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This is The Powerful Turmeric and Coconut Oil Coffee That Everyone is Talking About

by January 21, 2017

Of course, there are benefits to drinking coffee but when you add turmeric to the mixture you get something even more amazing. Your morning cup of Joe will never be the same.

Turmeric is very beneficial to our bodies. It can be used when treating things like stomach ulcers, cancer, and inflammation. If you follow this recipe for your morning coffee it will be so nutrient dense that it could serve as breakfast and a drink! You will love it!

Awakening Coffee



  • Add coffee, coconut milk, melted coconut oil, and turmeric into a blender.
  • Blend until the drink becomes frothy.
  • Enjoy!

Yes, it is that simple. Of course be careful handling the turmeric as it can stain just about anything. You will love this amazing drink! It will leave you feeling more alert throughout your day and give you some great benefits.

This Simple 3 Step Technique Can Clear Your Sinuses Immediately

by January 21, 2017

Sinus congestion is something we have all dealt with one time or another. It is awful!

Sinus congestion is painful, annoying, and uncomfortable. It can interfere with our lives in many different ways. It can prevent sleep and in some more extreme cases can require surgery. The most common causes for this is allergies, flu, cold, and sinus infection. Luckily almost always these things can be corrected through home remedies.

Here’s how to clean your sinuses out immediately:

Sinus Cleaning Technique (3 steps broken down further for easier application)


  • Sit down and tilt your head and body to a 45-degree angle.
  • Turn your head sideways and massage the sternocleidomastoid muscle in a downward direction at least ten times.
  • For those of you who are not sure where that muscle is, it is located immediately beneath both ears and runs down the neck along the collar bone.
  • Use your index finger to locate the hard bony part of the nose it will run about halfway down the length of the nose itself. Use a circular motion to massage this area for about one whole minute.
  • After doing this massage the muscles down the side of the nose towards your cheekbones.
  • Use your index finger to locate the upper orbital bone. This will be found in the are above each eye.
  • Feel for a slight indentation above the center of your eyeballs. Massage these two spots with pressure that is firm but comfy for one whole minute.
  • Now with both hands press firmly in the center of your forehead. Massage outwards towards your temples.

This should relieve your symptoms almost instantly to some degree. It does depend on how well you carry out the steps above and how severely your nasal cavity is being congested. This may need to be repeated a few times if your dealing with a more intense case of congestion. Enjoy!

No Evidence of Aloe Vera Found in Store Bought Aloe Vera Gel

by January 21, 2017

Aloe vera is super beneficial to your health. It contains super powerful antioxidants and vitamins, but recent studies have shown that aloe vera bought from Walmart or CVS isn’t even actually aloe vera.

Yes, it is true – Walmart and CVS brand aloe vera aren’t even aloe vera. These days you have to be cautious of all the brands you purchase. The rise of corporate greed has made it unavoidable for big businesses not to hide toxic ingredients from the public. For example, Coca-Cola spent over one million dollars in funding anti-GMO labeling campaigns. In other words, they are spending money to make it legal for them to hide their dangerous contents of their products.


“Samples of store-brand aloe gel purchased at national retailers Wal-Mart, Target and CVS showed no indication of the plant in various lab tests. The products all listed aloe barb adenosis leaf juice — another name for aloe vera — as either the No. 1 ingredient or No. 2 after water.”

“Aloe’s three chemical markers — acemannan, malic acid, and glucose — were absent in the tests for Wal-Mart, Target and CVS products conducted by a lab hired by Bloomberg News. The three samples contained a cheaper element called maltodextrin, a sugar sometimes used to imitate aloe. The gel that’s sold at another retailer, Walgreens, contained one marker, malic acid, but not the other two. That means the presence of aloe can’t be confirmed or ruled out, said Ken Jones, an independent industry consultant based in Chapala, Mexico.”

Despite the evidence-based research they found,  a spokesman from Walmart, US Health group, and Walgreen’s Boots Alliance says that their products are indeed authentic. “The four gels that Bloomberg had analyzed were Wal-Mart’s Equate Aloe After Sun Gel with pure Aloe Vera; Target’s Up & Up Aloe Vera Gel with pure aloe vera; CVS Aftersun Aloe Vera Moisturizing Gel; and Walgreen’s Alcohol-Free Aloe Vera Body Gel. The lab that did the testing requested anonymity to preserve its business relationships.

The tests used a technique called nuclear magnetic resonance. It found additives such as maltodextrin and other ingredients, like triethanolamine, an emulsifier. In all the samples, lactic acid, a component that indicates degraded Aloe Vera, was absent.”
If you are looking to improve the health of your skin, soothe a sunburn, or soothe an actual burn, it is more efficient and safer to grow your own aloe. Aloe is a great plant to have around the house, and it is easy to grow too! You can grow aloe all year long, winter or summer and you can grow it indoors too! It is crucial for your health to refrain from big companies such as Walmart’s products. They too often contain ingredients that are super harmful to us. You can not trust any major corporations nowadays.

