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6 Major Heart Attack Red Flags You Need to Know!

by April 30, 2017

Sometimes heart attacks are a lot less dramatic than how they are portrayed to be. Some are even silent and happen with no clear signs at all.

This makes it very important for us to pay attention to all of the possible signs rather than just the obvious ones. Not everyone falls to the ground clutching their chest. If you notice the following signs you may be having a heart attack or heart failure in general and should consult your doctor immediately.


For most it begins with a pain in the chest that grows towards to back shoulders and other areas, however, for other people, there is either no pain at all or pain in places like the arms or shoulder blades. This is a pain that can come and go as well, it does not have to be constant.


Some people will cough up things like blood and phlegm while others will simply deal with a constant nagging cough. This is sometimes a symptom of heart failure. It is one of the most important symptoms to pay attention to.


Having an anxiety attack right before a heart attack is actually a lot more common than you would think. Some people who are having anxiety attacks even confuse their issue with a real heart attack. When it comes to panic attacks they should be dealt with as soon as possible with or without the heart attack that may follow.


Heart failure can and will cause fluid to accumulate in the body. It can cause swelling in places like the abdomen, legs, ankles, and feet. In some cases, it will even look like sudden weight gain. For some reason, it is often accompanied by a loss of appetite.


Lots of people dealing with heart failure have reported feeling lightheaded for a long period of time.

Cold sweat

While this is one of the more common signs it is one that should never be ignored. This can be a dead on indicator that you are having a heart attack especially coupled with chest pain.

Regardless of the signs if at any point in your life if you think you may be dealing with a heart attack or heart failure, in general, do not hesitate to see a doctor. Pay close attention to the things above because while they are not symptoms everyone gets they can and do happen. Stay happy and healthy!

This is What Happens to A Man’s Sexual Organ If He Stops Having Sex For 7 Days or More

by April 29, 2017

Some men swear that if they go without sexual contact it can be bad for their health, but is that true? Just what happens when a man doesn’t use his private parts?

The penis can be considered one of those use it or lose it type things. Studies have shown that erectile dysfunction is more likely to happen to men who do not get laid as often as others. This makes sense because the penis is a muscle and like all muscles requires exercise. Whether they exercise alone or with a partner it is needed.

Men who don’t use their member will be dealing with lots of issues depending on their overall health. Check out all the things not getting off can cause! Don’t be ashamed to masturbate it could be helping you in ways you never thought of before.

Increased risk of prostate cancer in men who do not ejaculate regularly?

The more a man ejaculates the less likely he is to get prostate cancer, sounds crazy right? But it is true. Regular ejaculation can reduce a man’s risk of prostate cancer by up to twenty percent.

Not getting laid lowers your libido.

This is actually one of the most common issues that come with not using your penis. Men will not want sex as often if they are not used to getting it. Luckily the libido is one of those things that has a spring in its step when it comes to bouncing back.

Less morning wood.

Men who get erections while they are asleep have a much healthier penis than those who do not. Not getting laid can interfere with that big time. Erections provide the penis with fresh blood flow and oxygen, so in a sense morning wood is needed.

Increased nocturnal emissions.

Men who do not get laid often do not get adequate blood flow to their members because of the lack of erections even while sleeping. This can even over time depending on the severity cause a man’s penis to shorten a little bit because of the severely reduced blood flow. Men who do not take care of themselves will force their bodies to do it for them and no one likes to wake up in crusty cum covered sheets.

Increased risk of erectile dysfunction.

As I mentioned above this is very possible. If you don’t exercise your muscles, all of them they will become weak. Your penis is no exception.

So in a way, they were right, if they don’t use it they can damage their health. In just a short period of time, he could damage his sex organ dramatically. However, he can maintain that health just as easily by using his hand so don’t be fooled. Regular sex is good for both men and women, enjoy it! Check out the benefits of having sex regularly in the video below.

12 All Natural Toothache Remedies Your Dentist Doesn’t Want You to Know About

by April 29, 2017

Toothaches are a terrible feeling, and it feels like once you get one you can’t get rid of it. They’re extremely persistent and common pharma medications only make it worse. Sound familiar? That’s exactly why you should try this natural remedy.

