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5 Reasons Why Pregnant Women Need Sex Every Day

by April 28, 2017

While this may seem a bit odd many men and women worry about whether or not they should have sex during their pregnancy. Some men even feel as though they may damage the baby with their penis!

Sounds like a legitimate concern, right? You do not need to worry about that at all, during sex the penis does not go inside of the uterus and the baby is always protected in the amniotic fluid, if your pregnancy is going correctly there is no reason as to why you cannot have sex. Women who are pregnant may even want to have sex more often than they did before.

Having sex during your pregnancy will benefit you in the following ways:

1. It will lower your blood pressure.

This is true, your blood pressure is significantly lower after sex.

2. The orgasms will be even better.

This is because of the estrogen flow being more drawn to your pelvis and your body being more sensitive overall. Your nipples and clitoris will be engorged and any orgasm you achieve will be much more amazing than usual.

3. It will reduce stress.

As a pregnant woman, you will be under a lot of stress and your hormones will be driving you crazy. Having sex will reduce your stress and help you get a good night’s sleep. This is because of the Oxytocin released during intercourse.

4. It will help you prepare for labor.

If you are full-term or even past your due date having sex can and will help your body prepare for labor. This is because semen contains prostaglandins which ripen the cervix.

5. It may help prevent pre-eclampsia.

Researchers believe this is because of a protein found in sperm that can regulate the body’s immune system. While this has not been proven it is very possible.

So, if you’re pregnant and were afraid to get your freak on put your mind to ease and get what you need. You will be feeling much better if you let your body do what it wants throughout this whole process. Enjoy!

I Quit Sugar For 30 Days and This is What Happened

by April 28, 2017

Of course, sugar is great and all but for some people, it really is a drug. It comes in the form of all things delicious and is really hard to get away from.

While a lot of people know that sugar comes in the form of cakes and donuts they don’t always realize that sugar can be found in a lot of unexpected places as well. There is even sugar in bread! Added sugars can cause a higher risk of heart disease, HBP, and high cholesterol. One can of soda contains ten times the daily recommended limit of sugar so most of us consume well over our fair share in a single day.

This thirty-day added sugar detox is something I recommend you all give a try. The main goal of this is to gain more energy, get clearer skin, save money, lose weight, and focus on more REAL foods. The rules were as follows.

  • Must go a full thirty days.
  • NO added sugars of any kind. This includes all of what you will find in the picture following this list.
  • No artificial sweeteners.
  • No flavored alcoholic drinks and no mixers of any kind.
  • Try to set a serving limit on fruit as to not substitute fruit for sugar cravings.
  • Only allowed sugars that naturally occur in the food you are ingesting.

Make sure you clean out your kitchen before starting this challenge. For me throwing out my favorite snacks was the hardest part, be sure not to miss anything because once the cravings hit you will be searching for anything you can get your hands on. For the first few days, it will feel as if you have a constant headache and you will hate your life, to say the least.

Symptoms that go along with sugar withdrawal include fatigue, headaches. cravings, moodiness, anxiety, and muscles aches. However, by the fifth or six days you will be feeling much better you should even notice a difference in your body as any bloating you have should be going away. I felt lighter and you could see the difference.

Given the ten day marker, you may want to eat any and every sweet thing that comes your way but try to keep strong. Sugar cravings are very real and are awful. By the time you hit Day fifteen you may start to notice that some foods taste differently now. Bananas became my favorite thing. You are able to taste the real sugar in things. You will have to be creative with your meals though because when it comes to packaged foods sugar is in everything.

Once you make it to day thirty you should be feeling much better overall and have a lot more energy than before you might even be wondering if you want to add sugars back into your life at all. I went back and forth with this myself and decided one sugary snack a week would be okay. I suggest if you must have those sweet treats to limit yourself like you would never have before. You man not feel all that great when you first reintroduce it to your life.

This is similar to how if someone does not eat meat for a long time their body is no longer use to it and it will make them sick. While doing a sugar detox is a ton of hard work it is well worth it. If you want to give this a try but have no idea what you would eat click here for some recipes. If you want to learn about the dangers of added sugar please take the time to watch the video below.

New Study: Cheese is Just as Addictive as Hard Drugs

by April 28, 2017

A recent study has brought something quite interesting to light. How hard is it to give up cheese?

According to this study, cheese is literally just as addictive as hard drugs. Kind of explains why the average American eats at least 30 pounds of cheese a year, right? Dairy (cheese) contains a chemical that is similar to morphine when we digest it the casein in it releases something known as casomorphins. These belong to the opioid family.

Now, the presence of these casomorphins is highly concentrated in cheese derived from cows. This being about ten times the amount of what would be found in human breast milk. When you consider the purpose of milk it seems to make sense for these casomorphins to be addictive. What better way to not only provide nourishment but establish a strong connection between mother and growing infant?

