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New Research Reveals: Marijuana May Be The Key To Curing Alzheimer’s Disease

by April 23, 2017

Marijuana has some amazing benefits, no doubt. It can be used for treating all kinds of health issues such as autism, epilepsy, insomnia, and cancer. However, new research shows that marijuana might be the key to curing Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s Disease is a serious brain condition that is completely debilitating. It is the most common form of dementia, a general term used to describe memory loss. Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging. While it is normal to have a weakened memory as you grow, Alzheimer’s disease is much more severe. There are approximately 200,000 thousand Americans under the age of 65 that have been diagnosed with this life threatening disease. It’s a serious condition nonetheless, and we’ve been treating it wrong the whole time.

Current treatment consists of medicating the patient so that the progression of the disease slows down. While the medication might slow the progression crown by fractions, they actually cause a world of other health issues. In fact, some of the most popular Alzheimer’s medications have been proven completely ineffective.

Alzheimer’s disease is on the rise and it’s only getting worse. We have obviously been treating it wrong, but one new study shows that the cure might have been right in front of our faces the entire time! This is because of the main ingredient in Marijuana, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is extremely effective in slowing down the progression of the disease. A 2006 study outlined the role of the endocannabinoid system in Alzheimer’s. Another study found that mice without CB1 receptors between the ECS and neurodegenerative diseases have yet to be developed in human trials. However, they have found extensive results studying on the mice.

Marijuana could additionally prevent health cell death. Although the main ingredient in marijuana is THC, it also contains something called cbds. This was reviewed in a 2009 report that explored cannabinoid therapy for Alzheimer’s treatments. The researchers stated:

“The great therapeutic value of CBD, either given alone or in association with THC, derives from the consideration that it represents a rare, if not unique, compound that is capable of affording neuroprotection by the combination of different types of properties (e.g., anti-glutamatergic effects, anti-inflammatory action, and antioxidant effects) that almost cover all spectra of neurotoxic mechanisms that operate in neurodegenerative disorders (excitotoxicity, inflammatory events, oxidative injury, etc.).”

In addition to all of these already amazing benefits, marijuana also starves off other Alzheimer’s symptoms. People who suffer from the disease, but also treat it with CBD oil, are able to live happy and productive lives. They additionally experienced a decrease in other health issues that come alongside the degenerative brain disorder.

Marijuana is truly an amazing natural ingredient and society has made a movement to explore all the benefits of this amazing natural remedy.

The Oil That Removes Uric Acid From The Blood, Cures Anxiety And Stops Alcohol And Cigarette Cravings

by April 23, 2017

Black pepper is amazing in basically every food. It adds that extra little spice that every dish needs, but did you know it’s extremely healthy for you?

It’s true, black pepper is amazingly healthy for your body. Whether you’re dousing your salad in it, inhaling the aromatic goodness, or applying it topically, you are sure to get some kind of benefits from black pepper! It is good for so many things, and it tastes great. If you suffer from arthritis, anxiety, digestive issues, or sinus issues, black pepper is the one for you. It can help all of those health ailments and more. One of the most amazing benefits of black pepper is that it can cure a cigarette addiction.

Black pepper has been proven to reduce cigarette cravings and anxiety. It is the perfect natural ingredient to help you stop smoking! This was investigated in a 1994 study published in the Drug and Alcohol Dependence Journal. They found that black pepper essential oil can reduce cigarette cravings and certain withdrawal symptoms! 48 smokers participated in the study. One group puffed on a device that delivered vapor from black pepper essential oil, while the second group puffed on a device with a menthol cartridge, and the third had an empty cartridge.

After puffing on the devices reported cravings for cigarettes were significantly reduced in the black pepper group after the session! This is truly amazing because cigarettes are claiming more and more lives every day. This isn’t the only thing black pepper can do either. It is also an excellent detoxifier! It creates a warming sensation when applied topically which increases sweating. It is also a fantastic diuretic and increases urination. It decreases the number of excess fluids and water your body is retaining.

Black pepper has already won me over. The fact that it can reduce cigarette cravings is more than enough to get it’s medicinal credit. However, that’s not all. It can also reduce arthritis significantly. It has warming anti-inflammatory properties that reduce muscle and joint pain significantly. It is said that black pepper essential oil works to reduce muscle injuries, the effects of tendonitis, and arthritis and rheumatism.