Tooth decay is often the primary cause of toothaches, so it is important to have your teeth checked out if you are having persistent toothaches. Toothaches can be caused by a number of things, though. This includes infection, gum disease, grinding teeth, biting, or tooth eruption. Toothaches can trigger a multitude of symptoms like fever, and even difficulty breathing. At the very least, we can infer that toothaches are extremely painful!

There are common medications out there produced by the big pharma companies. They are usually OTC drugs, and are fairly expensive! Orajel is a common toothache anesthetic. It temporarily numbs the tooth, but new studies suggest that it might be doing more harm than good. The drug is known as Benzocaine and it has some serious side effects. The FDA first warned against these medications in 2006, saying that they can cause Methemoglobinemia.  19 of those cases occurred in children, so it isn’t a drug to play around with. These medications are extremely dangerous, and they should be avoided at all costs.

Thankfully, these natural remedies for toothaches are effective and inexpensive. It is easy on your teeth and will even make them whiter! The recipes are easy to do, just follow the instructions and you’ll never have another toothache again – not for long anyways!

Clove Oil

Clove oil is one of the best natural ingredients to cure a toothache. It is packed full of eugenol, a powerful chemical with antiseptic properties. It can tame a toothache in seconds.

Ginger Cayenne paste

This remedy is effective in relieving pain and swelling. It has been used for centuries for all sorts of different types of pains. Just mix ginger, cayenne, and water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area.

Salt Water Gargle

Salt water has tons of medicinal benefits. It is one of the best remedies to use for cleaning of all kinds. It kills germs and bacteria on the spot. Gargling salt water can solve your toothaches for good, alone.


Myrrh has some mild astringent properties that can reduce the swelling and inflammation of a toothache. It also relieves the pain quite significantly. Simply simmer a teaspoon of myrrh in two cups of water.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea can offer complete relief of a toothache, according to one 2013 study. it has antiseptic properties that knockout oral pathogens from the root.


Garlic is amazing for almost everything, toothaches included. Simply rubbing cloves of raw garlic on the toothache will cure it. You can also cure the toothache by chewing on the garlic for a while.


Vanilla extract helps in several different ways. It has numbing properties, but it also provides a soothing relief for the toothache.


Simply applying a cold compress to the achy tooth may provide relief. Although it will feel painful for a few seconds, it can actually fix it overall.

Turmeric Paste

Turmeric is another ingredient that is great for almost everything. It is derived from curcumin, and it can fight toothaches, bad breath, and gum disease. Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil with a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil for flavor, and use it like a normal toothpaste.

Essential Oils

According to a 2014 study, “Essential oil rinses are found to be equally effective in inhibiting plaque. A study carried out by Pizzo et al. on plaque inhibitory effect of amine fluoride/stannous fluoride and essential oils showed no significant difference in efficacy of both. As chlorhexidine causes staining of teeth on long term use, essential oils can be used as an alternative to chlorhexidine rinse. Essential oils have shown to possess antimicrobial activity against subgingival perio pathogens, too.”

Chewing Gum

If you happen to chip a tooth and that is the cause of your pain, chew  piece of gum and place it over the tooth. It will protect the exposed nerve endings until you’re able to have it repaired.


Apply pressure to the hand that correlates with the side you are experiencing pain. This is a form of chinese acupuncture, and has been proven to work in many instances. Do this for ten to fifteen minutes, and voila!

Parents Shocked By What Caused This Child’s Massive Tooth Decay

by April 29, 2017

One of the biggest things you have to watch out for in kids is tooth decay! It can sneak up on you, and especially in young undeveloped teeth.

You would assume that tooth decay wouldn’t be a major problem with children or young people in general. It is decay, and decaying is growing old and eventually dying. However, kids consume so much sugar nowadays that they are put at a high risk for early age tooth decay. Now you would assume that children would be getting this sugar from candy, however, that’s not the problem.

One New Zealand dentist found the truth behind their child’s massive tooth decay. After 11 tooth extractions, the dentists of a three-year-old boy discovered that his sippy cups had been filled with soda. Sodas such as Coca-cola contain massive amounts of sugar, no wonder his teeth were in such terrible health.

One 20 ounce bottle of coca-cola contains 15 teaspoons of sugar. That is over twice the recommended sugar consumption, and children are consuming 2 to 3 20 ounce bottles of coke a day! Coca-cola is terrible for your health overall, and should honestly be deemed as hazardous to humans.

