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The Spin on Aspartame: The Truth We’re Not Being Told

by August 21, 2016

Are you aware that aspartame was banned twice by the food and drug administration twice before someone stepped in and pushed as hard as they could to get it approved? Aspartame is a brain tumor and cancer causing substance that we should have no part of!

I am sure, by now, you all know what aspartame is, and if you google it, you will find a lot of information for it, speculation, research findings, etc.

We have always been told that it is not dangerous and that doctors, medical experts, and the government would surely inform us if there was something wrong with it. However, we have always been told lies about its safety and the reason is evident, profit.

Aspartame was initially developed by the pharmaceutical company G.D. Searle, but they could not get it approved by the FDA, because the mice and monkeys involved in the research developed tumors, brain lesions, and even died. They were relentless in insisting that the product was safe, even though they were consistently rejected for 16 years.

In 1985, G.D. Searle and Co. was purchased by Monsanto and the NutraSweet Company and was operated as part of Monsanto until 200, when it was sold to J.W. Childs Equity Partners. During this time, the FDA has found 92 symptoms linked to the consumption of aspartame.

Included but not limited to:

  • Weight gain
  • Deafness
  • Nausea
  • Blindness
  • Dizziness
  • Death
  • Cancer

Despite these facts, aspartame is included in over 6,000 products worldwide. And I would like to note that when you look on the back of a package and you do not see Aspartame listed, that does not mean you are in the clear. If the ingredients list says “phenylalanine”, the product contains aspartame, as it is its component.

Aspartame can be added to products you would never expect such as vitamins or liquid antibiotics. Be vigilant, and keep your eye out. Stay away from aspartame at all costs!

Aspartame is very dangerous and can cause things like mental retardation, endocrine dysfunction, and many more terrible health issues.

Testing done on monkies back in 1977 has proved just how bad Aspartame these monkies developed seizures, tumors, brain lesions, and many other issues. After all of this, a ban on Aspartame was let out, but the ban was later lifted due to political corruptness on July 18, 1981. Liquid aspartame itself can actually break down known toxins like formaldehyde.

In order to avoid this dangerous sweetener and others like it you will need to avoid most store bought sweets and sodas. If you cannot avoid them though I recommend checking the labels, always.

A List of Studies for proof:


This Is The Reason Why They Give Gelatin To Sick People In Hospitals…

by August 21, 2016

Whenever you are sick and go to a hospital, what is on your meal tray? Jello! But have you ever wondered why?

Gelatin is made of proline and glycine two amino acids that people don’t usually consume enough amounts of. These amino acids are found in the bones, fibrous tissues, and organs. Things we generally don’t consume anymore. This is not good because these amino acids are important for things like:

  • Skin growth
  • Hair growth
  • Weight regulation
  • Immune function
  • Insomnia

Gelatin has anti-inflammatory properties thanks to these amino acids. This helps to promote healing and improve the quality of your sleep.

Why do they give jello to sick people?

Jello is easy to digest and high in calories for those who can hardly keep their foods down. Jello is something that is easy to get through a person’s system. Gelatin stimulates the secretion of gastric acid as well which helps to restore a nice healthy mucosal lining in the stomach. This is very important, it also helps to keep fluids in the digestive tract. Gelatin really is a real lifesaver and you should include it in your diet even when you’re not in the hospital.

Watch the video below for a homemade Jello Recipe!

This 85-Year-Old Woman Had a Hunchback for Decades. THIS Fixed It!

by August 21, 2016

Similar to most people who live with various types of pain, and age-related health issues, Anna Pesce had suffered for decades a herniated disc, scoliosis, and osteoporosis: all of which caused the 85-year-old grandmother to walk around with a hunchback.

Unfortunately, on top of that, in 2014, Anna nearly collapsed as she attempted to climb a set of stairs while visiting her children. Enough was enough and Anna then reached out to a certified yoga instructor for help. What happened after that changed Anna’s life.


She had attempted acupuncture and visited a chiropractor with no relief. However, when she contacted Rachel Jesien, a yoga instructor who specializes in back care, she began learning restorative poses, such as child’s pose and chair savasana. Within a month, Anna could walk again.

