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Drink 1 Can of Coke and THIS Happens to Your Body in Only 1 Hour!

by August 14, 2016

With a plethora of information and research stating just exactly how horrible that Coca-Cola is for you, it is simply amazing that people still consider it OK for human consumption. Furthermore, the fact that 1.9 Billion bottles of this toxic drink are consumed worldwide. Exactly how bad is Coca-Cola for you? Well, this is what happens after ingestion….

Each bottle of Coke contains an alarming amount of high-fructose corn syrup, and is the single highest source of calories in the typical American diet. Sadly, since we are now HFCS addicts, when Coke attempted to replace the syrup with healthier cane sugar in 1985, the public was outraged thus causing the company to revert back to using corn syrup. HFCS interacts with our brain in a similar way to addictive drugs like crack cocaine or heroin. One study even showed lab rats that subjected themselves to excruciating pain by walking through electrified plates to access HFCS. Since studies indicate that addiction in mice is quite similar to addiction in humans, this is very alarming information. Unfortunately, on top of producing addiction that results in withdrawal symptoms later on, consumption of this toxic beverage begins working immediately in our system, causing a chain of effects that is terrifying.

The First 10 Minutes

Containing 100% of our recommended sugar intake for the day, one Coke can have a disastrous effect on our body.  Considering that one coke is not the only sugar that will go into your body within a 24-hour period, you will be at a much higher risk of cavities, obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Since all that sugar is hitting you instantaneously, you will feel the effects within minutes of ingestion.

20 Minutes After Consumption


Research shows that when we ingest high amounts of fructose, our liver is unable to filter through all of it, and in turn our body converts the majority of it into fat. This fact alone is a fundamental cause of obesity, as well as a contributor to the development of many types of cancer.

40 Minutes

coke gif

At this point, the caffeine from the Coke is being absorbed into your body. With a staggering 32mg (diet coke has 42mg) that is already barely under half of the recommended caffeine for a typical adolescent. Caffeine can cause nervousness, jitters, anxiousness, and high blood pressure.

45 Minutes


The brain reacts to Coca-Cola in a similar way that it would to heroin, cocaine, or crystal meth: by increasing the production of dopamine. This in turn causes a stimulated, “feel good” mood, because your u-opioid receptors are now being activated at about 45 minutes after you have consumed your innocent coke.

60 Minutes and Beyond


Once you have reached about 60 minutes past consumption time, Coca-Cola is now affecting your bodies mineral levels. This is due to the exodus of calcium through urination. Research shows that this could have a harmful effect on your bones, teeth, and joints.  Magnesium, zinc, sodium, and electrolytes are also pushed out of the body due to coke, and this will continue to increase for two hours after consumption.

Sadly, it’s horrible effects don’t stop there, because the awaited sugar crash has now started, and in return you probably feel frustrated, tired, and want another coke. And if you don’t have one here comes the withdrawal….

Obviously, Coca-Cola is not safe for ingestion. With loads of sugar, detrimental health effects, and addiction causing ingredients….well, let’s just advise that you set that can down. However, we aren’t saying that Coca-Cola is entirely useless….actually, there are tons of way you can use it externally….for example, it removes rust. On that note, you can follow this article up by reading the convenient list of 10 uses for Coca-Cola…..that don’t involve putting that toxic sludge into your body. Your welcome.

6 Manipulation Tactics Toxic People Use to Silence You

by August 13, 2016

Most people have a variety of toxic and destructive people that they have encountered throughout their lives. Sociopaths, psychopaths, and narcissists engage in behaviors that damage everyone around them, including friends, family, and partners.

Sadly, these types of people do not view reality in the same way that you and I do. Instead, they feel as though everyone around them is responsible for the misery they endure. Rather than accept responsibility for their actions and for themselves, they use manipulative tactics that keep the world distracted away from the pain and destruction that lies in their wake. Ultimately, the hardest thing about engaging in a relationship with someone like this is that you will always end up as a victim.

In situations and encounters with people of this nature, it is helpful to learn more about the negative behaviors they participate in and learn how to understand the tactics they are using against you so that you can cope with their actions and fight back. Once you are able to expose the manipulation and the lies associated with these toxic relationships you can cut ties from the relationships that you have developed without becoming their victim.

1. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is one of the most common manipulation ploys, as well as one of the most dangerous. The toxic person will attempt to make their victim doubt the clarity of their own memory, or recollection of events. They will insist that the victim remembers the situation wrong, and attempt to make you believe that the victim has made everything up. Typically, the phrases used include “Are you crazy?”, “You imagined that.”, or “Your memory isn’t that good, you know it didn’t happen like that.” By making you doubt yourself, and question your own sanity, they begin the process of manipulating your thoughts.

2. Word Salad

As a deflection technique, word salad occurs when the perpetrator avoids responsibility for their own actions by confusing you with words. You can ask a direct question, and rather than answering you, they begin rattling off about random occurrences in an attempt to purposely confuse you in hopes to trigger and impulsive reaction so they can shift the blame onto you.

3. Using Generalizations

By using statements such as “You are never satisfied with anything.” Or “You are always angry.”. Since these people do not usually represent the perfect example of intelligence and are frankly intellectually lazy, they will make blanket statements to lead you away from your argument, and submit to their own statements.

4. Jumping to Conclusions

Toxic people will assume they understand what you are thinking and feeling. Instead of stepping back to assess the situation mindfully, they will use their own triggers to lead them to jump to conclusions. In doing so, they will put words in your mouth that make you appear as though you are the crazy one.

5. Anchorman Behaviors

Similar to how a news anchor will end their excerpts with “back to you”, a sociopath will always attempt to divert the argument back to you. If you even so much as mention that you do not like being treated in a certain manner, or made to feel a certain way, they will reply with something like “And you are so perfect?” “Do you always make me feel good???” In this way, the argument will always divert back to you, and how you are wrong.

6. Changing the Subject

Rather than take responsibility for their own actions, the toxic person will continue to try to change the subject in an attempt to make you give up. Instead of becoming confused when these tactics are used on you, do not quit pushing the issue. Hold onto and assert the original facts. By using the “broken record” technique and continuing to repeat the initial argument. After you have continued to hold your ground, if the person is still not willing to take responsibility for or accept the truth, it may be time to refocus your energy on someone who is emotionally mature enough to deserve your feelings and energy.

Toxic people like sociopaths, psychopaths, and narcissists use manipulation techniques to control you, confuse you, and to divert negative attention off of themselves and onto their victim. By doing this, they oftentimes damage the people they manipulate. If you are knowledgeable about the ways in which they make these attempts, it is easier for you to save yourself from becoming another one of their victims, and also protect your mental well-being from detrimental damage that could take years to heal from.

Cancer Dies When You Eat These 7 Foods

by August 13, 2016

In recent years, modern medicine has developed a specific type of cancer-fighting drug called an “Angiogenesis Inhibitor”, however, why would you purchase expensive, synthetic drugs, when instead you could go the healthier, cheaper route, and alter your diet to do this more effectively? Not only is this approach touted among various natural healers as an effective way to thwart cancer in its footsteps, it is also a simple way to use your diet to increase your livelihood on a variety of levels.

Certain foods have the ability to inhibit angiogenesis or the formation of new blood vessels. Angiogenesis plays a critical role in the growth and spread of cancer since tumors actually provide the chemical signals that stimulate this process. New blood vessels actually feed the growing tumors with the necessary properties for them to thrive and advance within your system. Although this can come off as alarming news, it can actually give you the upper hand in cancer prevention and treatment.

According to a variety of cancer organizations and health experts, these foods are known angiogenesis inhibitors that will help you in steering cancer away for good.

  • Red Wine

Containing the powerful molecule known as resveratrol, red wine has the ability to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This amazing antioxidant has been shown to prolong the life of animals, improve cognitive condition and function, as well as prevention of cell deterioration caused by nuclear radiation. The recommended dose of resveratrol supplements is 200-600 mg daily, however, 225 ml of wine delivers around 640 mg of this powerful antioxidant.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is a powerful part of any anti-cancer eating plan. Lab research has shown curcumin, a major component in turmeric as an inhibitor of COX-2, an enzyme that causes inflammation that leads to cancer, as well as holding various other cancer-fighting abilities including tumor suppression, and even stopping metastasis or the spread of cancer cells from one organ to another.