If you’re looking to increase the health of your teeth, or simply prevent yourself from losing them, cutting out soda is the place to start! You’ll have a healthier body, teeth, and mind.

The Doctors Will Never Tell You About This Incredible Recipe That Promotes Liver Health! You Will Look and Feel 10 Years Younger!

by April 29, 2017

Our livers do so much inside our bodies and yet for some reason, we don’t often think about doing things to maintain their health. How healthy is your liver?

Our livers burn fat, eliminate toxins, and run our metabolisms to an extent we need to be taking good care of them. If you live an unhealthy life your liver will not be happy. If you want to live a better life you will need to start taking care of your liver. First off I suggest removing all harmful foods from your diet.

This remedy will improve the function of your liver, strengthen your bodies immunity, improve your metabolism, prevent inflammation, reduce your cholesterol levels, and give you beautiful skin. It consists of just a few ingredients and is quite easy to make. Enjoy!

Liver Health Promoting Drink



  • Put all of the things above in a blender and blend them.
  • You should now have a drinkable mixture.
  • Consume two glasses of this a day.
  • Do this over the period of one whole month.
  • Take a two-week break and repeat.

You will notice results quickly and if given the correct diet paired with this you will be feeling amazing. This is not the best tasting beverage but it will do the trick when it comes to keeping your liver healthy. Take care of your body so that it can take care of you.

10 Signs You’re Overstressed (and Don’t Know It)!

by April 29, 2017

Stress is something we all deal with, some more than others. It can and will contribute to many different serious ailments.

Stress causes emotional suffering when you really think about it and that in no form can be considered good. Your body is not aware of what is happening and sometimes you can be severely stressed without even knowing it. Stress is a part of our everyday lives but if we stress too much our health with deteriorate.

If you ever notice these ten signs you are under far too much stress and need to do whatever it takes to reduce your anxiety for your health and wellbeing in general. Do not ignore these signs. Our body shows us these things for a reason.

10 Signs You Are Under Too Much Stress

1. Sleep Disorders

If you suffer from Insomnia then you would be under a lot of stress without realizing it. Your mind may be keeping you up at night with worry. You need to relax before going to sleep and give yourself time to wind down.

2. Overeating or Undereating

Stress makes some people eat more and other people eat less. If you have an eating disorder of any kind it could be stress related. Another bad thing about stress is that it slows down your metabolism making you gain more weight.

3. Pain

Do you suffer from any sort of muscular tension? It could be something that is happening because of high-stress levels. Stress takes a serious toll on the body and when it gets to a certain point it will show itself in the form of tension. I know when I am overstressed sometimes I get tension headaches more often.

4. Difficulty Sitting Still or Being Calm

If you can’t handle being still for long periods it is also a sign that you may be overstressed. When the stress is constant your body will not allow you to relax. You will need to find out what is causing this and resolve the issue. If you don’t address the problem your issue will only continue to grow. You will be a nervous mess.

5. Mood Swings

You will notice a severe lack of patience when you are overstressed. Rapid changes of emotion are actually one of the most common symptoms when it comes to elevated stress levels. Sure, sometimes we are all moody but when the mood swings will not stop there has to be something causing them.

6. Hair Loss

Yes, you can stress to the point where you begin losing hair. This actually happens to a lot of people. This is one of the ways that the body reacts to psychological stress. Short-term stress will not do this to your body. With time stress can severely damage your hair.

7. Reduced Libido

Sexual desire can and will become reduced when under a lot of stress. This to some can be a huge issue. This happens because of chronic stress interferes with the levels of hormones in the body.

8. Rapid Heartbeat

This is one of those signs most people already know but is worth mentioning.

9. Nausea

Yes being stressed can make you physically sick. The more stressed you get the more physically ill you will become.

10. Peptic Ulcer Disorder

If you are overstressed you may even end up dealing with painful stomach ulcers. While stress is not the only cause for this it is one of the causes.

Your stress will not go away unless you address the issue at hand. If you talk to someone you may be able to find a solution to your issue. You do not have to keep things bottled inside for more on how to deal with chronic stress please take the time to watch the video below.

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