MIT: Scientist: You Are Being Lied to About Eating Wheat by Marshall January 2, 2017 While some of us have been tricked into believing wheat is good for us. It is actually slowly poison...
This is What Happens to Your Kidneys, Skin and Brain When You Put on Too Much Makeup by Marshall January 2, 2017 Makeup seems to be growing in popularity with each passing day. It is estimated that the market glob...
How to Get Rid of This Bacteria Causing You Bloating, Heartburn, Reflux, Diarrhea, and Other Symptoms by Marshall January 2, 2017 If you experience ongoing stomach pain, this is for you. Ongoing stomach pain is often caused by a b...
Scientists Have Finally Discovered Why Consuming Red Meat Causes Cancer by Marshall January 2, 2017 This breakthrough changes everything, we now know why red meat causes cancer. How did it take so lon...
Use Turmeric Before Ever Swallowing Another Ibuprofen Again by Marshall January 2, 2017 Turmeric has proven itself more to be more than just effective in cooking, but as a natural pain rel...
Here’s How to Flush Fluoride Out of Your System by Marshall January 2, 2017 It seems like Fluoride, a poisonous neurotoxin, has been incorporated into a large portion of our re...