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Study Proving Vaccines Cause Autism Banned From Internet

by December 12, 2016

One study has shown that vaccinated children are actually three times more likely to be diagnosed with autism as well as other serious neurological disorders. Yet, for some reason, this study has been ‘unpublished’ and is even being pulled off of the internet because of criticism coming from the vaccine industry.

Originally the study was published online in Frontiers in Public Health, but was ‘unpublished’ by the journal after the heavy pressure and criticism being thrown at them by mainstream media and vaccine lobbyists. This study is being silenced because it is extremely important and damning to the vaccine industry.

In the study children’s health is compared through surveys. The surveys of 412 mothers of children aged 6-12, almost 40 percent of the 666 children had not been vaccinated. The control group was adequate, to say the least. This study found that children who were vaccinated were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with pneumonia, allergies, autism, and ADHD.

This study was peer-reviewed by Linda Mullin Elkins, a chiropractor at Life University and Kelly Hsieh from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Public comments about this study were, to say the least brutal. While this study is no longer available on the website for Frontiers in Public Health it is also not available on the internet archives, convenient much? However, if you would live to view the first page there is a screenshot below:


Shocking: The Effects Of Negative Thoughts And Emotions On Your Body

by December 11, 2016

People experience many different emotions all the time. Although we can’t prevent negative thoughts, if they’re consistent they can have negative effects on you physically.

All of the emotions cause a different environment in the body as the body release different chemicals varying from each emotion. If the body releases Seratonin, Oxytocin, or Dopamine you will feel happy. If it releases Cortisol, you will feel stressed out and possibly even  depressed.

You may wonder what happens to your body when you have negative thought all the time. Are things innately positive or negative, or do we define them ourselves? We spend a lot of time thinking and or judging what is considered positive or negative. It all depends on the beholder’s perception.

Most of the time, there are no positive or negative things just by definition, but it is you that find them to be one way or the other. If they consistently have negative thoughts, try to find the brighter side of the situations. Humans have a huge connection between body and mind. Positive things can lead to a more positive lifestyle. Destructive thinking can lead to a more unfulfilling lifestyle.

When you feel pain in certain areas, it is often linked to an emotional issue. For instance, if you are feeling pain in the back, knees, neck or shoulders, it is likely that dealing with your emotions will help you get a relief, contrary to the popular belief that exercise or physio will work it out.

You need to learn to process emotions and illness quickly by determining the reason why they appeared in the first place. For instance, if you believe that you will get sick, the chances are that you will continue having it until you understand that you have the control over it and that everything depends on your perception. Positive thinking equals a positive lifestyle.


ALS Patient Treated With Medical Marijuana Outlives Anti-Marijuana Doctors

by December 11, 2016

Quite some time ago a woman by the name of Cathy Jordan was diagnosed with something known as ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) which is sometimes called Lou Gehrig’s disease. She was only given a maximum expectancy of five more years on this planet.

Now, this taking place around thirty years ago marijuana was not accepted at all as a valid medical treatment. When Cathy decided to use marijuana to help with her issue and no matter who she spoke with doctors were outraged. They assumed by using marijuana as a form of treatment she would be shortening her time here. However, thanks to her decision to use marijuana she is alive and well today.

ALS is not something many people think about but it is a terrible thing to suffer from let alone die from. ALS is the death of motor neurons which leads to the loss of limb control and even things like breathing, swallowing, and speech. Ms. Jordan began using cannabis from a grower in Florida as treatment for her ALS in the late eighties. Cathy told Americans for Safe Access:

“All my docs are retiring or dead. I’ve outlived 5 support groups and 4 neurologists.”

Meaning she is doing much better health-wise than those who opposed her decision to use cannabis in the first place. Back in the time she was being treated growing cannabis was punishable by around 20 years in prison and had to be cultivated in secret as to not get arrested. Ms. Jordan lived long past her expiration date and this caused her to lose her social security benefits.

She says that the Florida state actually said that her ID and regular documentation was not enough proof that she was alive still. She had to ask her neurologist to fill out paperwork in order to prove she was still alive and in term prove that cannabis saved her withering life. Even now with the mountains of proof, we have that Cannabis can benefit us in many ways medically we still for some reason have people who refuse to believe. They were so sure she would die they didn’t believe she was still alive, how ridiculous is that?

It is very saddening to think that many other lives could have been saved much like Cathy’s was if the truth of this plant had been released before now. The more people know about cannabis and the great things it has done and continues to do the better. Being aware can save lives. Please take the time to watch the video below.

