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Your Thyroid Controls Your Entire Body! Here is How to Keep it Healthy!

by July 18, 2016

Your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck below your Adam’s apple, is your chief gland of energy and metabolism and is like a master lever that fires up the genes that keep cells doing their jobs.

You can think of the thyroid as a fundamental mechanism in a complex machine, as every cell in your body has thyroid hormone receptors.

Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function, is a silent epidemic, according to many functional medicine doctors. People can suffer for years with symptoms that our conventional medical system frequently doesn’t know how to treat.

What’s worse, in most cases, hypothyroidism isn’t rooted in a thyroid problem in the first place. It’s rooted in an immune system gone awry, but most doctors don’t test for the antibodies that show the presence of autoimmunity.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Depression
  • Forgetfulness
  • Weight gain
  • Brittle fingernails and hair

Here are the 10 Secrets to fixing your thyroid issues:

1. Go Gluten and A1 Casein FREE – the most common allergies and food intolerance’s today are from wheat and dairy products because of the hybridized proteins of gluten and a1 casein.  These proteins can cause “Leaky Gut” which in turn will cause inflammation of the thyroid and effect it’s function.

Follow a grain-free diet or at least go gluten free.  Then only consume dairy products that come from A2 cows, goat milk, or sheep milk.

2. NO BPA – Bisphenol A (BPA) is found in plastic bottles and can disrupt your endocrine system and effect your thyroid.

I recommend only drinking out of glass, stainless steel, or BPA free plastic bottles.

3. Check Your Iodine Levels – If they are low use a kelp or organic liquid iodine supplement.

4. Heavy Metal Detox – I recommend using a combination of Milk Thistle, Turmeric, Chlorella, and Cilantro to detox these harmful metals from your cells and organs.

5. More Selenium – Make sure you’re getting enough selenium in your diet but also don’t go overboard.

Some of the best selenium containing foods are brazil nuts, salmon, sunflower seeds, beef, mushrooms and onions.

6. Adaptogen Supplements – Can lower cortisol levels and improve thyroid function like Ashwagandha and Tulsi.

7. Silver Fillings Removal – if you have amalgam fillings talk with a DAMS mercury safe dentist about proper removal.

8. Lower Carbohydrate Intake – Lower your intake of sugars and grains and replace them with healthy fats.

Most women especially consume far too many carbs which increase estrogen and negatively effect the thyroid.  Instead consume healthy fats that will balance hormones, like: coconut oil, coconut milk, avocado, grass-fed beef, wild salmon, chia, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds.

9. Up The Protein

Protein transports thyroid hormone to all your tissues and enjoying it at each meal can help normalize thyroid function. Proteins include nuts and nut butters; quinoa; hormone- and antibiotic-free animal products (organic,grass-fed meats, eggs, and sustainably-farmed fish); and legumes.

10. Be Mindful of Goitrogens

These are foods that can interfere with thyroid function. Goitrogens include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, rutabaga, turnips, millet, spinach, strawberries, peaches, watercress, peanuts, radishes, and soybeans.

Does it mean that you can never eat these foods? No, because cooking inactivates goitrogenic compounds and eating radishes and watercress in moderation isn’t going to be a deal-breaker.

German Scientists Prove There Is A Life After Death

by July 18, 2016

Not too long ago an amazing discovery was made by a team of psychologists at the Technische Universitat of Berlin. This team has proven through clinical experiments that there is life after death in some form.

This experiment has been under many trials for the past four years. It has included over nine hundred volunteers and many different combinations of drugs. Things like epinephrine and dimethyltryptamine. These drugs allow the body to survive a state that is known as clinical death and then allows for the process of reanimation to happen.

These patients also had to undergo a temporary comatose state after their clinical death before reanimation. This was done by a mix of drugs which were filtered by ozone in the patient’s bloodstream during their reanimation process roughly twenty minutes later.

This process would not have been possible without the use of a CPR machine (Autopulse) something we have been able to use to save many lives over the past few years. Bringing back people who have been dead for up to an hour. How amazing is that?

Each test subject was questioned frequently and their results each time were documented of course. All of the subjects had some memories of their clinical deaths. Most of these memories from each were similar in details. While they did vary from person to person a bit overall they were quite the same.

