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The Landmark Johns Hopkins Sulforaphane Cancer Study Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About

by July 20, 2017

Cancer is an extremely detrimental disease. It has destroyed the lives of thousands, if not millions of people. Conventional medicine isn’t trying to prevent disease, they’re trying to gain new customers.

Cancer affects millions of people, and the number of cases is only rising. You would think that all of the medical advancements we have today that cancer and disease wouldn’t be much of a problem. However, that’s the opposite of what’s actually happening. Disease and cancer cases are steadily increasing. However, a recent study has reported that there is an effective way to keep cancer away.

“Three-day-old broccoli sprouts consistently contain 20 to 50 times the amount of chemoprotective compounds found in mature broccoli heads and may offer a simple dietary means of chemically reducing cancer risk,” Dr. Paul Talalay reported in a 1997 Johns Hopkins press release. Dr. Talalay is the founding director of the Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Chemoprotection Center at Johns Hopkins University of Medicine. He is one of the most prestigious researchers and doctors out there in the field of phytochemicals. He completed his study in 1991. It was one of the first to focus on cancer prevention through diet. They isolated sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables for cancer prevention.

The researchers of the study fed broccoli sprout extract to female rats for five days before exposing them and a control group to carcinogens. The rats that had consumed the broccoli sprout extracts produced fewer tumors than the ones who didn’t. The first publishing venue Talalay and his colleagues approached about their findings were science magazine, but they rejected it. However, it was eventually published in the Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences a year later. Ever since doctors have scrambled to keep this information quiet, even though there have been multiple studies since that backup the many anti cancer effects of phytochemicals like sulforaphane.

“There’s no romance in it,” says Michael Sporn, professor and cancer prevention researcher at Dartmouth Medical School. “There’s no one on death’s door whose life is saved through prevention. The American public is way ahead of medicine on this.”  

In 2016 there are an estimated 1,685,210 people that will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States alone. The most common cancers are breast cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, and bladder cancer. They’re all extremely dangerous and fatal, and your doctor doesn’t care!

It’s time to take matters into your own hands. Stand up to the big pharma by treating yourself with natural ingredients.

The OTC Med. That Can Kill You: New Warning Admits Popular Painkiller Causes Liver Damage, Death…

by July 20, 2017

No matter what kind of health issue you are suffering from, the big pharma has allegedly created something to fix it. However, as time goes on we see that all they do is lie.

Over the counter pain medications could probably be found in every home in America. They are some of the most common medications and they cause serious health issues too. They’re extremely expensive and they claim to be a helping hand in basically every common health issue. Many people perceive Tylenol, or Acetaminophen, to be a harmless drug that helps get rid of pain and fever. But this is because you can’t visibly see the intense damage it is putting on your liver and kidneys.

There has been a known risk of liver damage and death with acetaminophen, with about 458 deaths per year from an overdose, but it’s nothing like we actually imagined. Tylenol has been associated with kidney damage, gastrointestinal damage, and cardiovascular events for a reason. If you were to consume to recommended dose of Tylenol and combine it with alcohol, you would be rudely awakened by liver failure. Isn’t that something they should include on the label?

Many people take Tylenol for pain because it is an analgesic pain reliever. A common condition typically treated with acetaminophen is osteoarthritis. This is classified by the wear and tear arthritis we develop with age. Typical arthritis can be treated by using NSAIDS, (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs. But, osteoarthritis is typically treated using Tylenol. However, NICE issued a warning against using acetaminophen for osteoarthritis because of a serious side effect. You can download the report here.

Because of the recent findings regarding the intense dangers of Tylenol, McNeil Consumer Healthcare has decided to put a new warning label on the bottle. The warning will make it explicitly clear that the over-the-counter drug contains acetaminophen, a pain-relieving ingredient that’s the nation’s leading cause of sudden liver failure,” writes Matthew Perrone for the AP. “The new cap is designed to grab the attention of people who don’t read warnings that already appear in the fine print on the product’s label, according to company executives.”

