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Best Exercise to Get Rid of Back Pain in Only A Minute (Video)

by September 3, 2016

Body pains and aches can be completely debilitation especially when it comes to something like sciatica. Terrible pain that affects the back, hip and outer side of one’s leg.

This is caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back. This is most times caused by degeneration of an invertebral disk. Whether you’re a sports star or a regular on your feet worker you know that it can be a major setback when some sort of numbness or ache comes about.

This sort of thing can sometimes be so bad as to keep you in bed with a bottle of ibuprofen beside you. If you’re tired of  considering that a part of life then maybe you should try out these treatments for sciatica/inflammation and relieve your pain in a natural way. Here are the best one’s to try:

  • Acupuncture- This is an alternative treatment that mostly involves inserting extremely thin needles into many specific points all over the body. This is thought to boost the flow of energy and contribute to proper nerve function. Acupuncture has been proved more effective than conventional medication when it comes to treating sciatica pain.
  • Ice Packs- Whether you choose to use ice packs or frozen bags of veggies wrapped in a towel is up to you. Put this pack on the area in pain for at least twenty minutes at a time every two hours. This can offer almost instant relief for sciatica-related pain and discomfort in general.
  • Alternative Temperatures- Because the nerve affected lies very deep within your body using a hot pack right after an ice pack (you could even just take a hot bath after) can  boost circulation and lymph flow. You see the switch from cold to hot reduces the deeper inflammation and aids the healing process.
  • Oils And Herbs- Turmeric itself is great for reducing inflammation using this and lavender essential oil will be good for soothing your pain from the inside and the outside.
  • Sleep A Proper Amount- Getting the right amount of sleep is important for your overall health in general. This allows your body and nerves themselves to relax and heal.
  • Stretching- Movement while it may hurt, is essential for being able to manage your sciatica. Mild yoga stretches can stimulate blood flow and improve your mobility.
  • Chiropractic Adjustments- By adjusting the spine you will be able to increase mobility and lessen inflammation as well as pain itself. These therapies have been found quite effective in treating sciatica.

Every Finger Is Connected To 2 Organs: Japanese Methods Of Curing In 5 Minutes!

by September 3, 2016

As it seems, Japanese people have a rather effective way of treating and healing sicknesses and injuries. The treatment I’m about to explain to you will benefit you in quite a few different ways.

This healing technique only takes five minutes, definitely worth trying out. Japanese experts have mentioned that they believe every finger is connected to two separate body organs. This is known as the Shin Jitsu system and is said to be very powerful. Stimulating these points will help to balance emotions and in term help you physically and emotionally.

How do you do this technique?

You hold a finger (which organ depends on which finger) tightly for five whole minutes and breathe in deeply. Massage both hands.

What fingers represent which organs?

  • Thumb- Stomach and Spleenwort (you need to focus on this one if you’re experiencing stomach pain or headaches the emotions associated are anxiety and depression)
  • Index finger- Urinary Bladder and Kidneys (common symptoms are back pain and digestion issues)
  • Middle finger- Liver (symptoms include migraines and menstrual pain)
  • Ring finger- Large Intestine and Lungs (symptoms include asthma and skin issues)
  • Pinky finger- Small Intestine and Heart (symptoms include throat pain and bone issues)

NEVER Use Turmeric If You Take Any Of The Following Medications

by September 3, 2016

Turmeric is an amazing natural remedy for many things but it should not be used with some medications. This is very important to know.

You see sometimes when you mix the use of turmeric with some medications you can end up having severely negative effects on your health. Turmeric is generally found as a spice, a spice made of ground up turmeric root. Turmeric has been used as a spice and as a medicine for quite a long time now.

Many studies have shown that turmeric is good for one’s health. Most of its beneficial properties are thanks to its active ingredient curcumin. Curcumin has powerful anti-carcinogen, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-thrombotic properties. Lots of people use turmeric thanks to the many amazing things they have heard of it but they do not think about the effects that might come from mixing it with whatever medications they’re taking. 

