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Marijuana: The Super Antibiotic of The Future

by July 24, 2017

Many of the medications that we are prescribed cause way more problems than we had to begin with. They could all be avoided by simply using the natural ingredients right in front of our faces.

The big pharma pumps us full of toxic medications in order to nourish their bank accounts and ensure we come back to them in the future. You simply cannot trust your doctors anymore because the pharmaceutical companies have taken over everything. The very best decision you can make is treating your health issues with natural ingredients. They’re cheaper, more effective, and a million times healthier. One of the biggest concerns we have today is the overuse of antibiotics by the pharma companies. We are creating an antibiotic resistance that will take hundreds of years to reverse.

“Without urgent, coordinated action by many stakeholders, the world is headed for a post-antibiotic era,” Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the Assistant Director General for the World Health Organization’s Health Security department, said last year after the WHO released its first ever global report on antibiotic resistance. “Common infections and minor injuries, which have been treatable for decades, can once again kill,” he continued, explaining how antibiotic resistant bacteria are now one of the top health concerns of the world.

The evolution of bacteria into superbugs is driven in large part by antibiotics that are prescribed to kill them in the first place. A bit ironic right? MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus), kills over 10,000 people a year, according to the Center for Disease Control. This is a direct byproduct of overusing antibiotics, which bred a stronger and more dangerous version of the common staph aureus bacteria.

However, one groundbreaking study showed amazing results when treating this same bacteria using an extremely popular natural ingredient – marijuana. The study was conducted in 2008 by a team of British and Italian researchers. They found that cannabis can stop MRSA in its tracks. The team tested five of Marijuana’s most popular cannabinoids against six different MRSA strains of ‘clinical ‘relevance’, including EMRSA strains. They found that all five of the cannabinoids tested showed potent activity against a wide variety of the bacteria.

Cannabinoids have a wide range of medicinal properties like fighting cancer, reducing inflammation, and it can also be used as a powerful antioxidant. “Everything points towards these compounds having been evolved by the plants as antimicrobial defenses that specifically target bacterial cells,” said Simon Gibbons, one of the authors of the study and head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biological Chemistry at the University College London School of Pharmacy, in a follow up interview in the MIT Technological Review.

Although the White House has just lifted some of the restrictions against this medicinal plant, it is unlikely that science could ever come up with a medication more powerful than marijuana. It is the cure all ingredient and has already saved thousands of lives.

Harvard Research Links Fluoridated Water to ADHD, Mental Disorders

by July 24, 2017

There has been much controversy over the use of fluoride in our tap water. Corporate CEO’s and executives claim we need it, but the research shows the exact opposite.

There have been mounds of research performed on the use of fluoride in tap water and toothpaste. Producers use dangerous chemicals in their products and hide it from us. They pay millions of dollars to hide the fact that these dangerous chemicals are sneaking their way into our bodies from multiple different directions – and we have no real idea of where it’s coming from. Even scarier, there could be a much darker truth as to why we are still using such outdated and poisonous water treatment methods.

Many people believe that the rising cases of ADD, ADHD, and other mental disorders are a byproduct of high fluoride water concentrations. The Harvard School of Public Health claims that fluoride in our tap water is deteriorating our health. According to Harvard School of Public Health’s research published in 2014, these chemicals are causing the prevalence of behavioral disorders in children – including fluoride.

The government allows the use of fluoride in our water because it supposedly reduces your risk for tooth decay. However, the effects of long term exposure greatly outweigh the only one possible benefit from this dangerous chemical.

According to Julia Medew’s report for the Sydney Morning Herald,Since 2006, the number of chemicals known to damage the human brain more generally, but that is not regulated to protect children’s health, had increased from 202 to 214,”


“The pair said this could be the tip of the iceberg because the vast majority of the more than 80,000 industrial chemicals widely used in the United States have never been tested for their toxic effects on the developing fetus or child.”

You can invest in water filtration systems to filter the fluoride and other chemicals from your water. You can also try oil pulling or non-fluoridated toothpaste instead of fluoridated toothpaste. Vote with your dollar and stop putting your money towards fluoridated products! 

Chemotherapy Proven to Spread Cancer, Cause Lethal Tumors in Groundbreaking New Study

by July 24, 2017

In a world of such technological and ‘medical’ advancement, you would think that disease wouldn’t be much of an issue. As time goes on we see more clearly how much of a money scheme the medical industry really is.