  • Blueberries and Raspberries

These berries are majorly effective for prevention of various types of cancer. Not only do these berries aid in angiogenesis inhibition, they also have the added benefit of reduction in oxidative stress which causes and worsens various deadly diseases including cancer.

  • Tomatoes

Harvard University research has suggested that those who consumed tomato based foods more than four times per month reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 50%. Tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which is anti-angiogenic, and is easily dissolved in fat and absorbed directly through the digestive tract.

  • Dark Chocolate

Yes….dessert cannot be ignored in the fight against cancer! Specifically, dark chocolate, which promotes heart health, enhances mood, and combats against malignant cells!!

  • Coffee and Green Tea

Tea is rich in antioxidants that have substantial free radical scavenging abilities and also assist in the development of tumors. What is even more amazing about tea’s cancer-fighting ability is that it’s antioxidants also can protect against damage caused by ultra-violet UV-B radiation!

Coffee is also rich in cancer preventatives and is contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals which cause damage to body tissues.

Super Green Detox Drink That Will Remove All Toxins and Fat From Your Body

by August 13, 2016

How often do you include fresh and homemade juice in your daily diet? If you aren’t drinking nutrient loaded fruit juices daily, you should make that priority number one. Fresh juice, and drinks composed of them, are wonderful staples to include in any health promoting diet. Not only do they curb cravings for bad for you snacks, they also aid in weight loss, as well as providing nutrients that will improve your health. The deal maker? You can drink them as often as you want, and they are DELICIOUS!

Note: Insure that you remain careful of how much you consume, and don’t consume in excess as fruit does include sugar, so if weight loss is your goal, try to stay at a deficit of 500 calories per day. Also, when making juice cocktails you need to use equal parts with ice in a 2:1 ration.

Best Fruit Juices

  • Orange and grapefruit
  • Apple and watermelon
  • Apple and pear
  • Apple, pear and pineapple

Best Green Juices

  • Celery, spinach, cabbage, dill and lemon
  • Spinach, tomato, garlic, ginger, and cayenne
  • Cucumber, parsley, celery, and ginger
  • Celery, kale, tomato, garlic, and sweet basil

Best Combos

  • Pineapple, orange, watermelon, spinach, and cayenne
  • Orange, lemon, lime, and ginger
  • Green apple, strawberry, cucumber, kale and mint
  • Blueberry, raspberry, cabbage, cucumber, and mint
  • Pineapple, watermelon, mango, and orange bell pepper

What Health Benefits Will Fresh Juice Provide?

By combining both fresh fruit and vegetable juices daily, you will be consuming homemade health bombs. Loaded with nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, how could you possibly go wrong? As an example, cucumber is a major cleanser, while parsley works as a mild diuretic, and watermelon contains alkaline fluid that will neutralize acids and remove toxins from you kidneys. So if your goal is detoxification of toxins, you should use that combination for the most benefits.

Why Fresh Fruit Juice?

If you adapt your body to being filled with fresh, fiber rich juice, you will in turn consume less food, meaning less calories, which in turn will benefit any weight loss or health goals you may have. However, don’t use store-bought juice, as it is loaded with artificial colors, sugars, and chemicals that will completely destroy any health plan from the get-go. By making your own juices, you skip the pasteurization process, and also skip the part of the juicing process that obliterates any health benefits your juicing will provide. Watch the video below, and learn how to use your blender as your number one health tool, and change your life immediately.


These Diseases Are All Caused By Microwave Ovens, And You’ve Probably Ignored Them!

by August 13, 2016

Back in world war II, a couple scientists invented something very special; a tube that produced microwave power called the magnetron.

When this was combined with Britain’s radar system these microwaves were able to locate nazi and even managed to foil a bombing attempt. Quite a few years later one Percy LeBaron Spencer (of the infamous Raytheon military industrial complex) took the time to do some research and found that these microwaves could actually cook food. He found that these waves actually melted a candy bar in his pocket. this resulted in the creation of the very first microwave oven called the Radar Range and boy was it huge.