The new label says the phrases, “CONTAINS ACETAMINOPHEN”, and “ALWAYS READ THE LABEL”. It is set to first appear on all bottles of extra strength Tylenol, which contains 50% more acetaminophen than the regular. In the coming months, you’ll be able to see the new label on all Tylenol forms in the next few months.

13 All Natural Toothache Remedies Your Dentist Doesn’t Want You to Know About

by July 20, 2017

Toothaches are some of the most painful things a person can experience. They bring about a sharp, throbbing, or constant pain and they refuse to go away. They have been known to cause fever, infection, and headaches!

Tooth decay is often the primary cause of toothaches, so it is important to have your teeth checked out if you are having persistent toothaches. Toothaches can be caused by a number of things, though. This includes infection, gum disease, grinding teeth, biting, or tooth eruption. Toothaches can trigger a multitude of symptoms like fever, and even difficulty breathing. At the very least, we can infer that toothaches are extremely painful!

There are common medications out there produced by the big pharma companies. They are usually OTC drugs, and are fairly expensive! Orajel is a common toothache anesthetic. It temporarily numbs the tooth, but new studies suggest that it might be doing more harm than good. The drug is known as Benzocaine and it has some serious side effects. The FDA first warned against these medications in 2006, saying that they can cause Methemoglobinemia. 19 of those cases occurred in children, so it isn’t a drug to play around with. These medications are extremely dangerous, and they should be avoided at all costs.

Thankfully, these natural remedies for toothaches are effective and inexpensive. It is easy on your teeth and will even make them whiter! The recipes are easy to do, just follow the instructions and you’ll never have another toothache again – not for long anyway!

Clove Oil

Clove oil is one of the best natural ingredients to cure a toothache. It is packed full of eugenol, a powerful chemical with antiseptic properties. It can tame a toothache in seconds.

Ginger Cayenne paste

This remedy is effective in relieving pain and swelling. It has been used for centuries for all sorts of different types of pains. Just mix ginger, cayenne, and water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area.

Salt Water Gargle

Salt water has tons of medicinal benefits. It is one of the best remedies to use for cleaning of all kinds. It kills germs and bacteria on the spot. Gargling salt water can solve your toothaches for good, alone.


Myrrh has some mild astringent properties that can reduce the swelling and inflammation of a toothache. It also relieves the pain quite significantly. Simply simmer a teaspoon of myrrh in two cups of water.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea can offer complete relief of a toothache, according to one 2013 study. it has antiseptic properties that knock out oral pathogens from the root.


Garlic is amazing for almost everything, toothaches included. Simply rubbing cloves of raw garlic on the toothache will cure it. You can also cure a toothache by chewing on the garlic for a while.


The vanilla extract helps in several different ways. It has numbing properties, but it also provides a soothing relief for a toothache.


Simply applying a cold compress to the achy tooth may provide relief. Although it will feel painful for a few seconds, it can actually fix it overall.

Turmeric Paste

turmeric is another ingredient that is great for almost everything. It is derived from curcumin, and it can fight toothaches, bad breath, and gum disease. Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil for flavor, and use it like a normal toothpaste.

Essential Oils

According to a 2014 study, “Essential oil rinses are found to be equally effective in inhibiting plaque. A study carried out by Pizzo et al. on plaque inhibitory effect of amine fluoride/stannous fluoride and essential oils showed no significant difference in efficacy of both. As chlorhexidine causes staining of teeth on long term use, essential oils can be used as an alternative to chlorhexidine rinse. Essential oils have shown to possess antimicrobial activity against subgingival perio pathogens, too.”

Chewing Gum

If you happen to chip a tooth and that is the cause of your pain, chew a piece of gum and place it over the tooth. It will protect the exposed nerve endings until you’re able to have it repaired.


Apply pressure to the hand that correlates with the side you are experiencing pain. This is a form of Chinese acupuncture and has been proven to work in many instances. Do this for ten to fifteen minutes, and voila!

