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Easy DIY Blackhead Removing Peel Off Mask

by August 9, 2016

Who knew removing blackheads, and cleansing toxins from your skin could be so easy? This simple, two ingredient mask is not only cheap to make but also works similar to the way a pore strip does, but for your entire face. Revitalize the vitality your skin needs today by following the easy instructions included in this quick video!

In the video, she shows us how she uses about a teaspoon of charcoal powder, with equal parts glue, and a minute amount of peppermint oil to create a mask that has mind-blowing results. Leave the mixture on until dry, and easily peel off. Wash the remnants away, and voila, the results will take your breath away.

Scientists in Europe Discover Bee Resurgence After Banning These Pesticides Still Used in The U.S.

by August 8, 2016

Are you aware that the diversity of our crops lies mostly dependent on pollinators? These pollinators mostly being honey bees and even butterflies.

It turns out that literally one-third of our diet directly relies on insect-pollinated plants. Back in 1976 a retired agriculturalist by the name of S.E. Mcgregor wrote a paper about this and how the value of pollination lies in its effect on quality and efficiency of the crop.

Mcgregor said to growers that:

‘‘Without his pollinating agents, chief among which are the honey bees, to transfer the pollen from the stamens to the pistil of the blooms, his crop may fail.’’

We are now having to deal with what is called colony collapse disorder. This is something well known to the people who care about the future of our food supply. Bee populations are dying off at an extremely quick rate. This is not only happening to the bees though as it turns out many butterfly species are dying off as well including monarchs. They are becoming endangered.

What is colony collapse disorder?

Colony collapse disorder is when bees simply don’t return to their hives or  even die unexpectedly in their hives. This has been happening in a very large number all across North America. We believe this is happening because of pesticide use since one of the most popular pesticides (Neonicotinoids) are extremely toxic to bees and many other types of pollinators.

These pesticides are used heavily in the United States and this is a growing issue. In many places where these pesticides are banned, it seems these bees are making a resurgence. Meaning, the pesticides are to blame. Please watch the videos below closely.

Ayurvedic Secret To Remove Blackheads From Nose And Face

by August 8, 2016

We all seem to want clear skin but don’t really want  to have to do much to achieve it, right? Blackheads seem to be the biggest issue of all.

Blackheads are caused by excess oil in the skin and clogged pores so in order to get rid of these we need to remove the oil and unclog the pores. You see when the pores produce too much oil the pores begin to expand and thicken. The oil then goes inside the openings and gradually hardens becoming a blackhead.

The over production of oil is usually due to a hormonal imbalance that usually occurs during teenage years pregnancy, when you overly consume fried foods, or even menstruation. Using low oil cosmetics can help prevent blackheads and is the best way to start reducing them. The video below will show you how to remove blackheads and whiteheads in a natural way. You will not regret trying this!

10 Basic Vegan/Vegetarian Classics That You Should Learn How to Cook

by August 8, 2016

There are certain recipes that are tried-and-true that we find ourselves going back to again and again to create simple, and wholesome meals. Living a meat-free, and dairy free lifestyle is so much easier than you think, especially if you have these go-to recipe staples in your recipe stash. So make your life simple, or at least the dinnertime part of your life, and take note of these recipes provided below!

1. Vegetable Soup

vegetable soup
Veggie soup is a wonderful staple to have on hand in the cold, and harsh winter months. Typically, you can make a large amount, and then stash portions in your freezer for a later time. Leftovers make yummy lunches and second dinners. To seal the deal, vegetable soup is loaded with fiber and protein that will fill your belly up, and provide energy for hours!

2. Health-Packed BIG Salad

A nutrition-packed, raw salad is a wonderful thing to have in your recipe tool belt. This power salad is full of color, and delightfully healthy ingredients that will make that side salad from the local fast food chain cry with shame!

3. Pasta Sauce

Keeping homemade pasta sauce on hand either in your pantry or freezer is a wonderful backup idea for those nights when you can’t decide what to have for dinner. You can make this in advance, and freeze or jar it for later use….and the possibilities of creative dinner ideas will be at your fingertips!

4. Stir-Fry

Quick, easy, and healthy, stir-fry is a super versatile and tasty meal to make for any occasion. Try this Thai-inspired recipe that is made with hearty peanut sauce to shake things up for you and your family!

5. Veggie Burgers

What cookout is complete without the veggie burgers? This delicious mushroom and lentil burger is sure to delight your taste-buds and put a smile on everyone’s face at your next family event.

6. The Green Smoothie

green smoothie
Living a chaotic, on the go lifestyle can make it hard to get all of your greens. As a full, nutritionally complete meal, the green smoothie provides an easy way to balance your diet. Use this guide to create your own green smoothie today!

