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Attention Sushi Lovers: Tapeworm Now Found in U.S. Pink Salmon

by January 29, 2017

If you know what a tapeworm is the thought of it is likely something that makes you shudder. This is why we should be extremely cautious when buying things like salmon.

It has been confirmed that the Japanese broad tapeworm has made its way to the fish here in the US. This was done by means of the Asian Pacific and can definitely be considered means for alarm. Based on one study published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology around 20 million people are believed to have tapeworms living inside of them.

Tapeworms are parasites that can live in humans as well as other mammals. They make their homes in our intestines and survive by eating the things we have ingested. They can segment themselves meaning one big tapeworm can break itself apart into several smaller independent tapeworms. The Japanese broad tapeworm can grow up to 30 feet.

Now, if for some reason you suspect you may have a tapeworm living inside of your there are several signs you can look for. These are things you should always keep an eye out for in yourself and others. Keep in mind sometimes you may not show any symptoms at all.

Infection Signs and Symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Vomiting
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Weight loss

Researchers have now found a tapeworm in wild pink salmon from the Alaskan Pacific. During a study in which five species of wild salmon were being analyzed (62 fish total) twenty-three of them were Pink Salmon. This team of researchers were able to find samples that contained larvae from the Japanese broad tapeworm. Below is a video shot of one of the very much alive tapeworms they found.

If you cannot avoid eating raw fish and feel like it is something you have to have. Be sure to take extra precautions to ensure you do not end up with a parasite. Freeze the fish for a few days as this will kill the tapeworms as well as any other parasites that may be living in your meal. (-4 degrees Fahrenheit or below for seven days will do the trick.)

Excuse Me While I Lather My Child in This Toxic Death Cream

by January 29, 2017

We often spend a lot of time deciding whether something is safe or not for ourselves and our children. Is this something we are overdoing or not doing enough?

Being so caught up in making sure everything is safe can have a negative effect on us. But the truth is we are not spending enough time thinking about the things we are using. Is this okay? Should we just stop worrying about these things and accept the poison being shoved into our bodies? No.

We should be aware of everything we use without overdoing it. We cannot avoid everything but it is important to be as healthy as possible. Just what are the main things we should be aware of exactly? Well, to name a few we should be aware of the things we eat, the things we apply, and the things we take medicinally.

The Things We Eat


We should be getting plenty of fruit and veggies. When it comes to food we should do our best to eat organic GMO-free foods. We can achieve this by checking labels and looking into what companies own which brands. For instance companies like Monsanto (GMO central for those who are not aware) have products used in companies like Pringles, Pepsi, General Mills, and more. To see the full list please click here.

The Things We Apply


Now, when I say ‘the things we apply’ I mean makeup, lotion, sunscreen, and anything of that nature. These things come in tons of varieties and some are much better than others. When it comes to makeup I find that making my own actually works best. I have had success in making all natural homemade gel eyeliner, powder, and lipstick. The eyeliner is definitely my favorite as it works exactly like the kind I used before. I literally see no difference between the two!

Now, of course, you can make your own lotion and sunscreen as well but for most parents buying from a store is much easier. When you cannot make your own I strongly suggest looking at what brands are best before buying. Some brands are legitimately toxic death cream in a tube and should not be used. When it comes to lotion I honestly just use coconut oil by itself but if for some reason you’d rather go out and buy some here are the things you should check the ingredients list for.

If This Is On The Ingredients List DO NOT BUY:

As for sunscreen, there are several brands you should avoid when it comes to protecting our children from the sun we don’t want to harm them in other ways in the process.There are several sunscreen brands that have at least three strikes against them. Just because they are convenient does not make them healthy. If you have any of these in your home please throw them out immediately.

Here are some of the brands to avoid according to EWG:

  • Banana Boat Kids Max Protection & Play Sunscreen Lotion, SPF 100
  • Coppertone Water Babies Sunscreen Stick, SPF 55
  • Coppertone Sunscreen Lotion Kids SPF 70+
  • CVS Baby Sunstick Sunscreen
  • Neutrogena Wet Skin Kids Sunscreen Spray SPF 70+

For the full list and specific products please click here.

The Things We Take Medicinally


Natural medicine is always king in my book. When it comes to healing myself I will always go with the holistic approach over seeing a doctor (unless seeing a doctor is needed, of course, it depends on the situation.) We have been gifted by mother nature with an endless amount of natural healthy alternatives to the chemical medicines of modern day. If you’re dealing with something like a cold, headache, anxiety, or even joint pain then doing something about it at home might save you a good bit of money. I am sure you all know by now doctors are not cheap and sadly not all doctors are out there to help people. There are natural remedies for everything. It really is amazing the things mother nature has provided for us. To learn how to deal with some of the most common ‘health issues’ via natural remedies please watch the videos below.

There are natural remedies for everything. It really is amazing the things mother nature has provided for us. To learn how to deal with some of the most common ‘health issues’ via natural remedies please watch the videos below.

(I am not saying that if you have a broken leg or heart disease that you should not see your doctor. By all means, if you are dealing with a serious issue and you need to see a doctor you will know. If I break my toe and it swells up to the size of a grapefruit I will damn sure be going to see a doctor myself. Sometimes it is unavoidable.)

At the end of the day as long as we are doing our bests our job is done. There are tons of things we can do to maintain our health without overstressing about whether we are healthy enough or not. Try to keep your stress to a minimum because let’s face it, your family needs you!

Your Oncologist Will Never Tell You That Frankincense Essential Oil Treats And Prevents Cancer

by January 28, 2017

This is one oil that has been used for many years as a treatment for several sicknesses and illnesses. It will be able to do great things for your health.

