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Grape Seed Extract Outperforms Chemo In Killing Advanced Cancer Cells

by September 6, 2016

If someone you know or love is suffering from colorectal cancer they may be able to benefit from the inhibiting powers grape seed extract has to offer. A new study has suggested that grape seed extract is effective in stopping the growth of aggressive cancer cells.

This extract is fantastic! It works quickly to attack the cancer cells but most importantly leaves the healthy cells untouched. This is much better than conventional cancer treatments as they destroy all of the cells in the local vicinity when attempting to stop the spread of cancer. I know it sounds too good to be true but as it turns out there is evidence to back this up.


Grapes were introduced to the Americas well over three hundred years ago. Grapes are one hundred calories per cup and are a wonderful source of vitamins and antioxidants. The extract of the grape seed is very beneficial to many different types of cardiovascular issues as well as treating diabetes. Grape seed extract is currently being studied for the use in treating leukemia and other diseases.

Grape seed extract selectively targets many different types of cancer cells. It has been thought that the grape seed is able to kill these cancer cells by a process of oxidative stress but this sort of thing is still being researched. For more information on the benefits of grape seed extract please take the time to watch the video below. You will not be disappointed.

Cancer Packed In A Can! This Is One Of The Most Unhealthy Products On The Market!

by September 5, 2016

While Pringles are by far one of the most popular chips across the world it is something we should definitely try to avoid. These chips can be extremely harmful as they are loaded with carcinogens.

Did you know that Pringles aren’t even made from potatoes? They’re made from potato flakes, corn, and wheat amongst other things. They mix these ingredients in the initial phase and form it into a dough, this is then pressed into molds. After that though they are put into boiling oil and sprayed with various flavors.

These chips contain a  by-product known as Acrylamide. This is a very dangerous carcinogen. One that is known to cause cancer in animals. This is also known to be toxic to people depending on the dosage. It can damage one’s nervous system.

Acrylamide is created during the preparation process when foods are made at higher temperatures. Whether the food is roasted or baked this by-product is created.

All foods cooked at temperatures higher than one hundred degree Celsius  contain this toxin. Potato chips are a very dangerous threat as they are loaded down with harmful ingredients. The state of California itself actually even sued producers of potato chips back in 2005 because they had not been warning consumers about the health risks of the ingredients and product itself.

We should do our best to avoid Pringles and other potato chip brands in order to prevent allowing toxins into our bodies. Please watch the video below for more information on this matter.

21 Signs Of Mold Illness (And How To Tell If You’re At Risk)

by September 5, 2016

Mold can cause many different health issues and is quite common. Mold might even be present in your home right now!

You need to know the symptoms of mold illness in order to avoid the adverse effects that can come. This is an issue that must be treated. Yet, according to conventional medicine, it isn’t considered an issue and has no proper treatment.

The symptoms of mold illness are very similar to other illnesses and are of course nonspecific. The most common signs of mold illness are:

  1. Headaches/migraines
  2. Fatigue (weakness)
  3. Light sensitivity
  4. Blurred vision or red eyes
  5. Sinus issues
  6. Shortness of breath
  7. Memory problems
  8. Problems focusing
  9. Vertigo
  10. Weight gain despite attempts to lose it.
  11. Persistent nerve pain
  12. Muscle cramps
  13. Tremors
  14. Joint pain
  15. Abdominal pain
  16. Diarrhea
  17. night sweat and temperature regulation issues
  18. Excessive thirst
  19. Strong metallic taste
  20. Appetite change
  21. Increased urination

Looking at this list I’m sure you noticed these things are all quite common and could easily be confused for a different issue other than mold illness.

What is mold?

Mold is quite dangerous and can grow in many different places. Mold is generally a combination of different types of fungi that grow in filaments and reproduce by creating tiny spores that sprout and fly off. These sprouts cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Mold lives in warm, humid, damp places and tends to appear in places with poor ventilation and water leaks the most. Mold can attach itself to furniture, pets, books, papers, carpets and all sorts of things. It can even be circulated through your air system. Water damaged buildings are the best playground for mold. This is especially not good seeing as at least half of the buildings we live in are water damaged.

This causes mold illness to the people who are more prone to it and seeing as most people spend more time inside than they do outside we need to know how to reduce the harmful effects of mold. Mold is nothing to joke about if you think you may be experiencing some sort of mold exposure do something about it immediately. Test the presence of mold in your home. The videos below will offer more information on mold.




100 Alkaline Foods That Fight Cancer, Inflammation, Diabetes, And Heart Disease

by September 5, 2016

Maintaining proper pH levels is imperative for our health. Our bodies need to keep a pH level of around 7.4 in order to stay healthy.

