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10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

by August 20, 2016

As we age, we all experience loss of memory and cognitive function, but how exactly to we tell the difference between the normal signs of aging and mental disease? While we all may experience signs of this condition at one point or another in our life, if you are concerned, and experience various symptoms, you may need to contact your healthcare provider.

1. Memory Loss That Disrupts Daily Life

As the most common symptom of Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss can include forgetting important dates and events, continuously asking for the same information over and over again, or an increasingly need to rely on the memories of electronic devices, family members, etc.

2. Issues Problem Solving As Well As Planning

If you encounter issues trying to stay on task, continue with guidelines, or plans, you may be experiencing a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. Issues following familiar recipes or budgets can indicate a problem that may need the attention of your family doctor.

3. Absentmindedly Forgetting the Function of Normal Objects

According to George Perry, PH.D., forgetting where objects are is usually not an issue. However, if you can’t remember what the purpose of typical household objects such as keys is, you may have a problem. This is a major indication of a cognitive function disease such as dementia or Alzheimer’s.

4. Confusing Time and Place

Forgetting dates, seasons, and complete passages of time is a major indication of Alzheimer’s, as well as forgetting where you are or how you managed to get there.

5. Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks at Home, Work, or Leisure

Experiencing trouble driving to a familiar location is one thing, but when you find it hard to accomplish tasks that were once easy, such as simple chores, or tasks, it may be time to speak with a doctor.

6. Experiencing Trouble Understanding Visual Images and Spatial Relationships

If you have problems with reading or judging distance, color, or contrast, sometimes even with driving, this may be an indicator of Alzheimer’s.

7. Withdrawal from Social Activities

If you find yourself attempting to isolate from social activities and work that you once enjoyed you may be experiencing a symptom of this disease.

8. Personality and Mood Changes

Confusion, depression, anxiety, and fear are all symptoms of Alzheimer’s if noticeable and unusual.

9. Difficulty Speaking or Writing

People who have Alzheimer’s may find themselves encountering difficulty when trying to follow or join a conversation. Stopping in the middle, or repeating themselves is usual, and they may also struggle with vocabulary or using the wrong terminology for items.

10. Experiencing Increased Poor Judgement

Unwise spending by giving too much to telemarketer’s or scammers can indicate an early warning. Paying less attention to personal grooming, or being more impulsive is a sign it is time to speak with a doctor about mental health in old age.

We all encounter moments of forgetfulness or loss of memory. These moments may make us think we are losing our minds, but the truth is, there are many sure signs of loss of cognitive function, and if you experience various symptoms, it may be time to speak with a professional about the issues that are causing problems in your daily life. When your usual routine and goals are being interfered with by these symptoms it could mean that you have this mental illness. In either case, staying on top of your mental function and consulting with a trusted professional is the best way to stay ahead.

If You Are 0 Blood Type, You Must Be Careful Because Of This: It’ll Save Your Life!

by August 19, 2016

People in the blood group ‘o’ are unique and important because they can give blood to all other groups. But you see while they can give to all they can only receive blood from people of the same ‘o’ blood type as them.

That’s actually not the only thing that sets them apart from the crowd. People with this blood type are also prone to specific diseases and have a few powerful characteristics. People with this blood type seem to overall have higher energy amounts and are able to stay focused easily.

However, they are prone to diseases like:

  • Ulcers
  • thyroid dysfunction
  • Low thyroid hormone levels
  • Iodine deficiency

These things can cause water retention and undesired excessive body weight. In Japan, it is considered normal to ask someone their blood type during an interview as people who are ‘o’ blood type are generally more responsible. When people with this blood type are under stress they tend to become angry and impulsive. This causes them to have poor diet and unhealthy habits when stressed which is a very big issue.

People with ‘o’ blood type should try to stay stress-free or at least try not to stress much since when they become stressed it can be harmful to their metabolic processes. Things like:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Slowing thyroid gland activity

People in this group can have higher levels of stomach acid than other blood groups as well causing them to have sensitive stomachs and they should definitely stay away from caffeine and alcohol. This is because things like caffeine and alcohol can raise their adrenaline levels which are already pretty high as it is. If you want to learn more please watch the video below.

Seafood Farmed In Asia Is Full Of Pig Feces And Antibiotics, Here’s How To Tell If Yours Is Safe

by August 19, 2016

Shrimp when natural and untainted is extremely healthy. This is because shrimp are abundant in protein and low in fat.

