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Lotus Birth, The New Trend in Natural Child Birth

by February 10, 2017

Sure sometimes as moms, we do some strange things for good reasons. Is this one of those cases?

A mother of two from the United Kingdom named Adele Allen decided to do something extremely strange granted according to DailyMail they do a lot of strange things. She opted for natural childbirth with both of her children and decided to leave the babies attached to the placentas. She did not cut the umbilical cord and left it until it fell off naturally. This was something that took six whole days with her second child.

In order to control the odor of the placenta, she sprinkles it with rock salt and rose petals. By keeping the placenta attached she says it allows the mother and the child to remain attached for awhile even after the baby was born. This method is being called the lotus birth and is something that is supposed to increase the bond between mother and child as well as keeping the baby nourished by the nutrients inside for longer.

According to the television show The Doctors this method is a myth and that once the umbilical cord hits room temperature air it clamps up and stops blood flow to the baby. They warn this method is not healthy and is leaving the dead remains of the placenta attached to your child. They say that this increases infection risks. While this may be, Adele’s children are happy and healthy. Doctors recommend not leaving the cord on for more than one whole minute.

Would you leave your placenta attached to the child or have it cut? Do you think there is any chance of getting nutrients after the cord has hit air or is this just a waste of time? While this mother feels she did the right thing, could it have been the wrong thing? For a little more information on this family and their eccentric lives lease take the time to watch the video below.

This Fruit Will Cure Insomnia and Boost Brain Function in Minutes

by February 10, 2017

There are tons of amazing beneficial fruits and veggies out in the world that we have never even heard of. I find a new one just about every single day.

Have you ever heard of quenepa? It is more commonly known as the Spanish lime and it can do great things for your brain. This amazing fruit originated in the northern parts of South America but is also found in the coasts and dry forests of Central America as well as the Caribbean. It is something unlike any other fruit as it is sweet and sour.

People tend to put salt on it when eating it as to enhance the flavor. It is what seems to be a mixture of lychee and lime, firm and still delicate. It is abundant in things like vitamin C, amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, protein, calcium, and thiamine. It can be used as a remedy for high cholesterol issues and chronic constipation. This fruit is the bee’s knees and will boost your immune system all the while preventing urinary tract stones.

You can use this fruit to eliminate parasites from your body, treat kidney issues, prevent lung infections, heal gum infections, and treat insomnia. If you are dealing with any of these things I suggest going out and getting some Spanish limes today. While this fruit is a bit exotic it is overflowing with nutrients that will benefit you in more ways than anything else!

For more information on this amazing fruit and how to eat it please take the time to watch the videos below. This is actually one of my favorite fruits. Try adding it into your life, enjoy!

This Ingredient Will End Hair Loss Forever!

by February 10, 2017

Losing your hair is one of the worst things to experience! Our hair is the center of our self-confidence, and when you lose your hair it feels like you lost it all. Thankfully, this natural remedy is easy and effective!

Pharmaceutical companies claim they have the treatment to restore hair loss, and prevent it. This is only false advertising, as most of their topical hair loss treatments contain harmful ingredients and barely even work! For example, Rogaine is a topical application that you apply to your scalp. It causes the scalp to be extremely sensitive to the sun. Also, the Mayo Clinic reports that you may experience chest pain, blurred vision, swelling, weight gain, or rapid heart rate if you use Rogaine! Instead of risking your life – literally, try this natural remedy for stopping hair loss.

A new natural ingredient has taken the internet by the antlers. New studies have been released showing the guava leaves can restore your full head of hair! People have claimed that it is a miracle worker, and it also useful for thickening up thin hair! The guava leaves are rich in vitamins that stimulate hair growth. It has also shown to be effective in treating dandruff! They contain analgesic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Alongside vitamin C, B, and antioxidants, the guava leaves can restore your hair and your confidence!


  • Handful of guava leaves
  • 1 liter water
  • Boiling pot
  • Strainer


Pour the water into the pot and place it on the stove. Bring the water to a boil.
To the boiling water, add the guava leaves.
Let the water boil for 20 minutes.
Strain the liquid and let it cool.


Wash and cleanse your hair with shampoo and skip conditioning. Once your hair is almost dry, section it and start applying the guava leaf solution. Massage the solution into your scalp for at least 10 minutes and ensure that all of your hair saturated with it. Pay extra attention to the roots and tips while you apply the solution. You can leave this solution on for up to 2 hours. Optionally, you can wrap your hair in a towel and sleep with the solution in your hair. Rinse the solution out of your hair with lukewarm water.

