
How Millions of Cartons of ‘Organic’ Milk Contain an Oil Brewed in Industrial Vats of Algae

by in Food, Health July 20, 2017

Modern day food companies care the least about your health, right next to the pharma companies. In fact, they most likely work together to keep us unhealthy to increase profits on both sides.

In the modern day world, there are so many different things that cause the downfall of our health. Food is one of the most dangerous things these days, as odd as it seems. Big corporations and food industries have poisoned us through our food for the last few decades, and it has only gotten worse as time goes on. Now, you can’t trust basically all of the food brands because they are all controlled by a select few companies. These companies care nothing about our health because all they are concerned with is how they are going to make more money.

These days even brands who label their foods as organic are lying. It is ridiculous that it is legal for companies to distribute such toxic substances as safe, much less a healthier option. Recently, an organic brand of milk has been found storing tons of milk in vats of algae… A South Carolina factory holds vats that are five stories tall containing tons of algae that is carefully tended to. They keep it warm and feed it corn syrup. They refer to the algae as Schizochytrium, after processing it turns into a substance that is similar to corn oil.

It is marketed as a nutritional enhancement. The oil is added to millions of cartons of milk from Horizon, the nation’s largest dairy distributor. Because the oil is high in omega 3 fatty acids it allows Horizon to advertise health benefits and sell at a higher price. According to Horizon cartons sold all around the US, “DHA Omega-3 Supports Brain Health.” Of course, the carton doesn’t advertise that their products were created in closed stainless steel vats of algae.

The major question that lies here is milk that is supplemented with algae oil really organic? “We do not think that [the oil] belongs in organic foods,” said Charlotte Vallaeys, a senior policy analyst, at Consumer Reports. “When an organic milk carton says it has higher levels of beneficial nutrients, like omega-3 fats, consumers want that to be the result of good farming practices … not from additives made in a factory.”

“Millions of people choose our Horizon Organic milk with DHA Omega-3 for the added benefits DHA Omega-3s are thought to deliver,” a Horizon spokesperson said in a statement, which says the additive may improve heart, brain and eye health. Critics argue that popularity based on a misconception of what is and isn’t organic.

They argue that supplementing USDA organic products with algae oil betrays consumer expectations that organic foods need no laboratory inspired technology or studies, and the nutrients in organic products are good enough without additives.

“Additives just don’t have any place in organics at all,” said Barry Flamm, former chair of the National Organic Standards Board, which makes recommendations to the USDA. “You might say additives should be allowed for health reasons, but I never saw an additive that you couldn’t get in real foods.”