Cutting down on dairy products, in general, is a great idea given the overall dangers that come with how we mass produce things in this day and age. The antibiotics and growth hormones being used on the cows producing this milk can be found in trace amounts in our dairy products. These poor animals are forced to live in disgusting unfit conditions and never get to live a proper life. (Click here for more on those poor cows and other factory farmed animals.)

When you really think about it should we be drinking milk from another animal when we produce milk ourselves? It is a bit disgusting when you really think about it. Most people cannot process dairy properly anyway and it, in the end, causes more problems than it is worth.  For more information on this please take the time to watch the video below.

What Causes Water Retention and How to Avoid It

by April 28, 2017

Water retention sucks, and sometimes it seems impossible to get rid of. Often times water retention is easier to prevent than getting rid of it. So, here are the causes of water retention and how to avoid it.

Water retention goes by a couple different names – whether it be fluid retention, water retention, or edema, they all suck equally. It occurs when excess fluids build up inside the body. It occurs in the circulatory system or within tissues and cavities. It causes you to swell around your legs, feet, ankles, hands, fingers, wrists, and etcetera. It is extremely painful too! While this isn’t a very serious health issue, it can scarcely be an indicator of heart failure or kidney disease.

Symptoms of Water Retention:

  • Swelling of body parts (ankles, feet, and hands) – Are your rings feeling tight on your fingers? Shoes rubbing or pinching for no reason?
  • Bloated tummy – Finding it hard to fit into your favorite pair of jeans?
  • Feeling stiffness or aching
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Joints may feel stiff
  • When pressed the skin may hold the indent for a few seconds

Water retention can be caused by a number of things. Pregnant women often experience this as a side effect of pregnancy. Other times, a diet that is too rich in sodium can cause this. If you constantly eat salty foods without drinking water, your body will start to use its reserves.

Magnesium deficiency can also lead to water or fluid retention. Magnesium is a vital mineral or the body, and without it, your body can’t perform at its peak. One research showed that taking 200 milligrams as a daily dose of magnesium can reduce water retention in women with premenstrual symptoms.

Obviously dehydration – Plain old dehydration can cause water retention too. Like I said before if you aren’t drinking enough water your body will begin using its reserves. It actually forces your body to do this in order to survive. Give your body a break and drink more water!

Here are 6 ways to reduce your water retention:

  • Eat Less Salt
  • Take Magnesium Supplements
  • Eat Bananas for Vitamin B6
  • Eat More Potassium Rich Foods
  • Avoid Refined Carbohydrates

Don’t Spend a Penny More in Pills For High Blood Pressure or Bad Cholesterol. Take This For a Week

by April 28, 2017

Tons of people suffer from both of these issues nowadays, and it is extremely important to get them under control. These issues can and will lead to much worse problems.

People everywhere take all sorts of drugs in hopes of maintaining control over these issues, but are they really working and should we be using them? All of these prescription drugs come with a heap of side effects, some of which outweigh the good that may come from using the drug itself.

Why use things like that when there are effective natural remedies out there? The remedy I am talking about today is one that can without a doubt treat these things as well as hypertension and reduce the damage that has been done by the drugs prescribed for them. This remedy is completely natural and inexpensive.

HBP, Bad Cholesterol, and Hypertension Remedy



  • Mix all of these things together in a blender and store the remedy in the fridge for five days.
  • Take one to two tablespoons of this twice a day before breakfast and before dinner.
  • Do not take more than four tablespoons in one day.

In almost no time at all, you will notice this remedy beginning to work. This remedy is overflowing with vitamins and other needed nutrients. It will boost your immune system, and help you to revitalize your body. Try consuming healthy foods along with this, and you will be well on your way to a more healthy life. Enjoy!

Drinking Red Bull Vodkas is Basically The Same Thing as Doing A Line of Cocaine

by April 27, 2017

Of course, vodka and Redbull were the best when it came to getting blackout drunk when we were younger, but is it really what we should have been using? What kind of effects did it have on our bodies?

A study published in the science journal PLOS ONE has revealed that mixing alcohol with highly caffeinated energy drinks can and will have long-term effects on the brain, effects that are similar to doing cocaine. That being said if you were as avid about vodka and Redbull as I was when I was younger you could have some serious problems going on in your mind. In this study, a team of researchers from Purdue University studies the effects of mixing alcohol with caffeine using adolescent mice.

As expected the mice experienced an increase in locomotor activity when given a mixture of the two substances rather than just the caffeine. Together the two substances pushed these mice over a limit that caused changes in their behavior and neurochemistry in their brains. Using one or the other did not give the same effects.

Researchers concluded that these effects were similar to that of cocaine. This combination was also found to enhance the behavioral effects of cocaine when taken afterward as well. The mice used in this study even displayed an increased level of the protein FosB which is something that clearly indicates a long-term change in brain chemistry. This is something we typically associate with drug use.

That being said maybe opt for one or the other from here on out. The negative outweigh the positive on this one. Are long-term brain issues really worth it? For more information on some of the more short-term effects this mixture can have please take the time to watch the video below.


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