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How Sitting For Long Periods Is Killing You & Sabotaging Your Health

by December 15, 2016

Did you know prolonged sitting can have a big impact on your health? Most people do not stop to think about things like this.

Some people have recently begun thinking that sitting for too long too frequently could cause some severe health issues.  Most jobs in this day and age do not require much physical exertion. People spending on average 5-10 hours sitting a day could be damning to your cardiovascular function.

A study done in the past has found that prolonged sitting can actually counter effect time you spend at the gym. Say you exercise for 1 hour before heading to work then sit for 6 hours, you are no longer benefiting from that morning workout.The lack of muscle contractions decreases blood flow throughout our bodies when we sit for long periods of time.

Sitting for just one hour can impair blood flow to main arteries by up to fifty percent. If you were to take the time to walk for 5 minutes each hour you would be able to subdue the risks of heart disease associated with this issue. As soon as you stand up from sitting for a long period you are setting off ripples of activities that are connected to the cellular functioning of your muscles.


The only real way to reverse the damage being done is to get moving. Take regular breaks from your work and walk around for at least five minutes. Walking will get blood flowing properly throughout your body. You can improve some issues by changing where you are sitting. There are several different chairs designed to allow you to move enough in them to burn calories. Good seating options are always a plus. Walking will help you in more ways than you’d think. When it comes to restricted blood flow you should take preventative measures immediately.

Walking can offer you many benefits:

  • Mood improvement
  • Balance improvement
  • Weight loss
  • Strengthen bones and muscles
  • Prevent and manage heart disease
  • Prevent and manage high blood pressure

So if you are in school or work in a field where you’re stuck sitting for hours on end each day this is something you should consider doing something about. When it all boils down five minutes here is really not all that bad in the long run. I would choose a five-minute walk over heart disease any day.

The World’s Biggest Bottled Water Brand Admits: It’s Just Tap Water

by December 15, 2016

Just a few short months ago Aquafina, admitted something quite interesting. They have finally admitted that their water is nothing more than tap water.

They have changed their labels to P.W.S. (Public Water Source) this means that while the water is purified and filtered it is nothing more than the water we have at home in our sinks. Actually, half of the bottled waters sold here in the United States are simply purified water. Tap water actually reaches more purity standards in some places than bottled water does.

Labels for things like ‘mountain water’ or ‘glacier water’ are just words to draw attention. They are still just plain ole tap water usually. You can actually benefit more by filtering your water at home than you can by purchasing bottled water. Using a filter system will save you a lot of money and make things more convenient for your family.

As we have learned in the past just because something is being marketed as one thing does not mean that is what it actually is. People market a lot of non-organic foods as organic as well these days. We the people always seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to information about the things we ingest. Something needs to be done about misinformation when it comes to things meant for consumption.

It is apparent that greed is what runs our country. We need to be more aware of the things being marketed to us. The only difference between bottled water and tap water is the bottle. Do not be fooled.

Wi-Fi: A Silent Killer That Kills Us Slowly

by December 15, 2016

We are constantly being bombarded with new wireless technology, while it is all quite amazing have you ever stopped to think what it could be doing to your health? Could Wi-Fi be a bad thing?

We ae able to do just about anything with dealing with wires. This is extremely convenient but did you know that it is also exposing you to some levels of electromagnetic radiation? We are being exposed literally 24/7. Some people think Wi-Fi is completely safe while others think that it could cause severe issues. Wi-Fi is not something that causes diagnosable illnesses.

This is a big issue. Yet, for some reason, most of us choose to ignore the fact that there is an issue at all. Wi-Fi can actually interfere with our bodily functions. This is something that can over time progress into things like cancer and neurodegenerative diseases; long-term exposure has limitless possible outcomes.

It is almost impossible right now to show that increased wireless signal exposure is able to cause these diseases, because of the large amount of time it takes for them to develop. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)wireless radiation is a class 2B possible carcinogen.While we do not know much this far about the effects of wireless radiation there are a few studies we can go by.

Rodent studies have found that wireless radiation causes cancer and can worsen cancer prognosis. This coming along with changes in blood-brain barrier. While the human studies have shown to be inconclusive at this time if it can do something like that to a rat I have no doubt over time it could do the same to a human.