The medical industry has been basically ripping all of us off since big pharma began. Except, it might be a little worse than being ripped off; because they’re not only stealing tons of your money, but they’re also taking your youth and health. The medications they pump us full of are toxic and poisonous.

For example, the way we treat cancer. Chemotherapy is the most popular method for treating cancer, but according to a new study, it has a terrible effect on our bodies. Not like we didn’t already know that, I mean it’s one of the most painful treatments to endure. However, the results show that it actually spreads cancer instead of killing it.

The study was performed by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and they found some amazing results regarding the real effectiveness and side effects of chemotherapy. They found that chemotherapy can help disperse the cancer cells all throughout the body. The study was led by researchers George S. Karagiannis, Jessica M. Pastoriza, Yarong Wang, and Allison S. Harney.

In the study titled, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy induces breast cancer metastasis through a TMEM-mediated mechanism, the researchers found that chemotherapy might be the cause of new tumors in patients who develop secondary cancers. The study shows that chemotherapy induces a process known as metastasis. During metastasis, the patient might develop more cancer in another part of the body from which it originated from.

Doctors and researchers that claim chemotherapy is the top and most effective treatment for cancer should be tried for murder. Especially considering the many natural ingredients that fight off cancer 10x better than chemotherapy does. I know one thing; if I was ever diagnosed with cancer I would not do Chemotherapy.

Microwave Ovens Don’t Just Nuke Your Food They Nuke Your Heart

by July 24, 2017

If you are health conscious you probably won’t use a microwave too often. Many people have faded away from the convenience of a microwave oven because of the dangerous health risks they pose. 

Microwave ovens not only nuke our food and destroy any nutritional value that it has, but it is also having a seriously negative effect on your heart. Typical microwave frequency radiation from the microwave in an average American kitchen puts off more than enough radiation to affect your heart rate and heart rate variability. Just 2.4 GHz can cause immediate and drastic changes to your heart. The shocking part is that 2.4Ghz is the average frequency given out by your WiFi router and microwave ovens.

Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University studied the effects of microwaving your food for some time now, and according to him, people exposed to radiation for just three minutes at 2.4Ghz can experience severe reactions in heart changes and altered heart rate variations – including an alarm response to stress. This is also called electrohypersensitivity (EHS), or rapid aging syndrome. It has been studied for multiple decades, and this response includes heart palpitations, clumping of red blood cells, and fluctuations of the parasympathetic nervous system typical of a fight or flight response.

Many people over the years have claimed that microwave ovens do not produce any immediate biological effects because the ordinary household level is so far below the federal guidelines. However, in the modern day world, there are more sources of environmental radiation like electromagnetic devices, WiFi routers, laptops, and cell phones.

“This is the first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability caused by an approved device that generates microwaves at levels well below (0.3 percent) federal guidelines in both Canada and the United States.”

Just like chemotherapy, the Nazi’s invented microwave ovens during world war II. They created a device to provide mobile food support for their troops when they invaded the Soviet Union. Russia later banned the ovens when they figured out how dangerous they were, but of course not the United States.

Dr. Hans Ulrich Hertel was one of the first food scientists to study the effects of microwaves on the blood and physiology of human beings. He and his biochemistry expert partners concluded that microwaves resulted in negative health effects. They reported that they can cause higher cholesterol levels, decreased numbers of red blood cells, decreased hemoglobin levels and decreased numbers of leukocytes.

The extra fifteen minutes in the oven might be the better idea in order to avoid major health complications. You’re not just nuking your food, you’re nuking your blood, brain, and disturbing your heart rate. Doesn’t sound as convenient anymore, does it?

The Amount of Magnesium You Need to Never Need Blood Pressure Meds Again

by July 23, 2017

The 4th most abundant mineral in your body, magnesium is often overlooked and underestimated. The truth is that this mineral plays an incredibly important role in your overall health, impacting everything from metabolic health to the formation of bones and teeth.

Despite its high level of importance, an increasing number of Americans are being diagnosed as being deficient in magnesium, resulting in many health problems and complications.

The National Institutes of Health website states:

“Some observational surveys have associated higher blood levels of magnesium with lower risk of coronary heart disease. In addition, some dietary surveys have suggested that a higher magnesium intake may reduce the risk of having a stroke. There is also evidence that low body stores of magnesium increase the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which may increase the risk of complications after a heart attack. These studies suggest that consuming recommended amounts of magnesium may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system.”

