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9 Stretches in 9 Minutes for Complete Lower Back Pain Relief

by July 29, 2016

Unfortunately, back pain is something that many people have to deal with. But what If I told you, all you have to do is stretch?

That’s right, a little bit of stretching will go a long way when it comes to back pain. The best part is, all you need is 9 minutes of your time, and depending on how flexible you are maybe a resistance band. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!


Apricot Kernels for Cancer: The Real Story

by July 29, 2016

Vitamin B17 (Laetrile, or Amygdalin) is one of the most popular and celebrated alternative cancer treatments available. It is simply composed of apricot kernels, which seem innocent enough, however, in the 1980’s it was banned by the FDA.

Now it is almost unheard of as the American Cancer Society, American Medical Association along with the FDA have prevented people from giving this homeopathic miracle any press. Physicians who have attempted to help save the lives of their patients through B17 treatment have been prosecuted.

One patient, Sandy, had already been through rounds of chemotherapy, and went into remission, only to find out 5 more tumors had developed. Her doctors wanted to put her through more chemo, however, her homeopathic health doctor suggested vitamin B17. She found it inexpensively on Amazon and began taking it. As soon as she began taking it, her cancer went into remission. Unfortunately, as she stopped taking it, it once again returned. She picked back up on taking the B17, administering 500 mg twice a day to herself. In about 10 weeks, her 5 tumors had been destroyed, and her cancer was completely gone!

So how does it work? It is actually very simple to use and is very effective if used in high enough doses. Typically, similar to other forms of cancer treatment, it is combined with an effective diet and several supplements. This particular treatment works by targeting and killing cancer cells while building the immune system so that it becomes strong enough to fend off any further outbreaks.

Despite the FDA’s stance against this natural remedy, if you search the internet you can find it available as either apricot kernels, pills, or even in liquid form. There are precautions that should be taken, and it should work along with a strict diet/supplement regimen. Laetrile is found naturally in other sources as well, and the internet is packed with information regarding the specifics of getting the most out of this particular treatment.

Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells Eliminated by This Traditional Asian Food

by July 29, 2016

36.9 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. Cancer is so common these days and in many cases extremely hard to treat, but a study has found that a popular Asian food can eliminate some cancer cells.

Wasabi, a traditional Asian condiment that is also referred to as Japanese radish, contains active ingredients that have demonstrated an ability to eliminate pancreatic cancer stem cells. Who would have guessed that this zesty companion for all of your Japanese favorites would have the ability to combat one of the hardest variations of cancer to eradicate?

Typically, Pancreatic cancer is considered one of the hardest to treat, as well as one of the fatal cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, there will be 48, 560 people (24,840 men and 24, 120 women) diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. They also predict that about 40,560 (20,710 men and 19,850 women) will die from it. According to those numbers that is well under 10% survival.

The low survival rate can be associated with the traditional cancer therapies that are used for treatment, and that is typically chemotherapy. The exact number killed by the therapy itself is unknown, however, as they list the cause of death as cancer rather than the toxic treatments that ultimately claim its patients.

The pancreas created insulin and proteolytic enzymes. Insulin is a hormone which regulates blood glucose, or sugar. This is possibly why there is a higher risk for type 2 diabetes patients to develop pancreatic cancer. Proteolytic enzymes that are strong enough to break down whole animal proteins and breakthrough cancer cells. The association between meat and sugar laden diets and cancer probably has something to do with this, and perhaps may be the reason for cancer diets which involve abstaining from sugar and meat.

Unfortunately, the downfall and failure of chemotherapy are that the cancer stem cells remain intact granting them the ability to create unlimited future cancer cells after the patient has achieved remission. Without targeting the stem cells there is not guarantee that future cancers won’t develop after the patient has battled and won against the initial threat.

So where does Wasabi come into play?

The Taiwanese in vitro (lab glass non-animal) study, “Effect of Wasabi Component 6-(Methylsulfinyl) hexyl Isothiocyanate and Derivatives on Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells” determined how the active ingredients in Wasabi were able to target and eliminate cancer stem cells. Stem cells are mother cells that duplicate themselves making it hard for chemotherapy distinguishes between stem cells, cancer cells duplicated by stem cells, or for that matter, healthy cells.