Turmeric Can Be Dangerous When Mixed With Some Medications

  • If mixed with blood thinning medications like aspirin the anti-thrombotic properties in turmeric could boost the effect of the blood-thinning drug thus raising one’s risk of bleeding.
  • Mixing turmeric with diabetes medications will boost their effect as well elevating the risk of low blood sugar. This can cause side effects like blurred vision, anxiety, and shakiness.
  • If you consume turmeric before finding out if you’re allergic you may break out in  hives and rashes.
  • Turmeric should not be mixed with drugs that reduce stomach acid as this causes the increased production of stomach acid leading to nausea, stomach pain, bloating, and esophagus damage. Drugs like Zantac, Pepcid, and Tagamet.

If you take turmeric it is important that you look into the effects it may have based on what medications you are already taking. Turmeric can do great things if used in the right way. Watch the video below for some information on the benefits you can get from consuming turmeric alone.


How To Ripen A Rock-Hard Avocado In 20 Minutes [Watch]

by September 2, 2016

Who knew softening avocados was so easy? Learn how to make avocados go from hard as a rock to ready to eat.

The avocado itself is considered a super food within good reason. It is rich in many different vitamins and is loaded down with healthy fatty acids and fiber. Lots of studies have shown that eating avocados on a daily basis can help all sorts of things anywhere from eye health to digestion.

However, it is not often that we find perfectly ripe avocados when shopping. Thanks to this video though that shouldn’t be an issue! Learn how to ripen those avocados below.

Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered!

by September 2, 2016

Not too long ago it was reported that there had been somewhat of an epidemic going about where doctors were being murdered. Most of these took place in Florida of the United States.

All of these doctors happened to share one common trait, they had all discovered that nagalese enzyme protein was being added into vaccines being administered to humans. Nagalese is something that prevents the body from producing vitamin D. This is terrible because vitamin D is the body’s main way of killing cancer cells naturally. This protein is found in large number in autistic children and the government thinks it is a good idea to add it to our vaccines!!

Nagalese itself disables the immune system and is known for causing type two diabetes. These doctors have been killed because they had evidence that these vaccines are causing cancer and autism. These things are obviously being caused on purpose as these doctors were killed right before they were suppose to go public about their findings.

This is a method of slow killing that should not be happening. The clip below is nineteen minutes long but well worth the listen. Pay close attention as Dr. Broer speaks about this important news.

According To The FDA Frosted Flakes Are “Healthier” Than Avocados!

by August 31, 2016

As I am sure you have already come to know, what the FDA considers healthy definitely some sort of outdated version of healthy. The more we learn about things the FDA allows the more we see just how unhealthy they really are.

The FDA is an organization whose motives have been questioned by citizens of the United States for many years now. Lots of people speculate that the organization has been bribed by big food companies that want a hold on what the FDA considers healthy in order to misguide children and adults about what to eat. In the eyes of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) processed foods are more healthy than wholesome produce.

The FDA doesn’t even have a caveat that states as it should that foods high in unsaturated fats (the healthy ones found in things like avocados) are better than foods low in saturated fats. This is a big issue because as the source of the fat and other things that make the food and whether they were formed naturally is vitally important to the people consuming it. Essentially by not differentiating the saturated and unsaturated fats the FDA is saying that Frosted Flakes (loaded with sugar and hardly nutritious) are healthier than avocados.

The laws over what is and isn’t healthy have been standing unscathed even through the outrage being caused by them. These attacks have increased recently as the FDA felt it necessary to write a three thousand two hundred word letter to Kind snack food company in which they attacked them for calling their bars ‘healthy’. The FDA demanded that Kind ceased calling their bars healthy even though the bars are very healthy (full of antioxidants and fatty acids). The FDA rightfully received backlash from citizens who are aware of what healthy really means.

This caused the FDA to in the heat of the moment actually admit that their definition as to what was good to consume was outdated and they agreed to redefine the term. Granted I’m sure their new definition will be just as empty and vague as the present one. When it comes to our health the FDA does not have our best interests in mind at all. As consumers, we should do our own research if we wish to eat and drink things that will actually benefit our health rather than tear us down. Please take the time to watch the video below for more information on this issue.

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