Why is Magnesium So Important for Your Heart Health?

A 2013 Harvard report indicates that magnesium may reduce the risk of heart disease by 30%! Studying the data from 313,041 people, the researchers were able to investigate the link between magnesium levels in the body and the potential risk of suffering from heart disease.

Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian told the ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that this study provided the “most robust evidence to date of the associations between circulating and dietary magnesium across their usual physiologic ranges and [cardiovascular disease] risk.”

Another study, published in the journal ‘Circulation,’ suggests that magnesium not only helps to keep our heart’s healthy, but can even work to help heal an already ailing heart. The lead author of the study, C. Noel Bairey Merz, explained that the study revealed that by providing magnesium supplements to heart disease patients they were able to enable the patients to exercise for longer periods of time while protecting the heart from the stresses associated with exercise. They also found that magnesium worked to encourage the blood vessels to open up more efficiently, providing the body with more blood when required.

While magnesium supplements are available over-the counter in the United States, Merz cautions Americans that they may not be able to get the same benefits as those experienced by patients in other areas of the world, saying: “The product we used is from Germany, where supplements of this kind are regulated and quality is monitored. Because this is not the case in the U.S., it is impossible to know what you are getting in a supplement, or even whether it contains any magnesium at all.” It is recommended that patients looking to use magnesium supplements as part of their plan to manage and treat heart disease do so after discussions with a medical professional.

Magnesium and Our Diets

While there are a number of supplements available, magnesium levels can be effectively increased through optimizing our diets. In an interview with Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a New York City cardiologist advised,

“As clinicians, we need to stress the importance of a well-balanced meal, not only for all the cholesterol lowering and sugar-modulating benefits but for ensuring an adequate amount of magnesium in the blood. Checking magnesium levels as part of a screening for heart health may become an essential part of prevention and for treatment of blood pressure.”

Dark green leafy vegetables are packed with magnesium. Whether you choose to make a salad or juice your greens, increase the consumption of the following foods in order to boost your magnesium levels:

  • Spinach
  • Swiss Chard
  • Turnip Greens
  • Beet Greens
  • Collard Greens
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Kale
  • Bok Choy
  • Romaine Lettuce

Major Investigation Exposes the Truth About One of America’s Largest Organic Egg Brands

by July 23, 2017

There are many different reasons as to why you might want to buy organic food. It’s no wonder that many of us are resorting to healthier options -or at least trying to. 

Companies and food industry factories are notorious for putting ingredients in our food that shouldn’t be there. Processed foods are causing tons of different diseases and health complications, and many people are resorting to organic foods. However, the CEO’s and Businessmen aren’t going to let that get in the way of their profits. Oddly, companies and industries can ideally get away with whatever they want to these days. Thus, many food brands are claiming to be organic while actually being toxic man-made chemicals; like these ‘organic’ eggs for example.

One of the largest organic egg producers in America has been found to be pretty dishonest when it comes to their products. People pay way more for these eggs that are straddling the organic line and they’re beginning to wonder why. The Washington Post published a report studying the Saranac, Michigan Eggland’s best production facility. There is an estimated 1 out of every 10 organic eggs in America that come from here.

When you imagine organic eggs you might also envision a small little farm, where the chickens can roam freely and happily. However, according to the investigation, this facility houses over 1.6 million hens that are kept in close proximity to each other and no ability to even see the outside. These findings came from unnamed sources who are familiar with the operation and the building plan.

Sources report that all the birds are held at over three per square foot of floor space. They speak on conditions of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak about the company. “This is not at all what consumers expect of an organic farm,” said Katherine Paul of the Organic Consumers Association. “It’s damaging to the image of the entire industry. People will wonder, ‘Why the hell am I paying more for this?’ ” Katherine Paul of the OCA.

According to Greg Herbruck, the president of Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch in Saranac, which is part of the operation, the entire process is organic. He says that the post report was misleading because there are metal shelves that have been constructed to add more space to the area where the birds are kept. But should animals really be stored on shelves? It doesn’t sound very organic to me.

The USDA requirements for organic livestock are outdoor access, direct sunlight, fresh air, all while prohibiting the continuous and total confinement of any animal indoors. They are supposed to be allowed to engage in their natural behavior – which this factory meets none of. Maybe you should reconsider the next organic egg brand you purchase.

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