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Premature Baby Whose Feet Were The Size of A Penny Survived Despite Being Born Just Two Day After The Abortion Time-Limit

by January 26, 2017

This mother was told her baby was not going to make it. At a weight of just one pound and six ounces she already has been through so much.

Victoria Bradly, a 37-year-old was told her newborn daughter who was born just two days before the abortion cut off in the UK would not make it. She was born this past April and struggled to take her first breath. You see, children born at this early have a very low survival rate and their bodies are often very underdeveloped.

By some miracle, little Francesca Bradley-Curran is still with her family today. She has battled things like sepsis, two collapsed lungs, and meningitis all the while somehow pulling through. Pictured below you will see Francesca after being born. She appears smaller than palm sized. After being admitted Francesca was finally discharged 17 long weeks later.



According to the laws in the UK, they would not have worked so hard at saving her had she been born two days earlier. In the UK babies born before the cut off for abortion are considered ‘viable.‘ This child went from an hour by hour baby to a full of life nine month old.

Below is a picture of her now with her mother who is beyond ecstatic to have her around. Ms. Bradley was told before getting pregnant that she would never have children because of issues she had regarding her ovaries. Getting pregnant in the first place came to them as a surprise. It was only natural that they did everything they could to keep her alive.


It took life support, a team of fifteen doctors and a ton of hard work to keep this lovely lady alive. To think that if she had been born just two days earlier she would not have received the help and care that she did is appalling. What do you think of this miracle baby? Tiny feet and all she is a fighter!




Stick Man Drawing Moves Around When Splashed with Water

by January 26, 2017

This is quite a fascinating video, a stick drawing moving around? Just how does this work?

At first, you might think this is done with some sort of camera work or animation skills but it very well may not have been. Lots of people have come to the conclusion that it must just be some sort of dry erase marker or whiteboard marker (rather than a pen.) Because these things are insoluble to water if done correctly when pouring water on the ink one should be able to lift the ink without smearing it giving us the ability to move it around, right?

Wrong, while that would sound reasonable and very well may be enough to get your hopes up for an at home attempt it does not work. Several people have tried this method, for most, it has not worked, however, I was able to find one person on YouTube that saw success click here to see their video. It appears to be something with a bit of a ‘trick’ behind it and is obviously much harder than it looks. I will be spending some time on this one myself. Regardless, this video is splendid! To see for yourself this interesting little movable doodle please watch the video below.

Rather Than Throwing Away Old Glass Bottles, Here Are 10 Ways to Reuse Them Around the House

by January 25, 2017

If you’re a wine drinker like me, you’ll probably find yourself with lots of empty glass bottles, but instead of throwing them away, here are 10 ways to reuse them around the house.

With the advancement of society, we forget to think about all of the things were throwing away. Landfills are only getting fuller, and it’s time to start reducing, reusing, and recycling. If you are a wine drinker, you probably end up throwing away lots of glass bottles. While chucking those bad boys in the garbage and hearing them shatter is lots of fun, and oddly a little stress relieving, it isn’t the best option for our environment. It is important to reuse all that we can! We throw out so much useful stuff, and we could be saving it all along! Here are 10 ways to reuse those old wine bottles. They are easy and fun DIY’s, and they’re saving the environment!


Wine Bottles make an excellent bird feeder. Learn how here.


You can also make a soap dispenser out of old glass bottles. Here is the tutorial. slide_431978_5628392_free

Wine bottles make an excellent tool for storing away table snacks. They look great, and keep them fresh! Here is the DIY. slide_431978_5621876_free

You can make an awesome wine bottle shelf! Perfect for storing the not so empty bottles! Here’s how!slide_431978_5621720_free

Make this super cool and easy LED Lamp! Here are the instructionsslide_431978_5621468_free

They make a great holiday centerpiece for the table. Here are some ideas. slide_431978_5628374_freeWine bottles are perfect for containing a citronella candle. They look great too!

You can also make some stylish winter candles with themslide_431978_5621746_free

Don’t forget about utilizing them for some cool and fun Halloween decorations! Here’s the DIY.slide_431978_5621658_free

These work perfect for table cards. They look fantastic for special occasions like wedding receptions!

Say No to Roundup! Make This 2-ingredient Natural Herbicide Instead For Your Garden

by January 25, 2017

Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer has proven to be deathly toxic in many different scenarios. Instead of poisoning your garden with Roundup, make this easy 2 ingredient recipe instead!

If you’re spraying roundup on your crops, you might as well just rip them out of the ground. Why grow them if they’re not going to have any nutritional value? That is exactly what roundup is doing to your plants. Chemicals in roundup have even been proved to be deadly to human cells.


The new findings intensify a debate about so-called “inerts” – the solvents, preservatives, surfactants and other substances that manufacturers add to pesticides. Nearly 4,000 inert ingredients are approved for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. One specific inert ingredient, polyethoxylated tallowamine, or POEA, was more deadly to human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells than the herbicide itself – a finding the researchers call astonishing.

Authors of the study wrote that “this clearly confirms that  ingredients in roundup formulations are not inert.” The study was performed by the University of Caen in France. They also said that, “Moreover, the proprietary mixtures available on the market could cause cell damage and even death [at the] residual levels”. The study was mostly studying contaminated soybeans, corn, alfalfa, and lawns/gardens.

Instead of poisoning your plants, make them flourish naturally. There are many different natural remedies for herbicides, pesticides, and other plant fertilizers. Strong chemical herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides can end up polluting our drinking water, our groundwater, and surface water, so it’s important to consider the longer term effects of using them, and to instead make the choice to use a gentler herbicide, which won’t contribute to the larger issue of water contamination.