Cold Compress

Sometimes all we need is a little cold therapy. Apply a cold wash rag to the affected side of your mouth and hold it there. The pain should ease fairly quickly.

How Millions of Cartons of ‘Organic’ Milk Contain an Oil Brewed in Industrial Vats of Algae

by July 20, 2017

Modern day food companies care the least about your health, right next to the pharma companies. In fact, they most likely work together to keep us unhealthy to increase profits on both sides.

In the modern day world, there are so many different things that cause the downfall of our health. Food is one of the most dangerous things these days, as odd as it seems. Big corporations and food industries have poisoned us through our food for the last few decades, and it has only gotten worse as time goes on. Now, you can’t trust basically all of the food brands because they are all controlled by a select few companies. These companies care nothing about our health because all they are concerned with is how they are going to make more money.

These days even brands who label their foods as organic are lying. It is ridiculous that it is legal for companies to distribute such toxic substances as safe, much less a healthier option. Recently, an organic brand of milk has been found storing tons of milk in vats of algae… A South Carolina factory holds vats that are five stories tall containing tons of algae that is carefully tended to. They keep it warm and feed it corn syrup. They refer to the algae as Schizochytrium, after processing it turns into a substance that is similar to corn oil.

It is marketed as a nutritional enhancement. The oil is added to millions of cartons of milk from Horizon, the nation’s largest dairy distributor. Because the oil is high in omega 3 fatty acids it allows Horizon to advertise health benefits and sell at a higher price. According to Horizon cartons sold all around the US, “DHA Omega-3 Supports Brain Health.” Of course, the carton doesn’t advertise that their products were created in closed stainless steel vats of algae.

The major question that lies here is milk that is supplemented with algae oil really organic? “We do not think that [the oil] belongs in organic foods,” said Charlotte Vallaeys, a senior policy analyst, at Consumer Reports. “When an organic milk carton says it has higher levels of beneficial nutrients, like omega-3 fats, consumers want that to be the result of good farming practices … not from additives made in a factory.”

“Millions of people choose our Horizon Organic milk with DHA Omega-3 for the added benefits DHA Omega-3s are thought to deliver,” a Horizon spokesperson said in a statement, which says the additive may improve heart, brain and eye health. Critics argue that popularity based on a misconception of what is and isn’t organic.

They argue that supplementing USDA organic products with algae oil betrays consumer expectations that organic foods need no laboratory inspired technology or studies, and the nutrients in organic products are good enough without additives.

“Additives just don’t have any place in organics at all,” said Barry Flamm, former chair of the National Organic Standards Board, which makes recommendations to the USDA. “You might say additives should be allowed for health reasons, but I never saw an additive that you couldn’t get in real foods.”

Why Michael J. Fox Will Never Find a Cure

by July 20, 2017

Parkinson’s Disease is an extremely debilitating disease, and it is one of the hardest diseases out there to treat. It is utterly heartbreaking to see someone suffer from such a disease, especially such a loved celebrity liked Michael J. Fox.

Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with early Onset Parkinson’s Disease in 1991. He waited seven years to let it out to the public that he had such a malicious disease. The media has always controlled information. They put out what they want us to hear and hide what the don’t.

Many people might have heard recently that ingredients in diet Pepsi are terrible for you – but you really have no idea how bad it really is. Most reporters would get fired for reporting on the actual cause of Michael J Fox’s disease, but I work for no controlled media. Throughout the entire 1980’s Michael did commercials for Pepsi, promoting Diet Pepsi in the later years of his contract.

In the year 2000, Michael started the Michael J. Fox Foundation that is supposed to discover the cause and cure of Parkinson’s Disease. Many people have sent information to the group about a possible link between aspartame, an artificial sweetener used in Diet Pepsi drinks, and Parkinson’s Disease. However, the foundation has only ignored these tips. They instead donated one hundred seventy five million dollars to researchers of Parkinson’s Disease – who ignore aspartame as a cause of this disease due to corrupt marketing.

