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Stop buying Avocados! Here’s How To Grow An Avocado Tree In A Small Pot At Home

by September 17, 2016

Avocados are very common ingredients in many different meals and desserts. But did you know that these can be grown at home rather than spending outrageous amounts on them in stores?

You see the more popular a fruit becomes the higher the price rises. The grocery stores will try to profit as much as possible. Luckily these tasty treats are easy to grow at home from a seed. Here’s how:

  • You will need an avocado seed that you have cleaned well.
  • Make sure you know which end is the bottom and which end is the top. Stick four toothpicks into it and make sure they are all equal distances apart.
  • Place this seed in a glass of water and the toothpicks should of course allow it to soak in about one inch of water.
  • Place the seed in a warm place with direct sunlight.
  • Wait about three to five weeks. You will notice the stem has grown about six inches.
  • Then you will need to cut the stem back down to three inches. This will mean you need to wait once again for the stem to reach the previous length. This will allow more leaves to grow.
  • You should finda somewhat large pot with about ten inches in diameter with a hole in the bottom for drainage of course. Fill it with nutrient rich soil and leave a hole in the top for the seed.
  • Place the seed in the hole, it should not be planted too deep. Half of the seed should remain above  the soil.
  • Keep this pot in a sunny place and water it often and generously. It should stay moist.
  • If it happens to not be recieving enough water you will notice the leaves becoming dry and brown.
  • If you happen to be over watering it the leaves will become droopy and yellow.

In the end if you follow these directions you will end up with a lovely avocado tree. Enjoy!

Instead Of Pharmaceutical Drugs, These Physicians Are Prescribing Time In Nature And Fruit, Vegetables For Patients

by September 17, 2016

As I am sure you are already aware pharmaceutical drug use is something off the charts nowadays. Luckily for some one group of physicians have decided to take a different approach.

These so called park prescriptions have been around at least since 2008 but it seems the idea itself has become more widespread now that ever throughout the U.S. and the rest of the world.  Obesity and mental health issues have been continuously increasing in numbers and these prescriptions may be able to help. These are prescriptions for things like fruit and veggies that the patient can get filled at their local market.

This method actually seems to work much better than popping pills. One physician in San Francisco Daphne Miller is known for writing these park prescriptions. She prescribes things like walking or running for 45 minutes, exercising, and more. She feels it is easier to maintain an exercise program when outside. This is because of the change in scenery. She had written hundreds of these park prescriptions and does not plan to stop any time soon. Her patients have shown great success in curbing their health issues.

There is growing evidence that contact with nature helps to prevent and even ease many chronic illnesses associated with urban life. This trend seems to be catching fire in other places as well it has became quite popular in Australia. What do you think about this? Are food and exercise prescriptions something that will become bigger as it progresses? Do you think this will help cut down on obesity here in the United States?

Pharmaceutical Antibiotics Can Cause Horrific Side Effects

by September 16, 2016

Are you aware of how bad off the CDC and pharmaceutical medicines really are? They have placed antibiotics and vaccines as the two most important medical breakthroughs of the twentieth century!

Did you know that there are very terrible things that can come from vaccines and antibiotics? One of the adverse effects of antibiotics is something known as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. This syndrome is pretty horrifying, it is where the person who has it is literally burning from the inside out. Their whole body begins to blister to the point where they actually have to be treated as a burn victim. What this is technically a compromised skin barrier function. The epidermis separated from the dermis. There is also literally no way to determine who will come down with this type of reaction.

Pharmaceutical antibiotics are known to deplete digestion and immune system supporting probiotic bacteria meaning that those who take them need to be on a probiotic supplementation. The pharmaceutical antibiotics are virtually like the cancer chemotherapy drugs. In the way that they kill everything in sight without differentiating between the good guys and the bad guys.  Studies have also revealed that use of these antibiotics can cause adverse neurological events. Some that are temporary and others that are considered chronic. One study done by a Dr. Shamik Bhattacharyya (Harvard Medical School and Brigham Women’s Hospital in Boston) analyzed three hundred and ninety-one  patients who spun over a seventy year period and had suffered adverse neurological events from antibiotics.