4 Children Killed after Pesticide Sprayed Under Home, 6 More Hospitalized

by January 21, 2017

These days pesticides are on everything! It is way too often that we consume raw pesticide residue in many different foods. These toxic chemicals can have serious side effects. In fact, these 4 children were killed after their home was sprayed with pesticides.

You can find traces of pesticides in almost everything these days. It is in waters, food, makeup products, cleaners, and soaps! Pesticides are the only toxic substances released intentionally into our environment to kill living things. This includes substances that kill weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), fungus (fungicides), rodents (rodenticides), and others. The use of toxic pesticides to manage pest problems has become a common practice around the world. Pesticides are used almost everywhere — not only in agricultural fields, but also in homes, parks, schools, buildings, forests, and roads. It would actually take less time to tell you where you can’t find them, rather than where you can.

This week, four children aged seven to 17, were killed in Texas after the toxic gas phosphine reacted with water and the pesticide Aluminum Phosphide. Six others were also hospitalized, some in critical condition. Investigators believe that the phosphine gas was released when the pesticide Aluminum Phosphide was used as a fumigant to treat mice in the Amarillo home. The children lost are forever remembered. They are Felipe Balderas (7), Johnnie Balderas (9), Joshua Balderas (11), and Yasmeen Balderas (17). Emergency officials were sent to the site at about 5 am. One of the children died in the home, and three others died at the hospital.

A GoFundMe page has been set up for the family following the tragic incident. Please help them if you are able. We cannot imagine what they are going through.

Magnesium, Not Calcium, is The Key to Healthy Bones

by January 21, 2017

We are all pushed for some reason to believe that calcium is the main thing that helps build strong bones. However, this is not true calcium is one of many minerals our bodies need when it comes to strong bones.

The actual key to developing healthy bones during childhood may actually not be calcium at all based on this research presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting. Just how effective are calcium supplements really? A study done in 2004 showed that people with excess calcium in their coronary arteries and who take statins have a risk 17 fold higher for heart attacks.

Another study in 2008 showed that calcium supplements are associated with a larger number of heart attacks in postmenopausal women. Food will always be the best source when it comes to your intake of calcium. If you get the recommended amount via the foods you eat you should not be taking a supplement. This being said the intake of magnesium as I mentioned above is a key predictor when considering total bone mineral content and bone density during childhood.

Dietary magnesium is very important and unrecognized factor in bone mineral accretion when it comes to children. Yes, calcium is important however it is not the only mineral your children need regarding bone health. For more information on this and the importance of magnesium please watch the video below.

4 Types of Headaches You Should Never Ignore

by January 21, 2017

Headaches are not a rarity. Everyone experiences them at some point, and nobody enjoys them. Headaches can be a sign of a more serious health condition! Here are 4 types of headaches you should never ignore!

Whether you experience headaches often or on occasion, none of them are very fun. Headaches are extremely painful and can interfere with our abilities to carry out simple everyday tasks! But what exactly is a headache? Technically, A headache or cephalgia is defined as “a pain or ache in the head…It accompanies many diseases and conditions, including emotional distress.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that around 47% of adults worldwide will have experienced a headache within the last year. As well as being symptoms of other conditions, headache disorders can lead to the development of other illnesses. Depression is three times more common in individuals with severe headaches than in healthy people. Depression isn’t theadaches-never-ignore-1000x600he only one either! Here are 4 types of headaches you should never ignore.


Tension Headaches

 A tension headache is generally a diffuse, mild to moderate pain in your head that’s often described as feeling like a tight band around your head. A tension headache (tension-type headache) is the most common type of headache, and yet its causes aren’t well-understood. The pain is mild to moderate and manifests itself through a dull pressure or tightness in the forehead.

Sinus Headache

Sinus headaches are headaches that may feel like an infection in the sinuses (sinusitis). You may feel pressure around your eyes, cheeks and forehead. Perhaps your head throbs. However, many people who assume they have headaches from sinusitis, including many who have received such a diagnosis, actually have migraines or tension headaches.

Migraine Headache

 A migraine can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on just one side of the head. It’s often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can cause significant pain for hours to days and can be so severe that the pain is disabling.
Cluster Headache

Cluster headaches, which occur in cyclical patterns or clusters, are one of the most painful types of headache. A cluster headache commonly awakens you in the middle of the night with intense pain in or around one eye on one side of your head. Bouts of frequent attacks, known as cluster periods, can last from weeks to months, usually followed by remission periods when the headaches stop. During remission, no headaches occur for months and sometimes even years.

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