This is hard to maintain given the world we currently live in. Ever increasing industrialization has caused elevated CO2 deposition lowering the ocean’s pH from 8.2 to 8.1 causing a negative effect on marine life of all kinds.  On top of this the pH of the soil has an effect on the mineral profile of the food we consume.

Having and maintaining an alkaline diet is important. This is going to be derived from nutrients we get from natural foods and veggies. Below you will find a list of alkaline foods you should include in your diet. Eating these will help you maintain a proper pH level. In doing this you will also be ingesting foods that are great for your health in general things that fight off cancer and other illnesses.

  1. Flax Seed
  2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  3. Strawberries
  4. Blueberries
  5. Blackberries
  6. Swiss Chard
  7. Melon
  8. Mustard Greens
  9. Onions
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Mushrooms
  12. Beet Greens
  13. Cauliflower
  14. Nightshade Veggies
  15. Parsnip
  16. Beets
  17. Celery
  18. Cabbage
  19. Sweet Potatoes
  20. Carrots
  21. Watercress
  22. Broccoli
  23. Wheat Grass
  24. Alfalfa
  25. Pumpkin
  26. Peppers
  27. Wild Greens
  28. Barley Greens
  29. Peas
  30. Radishes
  31. Sea Veggies
  32. Rutabaga
  33. Dandelions
  34. Edible Flowers
  35. Eggplant
  36. Fermented Veggies
  37. Garlic
  38. Green Beans
  39. Green Peas
  40. Chard Greens
  41. Chlorella
  42. Collard Greens
  43. Cucumber
  44. Spinach
  45. Spirulina
  46. Sprouts
  47. Alka
  48. Tangerine
  49. Tropical Fruit
  50. Tomato
  51. Umeboshi Plums
  52. Plums
  53. Dates
  54. Fig
  55. Grapes
  56. Grapefruit
  57. Honeydew
  58. Lime
  59. Lemon
  60. Apple
  61. Apricot
  62. Avocado
  63. Banana
  64. Cantaloupe
  65. Cherries
  66. Coconut
  67. Orange
  68. Peach
  69. Pear
  70. Pineapple
  71. Rhubarb
  72. Tempeh
  73. Almonds
  74. Millet
  75. Chestnuts
  76. Tofu
  77. Sea Salt
  78. Mustard
  79. Ginger
  80. Cinnamon
  81. Curry
  82. Tamari
  83. Miso
  84. Chili Peppers
  85. Mineral water
  86. Apple Cider Vinegar
  87. Green Juices
  88. Veggie Juice
  89. Fruit juice
  90. Molasses
  91. Bee Pollen
  92. Probiotic Cultures
  93. Basil
  94. Mint
  95. Parsley
  96. Cilantro
  97. Chives
  98. Borage
  99. Bay Leaves
  100. Dill

I’m sure you have probably heard of most of these and know that a lot of them are natural remedies for many different things as well. This is even better for you considering you will be promoting better health through your pH and in general. You see things like berries and melons while highly alkaline are also filled with antioxidants and as such can do much more for your body.

When our bodies reach a pH level that is far too acidic this can cause a wide range of health issues. A very low ph level can cause or be called Acidosis. This can come in two forms Respiratory Acidosis and Metabolic Acidosis. The signs of Acidosis are;

  • Fatigue
  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Sleepiness
  • Headaches
  • Rapid breathing
  • Lack of appetite
  • Increased heart rate
  • Fruity breath

Without proper treatment this sort of thing can cause;

  • Chronic kidney issues
  • Bone disease
  • Kidney stones

And many other issues. There is no need in putting your body or yourself through this issue. Do what’s best and implement the foods above into your diet and your families. You will not regret it. Maintaining your pH balance will be something that helps you throughout your life. For more information on maintaining your pH balance watch the video below.

CONFIRMED: Cancer is Entirely a Man-Made Disease

by September 5, 2016

Researchers from the University Of Manchester, United Kingdom, have concluded that cancer is without a doubt a modern man made disease. In the United Kingdom, alone cancer kills over 150,000 people each year meaning one in three people would be diagnosed with cancer.

These researchers spent a lot of their time studying mummies, fossils, and classical literature. These researchers were able to conclude that cancer was man-made. This is because according to the research shown tumors were rare until recent times. Times when pollution and poor diet became an issue. When they studied Egyptian mummies they found no signs of cancer (something similar in an isolated case but nothing to link the others) These researchers rehydrated hundreds of slivers of tissue and examined it as closely as possible under a microscope.

Some have argued that the Egyptians were not alive long enough to develop cancer but researchers dismissed this by pointing out that other age-related diseases occurred during this time  as well. It has also been stated that fossil evidence of cancer is not really solid. Literature has only provided roughly a dozen mostly disputed examples found in animal fossils.