Many of these patients suffered from hallucinations, delusions, muscle twitching, seizures, and other things of the sort. Over half of these cases also had abnormal EEG tests which measure the brains electrical activity. These antibiotics seem to also interfere with normal signaling within the brain. Each antibiotic affects the brain differently causing different patterns of toxicity. But if course lots of people were not effected by the antibiotics at all. For more information please watch the following videos closely.

The Oil That Can Cure Migraines, Depression, Anxiety, & Even Cancer

by September 16, 2016

The king of all oils is definitely frankincense oil, It has a long history of being used for many medical issues. There isn’t much that this oil can’t do.

This oil comes from boswellias, it is extracted from their bark to be exact. The sap which is a milky white color is quick to harden to a resin and can then be scraped off the tree in droplets often pear-shaped. Today this oil is acquired by steam distillation of the resin.  Below I will list some of the many uses for frankincense oil.

  • Heal wounds (cuts, scrapes, burns)
  • Reduce scars- Apply it directly to your scars along with coconut oil, you will notice a dramatic reduction.
  • Strong immune system promotion- Massaging a few drops of this oil into the balls of your feet every night before bed will promote a healthy immune system.
  • Neurological Support- This oil is known to help with the function of the central nervous system and can help balance emotions.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety- When you’re feeling stressed rub some of this oil on the back of your neck. It will help you to calm down.
  • Head tension- Yes, you can use this oil to relieve tension in your head (headaches, migraines, etc)
  • Memory- It can improve one’s memory and even balance hormones.
  • Congestion- Adding this to a bowl of hot water and draping a towel over your head to allow you to inhale the steam will reduce congestion dramatically. The vapors work wonders on your sinuses.
  • Aging skin- Add a few drops to your daily moisturizer.
  • Joint pain and swelling- This oil can reduce swelling and joint pain just rub it on achy joints throughout the day and watch the magic happen.
  • Relieve itching- This will bring almost immediate relief when dealing with an itchy rash or bug bite.
  • Oral health- Mixing this with coconut oil makes a sort of homemade toothpaste that prevents toothaches, cavities, and canker sores.

So you see there really are may different things this oil can do for us. The main things that stick out to me though are the stress relieving benefits and the migraine relief benefits and it actually really does work! It works to slow down your breathing and calm you which really does relieve tension and anxiety. If you’d like to learn more about this super beneficial oil watch the videos below.

The Real Reason Why Wheat Is Toxic (It’s Not The Gluten)

by September 16, 2016

It seems many people suffer from wheat allergies or digestive issues caused by wheat in the United States but for some reason have suffered no issue when eating pastas and things from other countries like Italy. How could this be?

Some people have issues eating wheat at restaurants yet have no issue with the wheat they eat at home, everyone seems to be wondering how this could be. It is very apparent that something is going on with the wheat that we are not completely aware of. It is something that seems to go far beyond non-organic and organic labeling. Something much different than just gluten or hybridization.

It couldn’t just be the hybrids or the Gluten as we have been consuming these for thousands of years and yet only have begun having a major issues with them in the past ten years or so it seems. The problem lies in the manor it is harvested by most conventional wheat farmers. Wheat fields are drenched in roundup just a few days before they are harvested. Thus meaning maybe it is not the gluten or even the wheat itself causing these health issues it is the roundup.

You see roundup contains glyphosate which is a very deadly ingredient. Glyphosate can do much more harm to us than you could ever imagine. Yet, farmers everywhere are dousing their wheat in this to make it easier to harvest. Roundup is known to significantly disrupt the functioning of many beneficial bacteria in our gut and can contribute to autoimmune disease symptoms. We must avoid this toxic wheat as best we can.

With or without a gluten or wheat sensitivity this herbicide can still do an awful lot of damage to your body. If you keep consuming this type of thing you will develop an issue. Please take the time to watch these videos below.

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