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How to Make Marshmallows That Are So Healthy You Can Eat as Many as You Want

by July 6, 2016

Marshmallows are loved by many and are often considered to be a staple for things like camping trips, holidays, and of course hot chocolate. However, they are not always the best decision and the processed variety are extremely unhealthy and bad to eat on a daily basis.

One single regular marshmallow contains 4 grams of added sugar, and as you are totally aware, most of the time people do not eat one single marshmallow. Just one cup of mini marshmallows packs in a whopping 29 grams of sugar, and when you combine that number with the cocoa or dessert you are combining them with then you are setting yourself up for trouble. This equals up to about 400 added calories and exceeds the recommended daily amount of sugar by 10 grams.

Processed sugars are linked to excessive amounts of health products such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Sugar Addiction

But, there is no need to fret, you can still have your favorite treat! The following recipe gives all the flavor that you crave, without the detrimental effects to your health. Plus they are super easy to make!


  • 2 Tbsp. Gelatin
  • ¾ Cup Cold Water
  • ¾ Cup Raw Honey
  • 1/8 tsp. Salt
  • 1 Tsp. Vanilla extract


  1. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper, and lightly grease the paper for added protection.
  2. Add half of your water to a medium sized bowl, and sprinkle the gelatin over the water. Set aside and allow to soften.
  3. In a small pot, add the honey, salt, and the other half of the water. Stir the mixture over medium heat, using a candy thermometer until you reach 240F. Remove from heat as soon as it reached the correct temperature.
  4. Using a hand mixture set to low, combine the syrup with the gelatin. Once it is all combined, add the vanilla and increase the speed to high. Whisk for 15-20 minutes or until it starts to resemble marshmallow fluff. Scrape into the prepared pan and leave it to set, uncovered, for 4-12 hours.
  5. Then cut into squares and enjoy!

You could also customize your marshmallows with things like toasted coconut, chocolate chips, or a good dusting of cocoa powder. Can you say yum!?

Fix Your Ingrown Toenails With This Weird New Japanese Contraption

by July 6, 2016

If you have ever had trouble with an ingrown toenail then you know how much of a pain they can be. But if you are not one to go for medical help then we may have the solution for you.

There is now a device available on the market that claims to ‘fix’ your toenail problems in just a few simple steps, that is if you are not the squeamish type.

The Japanese Makixume Robo ingrown Toenail Fixer features two prongs plus a screw mechanism, which is apparently all you need to effectively relieve the pain in less than 30 minutes.

After gently pulling the side of the nail up with the tool, you dip your foot in warm water for 20 minutes, which is supposed to help pull the skin.

Most ingrown toenails can be easily fixed, but if it gets really serious it can cause a bone infection. In severe cases, you will need to go see your podiatrist in order to get it removed.

Just Add These Two Ingredients to Your Shampoo and Say Goodbye to Hair Loss Forever!

by July 6, 2016

Hair loss is caused by many things such as pregnancy, stress, weight loss, menopause, and much more. To make up for the loss many people will spend huge amounts of money on expensive products and treatments that will not always give the top-notch results that they are looking for.

You don’t need any of those expensive products when you can make your own alternative at home. I have been making this for two months now, and the results are everything I could have ever wished for.

My hair was thinning and falling out, due to stress and I didn’t know what to do. Now I have my confidence back and I feel better than ever, and you can too! Here is how:

The first thing you need is a shampoo with a neutral Ph. You can use a normal baby shampoo. The shampoo will be used as a base ingredient.

You will also need rosemary essential oil. It is perfect for increasing blood flow to the scalp, providing strength to the hair. You will also need lemon essential oil, for a refreshing boost with antiseptic properties. Finally, 2 capsules of Vitamin E, to stop the hair loss process altogether.


  • 10 Drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 10 Drops Lemon Essential oil
  • 2 Capsules of Vitamin E
  • Neutral Shampoo


Add all the ingredients to the base shampoo and shake well.


It is very important to use this shampoo at least every other day. Apply it on the hair and gently massage it in for a few minutes. Let it stand for 10 minutes, and rinse.

You will be amazed by the results, try it out today and let us know how you like it!

“I Wouldn’t Feed This Stuff to a Dying Animal”: Terminal Hospice Patient Exposes Truth About Ensure Nutritional Drinks

by July 6, 2016

A former reporter from Indiana known as Carrol Krause was diagnosed with ovarian cancer back in 2014. She wrote a blog right before she passed and boy did she have a lot to say!

This blog titled ‘Stories by Carrol’ told of her good times and her bad times throughout her last days. A few months back she started having severe digestive issues and couldn’t eat normal food any longer. Hospice workers brought her Ensure as meal replacements.

