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10 Herbs You Can Grow Indoors in Water All Year Long

by December 10, 2016

Herbs can be used for a variety of different things; they can be used for medicine, cooking, and health issues. An herb is a plant that is used for its culinary, medicinal, or fragrant properties. It is such a diverse group of plants that is very difficult to separate. Some disguise themselves as wildflowers, and some are weeds that we try to get rid of!

Herbs can usually be purchased at a local supermarket, but can sometimes be pricey. You can grow them seasonally, but some of them can be grown year round! Simply place these herbs in a glass of water and in some sunlight and they will grow away! You can even choose containers that are decorative! Mason jars, vases, or glass bottles. Be sure to keep them in a container that isn’t very tight fitting or narrow. You can stimulate rooting by placing willow branches in warm water. Let the branches soak overnight and use them as a hormone mixture.

10 Herbs that can grow year round in water:

  • Rosemary – Keep this herb in a sunny place and prune them often to keep them in tip top condition.
  • Lemongrass – Make sure it has plenty of stem and that the base is intact. Trim the top and place in a couple inches of water. It will even produce new roots.
  • Mint – Start the growing with seeds, not cuttings. Place them in a small pot full of potting soil. Make sure it is in a spot where it gets a little bit of light per day.
  • Parsley – This one does not require light or maintenance. Start by placing seeds in inch of moist soil.
  • Oregano – Although the easiest to grow, it requires 6-8 hours of sunlight per day.
  • Basil – This herb is one of the most difficult to grow. The best breeds to grow inside are the Spicy Globe or African Blue.
  • Thyme – It also requires 6-8 hours of sunlight, but requires little maintenance.
  • Vietnamese Coriander – This is the seed of the cilantro herb. It is easier to grow, and is very reliable.
  • Chives – This one requires little light and they are very bountiful. Pull some roots and plant them in a small pot that is halfway full of soil.
  • Tarragon – Place herb under warm and bright light. This herb can be used for several different cooking methods.

Exercising Naked Is The Latest Fitness Trend

by December 10, 2016

Nude exercising appears to be making quite a comeback from ancient times. People all over the globe find it liberating in some way.

A nudist group called Naturist London hosts a popular Sunday Swim event at the University of London swimming pool. It requires no membership and consists of things like naked yoga, and naked swimming. Things like this are said to increase one’s self-esteem and promote body positivity.

The practice of naked yoga has been increasing in popularity for several years now. It is said people are offered more freedom when doing naked yoga and can get into a much deeper practice. Naked yoga appears to offer freedom from what negative feelings a person may have regarding their body.

Now, if you aren’t in the UK and wouldn’t feel comfortable working out naked in a group be it yoga, swimming, or something else there are several instructional DVD’s you can buy on how to. You could even begin by sleeping naked if you do not already. This will improve your quality of sleep and help your skin to be healthier. Being naked has actually been found to be beneficial whether you’re working out or not, more so when working out of course but still very beneficial.

If you happen to have a swimming pool a dip in wearing just your birthday suit might be long overdue. It amazes me how ‘taboo’ these types of things appear to be here in the United States in some places. Being comfortable and free in your own body is something you are entitled to. Do not let clothes hold you back.

Could this naked workout trend be something amazing? Sure it may sound a little iffy or embarrassing to think about from the beginning but you won’t know unless you try it. Wouldn’t you like to be more body positive? We are all beautiful.

A Magic Sleep Remedy: One Cup of This Mixture and You Will Fall Asleep in Less Than A Minute

by December 10, 2016

If you suffer from insomnia, there are many natural cures available to avoid using prescription sedatives. One key recipe will have you sleeping sound in minutes. It consists of honey and milk. Both honey and milk contain properties that have been used as sleep remedies for centuries.

There is a staggering 33% of Americans suffering from insomnia. Experts link high stress levels with insomnia. Researchers have found that milk ingested before bed will help you sleep, as it supports deeper sleep, supports a more restorative sleep, induces relaxation and many more. Honey is used mostly for flavor, but it does contain properties to increase sleep. Honey causes a controlled release of insulin secreted, and it causes tryptophan to be released into my brain. This chemical converts into serotonin, causing a relaxed state.  


  • 6 0z. Milk
  • 1 drop vanilla extract
  • 1tsp. Honey


1.In a small saucepan heat the milk to warm, but not boiling.
2.Remove from heat and pour into glass. Add vanilla and honey.
3.Stir well and sip slowly before bed.

24 Research Backed Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

by December 10, 2016

Apple Cider Vinegar is cheap and effective on many levels. You can use it for so many different things!

You can use vinegar for just about anything ranging from ulcers to digestion issues. ACV is packed full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Do you know the benefits of ACV?

