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These 10 Men Transform Their Bodies After the Age of 50 and Prove Age is Just a Number

by August 5, 2017

We discuss the concept of age and its inevitable arrival as if it is an end of all things that bring us joy, leaving us with no option but to accept that we will see a significant dip in our quality of life as we move past our ‘best years.’ With phrases like ’30 is the new 20’ people point at the fact that people are living longer, marrying later, having kids at older ages and taking longer to establish their careers. Where does this fit into our physical appearance?

The internet is packed with article after article claiming to hold the secrets to slow or avoid aging. Some discuss miracle serums, anti-aging diets and more. However, even these articles seem to target those of us in our 30s and 40s, creating a line after which we are just to accept the effects of aging and the inevitable impact it will have on our lives.

There are, however, a number of people who point at the ability to delay the signs of aging through natural means – focusing on eating healthier diets, maintaining an active lifestyle and prioritizing our mental, emotional and spiritual health. Here are 10 men who have proven that this approach can work! Each of these men started a career in modeling approaching or after the age of 50, and they prove that with the right effort, age really is just a number!

#1 – Irvin Randle (Age: 54)

Working as an elementary school teacher in Houston, Texas, Irvin Randle has now moved to sharing his stunningly good looks and incredible fashion sense with the rest of the world by way of the Internet. A father and grandfather, he is showing the next generation of young men that they can rock it after 50!


#2 – Eric Rutherford (Age: 49)

Working both as an editor for At Large magazine and an event-organizer in New York, Eric Rutherford has just started to show the world all that he is capable of at the age of 49. His Instagram profile showcases his stunningly good looks and incredible fashion sense.


#3 – Shan Michael Hefley (Age: 54)

Shan Michael Hefley wasn’t always rocking this incredibly sculpted physique, but when he vowed to eat healthier and exercise regularly he was able to transform his body in a way that left a whole generation of younger men incredibly jealous!


#4 – Philippe Dumas (Age: 60)

While most people are considering retirement as they enter their 60s, this was just the beginning for Philippe Dumas! With his first modeling contract at the age of 60, he launched into his new career. Dumas stated, “My career as a senior model is young but it starts well. I have great expectations.”


#5 – Alessandro Manfredini (Age: 48)

The very definition of an ‘Italian Stallion,’ Alessandro Manfredini shows off his personal style with his amazing tattoos and incredible beard. His flawless fashion sense has been wowing legions of Instagram followers, proving that a man can get better with age.


#6 – Ron Jack Foley (Age: 50)

Hailing from Canada, Ron Jack Foley has shown that ’50 Shades of Gray’ may just be referring to his incredible appearance and physique, with a stunning head of hair that would make even the most popular of super model’s jealous!


#7 – Anthony Varecchia (Age: 53)

Anthony Varecchia proves that there is no age limit on a love of fitness, showing off his incredibly sculpted muscles on Instagram, attracting a large following! Living in New York, this 53-year-old is honest when asked about his fitness efforts, admitting that it takes a great deal of effort and an attention to a healthy lifestyle, but that wasn’t going to stop him!


#8 – Gianluca Vacchi (Age: 50)

His incredibly attractive appearance is only one of Gianluca Vacchi’s claims to fame! The 50-year-old Italian millionaire is a fashionista, entrepreneur, and financier. When asked about his secret he explained that everyone should live each day to the fullest, which is why he loves good music and dancing.


#9 – Deshun Wang (Age: 80)

Participating in China’s fashion week, Deshun Wang became an instant internet sensation earning him two well-deserved nicknames – ‘China’s Hottest Grandpa’ and ‘Old Fresh Meat’ which stems from the Chinese phrase ‘Little Fresh Meat’ which is used to describe young, attractive TV stars and celebrities.


#10 – Aiden Brady (Age: 50)

Relatively new to the fashion world, Aiden Brady has taken the internet by storm with his ever-growing list of Instagram followers! Not only is he internet famous and stunningly handsome, but he has also graced the big screen showing off his acting talent.

Growing Young: 6 Powerful Exercises for Initiating DNA Repair and Cellular Rejuvenation

by August 4, 2017

“At the genesis of this growth of cells, self-correction is insured by the wavy strands of molecular intelligence held tight unwinding and letting go only after perfection is created.”

