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How to Stop a Heart Attack in 60 Seconds!

by July 30, 2016

Many are unaware of just how powerful this one ingredient can be. Considering that heart attacks are the leading cause of deaths in America, adding this one simple ingredient to your cabinet could mean the difference between life and death.

About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year- that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. Currently, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. Each year about 735,000 Americans has a heart attack. Of these, 525,000 are a first heart attack and 210,000 happen in people who have already had a heart attack previously. Clearly, heart disease is a terrifying disease. It can either end your life or provide you a second chance. Dr. Christopher claimed that in his 35 years of practice he has never lost a patient due to a heart attack. So what’s his secret? A special recipe including cayenne pepper.

Cayenne Pepper is a herb that is made from the dried pods of chili peppers. Aside from being very popular in cooking, cayenne has also had medicinal praise for thousands of years. Containing high amounts of Vitamins, A, C, B complex, calcium and potassium, cayenne can be a wonderful healing tool for the heart and circulatory system. Perhaps one of its most amazing traits is that it has been used successful time and time again to stop heart attacks in their tracks.

You can give the person having a heart attack a mixture or tea made out of one teaspoon of cayenne pepper combined with one cup of water. Only give the person 5-10 drops of the tea. If the condition does not improve after 5 minutes, give 5-10 more. This only works if they are conscious. If unconscious, you can use cayenne pepper extract by applying a few drops under the patient’s tongue for results.

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which according to scientific research can stop a heart attack in progress when applied topically around the area of the heart. The researchers discovered that an astounding 85% reduction in cardiac cell death occurred when using capsaicin. So why does this work? Capsaicin causes sensory nerves in the skin to be triggered to activate what the scientists call cellular “pro-survival” pathways in the heart. The result? The heart muscle was protected from injury.

Cayenne peppers promote heart rate and also aid in carrying blood to the most crucial body parts, restoring circulation. This means that it aids in a very fast recovery, making cayenne pepper a holistic wonder drug for anyone who suffers from heart disease and is at risk of a heart attack.

30 Second Daily Skin Care Fixes that Will Make You Look Ten Years Younger!

by July 30, 2016

Having healthy, renewed, and youthful skin is on everyone’s wish list. Achieving this wish is much easier than you think. These 17 easy and quick tips explain how you can alter your daily habits to obtain effective results quickly! Here’s how:

1. Replace store bought products that are wrecking your skin. Parabens and toxins can mess with your body and disrupt hormones. Everything you apply to your skin absorbs into your bloodstream. Use tea treatments, natural oils, and natural astringents.

2. Don’t let shampoo/conditioner make contact with your skin.

3. Changing your pillowcase each and every day will work wonders, because after laying on a dirty pillow day in and day out, dirt and oil from your dirty skin can begin to accumulate, and go back into your pores which can lead to various skin ailments.

4. Exfoliating your skin regularly to remove dead skin cells will allow for newer, more youthful replacements.

5. Use a separate towel for your face then you use on your hair.

6. Eat a skin healthy diet. Consuming food and beverages that are good for your skin will really make a difference. Fatty acids are wonderful for your skin.

7. Do not touch your face with your hands unless you have recently washed them.

8. Keep eye creams cool in your refrigerator to receive the maximum benefits. This will soothe puffy red skin, and aid in closing pores.

9. Eat organic food

10. Stay hydrated, and make sure you get plenty of water.

11. Pay attention to any and all skin changes….this is your skin telling you something isn’t right with your body.

12. Clean your mobile phone often, as holding it to your face puts you in direct contact with germs and grime.

13. Cleanse and moisturize every day. Cleaning removed bacteria, and moisturizing maintains moisture levels which will keep your skin soft, fresh, and glowing.

14. Take your vitamins.

15. Protect your skin from sun damage. Use sunblock SPF 15 minimum every day.

16. Make sure you are getting plenty of rest, as sleep deprivation reduces the skin’s ability to stay hydrated and supple.

17. Massage your face gently each time you finish cleaning. This stimulates the facial muscles, improving blood circulation which can help you avoid the appearance of wrinkles.

These simple tips take only small changes in your daily routine, and will work to make your skin not only appear better, but BE better. By changing your habits that cause damage to your skin, as well as implementing new habits to repair the damage, you will have beautiful and renewed skin in no time!

FDA Approved: Decayed, Carbon Monoxide Treated Meat Being Sold as “Fresh”

by July 30, 2016

This information is enough to make you second-guess trusting Congress, the FDA, and your local corporate grocery store chain. Banned in many countries, this toxic practice can make seriously decayed meat look as though it is fresh for weeks past it’s ended shelf life.

Most consumers have no idea that over 70% of the beef and chicken in the United States and Canada is treated with toxic carbon monoxide gas and that the FDA allows this treatment, despite the fact that there are known health risks for the consumers.
In 2007, a bill was introduced in Congress that would require that the treated meat be labeled. However, it was never enacted. (Bill: H.R 3115 (110) introduced on July 19, 2007.)