This Vegetable Will Fix Everything Wrong in Your Body!

by February 10, 2017

This veggie is one of the best to eat when it comes to curing several issues. However, we often overlook it as if we forget it exists.

The veggie I am referring to is the beet. Beets are extremely healthy and have potent medicinal properties. Beets contain something known as anthocyanins which are known for having strong anti-cancer properties. Betaine, another thing found in beets is a natural inflammatory and works well when it comes to supporting heart health.

Beets are able to regulate cholesterol levels, support healthy liver function, and boost blood flow. You can ingest beets raw, cooked, juiced, or baked but do not throw out the leaves. Studies have even shown that if you consume potassium rich foods like beets and eliminate sodium you will be able to lower your risk of heart disease or stroke by twenty-one percent.

Why You Should Be Eating Beets

When it comes to keeping our bodies healthy we shouldn’t overlook anything. If you dismiss a veggie or fruit because you don’t think it can do anything then you are being neglectful. Take the time to look into each and everything you have cross your mind. I personally love beets and the fact that their this good for me makes me want to eat them even more!

Researchers Find That Gardening Soil is a Natural Antidepressant

by February 10, 2017

Could tending to a garden actually be able to help fight depression? Sure, gardeners talk about how it reduces stress and improved their moods but what limit can that be pushed to?

Well, as it turns out there are actually antidepressant microorganisms in the soil. Yes, in the soil. I know at first you’re probably thinking ‘gross’ but it is not anywhere near as gross as it sounds, these little microorganisms are actually pretty interesting.

These tiny microorganisms are known as mycobacterium vaccae (M. vaccae) and they are able to naturally activate the release of serotonin and dopamine in our brains! These two neurotransmitters work to send chemical messages to our brains. Dopamine is something that affects our emotions and serotonin regulates our moods.

When we garden these microorganisms are absorbed through our skin and inhaled as we breathe. Once they enter your blood stream and respiratory system they get straight to work boosting your mood. This connection was discovered by accident but is something we should all take into consideration. We should all be gardening or at least playing in the soil from time to time.

A study done by several neuroscientists that was published in the Behavioural Processes Journal titled “eating, touching, and breathing a soil organism may be tied to the development of our immune system and nervous system” showed that M. vaccae boosted the cognitive function in mice and made them less anxious. Could the mass deficiency of outdoor exposure be the reason as to why most people suffer from things like depression? There appears to be a bridge between gardening and mental health.

If you aren’t already you should get out and garden. These benefits are very real. Starting a garden is a worthy investment you should not miss out on.

Stop Buying Ginger. Here’s How to Grow and Endless Supply of Ginger Right at Home

by February 10, 2017

Ginger is something many people love and cook with a lot. It is jam packed with health benefits and never ceases to amaze me.

Ginger is one of the most fantastic natural remedies. It is great for nausea, muscle soreness, joint pain, stiffness, and cramps. I oftentimes use it for stomach issues and see great results. Ginger speeds up the emptying of the stomach which is good for people who experience discomfort after eating. With all of the health benefits associated with ginger, there is no reason why it should not be in your home.


Now, in store ginger can be a bit pricey and we, of course, have no means of knowing if something is truly organic or not at the moment for the most part so growing your own ginger is something I highly recommend. In order to grow ginger, you will need to obtain some ginger you can get these online or in store, I prefer ordering online because most store bought ginger has been sprayed with growth inhibitors. This will be much easier than it sounds and can be done by anyone.

How To Grow Ginger

Things Needed:

  • Ginger root
  • Soil
  • Pot
  • Water


  • Soak the ginger root overnight.
  • Fill your pot with soil and place your ginger root in it, be sure that the eye buds pointing upward.
  • Cover the root with 1-2 inches of soil.
  • Water it well.
  • Put the pot in a reasonably warm place that is still shaded from the sun.
  • Keep the plant moist with a spray bottle and you will notice after just a few short weeks the ginger growing.

This will give you an endless supply of fresh ginger that is completely safe from dangerous industrial chemicals. You will be able to reap all the benefits of ginger without the side effects of the agricultural industry. Enjoy!

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