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Study: Vegan Blood is 8x More Effective At Killing Cancer Cells

by January 27, 2017

Would you consider becoming a vegan after reading this? It turns out there are more benefits to avoiding animals products than we thought.

Currently one in two men and one in three women here in the United States will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Cancer is a very serious disease that many have been making far too much money off of for too long. The cancer industry is a terrible corrupt one that does not want patients coming out alive.

That being said, the number of cancer cases here in the United States has been expected to double by 2050. Could the solution to our cancer problems be a simple unprocessed plant-based diet? One study done back in 2005 showed us that vegan blood is eight times more effective when it comes to killing cancer than blood taken from people who followed a standard American diet.

Lifestyle changes such as going vegan can have an enormous impact on your long-term health. Along with the lack of meat, these people tend to participate in things that can also positively impact your health like stress management, meditation, yoga, and things of the sort. The goal of this study was to see which diet resulted in blood was more effective at suppressing cancer growth. The conclusion is more than enough to speak for itself.


The study states that:

‘Experimental group patients were prescribed an intensive lifestyle program that included a vegan diet supplemented with soy (1 daily serving of tofu plus 58 gm of a fortified soy protein powdered beverage), fish oil (3 gm daily), vitamin E (400 IU daily), selenium (200 mcg daily) and vitamin C (2 gm daily), moderate aerobic exercise (walking 30 minutes 6 days weekly), stress management techniques (gentle yoga-based stretching, breathing, meditation, imagery and progressive relaxation for a total of 60 minutes daily) and participation in a 1-hour support group once weekly to enhance adherence to the intervention.10 The diet was predominantly fruits, vege- tables, whole grains (complex carbohydrates), legumes and soy products, low in simple carbohydrates and with approx- imately 10% of calories from fat.11 The diet is intensive but palatable and practical. In earlier studies, most patients were able to adhere to this diet for at least 5 years.’

Eight times more effective when it comes to killing cancer cells is more than worth missing out on some meat. When it comes to things like this it is hard to argue the facts. What do you think about this?

FDA Approves New GMO Pineapple Without Independent Safety Testing: Here’s What You Need to Know

by January 27, 2017

While most people don’t think about this it is something we should all be aware of, the FDA is lacking severely when it comes to safety testing. They do not care about what we end up putting into our bodies.

For those of you who do not know in regards to GMOs, the FDA has declared something known as “substantial equivalence.” This meaning that there are no long term independent safety tests being done on these new foods or crops that are being genetically engineered. This is the case once again concerning the GMO pineapple we have been given now.

The FDA claims that the Del Monte brand pineapple creation is safe based only on the information provided to them by the company itself. It appears this GMO pineapple could be heading to stores everywhere in the near future. This pineapple is supposed to have an extra sweet pink flesh that will hopefully set it apart from real pineapple so the difference will be obvious.

According to the FDA, these GMO pineapples are created in this manner:

“Del Monte’s new pineapple has been genetically engineered to produce lower levels of the enzymes already in conventional pineapple that convert the pink pigment lycopene to the yellow pigment beta carotene. Lycopene is the pigment that makes tomatoes red and watermelons pink, so it is commonly and safely consumed.”

Genetic engineering can create many unseen changes at a cellular level. We as everyday people are not aware of these changes. For some reason, the FDA and GMO companies disagree with anyone who suggests that there is a need for long-term independent safety testing. There will be no special labeling marking this pineapple as GMO so please be on the lookout for any “extra sweet pink fleshed pineapple,” avoid it at all costs!

Men Who Marry Smart Women Live Longer

by January 27, 2017

When thinking about who you want to spend your life with do you consider their brains? If you don’t then maybe you should!

New research has brought about the idea that having a brainy lady by your side might extend your life and help protect you from dementia. Professor Lawrence Whalley from the University of Aberdeen mentioned that there is no better buffer to dementia than intelligence during a talk called ‘Dementia: How Can We Protect Ourselves?’ 

Research done at his University has examined the health of identical twins. They found that when protecting one’s self from degenerative diseases having a smart wife was important. Researchers were able to come to the conclusion that men who choose to marry smart women live longer and happier lives. These men are less likely to suffer from things like dementia and Alzheimer’s.

It has been found in the past that challenging games like crossword puzzles and sudoku can help ward off dementia as well. This is because it stimulates the brain so it does make sense that a wife who stimulates the brain as well can help. She will engage and challenge her husband and in doing so benefit his health. The value of a woman’s brain is worth far more than her beauty. If you have a smart woman in your life do not take her for granted you may be getting more than you’d think by having her in your life.

Women With Larger Behinds Are Healthier and More Intelligent, Study Finds

by January 27, 2017

Having a ‘donk’ might actually be better than we thought. Health wise this could be something fantastic.

It appears having a large rear end can boost your overall health. It has been linked with things like lowered risk of chronic disease and an increase in intelligence. If you’re going to have some pudge it is apparently better to have it below the waist.