No matter what you’re going through health wise it is likely that frankincense oil will likely be able to help you in some way. You can use frankincense oil as a means of supporting your respiratory system. It works well when fighting off things like coughs, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory issues. You can do this by inhaling the steam through a hot bath or through a massage.

Frankincense is also known for relieving digestive distress. It can help rid you of things like stomach aches, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation. One study that was published in the European Journal of Medical Research actually took the time to evaluate the effectiveness of frankincense when treating the symptoms of ulcerative colitis and were able to conclude that when someone takes 350mg of frankincense oil three times a day over a six-week period remission is likely in eighty percent of patients. How amazing is that?

As mentioned in the title you can also use frankincense oil for arthritis pain. This is because frankincense oil is an anti-inflammatory. By topically applying a few drops of frankincense oil to the affected area a few times a day you can see drastic improvement quickly. When it comes to cancer frankincense oil can help fight some specific cells from certain types of cancer. This includes brain, breast, colon, and prostate cancers. The oil has shown to activate genes that cause something known as cell cycle arrest. It is also said that frankincense oil is able to distinguish between healthy cells and cancer cells which also is a means to fighting off cancer effectively. For more information on this amazing oil please watch the video below. The benefits are almost endless.

Jin Shin Jyutsu Finger Method: Rub a Certain Finger for 60 Seconds and See What Will Happen to Your Body

by January 28, 2017

There are many different ways to treat pain, some of which do not involve taking pain medication. This is extremely popular and can be used to treat neck pain, PTSD, depression and more.

This is known as the Jin Shin Jyutsu method and is a system of balancing your life energy as well as bodily functions. Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art of releasing tensions which cause different negative symptoms in our bodies. This is something that involves pressing and pulling on all of your fingers. This technique has became popular here in the US actually one of the first people to practice it was

This technique has become popular here in the US actually one of the first people to practice it was Mary Burmeister an Asian-American. She learned this method from a specialist whose name was Jiro Murai back in the 1950s. She brought this art form from Japan to the United States.


If you are dealing with things like anxiety, depression, PTSD, neck pain, anger, fear, sciatica, or anything similar I strongly suggest giving this method a go. This can be beneficial for both men and women. It will only take one minute of your time and leave you feeling much better than before.

The video below will show you exactly what to do, please pay close attention to each finger as they all play an important role. Enjoy!

Wrapped Ginger – Remove Mucus From Your lungs in One Night and Cure Bad Cough

by January 28, 2017

Being forced to stay up all night because you cannot stop sneezing or coughing can be a pain. This is something that can ruin not only your day but your whole week.

Children can be subject to this kind of thing even more so than adults. This is because they have much weaker immune systems than we do. If you are dealing with a cough it is likely that your doctor will simply prescribe you something like cough syrup because it is ‘this best solution.’ However, it is not the best solution. Pharmaceutical solutions like that can have negative effects on us and our children this is something we know, and a large portion of us actually ignore it. Cough medicine can cause headaches, sleepiness, and other negative effects. Natural methods that contain things like raw honey would be much more beneficial than cough syrup.

If you or someone in your family is dealing with a mild cough this is the best thing to do. Combining ginger and honey will do more good than you could imagine. Enjoy!

Ginger Honey Wrap



  • Combine the honey, olive oil, and flour.
  • Add ginger in last and mix it well.
  • put the mixture on a napkin and wrap a gauze around it.
  • Using the adhesive tape place this to your chest or back.
  • If doing this for a child they should only have the wrap on for about three hours before bed.
  • If for an adult then leaving it on overnight is ideal. This ginger wrap will make you sweat much more than usual.

Research Shows that Avocado Pits Fight Against Cancer and More!

by January 28, 2017

While we know avocados offer many health benefits we may have been overlooking the most important part of the avocado. What have you been doing with your avocado seeds?

As it turns out avocado seeds have far more antioxidants than most fruit and veggies. The seed itself gives you everything needed to lower your cholesterol. Eating this seed can reduce inflammation in the body and is especially beneficial when trying to ease swelling in your gastrointestinal tract. Most people just throw the seed away but we should actually be eating it.

Did you know that seventy percent of all the antioxidants found in avocados are located in the seed? People have been throwing away seventy percent of the antioxidants they have been looking for! The seed itself has the ability to kill cancer cells, that is how powerfully beneficial it is. A recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal Cancer Research found that a compound in avocado seed extract known as avocatin B can effectively fight against acute myeloid leukemia cells.

Ingesting the seed also has benefits for your immune system. This is because the seed contains things like catechins and procyanidins that have anti-inflammatory properties. These things reduce stiffness, joint pain, and swelling. The presence of flavonol in avocado also helps protect us from the cold a well as the flu.

As you are most likely already aware avocados are a good source of healthy monosaturated fats. These fats are great for our hearts but that is not all the avocado has to offer for your heart. The seed contains just the right amount of amino acids. This in term prevents things like strokes and heart attacks.

The seed is also something that contains many fat burners. If you’re trying to lose weight the last thing you’d want to do is throw this plethora of benefits away. The list of benefits to eating this seed really does seem almost endless.

Eating this seed can benefit you in the ways mentioned above and as follows:

  • Treating diarrhea
  • Prevent tumor growth
  • Prevent epilepsy
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Eliminate the appearance of blemishes.
  • Regulate thyroid disorder
  • Can be used topically as a muscle relaxer.
  • Boost collagen formation

The seeds from your avocados do things to help you look and feel younger on the inside and outside. Of course, at first, it may seem almost impossible to ingest the seed from an avocado as it is extremely hard but it is much easier than it looks. As I have mentioned in past articles too much of a good thing can be bad but an avocado seed every once and awhile may do you a world of good. Here is how to prepare the seed to be eaten, enjoy!

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