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This Simple Trick Can Help You Heal Your Canker Sores in Minutes!

by April 15, 2017

Canker sores are not only unsightly, they are also painful and downright annoying sores that occur in the mouth. Thankfully, the cure is much easier than many would believe, and it’s probable that you have it within arms reach.

Canker sores or mouth ulcers affect your gumline, your tongue, the insides of your lips and your cheeks. Typically, when you have one, you will notice a white or yellow sore that is surrounded by inflammation. On average, they appear to be about a centimeter, however, they can be much larger.

There are a number of reasons behind a canker sore, but sometimes, they can appear out of nowhere, with no sign of how they came to be. In most cases, they are caused by eating or drinking highly acidic food or drink. Anything citrus or fruity can leave behind acidic residue which eats the lining of your mouth. In other cases, they can be caused by simply brushing too hard or by biting down on the skin in your mouth.

Rarely, they can also be caused by having too much acid in the stomach, or by having a deficiency in vitamin B12, folic acid, iron or zinc. 

Thankfully, curing them is quite easy, and inexpensive. While it may seem odd, Himalayan pink sea salt makes a wonderful mouthwash that can provide a number of benefits. Due to its classification as an isotonic solution, it contains minerals that are also found inside of your body. It is because of this that it won’t further the inflammation as it rids your mouth of bacteria and infection.

Simply purchase some high-quality Himalayan sea salt at your local grocery store, and measure out a half of a teaspoon. Then add this to one cup of warm water. Gargle it as you would your normal mouthwash about three times per day. Within a few days, the sore will be gone.

Natural Remedy for Removing Blackheads, Acne and Facial Hair Without Causing Pain!

by April 15, 2017

We all deal with things like acne and facial hair. They are a part of our everyday life whether we want them to be or not.

Now, when it comes to treating these things there are loads and loads of natural remedies out there as well as commercial products. However, not all of these work and some will put you through a ton of pain compared to others. I always opt for the same natural option every single time when dealing with these issues myself.

The method I use is safe, natural, and doesn’t hurt at all! It will rid you of blackheads, acne, and unwanted facial hair with ease. Wouldn’t you like to get the clear skin you want without dealing with a painful face peel?

Egg White Facial Peel


  • Thin paper tissues
  • 2 Eggs


  • Separate the egg whites from the yolk.
  • Whisk the egg whites until they become frothy.
  • Separate all of the layers/plies of the tissues.
  • Put the egg white froth onto the tissue with a makeup brush or something else if you prefer.
  • Pat the tissue onto your face and of course cut holes for your nose, eyes, and mouth.
  • Smooth any remaining egg around your face on top of the tissues and allow this to dry.
  • Once it has dried it should be firm and tight.
  • You will then need to peel it off in as few motions as possible and always remember to peel upward.
  • This should come off fairly easy as it does not stick to the point where you feel as if you will be losing skin.

This will have your skin looking and feeling better in just one or two tries! There is no shame in putting a little extra effort into your appearance. You will be feeling much better about your skin in no time! Enjoy!

This Juice Unclogs Arteries & Protects Against Heart Disease!

by April 15, 2017

If you could juice your way to good health would you? Well, you may be able to do just that!

Researchers say that pomegranate extract has the ability to reverse and prevent heart disease. However, that is not the only thing is can do it can also do things like prevent oxidative stress, reduce plaque buildup in arteries, reduce accumulation of lipids, and prevent cardiac enlargement! How amazing does that sound?

It turns out there are several studies on this and back in 2004 Clinical Nutrition presented the results of a three-year long trial that showed the connection between pomegranate juice and a reverse in carotid artery stenosis. You can reduce this by up to thirty percent in the first year of regular use! Pomegranates are jam packed with tons of essential nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. Learn how to make pomegranate juice below.

How To Make Pomegranate Juice:


  • Pomegranate (3)
  • Water


  • De-seed your pomegranates however you see fit.
  • Collect all of the seeds and place them into your juicer.
  • You will need to add about a cup of water to this once it is in your blender or juicer.
  • After you have juiced this you will need to strain it twice.
  • Once you have done this you will be left with delicious pomegranate juice.
  • You can either discard the pulp or eat it as well that is up to you.
  • Once this has been done, drink up!

This will have you feeling and operating much better quickly. If you are having any of the issues above I highly recommend giving this a go. What do you have to loose?

This Vitamin Deficiency Increases The Risk of Alzheimer’s or Dementia

by April 14, 2017

Alzheimer’s disease is a vicious condition, that nobody should have to experience. Many people have a relative or a loved one that has suffered from this disease. It’s a horrible process, and the pharma companies seem to just be making money off of it.

Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States alone. Someone develops the disease every 66 seconds in the United States. It is a disease that demands to be taken seriously. Since the year 2000, Alzheimer’s disease-related deaths have increased by 89%.