No matter what issue you’re suffering with, black pepper is sure to give you some kind of result. It can additionally be used as an appetite stimulant, IBS relief, lower cholesterol, anti-cancer activity, antiviral properties, encourages circulation, and it can even be used as a food preservative. Black pepper is amazing! How are you going to use it?

Survival Hack: How to Create Homemade Penicillin

by April 22, 2017

If for some reason you cannot get ahold of any penicillin and you need it, you can make your own. This is especially great for those living in poverty.

You know that nasty green mold that develops on oranges and bread when you leave it sitting? That is actually called Penicillium and it can be used to fight infections. While I don’t suggest using it for severe infections if you have a minor issue this is something you could benefit from. Find out how to use/make this below.

Homemade Penicillin:


  • Bread
  • Water
  • Ziploc bag


  • Place the bread into the Ziploc bag.
  • Let this sit until spores begin forming.
  • When they begin forming break the bread up into smaller pieces.
  • Add a bit of moisture to the bag, a light misting will do the trick.
  • Monitor the mold growth and do not remove until the majority of the mold has turned green.


  • Once the mold is green, take the bread clumps and place them in a cup of warm water.
  • Mix well and consume.
  • This can cause upset stomach in some cases however, it will not taste good but will get rid of the infection. Repeat as needed for a daily dose.

If you find yourself in the middle of a terrible situation this may be necessary and is well worth knowing. If you want to know more about penicillium I recommend taking the time to watch the video below. Enjoy!

Nail Biting is A Sign of This Personality Trait

by April 22, 2017

Do you bite your nails? Nail-biting is something we consider a way to deal with being nervous but could it mean something else entirely?

According to one study nail biting may be a sign of something we would never have guessed, perfectionism. This study was published in the Journal of Behavioral Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry and the author of the study, Dr. Kieron O’Connor says that it boils down to nail-biters are not trying to stop their nerves from being so bad, they’re just frustrated.

This study consisted of 48 participants who had repetitive behaviors like nail-biting. These participants filled out surveys and in this their organizational behavior and emotional regulation abilities were tested. As it turns out the nail-biters of the group were organizational perfectionists. They make detailed plans and overwork themselves, to say the least.

This, in the end, causes them to become frustrated easily when things are going off track. Nail-biting is a way to take their frustration out on themselves without causing a scene. This meaning people who bite their nails might not be nervous at all, just releasing their pent up energy. Check out the video below for information on nail-biting and why you should stop doing it no matter the reason behind it.

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

by April 22, 2017

If you have acne you know how annoying it can be. When it comes to my acne I had tried tons of things before I came across this remedy.

This amazing mask got rid of my acne with ease! Sure, there are lots of products in stores made to rid you of your acne but chances are you’ve tried those before and your acne still plagues you. This remedy is completely harmless and will do nothing but benefit you.

Acne-Fighting Face Mask



  • Mix the egg whites and lime juice together then slowly add in the clay.
  • Once this has been done mix in the tea tree oil and be sure it has been mixed well.
  • Smear this all over your face focusing on those areas with the most acne.
  • Leave this on your skin for 30 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • After you have finished be sure to go back over your face with a dab of coconut oil.
  • Do this twice a week.

All of these ingredients are known to promote skin health and tea tree oil is especially effective when it comes to reducing acne. You could also use tea tree oil to fight off fungal infections, it has many uses. The egg whites will also come in handy if you are someone who is interested in reducing the size of your pores.

This remedy will have you acne free in no time and will keep it from coming back as well. I use to be covered with acne and nothing worked for me. This did! I use this every single week. Enjoy!

Are You Suffering From Back or Leg Pain? This Remedy Will Remove The Pain Permanently!

by April 22, 2017

Are you dealing with back or leg pain currently? I used to deal with it too, and this is the BEST remedy I have found!

This natural remedy will remove that pain even if it has been plaguing you for years. The only downside is that it takes two whole months to completely get rid of your pain. However, it is all natural and works wonders without a doubt.

Within just a few days you will be able to move around without dealing with constant pain. You will feel different almost instantly. If you are in pain and seeking relief why not give this remedy a try?

Pain Reducing Smoothie



  • Blend all of these things together with a little water making a smoothie.
  • Drink the smoothie before bed for best results.

All of these fruits will work together inside your body to reduce your pain and work with your body to correct the issue. In just two short months you could be pain-free. You’ve got nothing to lose but your pain, give this a shot! For more natural remedies for back pain please take the time to watch the video below.

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