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3 Ingredient Remedy That Can Cure Clogged Arteries, Fat in the Blood and Infection

by June 15, 2016

When you get sick, what do you do? I am going to guess you go to the doctor, let’s take that out of the equation and add this recipe into the mix instead; what do you get? Cured.

If you are looking for nature’s do all, then you have come to the right place! With just three simple ingredients you can fight off infections, a cold or even cardiovascular disease. It is a natural beverage that consists of lemon, garlic, ginger and water. It has many health benefits that come from a combination of the three ingredients.

  • Garlic is one of the major antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial foods and maybe also one of the world’s healthiest foods. The compound allicin is what makes garlic so beneficial. Garlic also contains manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, and fiber.
  • Ginger has major antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds such as gingerols, beta-carotene, capsaicin, caffeic acid, curcumin, and salicylate. It helps with digestive issues, pain, inflammation, and nausea.
  • Lemon is the perfect supplier of vitamin C, making it the perfect ingredient to fight colds and infections. It alkalizes the body, boosts the immune system, balance PH and protects the body against disease.


  • 2 liters filtered water
  • 4 unpeeled organic lemons
  • 4 large bulbs of garlic
  • 2 inches of ginger root


  1. Wash the lemons and cut them into slices, clean the garlic cloves and peel the ginger root.
  2. Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix until fully combined.
  3. Add the mixture to a large pan, and pour in the water and turn up to a high heat. Stir the mixture constantly until it comes to a boil, remove from the heat, and let it cool.
  4. Strain the mixture through a sieve, and keep refrigerated.
  5. Dosage

Drink 8oz of the mixture every morning on an empty stomach.

Increase Libido and Stamina With This Effective Natural Aphrodisiac

by June 14, 2016

I read about this remedy somewhere, and it drew me it, I was automatically intrigued. When I did more research into it, I saw why this is sometimes referred to as Nature’s Viagra.

To this day, men are always looking for natural ways to increase their potency. Sometimes, to enjoy sexual contact at its peak, you have to restore the mental balance and get rid of stress to produce endorphins. However, you can also increase or awaken your desire, sexuality, sexual attraction and sex drive by eating certain foods known as aphrodisiacs.

Erectile dysfunction is nothing to joke around about and is often caused by poor circulation. The potency of beetroot juice helps increase blood flow through the small capillaries almost instantly… well, you get the idea!

Beetroot together with other “pro-sexual” vegetables like lettuce and ginger root, this little red wonder will be sure to keep you busy all night!


  • 2 Organic Granny Smith Apples
  • 1 medium Organic beetroot
  • 1 bunch Organic Romaine Lettuce
  • ½ Organic Lemon
  • A Thumb of Ginger Root


Blend together all the ingredients, and if you wish you can run it through a sieve

Use This Frozen Lemon Recipe And Say Goodbye to Diabetes, Tumors, Obesity…

by June 14, 2016

Lemons are one of the most nutritious and beneficial foods that a person can consume. With one simple change to the way you consume your lemons, you can prevent all kinds of health conditions and ailments.

“A new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruit, impede both ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on the importance of citrus fruit for breast cancer prevention and supports past studies which showed fruit consumption may lower breast cancer risk.”

Lemons have a unique compound known as limonoids, which efficiently prevent the proliferation of cancer cells, especially in the case of breast cancer. There have been many studies that have shown the strong positive effects on the entire body and therefore, it is advised to consume them regularly.

The part of the lemon that most people throw away, the peel, is the part with the richest source of vitamins and nutrients. The peel has anti-carcinogenic properties and helps to detoxify the body and protect it from bacteria, fungi, parasites and worms.

How to Freeze Your Lemons

Many people take the entire lemon, wash it, and put it in a freezer safe bag. But what I like to do is; juice the lemons and cut up the peel, pour the juice into an ice cube tray and place the pieces of peel into the tray holes. When you are ready to use in your favorite juices or smoothies simply pop them out and blend.

Black Seed – ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death”

by June 14, 2016

A cure for everything, sounds a little far fetched right? It’s not, this amazing seed has been right under our noses for far too long!