Dihydrogen Monoxide

This is a super simple remedy to whip up. It only takes a couple minutes too! It is also the least harmful to both people and the environment. Simply bring a big pot of dihydrogen monoxide (that’s a fancy way of saying water) to boil on your stove, and then pour it over the leaves and stems of the weeds you wish to get rid of. Using boiling water is an effective method for killing weeds in places such as sidewalk or driveway cracks, or over a larger area that you’d like to replant after the weeds are gone, as it doesn’t leave any residue or have any harmful long-term effects.

Sodium Chloride

Sodium chloride, or common table salt, is an effective herbicide, and has some historical notoriety for possibly being used to lay waste to the soils of conquered peoples (salting the fields prevents plants from growing there). Because salt can have a detrimental effect in the soil, it’s important to only apply it directly to the leaves of the weeds, and to not soak the soil, especially in garden beds with other, more desirable, plants. Dissolve 1 part salt in 8 parts hot water (it can be made stronger, up to 1 part salt to 3 parts water), add a small amount of liquid dish soap (to help it adhere to the leaf surfaces), and pour into a spray bottle. To apply, cover or tie back any nearby plants you don’t want to kill, then spray the leaves of the weeds with the solution.

Table Salt and White Vinegar

Another common homemade herbicide recipe calls for combining table salt or rock salt with white vinegar (1 cup salt to 1 gallon vinegar), and then spraying this mixture on the foliage of weed plants. Adding liquid soap is said to help the efficacy of this weedkiller, as is the addition of certain oils, such as citrus or clove oil.

According to Experts, Apple Seeds Could Possibly Cure Cancer

by January 25, 2017

As a kid I always remember hearing that apple seeds, apricot pits, and cherry pits contained cyanide, and could cause cancer. However research shows that that might just be a modern day folklore. They actually could be a cure for cancer!

It isn’t just recently that apple seeds and apricot pits were studied for the use of curing cancer. Ancient civilization The Hunzas utilized the apricot pit in many different ways. Major Sir Robert McCarrison wrote about the Hunzas back in the 1930s when he had a post with the Indian Medical Service. According to McCarrison, the Hunzas enjoyed near-perfect physical and mental health and some of them lived to be over 135 years old. There seemed to be no evidence of diabetes, obesity, or heart attacks among them as well. There was also no evidence of cancer. Could it be because of the apricot pit? They knew it had to be something in their diet, and it really consisted of a lot of apricots.

While it’s true that those seeds contain cyanide, most experts agree that it would take a whole lot of them to poison a person. And, in this case, there’s a lot more that we may not be properly investigating. Apple seeds are also a great source of B-17. This valuable little nutrient, also found in apricot kernels, buckwheat, strawberries, cashews, & other natural foods. Some studies say vitamin B-17 actually helps to prevent cancers and even inhibit or reverse tumor growth! Although apple seeds might not cure cancer, it can’t be a bad idea to incorporate them into your diet.


Apple seeds contain amygdalin, the same ingredient extracted from apricot pits to make the controversial anti-cancer medicine laetrile. Amygdalin is also called vitamin B-17 by its advocates, who designated it a vitamin in an effort to avoid regulation of laetrile by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a drug, the Tennessee Poison Control Center explains. Laetrile, banned in the United States, is a semi-synthetic version of amygdalin. Apple seeds also contain a number of unsaturated fatty acids as well as the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

We need to have more researchers investigate the power of apple seeds and apricot pits. From what we already know, we know they definitely have potential to be used in the fight against cancer. The apple seed contains many different ingredients that are great for our bodies! Try blending them up in a morning smoothie!

Baking Soda Shampoo: It Will Make Your Hair Grow Like It Is Magic

by January 25, 2017

We all know that baking soda has a ton of healthy benefits. Whether it be for a natural toothpaste or for deodorizing the fridge, baking soda is a definite winner. But, did you know that it can save your hair too?

Yes, it’s true, baking soda is literally amazing for your hair! If you suffer from dead ends, flat hair with no volume, or even thin hair, Baking soda is the shampoo for you. Modern day corporate shampoos can have harmful chemicals in them. They are not only bad for your hair, but they’re also terrible for your skin in general.

Shampoo has tons of really harmful chemicals in it. They can trigger asthma, sinusitis, cause flaky and dry skin, persistent itching, and irritation. I would definitely advise anyone and everyone to switch their shampoo to baking soda. Baking soda actually stops hair loss and can promote the growth of new hair. Baking soda will help remove any leftover residue from your hair products. Leftover remains from shampoo, conditioner or hair spray can weigh down your hair and make it greasy, but thankfully baking soda has got that covered.

You make this shampoo by mixing baking soda with vinegar. Vinegar is also extremely good for your hair. Apple cider vinegar is naturally high in acetic acid and has a pH level which is close to that of the human hair. Regularly rinsing with this vinegar can help bring your scalp and hair to its ideal acidity, especially if you have oily hair.

Here is the remedy:

  • A squeeze bottle (I used an old hair conditioner bottle—don’t need that anymore!)
  • Baking soda
  • Water

Put several (probably 4-5) spoonfuls of baking soda into the squeeze bottle (mine is 400 ml) and then fill the bottle the rest of the way with warm water, with just enough space at the top that I’ll be able to shake it up to mix it all in.


  • Get your hair all wet.
  • Shake up the water and baking soda mixture to make sure it’s evenly mixed.
  • Squeeze it out right onto your scalp – I separate my hair into sections sort of like at the hair dresser’s and squeeze it right onto the scalp.
  • Rub it in well and let it sit for about a minute
  • Rinse well.

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