Here are the best five ways (Options) to reduce your exposure:

  1. Turn off your Wi-Fi before you go to bed. You’re not using it while you sleep so this is the best time to give it a break.
  2. Do not upgrade as frequently as others do.
  3. Turn your devices on airplane mode when not in use.
  4. Turn the router on only when in use.
  5. Cut out Wi-Fi altogether.

I know not all of these things are possible for every person but following at least number one will give your body a much-needed break from the constant radiation exposure. To learn how to reduce the electromagnetic radiation around you at home please watch the video below. This is a serious issue would you rather have Facebook or your life?

McDonald’s Finally Admits What’s Inside Their So-Called “Burgers”. Yuck!

by December 14, 2016

I’m sure you have all heard the many different rumors behind what is really in a McDonald’s burger. However, what really is in a McDonald’s burger has been a mystery to most for quite some time.

We have all seen the picture of the pink slime used to make ‘chicken nuggets’ as it has been circling the internet for ages. That image alone was enough to cause questions about just what might be in the burgers themselves. In order to right the critics, McDonald’s launched a campaign they have called “Our Food. Your Questions.” Something that is supposed to give us a look at how the food is made.

The company has admitted to using a chemical additive known as azodicarbonamide in their buns. This chemical use in foods is banned in Australia and Europe. This is something we also use in yoga mats. How unsettling is that to swallow? It only gets worse. This company also says that adding rubber to their products (FOOD) is safe.

If you have seen the video “Super-Size Me” then you are well aware of the things this sort of food can do to a person. There is no reason as to why we should be eating cheeseburgers made of rubber and yoga mat making chemicals. Who knows what else is being put into our food that good ole McDonald’s won’t admit to.

They still claim their meat is “100% Beef”, but that is highly debatable. Please take the time to watch the video below for more information. We should know by now to avoid McDonald’s like it’s the plague.

The nasty things found in their products doesn’t just stop there. To learn more about why not to eat at McDonald’s please watch the videos below.

If You Get Droopy Eyelids, THIS is the Most Natural and Effective Way to Treat It

by December 14, 2016

Having droopy eyelids can make your eye makeup look unappealing, to say the least. Luckily, there are ways to reduce the droopiness naturally.

Droopy eyelids are usually the result of aging, nerve injury, or some diseases. My favorite form of treatment for this sort of issue is egg. Eggs can be used for a large amount of beauty related issues. You can use egg to prevent acne, prevent dark spots, reduce scars, tighten skin, and many other things.

If you want to reduce the droopiness of your eyelids, here’s how:

  1. Wash your face well and remove all makeup.
  2. Dry your face off.
  3. Take an egg and carefully remove the yolk.
  4. Use a cotton swab to apply the egg whites to both of your eyelids.
  5. Yes, this is going to feel gross but trust me, it works wonders.
  6. Keep your eyes closed in order to prevent getting any egg in your eye. Be sure to keep it closed until the egg is completely dry.
  7. Once the egg has dried you can wash it off with lukewarm water and dry it off.
  8. Do this on a daily basis for the best results.

This is the most effective treatment I have found so far, however, if you simply cannot get over the sliminess of the egg there are other natural treatments out there. Exercising the eyes can help as well. Yes, you can ‘work out’ your eyes. Watch the video below to find out how!

How to Break the Habit of Overthinking

by December 14, 2016

As humans, we are addicted to many things. The thing we are addicted to the most is thinking.

This is one addiction you won’t hear much about. We overthink and push our stress limits to the max. It is difficult for us to let for of thoughts that make us upset. This is something we all should work on according to well known spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle.

Tolle is the author of The Power of Now and works to encourage people to become more aware of the moment we are currently in. As well as the pseudo sense of self we need to let go of. There are methods to ending the overthinking cycle, things you might not consider doing each day could actually dramatically cut back on your stress levels.

Are you the victim of overthinking? Do you lie in bed at night thinking unable to sleep? The video below might be just what you need. Listen to Tolle teach the ways of cutting out overthinking entirely.

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