Seeds from the plant Nigella Sativa has been used for healing all sorts of medical issues for many centuries. This seed has been cultivated and used for medicine since ancient Egyptian times .

Nowadays this lifesaving seed is known as ”black seed” due to its dark appearance, of course, Black seed oil was even found in Pharaoh Tutankhamen’s tomb, meaning it was used over 3,300 years ago. There have been hundreds of studies proving that black seed has astonishing health benefits.

This amazing seed can be used as an antibacterial, an anti-ulcer, anti-fungal, pain killer, and so many more things. I wish I had found out about this mind-blowing seed sooner! You can treat a large number of diseases with black seed. It has even been noted that it can have a positive effect on cancer patients! Black seed can even be used to suppress colon cancer! Studies have shown that in rats black seed has become almost a define cure.

It is most commonly found as an oil and is fairly accessible throughout the world.

Black seed can reduce fat glucose in diabetics helping to decrease their insulin resistance, isn’t that amazing! It gets even better from there this seed can help with just about anything: High blood pressure, Asthma, Epilepsy, MRSA, and even opiate addiction withdrawals!

This seed really can do it all! I strongly suggest getting some black seed oil for your household, you never know when you might need it.

For more info on this miracle seed watch the video below.

If You See THIS in a Hotel Room or Public Bathroom, Leave and Call 911 IMMEDIATELY!

by June 14, 2016

Coat hooks seem useful right? Everyone needs a place to hang their jacket in the changing room or their purse in the bathroom but now these simple little hooks could be something terrible!

Who knew that people could use something so tiny to hide something so disgusting! I would never have thought this would be happening!

Some of these useful coat hooks are not actual coat hooks, they’re tiny cameras criminals have been using to spy on us! These tiny cameras have been invading bathrooms, hotel rooms, and other places in increasing numbers. Instances have been reported multiple times in Florida,  Kansas, and Nevada. A woman in Kansas actually knocked one over by accident and quickly realized what it really was. These tiny cameras are disguised quite well and are held on with a small amount of adhesive.
What seems to be the worst part about these ever growing privacy invading secret cameras is that they are inexpensive. They can be found on amazon for under fifty bucks leaving us all at risk of being invaded upon.


hotel room blues twoo

These coat hooks look perfectly normal but if you take the time to look closely you will see a tiny hole in the top portion of the hook. This is where those peeping toms are getting that lovely view. Try looking for the lens and if the hook is black you may be able to spot a small light on the side.

These terrible little creations could come in handy if you need to spy on your babysitter, but as of right now keeping an eye out in restrooms and changing rooms is all we can do. Be sure to alert the police if you happen across one of these tiny hidden cameras!


Say Goodbye To Back Pain! Here’s How To Get Rid Of Back Pain In A Natural Way! Successful In 95% Of Cases!

by June 14, 2016

Have you ever dealt with lower back pain? Most of us have and it can really set us back, no one should have to be left behind because of back pain!

Back pain has become more of an issue over time causing people to miss work and even literally cause them to be disabled. This is a very serious health issue that we should not take lightly. Our spines are very elaborate things, they are made up of 24 vertebrae that are connected by muscles. Without our spinal column we wouldn’t have much shape nor would we have many functions.

Lower back pain can be caused by a very large amount of things which makes it hard to avoid. Usually, lower back pain comes from an irritated nerve, damaged joints or ligaments, and even degenerating discs. Anyone who does physical work or even has to sit or stand for hours at a time is very likely to suffer from lower back pain.

Luckily for us though there is a way to help with our back pain that is completely natural! Yes, naturally. If you haven’t heard of the herb “Comfrey” you may want to look it up! This amazing herb grows in wet places. This plant has huge fuzzy leaves, while it may look a bit strange I assure you it will do the trick! You can find this herb in gel form simply apply it to your lower back and let it get to work. Now if you
can’t get ahold of this gel or maybe you have to wait for it to come in the mail, working out can also help with your back pain in the mean time. Yes, exercising will help!

Below are a couple videos that should help you reduce your pain dramatically between exercise and Comfrey gel you’ll have lower back pain beat in no time!


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