This is according to researchers at the University of Oxford and Churchill Hospital in the United Kingdom. Fat distribution is extremely important and having it accumulate below the waist rather than above can work to protect you from things like diabetes, heart disease, and several other issues linked with obesity.

These researchers have mentioned that when it comes to your body type and figuring out if you are on the right path physically, you should compare your body to a fruit. This meaning that if you are pear shaped then you’re most likely doing something right.

However, if you are shaped like an apple or a potato you need some improvement. Working on a healthier lifestyle might just do you some good. If you carry extra weight on your hips, butt, or thighs you do not deal with as many obesity related issues that those who carry extra weight on their belly do. It is all about the type of fat your body is storing belly fat and butt fat are completely different from one another.

There are several factors that come into play when our body decides where to put the fat it is storing. One of those factors being leptin levels. Leptin is extremely important when it comes to regulating your appetite. if you’re obese your body is no longer responding to this hormone. This forces a person to become what is called leptin resistant.

When it comes to maintaining a large backside your body will need a good amount of omega three fats. Omega three fats are proven to boost the function of a person’s brain. Thus meaning most women with bigger butts will have better cognitive abilities than others. Do not be ashamed of your derriere.

8 Easy Ways to Keep Your Vagina Healthy and Young (Most Important is #6)

by January 27, 2017

Keeping your genitals clean is something that goes without saying. It is important to all women everywhere.

Of course, just like the rest of our bodies our vaginas age. This may have you down in the dumps because while you can use anti-aging products everywhere else your vagina will not agree with those at all. This is something that most women are not comfortable talking about and that is fine. This article will give you all the information you need without speaking a work aloud.

Do Not Shave Your Pubic Hair

While some of us think growing pubic hair out is gross and prefer to shave it off completely some people like the bush. Too much pubic hair triggers sweating. So it is ideal to trim sometimes as sweating in an area like that can lead to a world of issues. We do have pubes for a reason. Having pubic hair can help prevent infections and make you less vulnerable to irritation.

Let Your Vagina Breathe!

Do not smother your vagina. Try to avoid things like synthetic undies. Wear cotton undies instead this will allow some air flow to your vagina.

See A Gynecologist 

Even without any issues, it is best to make a trip to the gynecologist every so often. Do tests for infections and such on a regular basis as to detect abnormalities before they become a serious issue.

Do Not Slip When It Come to Personal Hygiene

If your vaginal odor is a bit unpleasant you can stop the odor.  Wash it twice a day using warm water and a mild soap. Be sure to pay special attention to the pubic hair located closest to the vagina as it contains sweat glands that cause this odor. Do not ever use high alkaline soaps on your vagina as they can disrupt your natural pH levels down there.

Change Your Panties Every Single Day

As women we discharge, this is something we all do. It is completely normal. Whether you do it less or more than others is no problem. You should change your panties every day as to not allow bacteria to grow in the discharge. Bacteria in this region can cause things like cystitis. colpitis, and a number of different uterine infections.

Never Use Vaginal Perfumes

Yes, they are on the market but we should not use them. These products will disrupt the natural pH balance of the vagina. Using these products can cause several different types of infections. The only proper way to prevent vaginal odor is to maintain a healthy vagina. This is not your armpit and deodorant is not the answer.

You Can Enhance The Flavor Of Your Vagina

By eating the right foods you can make your vagina taste even sweeter. You should consume more fruits that contain natural sugars. This includes things like mangos, apples, and grapes. Avoid eating excess amounts of things like garlic or drinking too much coffee as it will contribute to a smelly vagina.

Don’t Douche

Unless your doctor advises you to do not do it. Douching can and in most cases will create an imbalance of your bodies natural bacteria and cause and infection. When washing just use natural soap and water, nothing else.

For more information on vaginal odor and issues please watch the video below. It is very informative and will give you some insight on why you may be feeling not so healthy downstairs. Keep in mind though these are just a few of the many reasons. Enjoy!


Forget Coffins! This Company Will Swirl You Into Beautiful Glass Creations When You Die!

by January 27, 2017

Based out of Seattle, this company is helping people all over! If you are suffering from the loss of a loved one I suggest you check this out.

This company is called ‘Artful Ashes,’ they specialize in creating extremely unique glass memorials. They look like balls of the galaxy and are quite beautiful! Each memorial comes with an inscribed message with the customer’s loved one’s name on it. These memorials are made through the art of glass blowing, they can come in an orb or a heart.

The best part is each one contains a tablespoon of your loved one’s ashes. They are around fourteen ounces of solid glass and prices are around $150 dollars per orb. The images below really speak for themselves. Each one is a different person’s loved one. These beautiful works of art are truly fantastic. I would love for someone who cares about me to end up with one of these after I pass.








For a little insight on how these amazing things are created please watch the video below. These memorials require a lot of time and patience to make and as I mentioned before are quite amazing. I am in awe!

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