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What Aloe Vera Does To Your Body: Why The Egyptians Called it The Plant of Immortality

by August 30, 2016

Aloe is overflowing with vitamins and minerals. It is considered one of the most healthy nutrient rich foods on this planet.

While it is typically used as a topical aid for things like burns and scratches, the real benefits come about when it is consumed. Aloe Vera has anti-bacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties that help to cleanse the body of toxins and pathogens that may be trying to invade it.

You can buy Aloe as a dietary supplement or get a jug of it to drink as juice. It is important though to be sure and watch out for anything with additives to get the full effect and health benefits of Aloe it must be pure Aloe. The Aloe juice is said to taste very much like yogurt since they are packed with many of the same compounds and enzymes.

If you take the time to look at the large list of minerals and vitamins contained within an Aloe vera leaf you will be amazed.

Minerals FoundIin Aloe Vera Leaves

  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Sodium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Selenium

Vitamins Found In Aloe Vera Leaves

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Folic Acid
  • Choline
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12

And the list goes on. Aloe also contains almost all of the essential amino acids that we as humans need. There are also quite a few enzymes that aid in digestion and help to break down fat and sugar molecules found in Aloe. You should give it a shot. you will be able to notice the effects almost immediately.

Eating Aloe will cleanse your stomach, kidneys, bladder, liver, colon, and so much more. It has been found to heal mouth ulcers and provide relief for people suffering from inflammation of the gut. There is really no limit to what this plant can do when ingested. Eat some, give it a try. For more information on this watch the videos below.

Grow Back Your Receding Gums With These Remedies

by August 29, 2016

Receding gums can be a potentially harmful issue if not addressed and resolved in time. The space left behind from this is perfect for bacteria growth.

You see when the gums covering our teeth begin to wear away it looks as if our gums are receding. This leaves the root of the tooth directly exposed in most cases and is extremely painful. There are quite a few symptoms of receding gums:

  • Your teeth will become more sensitive.
  • Your teeth may increase in size.
  • You may feel toothaches or pains.

This receding gum issue can be caused by gum disease, lack of oral hygiene, aggressive brushing, hormonal imbalance, smoking, or even genetics. If you discover that you are in fact dealing with this issue in time your doctor can treat your teeth with root preparation or tooth scaling. Though if this isn’t caught in time you may end up having to go through surgery on your gums in order to undo the receding.

If you want to avoid surgery you might want to look into some of the home remedies I am going to list below. Granted if your issue is severe please do see a doctor.

How do we make the gums ‘grow back’?

Good Hygiene

Utilize good hygiene above all else, do not brush your teeth aggressively be gentle. Be sure to use circular movements and use a brush that has soft bristles. Floss everyday and if possible brush after each meal.

Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera is known to be very beneficial to our health for many different things. Using a mouthful of this gel as a mouthwash will help grow your gums back as it fights off versus swelling and work to turn cells back on. After brushing and flossing your teeth put some Aloe Vera gel in your mouth brush your gums and teeth gently for at least five minutes then wash your mouth out well.

Oil Pulling

This is known for healing cavities and is full of anti-inflammatory properties. Using sesame oil for this will help to form a protective layer over your teeth and help reduce plaque. Warm the oil up a little and swish it around in your mouth. Do this for one whole minute the first time then increase the amount of time each time you do it.

Green Tea

Drinking one cup of green tea a day will work towards combating the free radicals that can trigger disease that can cause receding gums.

Try to eat healthily as well junk food does nothing but help bacteria to grow inside your mouth. Eat more veggies and consume less sugar. Receding gums are very unsettling and one should not have to endure going through this issue. Please take the time to put these remedies to use and make yourself a little healthier. There is no harm in trying. The video below will go over the methods I mentioned above as well as a few others and give you a little more information on receding gums. Enjoy.

13 Plants Native Americans Used To Cure EVERYTHING (From Joint Pain To Cancer)

by August 28, 2016

One Native American tribe that is indigenous to the Southeastern United States known as the Cherokee believed that the creator had given them a gift. This gift was the understanding and know how to preserve medicinal herbs.