  • Christopher Vaughan, How Life Begins


According to Smithsonian Magazine, the human body is made up of 37.2 trillion cells! Each day cells within the body divide, splitting the pair strands of DNA that include our genetic makeup, the map that dictates who we are, genetically. Each of these strands is then copied, letter by letter, creating an identical partner, carrying over your genetic plan.

There are times that this process of copying information does not work perfectly, and small mistakes are made. Information may be copied over incorrectly or missing entirely. These are referred to as mutations. Damage can also be caused by a number of other causes, such as oxidative stress within the body, DNA strand breaks, hydrolytic damage and more.

While our cells are usually incredibly accurate, it is estimated that at least a thousand errors occur within our cells each day. The body is, however, prepared to deal with these mistakes, working to repair the cells whenever possible. Those that can’t be repaired will suffer a traumatic or cytotoxic death. This means that the cell basically explodes within the body, releasing its contents, which can, in turn, be damaging to the neighboring tissues.

There are steps that we can take to help encourage and promote quicker, more accurate DNA repair. Try these 6 exercises to naturally initiate DNA repair and cellular rejuvenation within your own body:


#1 – Healing Energy: Basic Posture, Standing Home Alignment

Within your body, you possess a number of strong and powerful energies that can work either for or against you. This exercise works to focus that energy on healing the body, specifically on healing the mutations within your genetic structure.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to one another, firmly on a solid surface. Picture roots reaching from the soles of your feet into the ground beneath you. To allow yourself to find your most solid, rooted position you can rock back and forth, side to side on your feet until such time that you feel grounded.
  2. Bend your knees slightly and tuck your butt under your hips. Allow your shoulders to drop and relax with your arms hanging by your side. Rest your tongue up behind your teeth, against the roof of your mouth. Hold your head straight with your chin parallel to the floor. Picture a golden cord running up through the ground, along your spine, up through your head and into the heavens.
  3. Another option when using the Standing Home position includes bending your elbows and placing them loosely by the sides of your waist. Allow your open hands to face one another, palms equal at a level that rests just below your belly button. This is called the Standing Stake.


#2 – Visualization: Eliminating Unhealthy Cells

This is a 4-step exercise that will use the power of visualization in order to help encourage your body to work toward eliminating damaged or unhealthy cells.

  1. Find a calm, quiet, peaceful place and allow yourself to fully relax. Focus on your breathing, letting go of any thoughts outside of just being in the moment. Allow yourself to feel each spot on your body as it touches the chair, the floor, or anything else you may be in contact with.
  2. If you know that there are mutated cells within your body at this time, such as cancer cells, allow yourself to imagine what these cells would look like. This is your interpretation, there is no wrong image.
  3. Imagine something that has the power to eliminate these cells entirely. This may take the form of a vacuum cleaner, removing the cells like one would dust mites from your home, or a trap of some form.
  4. Once you have pictured all of the abnormal cells being removed from your body, focus your attention on healthy tissue, imagining it moving into the spaces left by the unhealthy cells. As you feel your body healing from the process, begin to focus once more on your breathing, come back to the present moment.


#3 – Healing Energy: Energy Wash

This energy wash not only brings about a healing energy to the body, but it also works to rid the body of negative energies and stresses, both of which cause DNA mutation and cellular damage.

  1. Stand in the Standing Home alignment as described above, with your arms loose at your sides. Raise your arms, bending your elbows slightly, palms facing up and fingertips pointing away from the body. As you raise your hands higher, inhale until your hands are directly above your head.
  2. Turn your palms to face one another with your elbows still softly bent. Pause for a moment and allow yourself to exhale while picturing a healing energy extending from the heavens down over your body. Hold this position for as long as you feel necessary to receive this energy.
  3. When you are ready, inhale slowly as you turn your palms downwards once again and slowly lower your hands along your body. Picture the movement of your hands moving the healing energy down through the body, reaching each individual cell. If at any time you feel as if the energy is struggling to reach one part of your body, keep your hands there for a longer period of time, focusing the energy until this area clears up.


#4 – Healing Energy: Gathering and Storing the Qi

It is important anytime that you complete an energy exercise that you take the time to close the circuits within the body or gather the Qi.

