamy, crunchy, chewy, and sweet. But, it is also nutritionally sound and packed with awesome ingredients to fuel your morning. Also, unlike cake, this dish can be prepared in a matter of minutes! It is loaded with heart healthy ingredients, whole grains, deliciously nutritious sweet, wholesome carrots, and cinnamon to balance your blood sugar. This is something you can truly enjoy and not feel guilty about later. Enjoy!

Serves 2


1 Cup Gluten-free rolled oats

2 Cups water

1 Tbsp Honey or Stevia

1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

2 Tbsp Raisins

1 Cup Grated carrot

2 Tsp Cinnamon

2 Tbsp Chopped Walnuts

Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt


In a small pan over medium heat bring the water to a boil. Add in the oats and reduce to a simmer and stir for 3-4 minutes or until the liquid is mostly absorbed. Add your sweetener, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt. Stir in the carrots and raisins, and top with the crunchy pecans.

96-Year-Old Yoga Teachers Best Tips for Staying Positive

by May 27, 2016


Age is only a number, this is especially true for the world’s oldest yoga teacher. At 96 years old Tai Porchon-Lynch is as full of life and positive as a 15-year-old, she is full of wisdom, and you would do well to look at her.

At 96 years old she is winning dance competitions, attending and holding wine tastings, and working on issues of inner peace and spirituality. If someone who had lived a full 96-year long life approached you with wise words wouldn’t you accept them with the vitality and grace in which they were given? She has given us all some words of wisdom that will help you live a long positive life just like she has!

Start the Day off Right

“When I get up in the morning, I don’t think about all the things that are going to happen, whether it’s good or bad. I say to myself, ‘This is going to be the best day of my life. ”

Don’t put anything off you are capable of more than you think!

“There’s nothing you can’t do, and you can just get up and enjoy life and see how wonderful it is. There’s so much to do, so little time to do it.”

Make your life Positive

Whatever you put in your mind materializes. So if you put negative thoughts, you draw toward you negative things. So be positive. Just look for good.”

Stop thinking only of Age!

“I don’t believe in age. When people ask me about age, I tell them to look at all the trees around them. They’re hundreds of years old. They may look as if they’re dying at the moment, but they’re not; they’re recycling themselves. And in a couple of months, they’re going to be reborn again.”

The 4-Minute Miracle Workout That Actually Works

by May 27, 2016

Exercise, we all need to do it but not everybody has the time to do it. But anybody can do this it takes just a few minutes of your time and burns ridiculous amounts of calories while strengthening your entire body!

Core Definition

It is only suiting that this would be number one! If you want an extremely defined core, then you will definitely want to plank. It is a great exercise because it works each individual muscle group and serves a different purpose to give you serious definition.

Whole body workout

Another good reason to plank is because, it not only works your core muscles but your entire body. It is a great full body workout, and it is also versatile! You can add weights, cardio, or just move your body and get different results.

Reduces the risk of injury

With a strong core, you are obtaining the ability to perform movements in all planes of motion. A strong core is essential for performing daily exercises for minimal pain and a reduced chance of injury. Planks are a great way to build muscle and protect the spine and hips during movement.

Improve posture

A strong core has everything to do with the way you hold yourself. You will stand taller, and with your strong foundation you will be less likely to hunch over. The muscles in your core support the spine, which is the key to good posture.

Improve balance

Balance and core strength work hand in hand. Core stability is essential for balance and coordination. If the core is weak, it will be much more difficult to find equilibrium.

You can get a good workout in anywhere!

You do not need fancy equipment or large amounts of space to get a good workout in; you only need your own body strength and a strong core! In a short amount of time, at any place, you can get an amazing workout that will leave you feeling wonderful!



6 Things Happy People Do Before Getting Out Of Bed

by May 27, 2016

When you wake up do you just jump out of bed and get right to starting your day? Or, do you stop for a moment and just let yourself be happy?

A lot of us spend our mornings running around getting ready for the day, and then spend the rest of the day in much of the same way in a hurry. It is no wonder people are so unhappy and despise the thought of opening their eyes before 9 a.m.! It may surprise you that there are some people who actually enjoy their mornings; I am, of course, one of those people. When I wake up, I take 5 minutes to myself to do these things to ensure I have the happiest life possible!

  1. Express Gratitude

Start the day off with love! Appreciate your life and all of its tiny treasures. Express your happiness for being alive today, and for the ability to be with the people you love!

  1. Get all of your Ducks in a row

Do not just wake up and blindly go through your day. When unexpected things happen, it can make for a lot of anger and unhappiness. Take a minute to get set on the things that you wish to get done! And make one of those plans a good deed or a positive step, such as, not saying anything hurtful.

  1. Take a second to feel the sheets

I know it may sound silly, but just take a second to feel the softness of your sheets. Let yourself have a moment of clarity, just lay there for a minute. It feels good doesn’t it?

  1. Smile

Smile because, well, why not! Will it hurt you to move that muscle! Smiling has been proven to reduce stress, lower the blood pressure, and boost your immune system. Smile and get healthy!

  1. Don’t hold on to yesterday

Okay, so you were mad when you went to bed, so what? Today is a new day, start over and do something different. Did your partner make you angry, why hold onto it?

  1. Take ten deep breaths

Take ten deep breaths clear your mind, get up and start your day!

It Takes One Step to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation

by May 27, 2016

We all know that cell-phone usage exposes us to unhealthy levels of radiation, that when accumulate over time could result in a whole host of horrible diseases. But, did you know that you could protect yourself from the dangers of cell phone radiation using rosemary?

Rosemary as an antioxidant has been found to be a wonderful method against as well as medicinal to for those who have been exposed to radiation. The British Journal of Radiology found that the fat soluble canosol and carnosic acids in rosemary acids in Rosemary act as a photo-protector by acting as a scavenger of free radicals and as an inducer of the body’s own endogenous defense mechanism. It was found that the formation of toxic production was delayed by the use of rosmarinic acid, and the protection was 3.34 times greater than that of other compounds.


1 Cups Boiled Water

2 Tsp finely chopped rosemary leaves.


Add the fresh rosemary to a cup and pour over the boiling water. Allow the mixture to steep 5-10 minutes before ingesting.

You can also combine rosemary oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your feet daily. Inhalation is also a good idea, or you could even cook with it!


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