The Cherokee promote proper gathering techniques such as only picking every third plant you find in order to ensure that the specimen will continue to grow and become more plentiful. There are many things we could learn from the Cherokee as it is our fault now that most of the plants have become quite scarce throughout the given history.

These are some of the best medicinal plants used by them. They are quite potent and should only be used properly. Please keep in mind that the Cherokee healers were far more experienced than we are.

  1. Wild Ginger (big stretch) – Wild ginger was used in tea form to treat things like stomach problems, colic, intestinal gas, and things of that sort. It is also known that another tribe had used pulverized ginger to cure ear infections.
  2. Greenbriar (pull out a sticker) – This plant is very rich in starches and as most already know starches are overflowing with calories. This plant, however, does have a strange flavor. the leaves from this plant are high in many different minerals and vitamins. You can prepare the root of this plant as you would potatoes.
  3. Buck Brush (hummingbird blossom) – This plant has been used for treating cysts, inflammation, throat issues, and high blood pressure. The benefits one can gain from this plant are great. You must steep the leaves and flowers in boiling water for at least five minutes and drink the tea while it is still warm. This can cure a multitude of things anywhere from inflamed tonsils to hemorrhoids.
  4. Mint – mint is one herb that is already quite popular in our current culture and is used quite commonly in teas and remedies. Mint contains many antioxidant properties. Mint contains calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, potassium, and more. This herb was used to aid with digestion. You see crushing the leaves and using them as part of a cold compress, making it into an ointment,or adding it to your bath will rid you of itchy skin.
  5. Blackberry – These are used to soothe an aching stomach and can also heal bleeding gums. All you have to do is chew on the leaves. The berries, however, are rich in many vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, folate, niacin, and iron.
  6.  Cattail – This one is something I was eager to learn about given there are so many where I am from. As it turns out they are regarded as a potent preventative medicine. You can prepare these similar to how you would potatoes. Mashed or boiled works just fine. These are very easily digested and can help with things like skin irritants and diarrhea.
  7. Sumac (qua lo ga) – All parts of this herb can be used for medicinal purposes. The bark itself can be made into rather mild concoction in order to soothe diarrhea. This can also aid in healing one’s sore throat. You can crush the leaves of this plant to make an ointment that will relieve the rash brought on by poison ivy.
  8. Mullein – This herb is well known as it soothes asthma. The smoke from burning this plant’s roots and leaves will work to calm your lungs and help to open up your pathways.
  9. Wild Rose (jisdu unigisdi) – This plant grows a fruit that is high in vitamin C and can treat the flu and common cold effectively. In order to get its effects, you must prepare it as a tea.
  10. Yellow Dock (kawi lyusdi) – This is something you may have in your kitchen even now. It is much like spinach in many ways. The leaves from this are very high in iron. This can heal diaper rashes and be used as a warm wash.
  11. Yarrow (squirrel tail) – This herb has blood clotting properties. The leaves of this when freshly cut can be used to stop excess bleeding.
  12. Partridgeberry – This one was used to speed up child birth. They would boil the leaves and make a tea in which was drank a few weeks before expected delivery. It was said to speed up the process.
  13. Wild Black Cherry – Women were given a tea made from this in the early stages of child birth to help ease their pain and it worked. Without this they would have been much more uncomfortable during labor than they were.

It is truly amazing how the these Native Americans knew what to use and what situations to use it in. It is imperative that we use natural remedies over conventional medical treatment in most cases. If you can rid yourself of diarrhea at home why on earth would you want to put dangerous prescribed drugs into your system unnecessarily?

5 Doctors Dead Or Missing After Discovering THIS About Vaccines!

by August 27, 2016

Doctors and scientists are pushed each and every day to make advancements and medical discoveries. This is something they do in order to aid in the overall public health.

As it seems though not all of these discoveries are considered good. What if someone were to discover something that didn’t fall into the rhetoric of the government led medical industry? A few natural doctors have learned exactly what will happen as they have discovered a link between vaccines and cancer.