  • Hair Rinse
    • Yes, rinsing your hair with this can give you healthy hair. In doing this you are essentially using ACV as conditioner and baking soda as shampoo.
  • Cleaning
    • Using this mixed with water can and will disinfect almost all surfaces.
  • Animal Skin Treatment
    • You can use ACV to treat irritated skin as well as repelling fleas. It is completely safe so no worries about whether the animal might ingest it or not. Adding it to their food can also help them to maintain a healthy pH balance as well.
  • Thinning Hair and Dandruff
    • Being highly acidic ACV works to kill bacteria off that is causing hair loss and dandruff. Pour it on your scalp, massage it in, and let it sit for a few hours.
  • Toning Your Skin
    • ACV will work wonders on your skin in a good way.
  • Detox
    • Acids in ACV bind to toxins and allow your body to release them much more effectively.
  • Candida
    • This is something not everyone is going to be familiar with however Candida is a parasitic bacteria that causes yeast overgrowth and result in a person having low energy levels, yeast infections, canker sores, and other embarrassingly  uncomfortable symptoms. ACV can work to keep the parasite at bay.
  • Congestion and Allergies
    • ACV helps break down mucus and can reduce sneezing and similar symptoms as well.
  • Reduce Heartburn and Acid Reflux
    • Heartburn seems to be one of the most common health issues as person can have. It is something that happens based off of our diet oftentimes. Acid reflux occurs when we are depleted in something known as hydrochloric acid. This is something people who need to improve their gut flora often have issues with. However, one tablespoon of raw ACV before you eat can help ensure that you will have acidic stomach acid at least for that meal.
  • Treating High Cholesterol
    • One study done back in 2006 found that feeding rats ACV for almost 20 days drastically reduced their cholesterol levels.
  • Antiglycemic Effect
    • ACV might be able to lower the glycemic response to starchy carbohydrates. The things that often make up most of our diet.
  • Anti-Tumor
    • ACV has been found on several occasions to have anti-tumor properties. With more research, this could lead to something amazing.
  • Digestion Improvement
    • being rich in acid this enables your digestive system to work properly. This gets things going in order to kick off the rest of the process.
  • Prevent Muscle Fatigue
    • Muscle fatigue is something we deal with generally after a workout however, it can be avoided. Make sure the body has a good amount of electrolyte stores before working out. You can do this by taking a tablespoon of ACV with water.
  • Bad Breath Issues
    • Bad breath can be a sign of something going on inside your body. ACV can help reduce and in some cases eliminate bad breath.
  • Body Odor Issues
    • By using ACV to regulate the pH of your skin you can reduce body odor. This can be done by simply wiping your pits with an ACV soaked paper towel daily.
  • Food Preservation
    • Using ACV allows you to store food for longer. You can use ACV or normal vinegar for this depending on your taste preference.
  • Weight Loss
    • ACV has been known to help regulate blood sugar levels in doing this is curbs cravings and kicks out extra calories.
  • Prevent Bladder Stones
    • Bladder stones sound awful, right? By Using ACV to alkalize your urine you are decreasing your chances of getting them.
  • UTI Prevention
    • In using ACV and alkalizing your urine you are also reducing the risks of coming down with a UTI. Something we all want to avoid if possible.
  • Balance Your pH
    • ACV while high in acids can also alkalize specific parts of your body such as urine which I mentioned above. This is something that can help balance your pH because while it is acidic it is also alkalizing.
  • Potassium
    • ACV is a great source of potassium. Maintaining proper amounts of this in your body is very important.
  • Warts and Callouses
    • According to Dr. Scholl keeping your feet healthy can be done by soaking them in warm water with a third of ACV for 30 minutes or less then rubbing them with a pumice stone. This is said to make it impossible for fungus and warts to embed themselves in the skin.
  • Poison Ivy
    • ACV can soothe irritations caused by this plant. using ACV on this will draw the toxins out and provide relief.

See, there are limitless uses for ACV. Using apple cider vinegar can drastically improve your health and make cleaning easier. This amazing ‘remedy’ has a lot of potential and I can see that is can do great things when used properly.

The Best Medicine Against Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure

by December 10, 2016

This is a remedy passed down through the Amish that is used for treating many kinds of ailments. You might even already have the ingredients for this at home!

It is perfect for boosting one’s immune system and treating issues like high blood pressure. After a few treatments of this your quality of life will improve drastically. Why not give it a try?

Amish Remedy


  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • 2 cloves of grated garlic
  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 pieces of grated ginger
  • 2 teaspoons of organic honey


Mix all of these ingredients and refrigerate the results for five days.

After the five days, you should eat a tablespoon of this before you eat each meal every day for a week.

In just one week you should notice your blood pressure becoming normalized, as well as your cholesterol levels. Remedies are often times hit or miss and with this remedy, it is definitely a hit!

The Science is Finally in! This is What You Should Know About Butter

by December 10, 2016

Butter is something we use just about every single day, it can turn bland food into something delicious.

However, throughout the past few decades, it has been blamed for all kinds of issues. People have even tried to blame butter for heart disease! You see while too much butter can be an issue butter itself in the right amount can be good for you.

Here is how butter can be good for you:

All of these things are one hundred percent true, and on top of that butter is quite delicious. Almost everything is good in moderation; when we abuse things and overeat they become unhealthy. If you previously thought butter was unhealthy then think again. Butter is healthy bad eating habits are not.

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