The major game changer was that “After two months, another big milestone was that Anna knew what poses to do whenever the usual pains would come up for her,” Rachel said. “For example, if she was having hip pain, she’d sit on a chair and do an ankle-to-knee pose.”

Four months after beginning the yoga practice, Anna had gained the ability to achieve a modified headstand! For an 85-year-old who had trouble only months ago being able to walk on her own, this was a major achievement!


According to Rachel, and many other experts, yoga has proven benefits for improving back function. Meaning that it reduces back related problems that interfere with daily activities such as walking, standing, climbing stairs, and so on.  This increase in back function can mean the world to people who are in a similar bind as Anna was, and as yoga is not only safe but also easier on the body, it is a very practical method for people who are handicapped with various back issues.

Expiration Dates Are Bogus – Here’s The Best Way To Tell If A Food’s Gone Bad

by August 20, 2016

Did you know that expiration dates are a scam? These ‘sell by’ dates aren’t reliable according to the National Resource Defense Council.

These dates do not determine when a food is no longer good to eat they actually indicate when a food is at its optimal quality. Figuring out it food is good to eat really doesn’t take much thought.

When is something not good to eat?

  • Bread- When it has molded for example bread even if only one piece has molded throw it all out. Mold can spread easily through a loaf since it is very porous.


  • Eggs- If you want to check and see if your eggs are bad put them in fresh cold water if they’re bad they float. Meaning i they’re good they sink. You see this is because as an egg ages it forms a sac of air on the inside which causes it to float.eggs


  • Fruit- Generally fruit has a change in texture when it goes bad. It will become mushy or grainy.


  • Meat- Becomes slimy or sticky and this is a sign you should throw it out. As well as overall bad meat tends to have a foul odor.Milk- Gets lumpy and smells sour.meat


  • Cheese- Begins to smell like sour milk.


There are ways to check for just about everything you can think of but you should definitely not rely on those expiration dates. They seem to be way off. Just because something is past the date doesn’t make it bad and just because it’s before the date doesn’t make it good. Check your food.

25 Best Teeth Whitening Home Remedies To Try At Home

by August 20, 2016

Do you struggle with keeping your teeth pearly white? What if I told you there were tons of home remedies that could help whiten them?

In the video below you will learn about how to whiten your teeth using these home remedies:

Some of these you may have already thought of but not actually taken the time to try. Using a few of these methods will have your teeth white as can be in no time! Why not give it a shot?

Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Top Medical Journals

by August 20, 2016

Evidence of how negatively  fluoride can impact our health has been increasing in rapid pace throughout the past few years. People are hoping that by bringing awareness to this that somehow we can get sodium fluoride removed from the world’s water supply.

A big step has been made here recently. In the most prestigious medical journal. One known as The Lancet. fluoride has been at last classified as a neurotoxin one hundred percent. This puts it in the same category as things like lead, arsenic, and mercury.

This news was released by the author Stefan Smyle who actually cited a report that had been published in The Lancet Neurology, Volume 13, Issue 3 to be exact in the March of 2014 edition. In this, the authors stated that many more of these neurotoxins remain undiscovered throughout the world. They noted that many children are now being affected by neurodevelopmental disabilities caused by these neurotoxins. These authors have found that while fluoride in our water supplies is a major cause and issue there is another major cause as well, fluoride can actually also be found in heavily processed brands of tea that are grown in most likely overly polluted areas.

These authors have found that while fluoride in our water supplies is a major cause and issue there is another major cause as well, fluoride can actually also be found in heavily processed brands of tea that are grown in most likely overly polluted areas.

Most parents have been avoiding fluoridated toothpaste altogether and are jumping on the natural bandwagon in order to help ensure their families safety. A good natural go-to brand is known as Earthpaste for those who may not be aware of it. If you want to get away from fluoridated toothpaste I suggest using it or making your own. I will include a video at the end on how to make natural fluoride free toothpaste.

Fluoride and cancer

Fluoride is added to our water supply throughout North America but in most other countries fluoride is banned. Why is this? Because fluoride is extremely dangerous for our health. Fluoride in our drinking water has been linked to many different kinds of cancer. If you haven’t already filtering out the fluoride in your water is a must if you want to help yourself and your family stay healthy.

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