Due to the hard to palette spicy nature of Wasabi, it would be near impossible to consume in large quantities. The extracts are the key in providing effective and safe pancreatic cancer treatments in a holistic manner. It’s quite doubtful that the FDA would allow it to be promoted for its cancer destroying benefits. Well, there it is a natural and safe alternative to chemotherapy, that research seems to indicate is not only more effective but also possibly safer.

Light Your Whole Room For A Month Using Only A Potato!

by July 29, 2016

Did you know that a potato that has been cooked for at least eight minutes can create a battery ten times more powerful than raw? How insane is that?

Haim Rabinovitch, Professor of science and agriculture did an experiment with several slices of potato quarters which he placed between copper cathode and zinc anode. These were then connected with wire of course, leading him to discover that these cute little units could be placed in a room with and LED light bulb for up to forty days and continue working with no issue. Isn’t that neat? Free power even in a sense.

This finding is very important for the scientific community, as well as underdeveloped parts of the world. This could bring about many new opportunities for them. The fact that it is potatoes that can do this is even better considering potatoes can grow in most environments. Please enjoy the video below, I was truly in awe when I watched it myself.

How to Make Alkaline Water to Fight Fatigue, Digestive Issues, and Cancer!

by July 28, 2016

A scientific study in Japan suggests that alkaline water not only is an effective detoxifying agent for the body but that it also can destroy cancerous cells. The research is pretty simple to understand and so is the preparation for this wonderful addition to your health regimen.

The claim by Japanese scientist is of the utmost importance to everyone around the world, but this information could specifically helpful to the west which currently has the highest prevalence of cancer cases.

Known for their large elderly population as well as the highest life expectancy worldwide their scientists along with their research claims cannot be simply ignored or written off as speculation. Here is the science behind the water:

Acidity and Alkalinity

PH value is used to understand the difference between acidity and alkalinity. Anything valued below 7 is acidic and anything above 7 is alkaline. Rainwater holds the neutral ground of 7 on the dot. Although the human body is a complex system with organs that each has their own PH value, an organ with a high acidic value is not preferable because that organ could be greatly damaged.

With the modern diet having a focus on processed goods and chemicals, rather than naturally growing crops as our ancestors ate, our diet has become more acidic as the processing has increased. Sugary, salty, highly processed foods and caffeine will increase the acidity of your body. When the acidity in your body increases symptoms of fatigue, weakness, abdominal pains and a higher risk for opportunistic deadly disease due to a low immune system. The increased acidity also will begin to damage cells, tissues, and can create malformed or malignant cells in the process. Alkaline water can detoxify the high amounts of acidity to regulate and balance your health.

Not only does the alkaline water destroy cancerous cells without damaging healthy cells, it can also make you more hydrated than normal water will. Drinking this easy to prepare water will improve your health greatly in more ways than one!

Preparation of Alkaline Water


  • Himalayan salt-1 teaspoon
  • Clean filtered water-2 liters
  • Quarter sliced organic lemon-1


Fill a glass jar with clean, filtered water. Place the lemon in the jar, unsqueezed. Add the single teaspoon of Himalayan salt to the water. Place a lid on the jar and let sit overnight at room temperature. The next day before you have breakfast, drink about 3 glasses of the alkaline water.

You will feel better and look better once you have made this a part of your everyday routine.

Artist Uses Brainwaves To Manipulate Water, Incredible Display Of The Power Of Human Emotion!

by July 27, 2016

This amazing artist, Lisa Park has come up with a very interesting new art form. Her art performance is called Eunoia, or beautiful thinking.

Lisa uses forty-eight pools of water in this which were inspired by the forty-eight emotions. These pools of water react to emotional brainwaves she transmits from her body. This is all done using sensors of course but is quite impressive.

Lisa uses an electroencephalography (EEG) which is a brainwave detecting sensor. This measures the frequencies of her brainwaves. The data collected is them transmitted through vibrations using software programming. Watch the video below to see Lisa in action. It is truly amazing!

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