The Michael J Fox foundation is just another corrupt research group that steals money from people and ignores what they’re really supposed to be doing. They funnel money into the petrochemical industry – and they have done nothing but create more of the disease. We are not exactly sure of the direct cause of Parkinson’s, but we have discovered a link to heavy metal exposure and excitotoxins.

N-methyl-D-aspartame (NMDA) receptors in the brain are responsible for the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Aspartame is one of the main components releases when metabolized and it has a hefty effect on thee receptors. Regular intake of aspartame damages these receptors and can eventually lead to the formation of Parkinson’s Disease.

Maybe one day Michael J fox will realize what really caused his disease and he can influence others to inform the public about aspartame. There are few people who drink diet Pepsi as often as Michael did, but they are in high danger of acquiring Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s disease is rare in people of such young age, as it mostly affects people over the age of 65. There are people out there intentionally covering up the obvious to remain safe and rich. Maybe one day we will all wake up to the cruel games we’ve been forced to partake in.

We might actually be able to reduce the amount of Parkinson’s cases if mainstream media would just report on how toxic aspartame really is. If they would report on the actual causes of disease all of the major ones might even disappear – including cancer.

The Powerful Drink That Stops Infections, Improves Digestion and Gives You An Energy Boost!

by July 19, 2017

You might have recently heard of how corrupt the big pharma and food industry have become. Sadly, it’s all true, but you can always escape your health issues with natural ingredients.

There are many different natural remedies you can use to treat yourself instead of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals cause a world of health issues, they’re expensive, and mostly ineffective. There are literally a million reasons as to why you should treat yourself with natural ingredients instead of medicine. One of the best home remedies out there is honey and lemon. It’s extremely effective and can be used to treat tons of different health issues.

Lemon and honey are two of the most powerful superfoods out there. They are both packed full of essential vitamins and nutrients for sustaining a healthy body. It is a healthy and low calorie drink that can provide you with an efficient energy boost! Lemon and honey water is an easy remedy to make and it provides you with just the right amount of calories from the natural sugars in honey. It also brings about a hefty supply of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants!

Studies have found that lemon and honey water can aid your digestion significantly. This is one of the first noted benefits from drinking this mixture. It increases stomach acid production and bile secretion. It facilitates the breakdown of food materials and absorption of nutrients. Undigested food in your digestive tract is often the cause of bloating, so this mixture might also relieve you off that!

Honey and lemon water can also serve as a diuretic, a substance that increases the production of urine. These are often prescribed to patients for hypertension and edema caused by excessive water in the body. It is an inflammatory response to the accumulation of liquids in your body. Swelling of the feet, hands, ankles, and face edema are typical symptoms of water retention.

Other studies have shown that honey and lemon water have extreme detoxifying abilities. There are numerous toxic substances that enter the body through food. Today we are surrounded by tons of pesticides and chemicals that cause a series of health issues, but honey and lemon can detox your body efficiently! Lemon water mixed with honey is a gentle detoxifying agent that is a liver tonic. It improves liver function in neutralizing toxins and flushes them out through the urine.

Acne is an extremely common issue today; millions of Americans suffer from severe acne, and tons of companies do nothing but profit off of them. Most skin cleansers and face cleaners are nothing but a money scheme. They actually seem to make everything worse. Taking lemon and honey water in the morning will clear your skin completely within two to three weeks. It also has an oil cutting effect that can effectively remove excess oil from your face.

Honey and lemon water has also been found to increase your overall immunity. It has immunomodulating effects that can protect you from the flu, colds, and other seasonal infections. Honey is a great natural remedies for allergic reactions to grass and pollen. Honey has the ability to desensitize the body.

It is recommended that you take honey and water in the morning and on an empty stomach. When taken on an empty stomach you are more likely to receive all of the benefits. You should never reheat the mixture either; reheating honey breaks down the healing compounds.

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