Although the FDA is allowing the use of carbon monoxide packing, the FDA has also warned of the significant safety concerned associated with using reduced oxygen packing (like carbon monoxide packaging) stating “the inhibition of spoilage bacteria is significant because, without these competing organisms, tell-tale signs signaling that the product is no longer fit for consumption will not occur.”

Usually, cooking meat will remove various toxins, but not all toxins. So even if the meat is properly prepared and cooked, it cannot be considered safe.

FDA regulations specifically prohibit the use of carbon monoxide in “fresh meat products” due the fact that the carbon monoxide covers the appearance of spoilage, and promote consumer deception. Hypocritically, though, the FDA accepts GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) notifications pertaining to the use of carbon monoxide in fresh meat. The FDA has even evaluated the issue regarding carbon monoxide being used in meat products on at least three occasions and they still claim carbon monoxide is still GRAS.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) also have regulations that prohibit ingredients that function to conceal damage or inferiority, or to give the appearance of a product better or greater value. Due to these many safety concerns, various countries have banned the use of carbon monoxide in certain foods. The European Union has banned the use of carbon monoxide in meat and tuna after the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Food concluded: “The stable cherry-color can last beyond the microbial shelf life of the meat and thus mask spoilage.” Canada, Japan, and Singapore have similarly banned the use of carbon monoxide in tuna.

Prevent Disease reports:

Carbon monoxide (often referred to as CO) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, one measly oxygen molecule away from the carbon dioxide we all exhale. But that one molecule makes a big difference in that it does very, very bad things to the human body at very, very low concentrations.

CO is toxic because it sticks to hemoglobin, a molecule in blood that usually carries oxygen, even better than oxygen can.

When people are exposed to higher levels of CO, the gas takes the place of oxygen in the bloodstream and wreaks havoc. Milder exposures mean headaches, confusion, and tiredness. Higher exposures mean unconsciousness and death, and even those who survive CO poisoning can suffer serious long-term neurological consequences.

So, how can you avoid buying meat that not only has been contaminated with toxic chemicals but also has the potential of being laden in bacteria? Continue to educate yourself on the truth regarding what you put into the mouths of yourself and your family, and make sure that you buy organic grass fed local and trusted meat only.

Replace GMOs, Fluoride, Allergies, Mercury and Chemicals With One Simple and Natural Ingredient!

by July 30, 2016

Diatoms are rarely given any thought. These lowly single-celled creatures are typically found in mass quantity in large bodies of water. When they die, their remains settle to the bottom and become fossilized as time passes. In this process, they become one of mother nature’s most healthful, and beneficial substances, diatomaceous earth.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) has many purposes, including detoxifying the body (both inside and out), protecting pets and livestock from infestation, as well as keeping your yard pest free.

Using DE for Detox-DE can be added to your diet to detox parasites which contribute to food intolerance, nausea, bowel discomfort, pain, itching, asthma, sinus infections, Morgellon’s disease, along with various other reactions that can be quite unpleasant.

DE can also assist in lowering blood pressure as well as contribute the production of collagen improving skin tone, and strengthen tendons and joints.

If you would like to try using it orally you should start with a ½ teaspoon and work your way up to two heaping tablespoons. Mix with 4 ounces of water. Drink immediately, and follow with 8 additional ounces of water. Make sure that you drink plenty of water afterward though as DE can cause constipation.

As the pathogens, and parasites leave your system, you will feel abnormal discomfort and flu-like symptoms. This is normal in the beginning, and these symptoms will disappear within a few days.

Pest Prevention/Yard Care with DE

  • Add DE to bulk grains, legumes, and other dried goods to avoid pests in your pantry. You can also use in livestock feed, cat food, and dog food.
  • When sprinkled around window sills and doors this miracle powder also prevents spiders, ants, and other pests from entering your household.
  • Pour into lawn spreader and apply DE to the yard to kill fleas, ticks, chiggers, among other biting insects that put you and your pets at risk. Sprinkle onto bushes with a strainer.
  • Apply DE around the stems of garden plants to prevent garden plants to prevent garden pests from eating your vegetables and plants.
  • Pour over ant beds to rid your yard of ants.
  • Mix with fertilizer to decrease smells, and also aid in ridding your yard of fleas and other pesky insects.
  • Use around trash receptacles to deter flies.

Avoid using DE around flowers, or plants that bees and other friendly insects typically are drawn to as DE will harm them.

Family Pets, Animals, and Livestock

  • Carefully apply to the coats of household pets, and livestock to destroy fleas, tics, and also to ward off various other biting insects. Make sure you do this carefully and avoid creating clouds of powder because DE although safe should not be inhaled.
  • Mix in small percentages with your pet’s food or water can eradicate worms and other nasty parasites that may be living in your pets. See Information directly below for correct dosing.