Since this past year, there have been at least six official cases where holistic doctors who had been investigating vaccines have either gone missing or been killed. All of these cases conveniently within less than one month of each other. This madness all started on the nineteenth of June, 2015.

Dr. Bradstreet was found dead on this day with a fatal wound to his chest. It was later declared t hat this death was what they call a manifest of suicide. Strange considering Dr. Bradstreet not once displayed any sort of suicidal tendencies according to his friends and family.

Only two days later a Dr. Holt and Dr. Hedendal both from Florida were found dead under strange and suspicious circumstances. Their loved ones still do not know any of the truth behind their deaths. To make this even worse roughly eight days later on the twenty-ninth of June Dr. Theresa Sievers was found murdered.

Then, to top off the cake on the same day as Dr. Sievers death Dr. Whiteside vanished while out for a walk. Coincidence? I think not. A Dr. Fitzpatrick went missing himself on July the third and while investigators have found his truck they have found no trace of him. These people all seemed to have something in common, though. They had all gotten too close in the study of vaccines and posed a disruptive threat to the government.

What sort of threat?

All of these doctors were getting ready to break the news  about the presence of Nagalese in common vaccines. Make sense now? The news was eventually brought to light by a Dr. Ted Broer, it took his team over an hour to air their broadcast because it was repeatedly taken down. Ted had to make it known when he made it on air that he was in no way suicidal.

He was sure to warn his listeners that id he were to die it would not be by his own hand. He did good by letting viewers known that he was nervous about the fate of his colleagues becoming his own.  Please take the time to listen to his broadcast below it truly is an eye opener.

Diet Soda’s Worst Fear Coming True: Massive Study Links Aspartame to Major Problems

by August 27, 2016

It only takes one diet soda a day to increase your risk of leukemia. This is based off new findings from what has been deemed the longest running study on aspartame as a carcinogen in humans.

This study has opened the door for future findings. For this study researchers have analyzed data from the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study for a twenty-two year period. A total of 77,218 women and 47,810 men were included in this analysis. What seems to set this study apart for all of the rest aside from its wide scale is its thoroughness.

This study assessed aspartame intake like no other study before. Every two years each participant was given a detailed dietary questionnaire. their diets were also reassessed every four years. You see this is important because previous studies only assessed the participants’ aspartame intake at one single point in time which affected their accuracy dramatically leading them to find that there was no link to cancer. By assessing frequently the data becomes more accurate.

This new study has shown that drinking just one twelve ounce can of diet soda per day can lead to things like:

  • An almost fifty percent higher leukemia risk (forty-two percent higher to be exact in men and women)
  • Over one hundred percent higher risk for myeloma (one hundred and two percent to be exact and in men)
  • thirty-one percent higher non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk (in men)

These were all done by comparison to people who drank no diet soda. It also unknown as to why the risk only increases for men in the cases of myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. However, it is known that diet soda is the largest source of aspartame in the Americans actually consume over five thousand tons of aspartame almost ninety percent being through diet sodas.

This goes to show that we should make an extra effort to cut aspartame out of our lives. Cancer is all around us and as we are slowly coming to realize it is being fed to us each and every day.

Oncology Nurse Quits After 17 Years To Promote Natural Cancer Healing Therapies Instead (Video)

by August 27, 2016

Generally, cancer diagnosis is seen as a death sentence and the grim outlook given by most doctors doesn’t usually make things any better. Usually, most patients submit to the advice of their doctors and undergo things like chemotherapy although it has been shown to actually make cancer tumors more malignant!

As you probably already know with the number of cancer-causing materials in out environment growing at a rapid rate things like GMOs and chemicals. Many people have decided to try out a more holistic approach to curing their cancer. But the question is which is the right way to go? have chemotherapy or try a more natural route? This is something lots of people struggle with each and every day.

After working in the conventional cancer industry for seventeen years oncology nurse Valerie Warwick decided to walk away. She had been troubled by the use of these debilitating and expensive procedures for far too long. In the interview below you will see Wark describe her experience including the times she had to watch families suffer from chemo and other things. You will be amazed at what she has to say when the video hits ’24:44′!

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