This made her extremely upset, she said that while they seemed to have the best intentions she could not understand why they would try to serve this or even force it on someone who is on their death bed literally. Ensure has many shakes and pudding type products intended for meal replacement, but that doesn’t make it good for you.

“Hospice had the very best of intentions, [but] the stuff they sent over was not real FOOD. In fact, I’m outraged at the idea that they feed this stuff to dying people.”

Ensure is actually full of chemicals that have little to no nutritional value. Yet for some reason, these are supposed to be the lifeline for ill people? People who need nutrition the most are denied it when they are being force fed products like this.

When one consumes these products you aren’t getting nutrition at all just straight preservatives, fillers, and chemicals. Sounds delicious, right?

Abbott, the company that makes Ensure is also a member of the pro-GMO organization the Grocery Manufacturers Association. They have literally given millions to fight GMP labeling in the United States. This doesn’t sound like a company we should let feed our loved ones at all!

If you notice on the front of the packaging for their apple juice you will see a delightful image that would make you think it was actually apple juice but a little look on the back of the label and you’ll see it contains no apple juice. Mostly water and sugar. So nutritious, right? NOT!


Toxic chemicals found in these products:

  • Cupric sulfate (pesticide that can cause anemia and death at high doses)
  • Artificial flavors (Can be many different chemicals usually harmful to one’s health and known to cause different types of cancers)
  • Sodium selenite
  • DI-Alpha-tocopherol acetate (synthetic vitamin E can cause hemorrhagic stroke)
  • Manganese sulfate
  • ferrous sulfate
  • niacinamide (can cause liver failure)
  • Zinc sulfate (can be toxic to cells)

Scientist Discovers a Cure for Cancer Over 60 Years Ago (They’ve Been Keeping It Secret All This Time!)

by July 6, 2016

Cancer seems to be our biggest medical issue and it affects just about everyone, we are all at risk of developing it. Yet, as far as we know there is no cure for it. Right?

One out of every two men and women will develop some sort of cancer in their lifetime. The number of cancer patients is forever increasing dramatically.

A lady named Johanna Budwig studied cancer for many years and even developed a treatment for it . This treatment has not ever been used since it doesn’t profit the government financially. While there is a growing interest in therapy with cannabis oil it is hardly available and most people end up throwing their money away on chemotherapy and things of that sort. This is because Big Pharma doesn’t know how to package and sell cannabis oil as of right now. Granted as soon as they can they will and it won’t be as effective since big Pharma wants us sick. The cancer industry is a huge business and is making lots of people very rich. There is a cure for cancer.

 “I have the answer to cancer, but American doctors won’t listen. They come here and observe my methods and are impressed. Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money. I won’t do it, so I’m blackballed in every country.”

As I mentioned before Johanna Budwig not only found a treatment, she found a cure. Back in 1951 she was known in the medical field everywhere and even won a Nobel prize. She found that cancer cells lack the things needed for them to mature and that the cancer patients red blood cells are lacking a layer of fat.

Through study she found a method that had a ninety percent success rate! Her treatment was merely a change in diet. She removed anything with additives and replaced things with mostly cottage cheese and flax seed oil. This combination provided the nutrients these patients needed to get the body back healthy once again.

It re-energized the cancer patients cells, this method helped people who had breast cancer, brain cancer, and gastrointestinal cancer.

Johanna’s method:

  • drink only purified water
  • get lots of sunshine
  • avoid meat
  • avoid sugar
  • avoid processed foods
  • grind your flax seeds fresh and eat them within fifteen minutes of grinding
  • use only fresh organic fruits and veggies
  • combine the cottage cheese and flax seed oil and be sure to blend it until no flax seed is floating.
  • avoid all drugs and supplements

You should consume at least eight tablespoons a day of this mixture. For more on Johanna’s protocol watch the video below.

Ginger tea: Dissolves Kidney Stones, Cleanses Liver & Obliterates Cancer Cells (Recipe!)

by July 5, 2016

Ginger is one of the most plentiful health benefiting plants we have here on earth. It can do everything from reducing inflammation to boosting your immune system.

Ginger is a known anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral medicine. This plant has been known to ease pain, improve your cardiovascular health, and relieve your asthma symptoms. One can gain an awful lot by drinking the right amount of ginger tea. One cup a day can drastically change your health for the better. It can even reduce your risk of having a stroke because it dissolves fat deposits.

Ginger tea will do your body good and should definitely be added into your daily routine. Follow the recipe below and you will be on your way to good health in no time.

Ginger Tea

Things Needed:

  • Raw organic honey
  • Coconut milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 2 cups of water


  • Add the turmeric and ginger into some boiling water lower the heat and let is simmer
  • Next add the milk and let cook for a few minutes
  • Then remove from the heat and strain the tea into a cup
  • Add in some honey to help improve the flavor and enjoy!

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