How exactly are microwaves dangerous?

You see, inside of your microwave oven, there are about two point forty-five billion hertz which is perfectly fine if the seal on your microwave door is not leaking at all. The frequency that has been proven to harm the human body is only ten hertz. You should never stand near a microwave that is on. You won’t ever even be able to tell your body is being harmed until long after it has happened.

What can these microwaves cause?

These microwaves can cause a number of health issues including:

  • birth defects
  • cancer
  • compromised immune system
  • cataracts
  • causes one to become more prone to illness
  • lower ones resistance to viral and bacterial infections

What does it do to our food?

It actually depletes nutrients from our food The radiation from microwaves degrade and deform the molecules of the food this creates dangerous unwanted compounds.

Even if your microwave has been perfectly sealed you are still at risk of being exposed to harmful levels of electromagnetic fields. these EmF’s can cut right into the human body (they are used for x-ray machines) and can cause very serious health issues. While they may be faster and more convenient than a conventional oven the nutritional needs of you and your family will end up having to pay both financially and physically later.

The best thing you can do for your health and your families is to get rid of the microwave! For more info on these and other health issues microwaves can cause please take the time to watch the video below.

Does the Alkaline Diet Really Work?

by August 13, 2016

The Alkaline diet has become the new trendy Hollywood food craze. Many claim that it can help you lose weight as well as aid in prevention of arthritis and cancer. The theory of how it works is that certain foods such as meat, wheat, refined sugar, and processed foods cause your body to produce acid, which is bad for you. On the other hand, alkaline foods, which are supposed to lower your acidic properties, are supposed to protect against certain health conditions and help you to shed pounds. So is this true, and does this diet actually work?

What You Can and Can’t Eat


Most vegetables and fruits, soybeans and tofu, some nuts, seeds and legumes are alkaline promoting foods, so they are allowed.

Meat, dairy, eggs, most grains, and processed foods, like canned and packaged snacks or convenience foods, fall into the acid promoting side of the spectrum and are not allowed. Caffeine and alcohol are also said to increase acid levels, so most books that reference the alkaline diet advise against both.
So How Hard is The Alkaline Diet?

Many of the foods that are not allowed in the diet will be a lot of foods that most of us are used to eating on a regular basis. So, unless you want to limit your diet to fruits and vegetables only, on top of cutting out your daily cup of joe, or bottle of wine….it is going to take a lot of change to be able to adapt to this diet.

At least on one hand it can be said that since fruits and veggies are inexpensive and easily found, it will be simple to get the food needed to abide by this diet. However, if you aren’t used to cooking, you may need to learn how to cook and prepare meals using fresh foods.

No meetings, or group participation is necessary. And as a plus: exercise not required!

Are Allowances for Restrictions or Preferences Easily Blended With This Diet?

If you are vegetarian or vegan, this diet is perfect for you. As the diet is mostly vegan anyways, adapting this with your current lifestyle will be seamless.

Since wheat is also restricted if you are currently gluten free, you should be able to easily blend this diet with a gluten free diet.

Miscellaneous Information

Although books, courses, supplements, alkaline-infused products, among other alkaline diet aids, these things are not necessary, so the alkaline diet is not a costly endeavor. You can also do this diet independently.

So Does it Work?

The diet claims to use alkaline foods as well as your abstinence from acidic foods to balance your bodies pH. While the foods encouraged in this program are wonderful for you, and also will support healthy weight loss, as well as promote a healthier you, unfortunately, our body is designed to maintain the default pH levels in your body steady. So, no amount of alkaline food will actually work to decrease the current levels in your body, because some organs actually need to be more acidic, and vice versa. As to other health claims, there is evidence that shows that a diet low in acid-promoting foods like animal proteins or bread could prevent kidney stones, keep bones and muscles strong, and improve heart/brain health.

If you can easily adapt to a mainly vegetarian diet, and enjoy the allowed food items, it will be simple to enjoy the health benefits of the alkaline diet. You will lose weight, as well as increase your health by adapting to the preferred guidelines. However, it won’t be because the pH of your body is necessarily permanently changing, but because you are eating a truly healthy diet.

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