Mexican Doctor reveals A Natural Cure For Joint Pain; Improves Memory and Vision up to 80%

by December 11, 2016

Everyone has aches and pains from time to time, but sometimes it can be just too much. Severe joint pain can prohibit you from doing the things that you enjoy the most.

You can always take a man made medication, but they often have harmful side effects. Conveniently, a Mexican doctor has discovered a natural remedy that is a great way to take back control of your body!

Joint pain can be caused by a multitude of things. Any damage to the joints, such as straining from exercise, can cause inflammation in the joints. You can fight your joint pain by certain exercises too. Walking, swimming, weight lifting, pedaling, and yoga can all give you a significant release of your pain, especially if combined with this natural remedy. You can fight joint pain using walnuts, Avocado, beetroot, rosemary, apples, and tomatoes. Each ingredient contains powerful and rejuvenating vitamins and minerals to help reduce any and all types of joint pain.

Walnuts can strengthen the blood vessels in your brain due to their high omega-3 content. Walnuts help improve memory by improving oxygen flow to your brain. Tomatoes contain loads of Lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that reduces damage done to your cells. It is mostly present in red fruits such as tomatoes, grapefruit, papaya, and watermelons.

Apples are rich in Pectin! Pectin is a fiber that will improve your digestion and even brain health as well! Rosemary is such a powerful ingredient to the remedy, that you could almost use it alone! Beetroot regulates blood flow while containing numerous nutrients for the body. Avocados have the ability to increase your cerebral blood flow which produces better memory and overall brain health. I found this recipe on If you suffer from serious joint pain, it is most certainly an option worth trying.


  • 2 in. piece of ginger root
  • 2 tbsp. Of cinnamon
  • 3 tbsp. Of honey
  • 4 lemons
  • 125 gr. horseradish
  • Preparation

Blend the horseradish and ginger first, then add freshly squeezed lemon juice in the blender and mix for a couple of minutes. Add the honey and cinnamon afterward and mix again, then pour the syrup in a jar.

Take a tablespoon of the remedy twice a day or before your cardio exercise. In just 3 weeks, you should lose a noticeable amount of weight and your overall health should be improved.

The 4-Minute Workout Routine That Helps You Burn Fat Like Crazy

by December 11, 2016

Wanting a better body and doing something to get a better body are very different things. Most people want a better body, but have trouble putting the effort needed into achieving their goal.

If you are crunched for time and just cannot work out it might seem impossible for you to workout but you can! If you dedicate just five minutes of your day to this minimal routine ‘workout.’ It is called planking and for while it was taking the world by storm. Now at first doing this for a whole five minutes will seem almost impossible, but with some practice, you can do it.

There are many benefits to planking. By planking, you will be toning your tummy, legs, arms, butt, back, and shoulders. You will be improving your body’s overall circulation and reducing cellulite and losing weight. If  you want to learn how to plant please watch the video below. It may look easy but it is anything but easy when it comes to extended periods of time.

Science Sheds Light Why Heating Your Food With Microwave Radiation Might Be A Bad Idea

by December 11, 2016

Using microwave radiation to heat food can in no way be good for our health, and in the future, it will be something considered common knowledge. While microwaves are convenient they are not safe.

Changing the chemical structure of our food before we ingest it doesn’t sound very appetizing honestly. Microwaves work by causing water molecules to resonate at overly high frequencies making them into a steam and thus heating your food. Just because microwaves are approved does not mean they are safe. At least half of the things approved these days is not safe for example tobacco, asbestos, glyphosate.

You see these microwaves are very different from other means of heating our food. Steaming our food or heating it on a stove top does not deform or distort the molecules in our food, microwaves do. This is something that is an issue in the medical field as well because microwaves are used to heat blood used in transfusions. The microwave radiation is known to damage the blood and in one case a woman actually died after receiving her transfusion.

When you microwave food you are losing a lot of the ‘health benefits’ you may have been gaining from eating that specific food. For example, when you microwave garlic for just one minute its active ingredient Alliinase becomes useless, breast milk when heated in the microwave loses immune boosting agents and broccoli loses most of its antioxidants. There is no way to truly eat healthy when using a microwave.

When microwaving we should never heat anything in a plastic container even if it says ‘microwave safe.’ This is something almost everyone does to the point of not even questioning it. Microwaving plastic is awful, you may already be aware that plastic itself contains tons of hormone disrupting chemicals. Did you know that chemical transfer works at an increased rate when heated? Yes, all of these hormone-disrupting chemicals are going into your nutritionally lacking meals.

Microwaves are awful for our health, by using these convenient killers we are hurting not only ourselves but the people around us as well. There has to be a better way than this. Please watch the video below, it is a little older but still very informative.

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