Texts from ancient Egypt were filled with cancer-like issues but these were found to be more likely leprosy or varicose veins. As it seems ancient Greeks were most likely the first to define cancer as a specific disease. They were also most likely the first to distinguish between malignant and benign tumors. Only in the 17th century were descriptions of operations for breast and other cancers recorded. The first reports of distinctive tumors have only come about in the past two thousand years.

You would think with lack of healthcare back then there would be plenty of cancer-related evidence. There is not. This causes a red flag so to speak. What do you think could cancer be man-made?

Vitamin Deficiency Can Cause Terrible Headaches And Migraines: Here’s How To Fix It

by September 5, 2016

Over three hundred million people across the world suffer from migraine headaches. This is not something to take lightly.

While it is one of the most common it is still one of the least understood and poorly treated medical disorders. They can be caused by many different factors and these factors vary from person to person. Another factor is the things people experience during their migraines this varies greatly from person to person.

Some people have searing one sided or both sides and others even experience auras prior to onset while some do not. The symptons can include nausea, vommiting, fever, chills, sweating, light sensitivity, and many other things. Not all people experience the same symptoms.

How Do People Get Migraines?

There are many different theories about how migraines come about but no one hypothesis can actually explain it in all cases. Sometimes the theories conflict, these theories include:

  • Changes in serotonin levels in the brain- You see when serotonin levels drop blood vessels especially those in your brain become swolen and this can lead to migraine pain.
  • Vascular constriction in your brain- Drops in blood flow followed by stretching of blood vessels can activate pain signaling neurons in your brain.
  • Neurological Disorder- It is thought that possibly a wave release of neurotransmitters is let go across your cortex and it can directly stimulate your trigeminal nerves. This is in term going to set off a chain reaction that ends in the transmission of pain signals.
  • Nervous system disorder originating in your brain stem– Your brain stem is your control center for alertness. It allows you to percept light, noise, smell, cerebral blood flow, and pain sensitivity. Research has shown that there are three clusters of cells active in your brain stem during and after a migraine. Abnormal activity in those cells might ne signaling pain.
  • Gene mutation is also thought to be a possible cause.

Vitamin Deficiency is also a possibiliy. 

In one of the most recent studies done vitamin B12 and B6 as well as folic acid supplements were found to produce a reduction in migraines over a six month period. Similar research has shown close to the same thing back in 2004 as well. As it turns little over forty percent of patients with migraines were deficient in vitamin D according to the 50th annual meeting of the American Headache Society.

While there is no known cure for migraines and we don’t know their definent origin we can treat them and avoid triggering them.

Using vitamin B supplements is something that might help tremendously but most remedies are not effective. Pain seems to be the thing we should listen to, if you pay attention to when you’re hurting you can likely find what is causing it. The thing that triggers migraines for you could be completely different for another person.

Here are the most common migraine triggers:

  • Food and Drink- Some people experience migraines when they eat or drink certain things. Most cases have been wheat, dairy, sugar, cured meat, aspartame, caffeine, alcohol, and MSG.
  • Allergies- Cheimical sensitivities, food allergies, or food sensitivities.
  • Dehydration Or Hunger- This is my trigger, if I have to wait a few hours to eat and I’m already hungry usually by the time I get to eat it is too late. However, some people get them from not drinking anything.
  • Changes In Sleeping Cycle- Missing sleep and oversleeping can both trigger migraines.
  • Stress- Any and all sorts of emotional trauma can cause a migraine. This can occur even after the stress has passed.
  • Physical Exertion- Intense workouts or even something such as sex has been known as a trigger.
  • Hormones- Some wonen experience migraines before or during their period. Some get migraines from hormonal medicines like birth control.
  • External Stimuli- Bright lights, loud noises, strong smells, etc. these can all bring on a migraine.

How can a migraine be relieved without dangerous drugs?

Migraine medication is known for only working on half of the people who suffer from them. This is especially terrible for the half of us who ca’t seem to get any relief. If you do take something like a tryphamine-based drug (these bind to your serotonin receptors to constrict crainial blood vessels) and say your migraines are being caused by something other than engorged blood vessels then constricting them by using this medication can potentially do a lot of harm to you.

If you need to get rid of a migraine fast without medication try these methods;

  • Stimulate your body’s natural painkilling ability- This is done by putting pressure just under your eyebrow. This will make your pituitary gland to release pain killing endorphins.
  • Take at least ten teaspoons of cayenne pepper in a glass of water.
  • Sniff green apple scent- One study found that the scent of green apples relieved migraine pain. This could also work with other scents that you enjoy.
  • Using hot and cold packs- This is the best method in my opinion. For me heat does the trick but for some they need the cold. It all depends on the person.

Migraines are awful and until we are able to further understand the things that cause them we will not be able to properly treat them but by takeing supplements and avoiding triggers we can all avoid them as much as possible. Since I realized hunger was one of my main triggers I have been able to dramatically reduce the number of migraines I have.

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