  1. Stand in the Standing Home position and cup your hands in front of your belly. Slowly reaching behind and around you as you widen your stance gathering your energy in a circular embrace around your body.
  2. Holding your hands back in front of your body again, embrace the energy. Press your palms closer to your body creating an upside down V with your hands. Remain in this pose, relaxed. This will help to direct the energy.
  3. Feel the energy moving around you, and into your body, replenishing and healing your cells. Treat this as a standing meditation.


#5 – Visualization: Repair and Cover Up

Another visualization exercise, rather than picture damaged cells being removed from the body, this 4-step exercise focuses instead on repairing the tissues within the body. It works by imagining the body working to repair the damaged cells, returning them to their healthy state.

  1. Find a calm, quiet, peaceful place and allow yourself to fully relax. Focus on your breathing, letting go of any thoughts outside of just being in the moment. Allow yourself to feel each spot on your body as it touches the chair, the floor, or anything else you may be in contact with.
  2. Picture the DNA pairs, spirals within your body, all perfectly matching up. As you picture these DNA pairs, if you come across any errors, picture them being corrected, once again perfectly matching one another. Allow your subconscious to develop how these corrections are processed, much like in the other visualization exercise.
  3. In an effort to provide increased protection moving forward, imagine the healthy DNA spirals being covered safely by an ‘armor’ of new proteins, hiding them from anything that may cause damage to their makeup.
  4. As you reach the point that all the necessary corrections have been made, and your healthy DNA is safe and protected, focus once again on your breathing.


#6 – Healing Energy: Balancing Yin and Yang

The balance of the energy within your body is an important component to healing. For optimal health and performance, you need to have a comfortable balance between the right and left hemispheres of the brain., which will, in turn, allow the energies within your body to flow properly, healing any damage which may occur.

  1. Begin in the Standing Home posture. Bring your right hand in front of your belly with the palm facing downward and the elbow comfortably bent. Leave your left hand still resting by your side, palm down.
  2. Slowly begin to raise both arms simultaneously. Your right hand will rise along the midline of the body while your left arm will raise out to the side. Continue this movement until both arms are fully extended above your head, palms facing one another. Allow yourself to pause in this position, focusing on your breathing.
  3. Turn your palms downward and allow yourself to slowly lower your arms, switching their position. This means that the right arm will extend out to the side while the left palm follows the body’s midline.
  4. Repeat this sequence three times on each side, or until you feel as though you have completed the exercise and your body is feeling balanced.

11 Extraordinary Medicinal Herbs That Might Live In Your Backyard

by August 4, 2017

“Give nature half a chance and she has a miracle in store for everyone.”

  • Rosita Arvigo

The term ‘Wild Crafting’ refers to the act of harvesting plants that grow wild in your yard, parks or other local locations which you identify. These plants can act as food sources, or carry medicinal qualities. Many of these plants are considered ‘weeds’ and are generally pulled from the garden and discarded without even realizing their many uses!

There are a number of things to keep in mind when you are harvesting these various plants and mushrooms. First of all, take the time to educate yourself thoroughly on what you are planning on seeking out! While some plants may look similar, choosing the wrong one could lead to ingesting something poisonous! It is also important to be cautious about the location from which you are harvesting. While you are going to be aware of what has or hasn’t been sprayed within your own yard, you aren’t always sure about the situation in parks or along roadsides. Finally, only ever harvest approximately 30-40% of what is available. This will ensure that this useful plant will be able to replenish and continue growing for use in the future!


Here are 11 useful plants that you can find in your own neighborhood:


  1. Reishi Mushroom

The reishi mushroom has long been recognized for its health benefits. Slightly bitter in taste, the mushroom is usually dried and then prepared as a tea, or ground up into a powder to protein shakes and smoothies. This plant works as a preventative measure rather than a treatment, helping to protect the body against heart and liver disease, skin disorders, inflammation, diabetes, sleep disorders, fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive problems, cancer, and a number of viruses including HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.


  1. Chickweed

Once used regularly as a salad green, chickweed can also be used as a vinegar by infusing it with apple cider vinegar or made into a salve. Containing both vitamin C and potassium, chickweed is often used for treating skin conditions such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, minor burns, wounds or sores, or any other form of skin inflammation. It is also effective to relieve constipation and to soothe irritated eyes.