You see, shrimp are generally loaded down with omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D, And vitamin B12. Sadly though this has not been the case with many different kinds of shrimp sold throughout the United States. Many of these shrimp have been raised and harvested in a very different way.

One of the largest importers of shrimp in America is Vietnam. Annually with about one hundred million pounds of shrimp. This meaning literally eight percent of all shrimp consumed in the United States comes from Vietnam.

Shrimp being shipped to the United States has been increasing in numbers throughout the past twenty or so years. This is not good as it causes a major competition in the seafood market. This sort of situation has led some to reduce safety and health standards in order to keep up.

Researchers have found that as it turns out farmers who raise shrimp in Vietnam freeze it before it is exported to the United States. This would be all fine and dandy if the water were water that was safe for consumption. Yes, they are freezing these shrimp in water that is not safe for consumption.

Claims have been made that the water they use actually supports the development of bacteria and diseases. It seems this is not the only food we eat that is raised on low health regulated farms in Asia. The investigation has led to findings that a tilapia farm in Yangjiang, China actually uses feces from geese and pigs to feed their fish!

The feed the Chinese are using on these farms is often times contaminated with salmonella and things of the sort. Farmed shrimp has been found to have higher levels of dangerous bacteria along with lots of antibiotics. This is understandable given the condition these foods are produced in.

These animals are also crammed into tiny tight spaces throughout their whole lives which promotes the spread of disease. Actually, ninety-four percent of all imported shrimp in the United States comes from places like Vietnam, India, Indonesia, and Thailand. Given the condition of the food itself and how intense disease spread can come from this you would think we would cross them off of our list but for some reason we can’t. These countries are overusing antibiotics and definitely producing seafood products in unsafe and unsanitary conditions.

We should try our best to avoid these fish and seafoods. The only known way to do this is to either not eat seafood or only consume wild caught shellfish and fish. While the imported seafood might be cheaper it is definitely disgusting. The only way to tell if your seafood is safe is by ensuring it is not imported.

Cancer Boy Ran Away from Chemo 20 Years Ago, Is Alive and Well Due to Alternative Solutions

by August 19, 2016

In 1994, Billy Best made headline news when he ran away from home in the midst of his struggle with cancer. This teenage runaway finally answered his parent’s plea for his return on one condition: no chemo! It was then that he and his parents began exploring alternative medicine with a surprising result.

After fleeing from his hometown, his intentional destination for his Greyhound bus ticket was California, however, he somehow ended up in Houston, TX. He was fortunate enough to meet up with fellow skateboarders who helped provide him with a place to stay. During this time, Billy had no idea that there was a nationwide search for him. Various national news outlets had been contacted by his parents, who were extremely concerned.

One of his skateboarding friend’s fathers had seen a news feature that included Billy’s story, about how he had left home after five treatments with chemo. After Billy heard this, he decided to return to his home, but with one catch: no chemotherapy!

With his nationwide audience, he had actually provoked many alternative suggestions that he understood he could choose from, and this was the deal he proposed to his family.

Billy Chose Gaston Naesses’ 714X and Essiac Tea

One person, Gaston Naessens had fled from France to Canada to be able to administer injections of 714X. Unfortunately, he soon found problems there as well. The solution of camphor, nitrogen and mineral salts is still produced in Canada, however, it is banned in North America.

In Canada, Billy was taught how to administer himself with this alternative medicine, and was able to purchase it as well as perform occasional maintenance injections. Similar to powerful hemp or cannabis oil, 714-X on the Medical Mafia’s no-no list and is difficult to obtain and inject.

Essiac tea played a major role in Billy’s recovery. This powerful tea has helped thousands of cancer patients.  It is also easily found, and inexpensive to purchase as long as it isn’t being promoted as a cure.
By making your own tea with the highest quality herbs available, this can be a very effective treatment choice for defeating cancer. Many have reported that the expensive, pre-made teas did nothing to benefit them, and ironically, it is cheaper to make your own, and the results are exponentially better.

It was Rene Caisse who first cured thousands of patients with this tea at her small-town clinic. After her death, authorities raided her clinic and destroyed as many records as they could find. Much to their dismay, the tea’s recipe was later discovered by Dr. Gary Glum, D.C., by going through one of Rene’s former associates.