7. The Bowl

As a classic vegetarian staple, most bowls include a grain, a protein, and a sauce or dressing. You can use leftovers or odds and ends laying around in your pantry. This delicious recipe includes a tahini-based sauce that will make your mouth water!

8. Vegetable-Packed Burritos

These vegan burritos are loaded with fiesta vegetables, beans, and spices. As the ultimate convenience food, burritos are easy to make, and even better leftover! Try these vegan burritos today.

9. Vegetable Broth

Chicken broth is called for in so many recipes, and having an easy to make, vegetarian substitute on deck can really help when you are eating meat free. A high-quality broth is important, and you can make this broth in your slow cooker. Make an ample amount, and save for later use!

10. Baked Tofu

baked tofu
Add a slab of baked tofu to a yummy pile of veggies to make a quick meal. Marinated, and then baked in the oven- this dish is chewy and flavorful on the outside, and soft and succulent on the inside. If you typically don’t like tofu, try it baked like this!

Whether you have taken the leap and decided to eliminate meat and animal products from your diet or not, these nutrient dense, as well as filling meals, are perfect starters to a healthier lifestyle. Versatile and quick, you can start adding these easy base recipes to your menu immediately to experience a whole new healthy outlook on food in general. These recipe staples are sure to please both your palette and your schedule, as they are quick, easy, cheap, and TASTY!

4 Tablespoons A Day And Cancer Is Gone: Russian Scientists Famous Cancer Remedy

by August 8, 2016

One Russian scientist is known for his cure for cancer. His name is Hristo Mermerski and many people support his claim as this actually being a cancer cure.

This cancer treating recipe has an amazing healing effect all over our body and this is how it cures cancer. It offers many health benefits besides curing cancer, things like:

  • improving one’s memory
  • cleansing one’s kidneys
  • cleansing one’s liver
  • healing one’s heart and working to prevent heart attacks
  • cleansing one’s blood vessels
  • strengthening one’s immune system

This recipe utilizes many fruits veggies and nuts that are known for their healing properties, all of these things working together are a miracle mixture.

Mermerski’s recipe

Things needed:

  • Lemon 30
  • garlic 24 cloves
  • Honey (natural honey) 70 ounces
  • walnuts 24 ounces
  • sprouted grain 24ounces

Directions on sprouted grain:

  • add green wheat into a large glass bowl
  • add enough water to cover the wheat and leave this through the night
  • drain off the water in the morning and rinse the grains well
  • remove the drained wheat from this bowl into another one
  • wait 24 hours and the wheat will sprout

Directions on the remedy:

  • clean the garlic cloves well
  • mix the sprouted grains, walnuts, and garlic cloves together
  • grind them up
  • take five lemons and grind them into this mixture be sure to leave the rind on the lemons
  • mix this well
  • add honey to this
  • pour this mixture into a glass jar and keep it refrigerated or at least four whole days

After you have waited four whole days you can begin taking a few tablespoons of this remedy one hour before breakfast and one hour before dinner each day. Then when you are comfy with this also take one tablespoon before bed at night as well. If you suffer from any type of cancer it is recommended that you take at least two tablespoons of this every hour.

Give this remedy a try, at the very least you could come out a little healthier.

Easy Turmeric Face Mask for Aging Skin

by August 8, 2016

Turmeric is a super-spice that is typically used in Asian cooking, but also has been used in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine as a healing herb. It has been used for cancer, fibromyalgia, depression, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, liver problems, and also for various skin ailments including the signs of aging. When applied to the skin, the benefits can be far beyond anything you ever imagined, and we have provided an easy recipe that will give you quick and real results.

Aging is a process that simply cannot be avoided, but we do have the choice of healthy aging. Turmeric contains various properties that will help you in dealing with the signs of aging. Curcuminoids are a class of compounds that are isolated from turmeric powder. Not only are these compounds coloring agents, they are also powerful antioxidants. Curcumin belongs in this group and is one of the most potent healing agents belonging to turmeric.

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, and the list goes on and on.

The skin benefits of turmeric include preventing skin cancer, healing of eczema, acne treatment, and lightening of the skin.


  • Equal parts turmeric and milk


  • Mix these two ingredients in a small container.
  • Gently apply to all areas of the face, neck, and chest where aging spots are most visible.You will feel a slight exfoliation from the turmeric powder, as well as the lactic acid from the milk.
  • Wash off gently with cold water. This will take a moment to remove, as the coloring from the turmeric is a little harder to remove than your typical mask, however, the lightening effects, as well as the other benefits, will definitely work to make up for it!

Click here to learn more about turmeric and its skin benefits as well as the mask recipe:

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