These people felt detached from their bodies as if they were levitating over themselves. They almost all stated they felt the presence of an overwhelming bright light. Something we have heard about before but have very little knowledge of. This truly is an eye opening study. How amazing is it to know we are one step closer to knowing what may lie behind the face of death?


Any Type Of Cancer Can Be Cured In Just 2-6 Weeks (Video)

by July 17, 2016

Cancer can be cured! The video you will watch below is definitely mind-boggling!

My life was changed after watching this video. It truly did open my eyes to something. A cure for cancer may seem far fetched, but it is right here before our eyes.

My grandmother died of cancer nearing the end of my first couple years of high school, it was devastating. She was a major role model for me and her not being here anymore took a big toll on my life. She died of lung cancer.

I knew throughout most of what she had gone through she was in tremendous pain and I couldn’t handle it as I’m sure it was even worse on her. It seems nowadays that everyone has been touched and affected in some way by cancer be it  themselves or someone they care about. You never know who will get hit next and that is really the hardest part.

I’m sure you already know that big pharma makes an awful lot of money off of the treatment of cancer. This is why we have yet to see a cure and the reason as to why we most likely will never see a cure. It really all boils down to your diet and vitamin intake. The overly processed foods we eat day in and day out are designed to keep us sick. There is no reason for cancer to exist right now and yet it is here. This is all because big pharma sees us as dollar signs and not people. Did you know that even the salt we eat contains glass and sand?

Please take the time to watch this life changing video below. You won’t regret it. It may just impact you in all the right ways!

Scientists Have Developed An Eye Drop That Can Melt Away Cateracts

by July 17, 2016

Several United States researchers have recently developed a new drug. One that is applied directly to the eye through an eye dropper and is able to shrink down and dissolve away cataracts! How insane is that?

Cataracts cause the eye to become cloudy and over time can cause blindness. This means that this new drug could potentially cure blindness in some people.

The effects of this drug have not yet been tested on people but if all goes well this could become an amazing alternative to the frequently overly priced surgical option. This could help people across the world.

An approximated 32.4 million people around the world are blind, and 90% reside in developing nations. Over half of these were caused by cataracts, which implies that having an eye drop as an option to surgical treatment would make an unbelievable difference.

“This is a really extensive and engaging paper – the strongest I’ve seen of its kind in a years,” molecular biologist Jonathan King from the Massachusetts Institute of Innovation (MIT) told Armitage. While not associated with this study, King has actually been involved in cataract research study for the past 15 years. “They discovered the phenomena and after that followed with all of the experiments that you should do – that’s as biologically relevant as you can get.” From a study published in Nature.

It is known that most people who are older usually around eighty years old are dealing with cataracts or have already had surgery for the issue. This could put a whole new spin on things. While we do not know what causes cataracts having an effective treatment for them is an amazing feat. Hopefully, this drug will be taken on with human trials in the near future because the sooner we can start using it to help people the better!

Why Women in China Don’t Get Breast Cancer

by July 17, 2016

Have you ever heard of Jane Plant? She was an amazing professor who was diagnosed with cancer at 42.

When this lovely lady was diagnosed with cancer she immediately thought that her career was over that her life was about to end, literally. While she was thinking this it did not keep her from fighting. Jane’s cancer came back  four times before she was able to get rid of it for good.

What actually saved Jane’s life was a drastic change in her diet and lifestyle. You see when Jane became ill and was diagnosed with cancer the very first time her husband was working in China. He began doing all sorts of research on cancer and how it was that there were so few cases of it there. He found that the Chinese had a very different diet.

Chinese people have a diet that is low in fat and rich in fiber this very important in the fight against breast cancer. It is also apparent that the Chinese do not usually eat dairy.

This seemed to be the root cause of the problem. Jane says that before she was diagnosed she ate lots of different dairy products but no longer does.

Here is a part of her story:

My friends and colleagues from China have sent letters, cards, as well as some incredible herbal suppositories, so he brought them to me.

These suppositories were intended to treat my breast cancer, and we actually laughed a lot about them, and I even said that it should be considered to be a real miracle if it protects Chinese women from breast cancer.

I kept wondering- why don’t Chinese women develop breast cancer. This made me examine the issue closely. We blended our scientific backgrounds and tried to find a logical explanation. We started investigating scientific data which led us t to the percentage of fats in diets. Research has found that

in the 1980s, fat made up only l4% of calories in the average Chinese diet, by contrast to the Western diet, which included 36% fats. Yet, before I developed this cancer, I ate a low-fat diet, rich in fibers.