  1. Stinging Nettle

Containing a number of acid-filled needles, the raw plant can actually ‘sting’ when handled cause your skin to break out in a rash. Once the plant has been boiled, the leaves contain a number of important health benefits including the ability to treat allergy symptoms, improve the immune system, treat skin conditions, lower blood pressure, thicken hair, reduce dandruff, reduce pain and work as a sedative. Stinging nettle can be used to make a tea, or (once cooked) added to salads or baked.


  1. Broadleaf Plantain

The broadleaf plantain is packed with calcium, vitamin K, and other vitamins and minerals. This plant has a number of uses including treating open sores and wounds, mouth ulcers, throat pain, boils, acne, sunburn, fever, burns, colds, and diarrhea. It has also been found to improve both kidney and liver function, and can be used to draw the toxins and poisons out of bites and stings – It has even been used for treating snake bites! To use this plant, make it into a poultice, tea or salve.


  1. Creeping Charlie

While it is part of the mint family, creeping Charlie does not have a minty smell. Often considered nothing more than a nuisance, it can be used to treat headaches, lead poisoning, mono, coughs, and colds. The plan has also been used to detoxify the liver. It can be used to make a tea or mixed with hot water, and then you inhale the steam.


  1. Purslane

Often used in salads as part of a mixed green, purslane contains a number of different vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B and C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, fiber and a number of powerful antioxidants. This plant can be used to treat diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders, cancer, high cholesterol and skin conditions. It has also been found to promote weight loss, improve vision, increase circulation and strengthen bones.


  1. Dandelion

Dandelions are seen in abundance, however often overlooked as nothing more than a nuisance! This highly beneficial plant can be made into teas or used for salads. The long list of potential uses includes the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, urinary tract infections, diverticulitis, psoriasis, eczema and calcium deficiencies. It has also been shown to aid digestion, reduce inflammation and detoxify the liver.


  1. Red Clover

Red clover can either be made into a salve for topical use or made into a tea. It works to detoxify the liver, boost the immune system, increase bone strength, balance hormones within the body, manage symptoms of menopause, improve cardiovascular health, reduce skin inflammation, manage cholesterol and fight respiratory infections. It has also been credited with lowering the risk of a number of different types of cancer.


  1. Burdock Root

Loaded with antioxidants, burdock root has been found effective in removing toxins, treating skin issues, fighting cancerous cells and even working as an aphrodisiac! It can be made into a tea using either the dried root powder or fresh root form. It is important to note, however, that this plant does act as a natural diuretic, so if you are using it for any purpose be sure to keep yourself properly hydrated!


  1. Yarrow

This flowering herb is often used to stop bleeding or heal various skin conditions. It also works to alleviate anxiety, reduce inflammation, treat asthma, lower high blood pressure and manage muscle spasms. It can also be used as a mild sedative. The leaves can be used fresh in soups, salads or sautéed dishes, or they can be dried and used as a cooking herb.


  1. Lamb’s Quarters

Packed with vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, phosphorous and enough protein to rival spinach, lamb’s quarters is a plant that packs a powerful punch. While you should avoid consuming too many of the seeds due to potential side effects, the leaves, shoots, and flowers are all safe to consume freely as salad greens or to add to stir-fry or soup. Lamb’s quarters has been found beneficial in the treatment of tooth aches and tooth decay, arthritis, eczema, gout, rheumatism, constipation and insect stings.

10 Morning Rituals of the Most Successful People

by August 4, 2017

Have you ever looked at someone and wondered just what they do to set them up for such success in their day? They are confident, upbeat, energetic and driven – facing any challenges that come their way head on. The secret? Successful people start their day ready for success by focusing on their morning routines!

Waking up early ready to face the day before them, hitting the gym, having a healthy breakfast and planning out their day before they even get started – these people have discovered the secret to starting their day on the right foot!


Check out this infographic from Entrepreneur to learn the morning rituals of 10 successful entrepreneurs:

Science Journal Confirms Eating Turmeric Cured Myeloma Cancer in 67-Year-Old Woman

by August 3, 2017

Cancer is such a serious disease that it should be called a plaque of nations. It has destroyed the lives of millions, but research shows that it’s chemotherapy that kills people, not cancer. However, one study confirmed that we could skip chemotherapy using turmeric!