While there is not yet a cure, there are drug treatments for the disease. However, the drug treatment only slows down the progression of the disease – if any. This method of treatment is obviously not the right one, considering that we are only seeing increased patients suffering from the disease. New studies show that it might even be a vitamin deficiency causing the disease. It nonetheless increases your chances of acquiring the disease, and this is what you can do to prevent it.

Studies, scientists, doctors, and researchers say that the lack of vitamin D might actually be increasing your risk of getting this disease. In fact, it can also be caused by lack of protein and excess sugar consumption. Some prevention strategies created by Dr. David Perlmutter has shown to be really effective. According to the well-known neurologist, dementia is actually preventable.

According to Dr. Perlmutter, you can decrease your chances of getting Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease by increasing your consumption of vitamin D. while you can acquire vitamin D from absorbing the sunlight, sunbathing isn’t going to fend off this disease. In fact, you’ll need to eat lots of cheese, whole eggs, beef, and liver. The brain benefits greatly from healthy fats such as grass-fed meats, avocados, nuts, and olive oil. He also claims that you need to stay away from high starch diets. Foods such as potatoes, pasta, and wheat have high carbohydrate content. Excess carb consumption can contribute to the birth of this disease.

If you have ever known someone that suffered from this disease, you know how serious it is. It is probably one of the worst health conditions one can experience. It is important that we get the facts out to people before it is too late. The pharma doesn’t care about your health, they only want your money! This is why you should always cure naturally.

Scientists Have Found a Way to Kill HIV

by April 14, 2017

HIV, or better known as the AIDS infection, has demolished the lives of millions. It’s an extremely lethal condition, and until now, we’ve had no leads on a cure.

AIDS has affected the entire world, not just The United States. However, over 1.2 million people are living in the US with aids right now. It makes it even scarier to add that one in every eight sufferers don’t even know they are infected.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus inflicts peril onto the human immune system. It specifically attacks the CD4 cells that fight off other infections. With the progression of the disease, it completely wipes out your immune system. The person affected will be unable to fight off any disease, cold, cancer, or virus. This will result in death.

Aids is usually treated the same way. There is no cure for the disease, but it can be “controlled” by using pharmaceuticals. However, doctors might have just found a cure. The studies were performed at the university of Montreal in Canada. They created a molecule named JP-III-48. What the molecule does to the HIV virus is stubbing.

It has the ability to open up the virus. It has been described as the molecule opening the virus “like a flower”. The virus typically has a unique way of evading the immune system, however, JP-III-48 has a way of getting around that. It mimicked the structure of a protein called CD4. CD4 acts as a doorway for the HIV virus. It allows direct access to the T-lymphocytes. The protein is referred to as the can opener protein because of how well it cracks open the virus. Imagine the HIV virus being the can.

The study performed in Montreal were the first to witness the way CD4 enters the HIV vaccine. The lead author of the study is Jonathan Richard. He stated in an interview, “Adding the small molecule forces the viral envelope to open like a flower,” “…The molecule forces the virus to expose parts which are recognized by the host’s antibodies. The antibodies then create a sort of bridge with some cells in the immune system and form an attack. “The antibodies that are naturally present after the infection can then target the infected cells so they are killed by the immune system,” Richard added.

Aids is a horrific disease, and it is absolutely amazing that we have researchers on the brink of a cure. Be sure to stay updated on the final cure for aids!

Eye-Opener: Might Alzheimer’s Disease be ‘Food-borne’

by April 14, 2017

There is an interesting link between a specific type of protein and diseases like Alzheimer’s. This protein is known as TDP-43.

The protein itself works in a similar way to a toxic infectious protein known as prions. Prions are responsible for the destruction of the brain when it comes to things like Mad Cow Disease. It has been found that close to half of the people suffering from Alzheimer’s have Prion-like proteins in their bodies. This is according to research that was published back in 2011. It could be possible that this TDP-43 is being transmitted through contaminated meat if you take into consideration how Prions move around.

As you know factory farmed animals do not eat a proper natural diet, and are fed things like genetically engineered grains mixed with antibiotics. This could be the recipe for out of control disease spread.The beef industry also feeds their animals something known as chicken litter which is a mix of chicken manure, dead chicken, feathers, and any spilled chicken feed. That can spread mad cow disease, but our government only has laws regarding whether cattle can be fed beef based products or not. They as you most likely already know, do the minimum for their country.

Now as people if we eat contaminated meat we contract what is known as the human version of Mad Cow, Variant Cruetzfeld-Jakob disease. This will slowly eat holes in your brain over the course of a few years. The idea that Alzheimer’s could be happening in a similar manner is at least a decade old. This could very well just be a slower acting form of Mad Cow in itself. The links between these two are overwhelming, to say the least.

When it comes to avoiding these things the best things you can do is choose your meats wisely. Always go for locally harvested, wild, or things of that sort. What do you think about all of this and does this make sense to you? For more on this please take the time to watch the video below.

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