People like Billy save themselves from the painful and difficult route of going through harsh treatments like chemo and radiation, by simply exploring the most natural route. Effective natural treatments are more widely available that most of us realize, and as long as we use quality ingredients with proven methods, our chances are much higher than you would believe. So, don’t ever give up hope on comfortable and inexpensive treatment options, instead, continue searching past big pharma, and you will find the best options available for you!

Eliminate Back Fat And Underarm Flab With 5 Quick Exercises

by August 19, 2016

While we may look perfect sometimes we still feel like we have a little extra back fat making us feel a bit uncomfortable about our bodies. This type of fat can be a hard issue to solve.

Luckily, though, I have found the 5 best exercised for getting rid of unwanted back fat and armpit pudge.

  • Bent-over circular row 

With your knees bent and abs engaged you should bend forward in order to position your body parallel to the floor. Start making a circle, to the left, up, and to the chest, then to the right, and down. Do three sets of fifteen of these repeatedly.

  • Elbow kiss

In order to do this one, you will need to raise your arms to shoulder level with your palms faced up. bend your knees to a 90-degree angle and pull your arms together in front of your chest. Do not elevate your shoulders. Do 3 sets of fifteen of these repeatedly.

  • Push and touch

In standing position your palms facing forward arms at your sides. Elevate your arms up to shoulder height and point your palms to the ceiling. Slowly raise your arms over your head with the palms behind you. Return them to shoulder level and pause. Then return to starting position. Do 3 sets of fifteen of these repeatedly.

  • Crisscross reverse fly

With your knees bent lean your body forward to a forty-five-degree angle and cross your arms at the wrists. Slowly elevate your arms to shoulder level. Then put them down as in starting position. Do this again with your hands crossed. Do 3 sets of fifteen of these.

  • Lateral raise combo

Taking two dumbbells in hand position them in front of your upper legs with your elbows straight or slightly bent. Raise these dumbbells forward and up until your at shoulder height. Then lower the weights to starting position. Do 3 sets of fifteen of these as well.

Do these exercises at least four times a week in order to see results. If you work at it consistently you will be seeing results in no time. Goodbye back fat!

This Essential Oil Has The Potential To Stop Cancer in its Tracks

by August 18, 2016

It seems even scientists are coming to their senses and recognizing the power agents that exist inside some essential oils. Some of these oils can do miraculous things like keep cancer from spreading, induce the closing of some cancer cells, and many other great things.

The ability these oils hold is no longer a doubted especially the abilities that have to do with cancer. During some testing with frequencies and the frequencies with essential oils, it has been measured that: by holding a cup of coffee one man’s frequency was lowered from 66MHz to 58MHz in under three seconds flat. It literally took this man three days to return his frequency to normal.

A normal healthy person has a frequency ranging from 62 to 78 MHz and disease begins to occur at 58MHz. It has also been proven that negative thoughts can actually lower our frequency. Positive thoughts can however, increase it up to ten MHz on average. The most popular essential oils on the market these days are things like:

  • Mint
  • Ginger
  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Jasmine
  • Lavender
  • Chamomile
  • Thyme
  • Rose
  • Cinnamon

By testing antibacterial potency as well as invitro-toxicity against human cancer cell lines researchers were able to conclude that some essential oils work as a reset function of sorts, they can sometimes tell the cancer cell what the right DNA code should be and help to fix it.

While there are plenty of places that sell these essential oils cheaper is not always the best way to go. Most of the essential oils on the market are poor quality, synthetically produced, and diluted with alcohol and other additives. In order to see results, you will need to use only one hundred percent pure therapeutic grade quality essential oils. Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain the amazing health benefits they come with.

What essential oils do I need to use?

well, that depends on what you’re using the essential oils for.

  • Breast cancer cells are often destroyed by cinnamon, thyme, chamomile, and jasmine oils. Thyme oil has led to a ninety-seven percent kill rate of MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
  • Frankincense oil separates what is known as the brain of the cancerous cell, this works to close down the nucleus and prevents it from reproducing and corrupting DNA codes. It is also very effective because it contains monoterpenes. These are compounds that have the ability to help eradicate cancer cells at the onset of their development and in  their progressive stages. It is said to work very well with liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and many others.

As you can see there are tons of different oils that call help in many different ways. Why not pick some out and see just what they can do for you? Please watch the video below for more information.

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