Dieneke Ferguson had undergone three rounds of chemotherapy and four stem cell transplants. If you are familiar with chemotherapy and cancer treatment, you should be well aware that this amount is excessive, and it had to have a tremendous effect on her body. After all of this, Dieneke still found herself sick and weak. She had been told that she had exhausted every single option, and was basically left to die by doctors. They must’ve made thousands off of her, no wonder they didn’t need her anymore. A sad story, that is found to be too often true.

Dieneke told the Daily Mail,  “Nothing worked: there was just too much cancer….there was nothing else I could do.” However, she refused to believe what the doctors were telling her. She instead sought alternative treatment using the active ingredient in turmeric, known as curcumin. The polyphenol has been keeping her alive and well for the last five years! Her story will be featured in an upcoming British Medical Study.

Dieneke was first diagnosed with myeloma in 2007. Multiple Myeloma is cancer formed by malignant plasma cells originally found in bone borrow. These cells are crucial to the immune system. Unlike most cancers, myeloma does not form tumors. It is the least understood type of cancer because it only makes up for about 2% of cancer cases. Patients are told that if they are lucky, they might have five years left to live because there is no known cure. However, after the loss in all of her chemotherapy battles, she decided to try curcumin. Curcumin was brought to her attention by a group of internet supporters.

She began taking eight grams of curcumin per day in tablet form. This is about two teaspoons of curcumin per day. After just 15 months she noticed a considerable difference in her overall health – and even doctors saw a difference. Oncologists saw that her plasma blood levels were almost normal!

Jamie Cavenagh, professor of blood diseases at London’s Barts Hospital, who reviewed Ferguson’s case, was bemused. “When you review her chart, there’s no alternative explanation [for her recovery] other than we’re seeing a response to curcumin,” he said.

Ferguson said she will continue to take her supplements. She reports herself as happy, healthy, and enjoying a “high-quality life.”

If You Want To Accelerate Brain Development In Children, Teach Them Music

by August 3, 2017

Music has more benefits than just giving you a good vibe. It can actually accelerate the development of a child’s brain, according to a 5-year research study.

Everybody has always loved music. There is always some kind of tune out there that can lift your mood! It’s great for the mind and the soul. Many people might think that music just doesn’t matter because it’s just a hobby, but in fact, music changes lives; it’s so great for us and our brain, but that’s not all. A five-year research study performed by USC Neuroscientists shows that music can accelerate the growth of a child’s brain.

According to the study, music instruction can accelerate brain development in younger children. It particularly increases the production of brain cells in areas of the brain that are responsible for processing sound, language development, speech, perception, and reading skills.

The Brain and Creativity Institute at USC began a five-year study in 2012. The study was performed in partnership with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association and the Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA). They set out to learn more about the effects of music instruction on a child’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. The study results showed that music has a deep impact on the development of a child’s brain. The study was published in the journal of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. It shows the many benefits of music education in a society that is limiting creativity.

“We are broadly interested in the impact of music training on cognitive, socio-emotional and brain development of children,” said Assal Habibi, the study’s lead author and a senior research associate at the BCI in the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. “These results reflect that children with music training, compared with the two other comparison groups, were more accurate in processing sound.”

Neuroscientists monitored brain development and behavior in a group of 37 children from underprivileged neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Thirteen children received music instruction through the Youth Orchestra Los Angeles Program at HOLA. The children in this group from ages 6 and 7, and practiced music training that was inspired by the El Sistema Method.

The children were taught how to play instruments such as the violin in ensembles and groups. They practiced approximately seven hours a week, and the researchers compared two groups; 11 children in a community soccer program and 13 children who were not involved in any after school activities. They used an EEG and MRI machines to track movements and changes in the child’s brain development, electrical activity, behavioral testing, etc. With just two years of the program, scientists began to see that the children’s brains are developing faster than a normal rate.

The researchers say that the children were maturing at a faster rate than children who weren’t being taught music. “If children are not introduced to music at an early age, I believe something fundamental is actually being taken from them.” ~ Luciano Pavarotti

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