Dosing for Dogs and Cats

Because food-grade DE is not a toxic agent, it is very safe to use in the recommend dosage for worming pets, even very young puppies and kittens. The following can be given once or twice daily:

  • Puppies and dogs weighing less than 10 pounds: .5 to 1 teaspoon.
  • Puppies and dogs weighing 11 to 19 pounds: 2 teaspoons
  • Puppies and dogs weighing 20 to 50 pounds: 1 to 1.5 tablespoons
  • Puppies and dogs weighing 51 to 100 pounds: 2 tablespoons
  • Puppies and dogs weighing over 100 pounds: 3 to 4 tablespoons
  • Kittens: .5 to 1 teaspoon
  • Cats: 2 teaspoons
  • Sprinkle around where you keep your indoor and outdoor pets, as well as around any areas where livestock is kept. This can aid in keeping pests and insects away from your animals, and also stop an infestation in its tracks.
  • Combine with cat litter to reduce fleas and reduce the smell for your cats.

Indoor Use

  • Sprinkle around your household in areas where pests seem to gather such as around baseboards, door panels, on couches, around furniture, and also on carpets. If you leave on the carpet and let it sit for a long period of time, and then vacuum it works more effectively on pest reduction as well as smell.
  • Mix with water in spray bottles and spray around areas that are hard to reach. This is helpful in electrical outlets after removing the outside panel, and also in furnaces, corners, and cracks.


  • Use only food grade DE.
  • Prevent inhalation by using masks, and sprinkling the substance or spraying it rather than pouring it or throwing it into areas.
  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes, as DE has a drying effect and can cause irritation.

DE is nature’s alternative to pesticides, parasite treatments, nasty detox cocktails, as well as flea medications made for pets that contain noxious chemicals. It is a holistic miracle of nature as it holds various uses while being safe for consumption and application for not only you and your family, but also for your pets, livestock, garden plants, and yard!! This lovely substance occurs organically in nature and is cheap as well as effective. We have to wonder why various toxic chemicals haven’t been completely eradicated and replaced with this safe and natural alternative. Follow the helpful tips and information provided for use and application and you will see results today while making your household safer!

How To Get A Crystal Clear Spotless Complexion Within 2 Hours!

by July 29, 2016

This amazing do it yourself face mask is super effective when removing wrinkles, age spots, pigmentation, and even circles around your eyes! Why would you not give it a try?

This face mask will also help nourish your skin thus making you look younger, healthier, and cleaner. If you want to get better skin without spending a fortune this is the way to go. Follow along with the video below and your skin will be looking flawless in no time!

This Is What Happens To Your Lungs If You Smoke Marijuana

by July 29, 2016

I think that it is safe to say that marijuana does more good than it does harm, and after reading this, I think you will agree with me!

Many people still believe that because tobacco smoking causes cancer that means that marijuana would too. Those people would be wrong.

Marijuana actually decreases the risk of lung cancer, and does not cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thus making marijuana a lot safer than cigarettes.

Dr. Donald Tashkin of UCLA and one of the United States leading pulmonologists has been studying marijuana and its effects on the lungs for over 30 years. Dr. Tashkin once sought to prove that marijuana causes cancer, but the evidence forced him to conclude the opposite.

The smoke content of marijuana is very similar to that of tobacco. There is a higher concentrate of cancer-causing chemicals in marijuana tar, and it reaches the lungs before any other organ, so there is this idea that they are related in causing the same health issues of the lungs. But through my studies we failed to find any positive association [with cancer]. Instead, the association would be negative, between lung cancer and the use of marijuana. The likelihood is, that despite the fact that marijuana smoke contains carcinogens, we don’t see the same heightened risks of cancers that we see in tobacco.”

To investigate the association between cannabis smoking and lung cancer risk, data on 2,159 lung cancer cases and 2,985 controls were pooled from 6 case-control studies in the U.S., Canada, U.K, and New Zealand. Results proved little evidence for an increase risk of lung cancer among long-term cannabis smokers.

“I was opposed to legalization because I thought it would lead to increased use and that would lead to increased health effects. But at this point, I’d be in favor of legalization. I wouldn’t encourage anybody to smoke any substances. But I don’t think it should be stigmatized as an illegal substance. Tobacco smoking causes far more harm. And in terms of an intoxicant, alcohol causes far more harm.” – Dr. Tashkin.

Dr. Tashkin also found that marijuana does not cause COPD. “Reasoning for this may be that marijuana is a potent anti-inflammatory and suppressive. But COPD is activated by tobacco smoke and other toxic substances. The other major impact of tobacco smoking on the lungs is the association between smoking tobacco and the development of destructive pulmonary disease, the third cause of death in America.”

In a cross-sectional analysis using data from two rounds of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, researchers found that adults aged 18-59 who smoked a joint a day were still able to forcibly exhale the same volume of air in one second as someone who did not smoke at all.

And lastly, the largest and longest study ever to consider the issue, published in 2012 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that occasional marijuana smoking does not impair lung function at all.

“Marijuana may have beneficial effects on pain control, appetite, mood, and management of other chronic symptoms. Our findings suggest that occasional use of marijuana for these or other purposes may not be associated with adverse consequences on pulmonary function.”

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