Moreover, as a scientist, I am well aware of the fact that in the case of adults. The intake of fat does not raise the risk for breast cancer.

Suddenly, one day, as Peter and I were working together, some of us, I am still not sure who got a brilliant idea: “The Chinese don’t eat dairy produce!”

This was quite a shock, mixed with a great excitement and happiness in the same moment. We just felt we are so close to something big, and like all things were finally absolutely clear. 

I started thinking about my close Chinese friends, who believed milk was for babies only, my colleagues, who always politely declined my offer for the cheese course, and the numerous people who cannot tolerate milk.

I did not know anyone from China who used dairy or cow products to feed their babies. Namely, Chinese people find our preoccupation with milk and dairy rather strange.

In the 1980s, I was entertaining a big Chinese delegation of scientists after the ending of the Cultural Revolution, and following the advice of the Foreign Office, we requested that the caterer provides a

pudding with lots of ice cream. However, as soon as they understood the ingredients of the pudding, the Chinese politely refused it. Of course, we were delighted by the second portion we thus got.

Yet, I found that milk is the root cause of most allergies, and more than 70% of the world’s population cannot digest the milk sugar, lactose. This persuaded nutritionists to believe that it is normal in the case of adults.

Before I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I consumed a lot of dairy products, yogurt,

skimmed milk, and low-fat cheese, and it was actually my main protein source. I also consumed inexpensive but lean minced beef, which was most likely ground-up dairy cow.

During the chemotherapy I received for my fifth case of cancer, I consumed organic yogurts to help digestion and support the development of  ‘good’ bacteria in the gut.

Yet, I found that in 1989, yogurt had been related to ovarian cancer. Dr. Daniel Cramer of Harvard University examined hundreds of women with ovarian cancer and recorded their diets. 

This made me give up dairy products completely, including milk, yogurt, butter, milk, and all kinds of products which contained dairy. All of the sudden, I discovered that numerous products we use daily, like cakes, biscuits, commercial soups, soy, olive and sunflower oil margarine, include dairy produce in some form.

At the same time, I examined the situation with my fifth cancerous lump with calipers and plotting the results. My doctors tried to encourage me and stimulate me, but I was experienced enough to recognize the real truth.

As the first chemo gave no effects, and the lump remained in the same size, I removed dairy produce from my diet. This made the lump shrink in days!

After 2 weeks, my second chemotherapy finished, I did not consume dairy, and the

lump in my neck began to itch, then soften, and became smaller. Furthermore, I found that despite reducing in size, the tumor’s decrease in size was plotted on a straight line heading off the bottom of the graph, meaning that it was cured, not suppressed (or remission.

Six weeks without dairy, I began practicing meditation for an hour daily, and out of the blue, I felt that my lump was missing. I was not able to spot it, and I was experienced in it, and actually discovered my 5 cancers on my own. I asked my husband to help me, but he was not able to find it either.

The next Thursday, I went to visit my cancer specialist at Charing Cross Hospital in London. He checked my neck thoroughly, in particular, the area where the lump previously was and announced that he cannot find it.

The specialist was astonished by this discovery, but when I explained my treatment, he was quite skeptical. Yet, nowadays, I have heard that he uses maps of cancer mortality in his lectures, and even advises cancer patients to avoid dairy.

From present point of view, I understand the relation between breast cancer and dairy produce just like I understand the link between lung cancer and smoking.

I strongly believe that my discovery of the link between the two helped my cure breast cancer, and maintain the balance of my hormonal system, as well as the health of my breasts.

You may find it hard to believe that such a natural substance as milk can actually lead to such health issues, but do not forget that I am a living proof of it.

Extracted from Your Life in Your Hands, by Professor Jane Plan

The video below with Jane will help you further. She is truly inspirational!

13 Easy Yoga Poses to Flush Stress Hormones from Your Body

by July 15, 2016

With the hectic lifestyle that people lead today, stress has made its way into our everyday life. Luckily, there are things like this that can help calm you down and relax your mind and body.

Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation or relaxation. You can help to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and lower heart rate. The best part? Almost anyone can do it.

So the next time you are feeling stressed out, try out this yoga sequence and see how good you feel afterward!


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