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The 4-Minute Workout Routine That Helps You Burn Fat like Crazy

by February 12, 2017

When you’re a mom or work a full-time job or do both it is hard to find time to make it to the gym every day. Luckily there is a way around that.

You don’t have to give up on keeping your body in shape. You can use the Tabata workout! Now, this workout is a high-intensity workout that only lasts a few minutes. In doing this you will be healthy in no time. If you have any sort of condition that restricts your workout routines I suggest asking a doctor before beginning the Tabata workout method.

The Tabata workout is perfect for people who are strapped for time. You can get an intense workout in just four minutes. Basically, with this workout, you spring hard for 20 seconds then take a 10-second break and repeat for four whole minutes. This can burn calories a lot more than you would expect given the time. It was developed by a Dr. Izumi Tabata in Japan and has been found to be far more superior than other exercise types.

Back in 1996, a study was done by the National Institute of Health and Nutrition in Tokyo, Dr. Tabata, and his colleagues took two groups of athletes, one group did medium-intensity exercises and the other did high-intensity exercise for short periods of time. These two groups were observed for six weeks and it was found that the first group was able to increase their aerobic capacity by 9.5 percent and the second by 14 percent.

The second group increased their lung capacity as well as heir oxygen utilization. High-intensity was proven to be more effective by comparison. The Tabata workout is able to burn fat much quicker because of the intense cardio. It will also give your endorphins, this is something that makes you happy. You will be building muscle and burning fat in almost no time.

In order to work your way up to this intense workout begin with longer less intense sprints and more recovery time in between. Increase the intensity every few days and work your way up to four-minute high-intensity workouts. You can mix things up as well but jumping rope, doing squats, push ups, pull ups etc. For a beginner demonstration of Tabata please watch the video below.

This New Cannabis Patch Can Effectively Treat Fibromyalgia and Diabetic Nerve Pain

by February 12, 2017

In this day and age, most people are aware of the powerful medicinal benefits of Cannabis. Cannabis is being studied in almost every aspect for its benefits against cancer. But this new method of cannabis treatment is some serious medical technology.

A company that specializes in the medicinal powers of marijuana have invented a new method of cannabis treatment. They have created transdermal patches. They are basically adhesives to the skin, and the medication is absorbed by the skin. The patch releases certain chemicals over time to combat neurological nerve pain. There have been no negative side effects found either. This seems to be the best way to administer medicinal cannabis to patients.


The creator of the patch, Cannabis Science said:

Promote healing to an injured area of the body. An advantage of a transdermal drug delivery route over other types of medication delivery such as oral, topical, intravenous, intramuscular, etc. is that the patch provides a controlled release of the medication into the patient, usually through either a porous membrane covering a reservoir of medication or through body heat melting thin layers of medication embedded in the adhesive which will be containing high potency cannabinoid (CBD) extract that slowly enters into the bloodstream and then penetrates the central nervous system of the patient delivering the pain relief sought.”

Company CEO of Cannabis science also said:

“The development of these two new pharmaceutical medicinal applications are just the tip of the iceberg for what we see as the future for Cannabis Science. While we strive to increase our land capacity for growth and facilities to produce our own product to supply our scientists with proprietary materials to make these formulations, we are also busy researching more potential needs for Cannabis related medical applications and developing the methods for delivery of these medications.”

This Method Will Alleviate Your Pain and Swelling Instantly!

by February 12, 2017

Are you a sufferer of constantly swelling and painful feet? Doctors will recommend pain killer after pain killer, but they only cause worse side effects. Try this natural method, and your swelling will go away, and your pain will be alleviated.

Swelling and painful feet can be caused by a number of things. It is usually caused by pregnancy, but also may be an effect of old age or increase of water retention in your body. Pharmaceutical medications are toxic and have terrible side effects! They hardly ever do any good and they are super expensive too. Instead of those try this natural remedy.

You might think this is going to be some long, thought out process of creating a remedy; it’s not. The process is simply a cabbage wrap. All you have to do is cool white or green leaves of cabbage in the freezer until they are chilled but still pliable. All you have to do is wrap them around your feet and sit with them elevated for 30 minutes. The cabbage draws out any extra fluid you might be retaining in your feet. This causes the swelling and the pain. Do this every time you’re hurting, and voila! No more pain.

9 Alternative Uses for Vicks Vaporub

by February 11, 2017

When it comes to over the counter medications Vicks Vaporub is a go to for a few different things. It functions in a unique way, unlike other nonprescription treatments.

Most medications these days come in pill form be it capsules, tablets, etc. However, with Vicks, we are able to treat things through vapors. This can be used for treating things like congestion and cough easily. Vicks can be used for a wide variety of other things as well. These are things most people aren’t aware of but they are quite interesting. Who knew a small jar of Vicks Vaporub could be so useful?

Alternative Uses For Vicks Vaporub

  1. Healing Bruises- By applying a thin layer of this along with salt to your bruises your body will react in a positive way. This will cause your body to circulate blood quicker and dissolve the bruising in a shorter amount of time.
  2. Ridding Yourself of Headaches- When dealing with a standard headache applying Vicks Vaporub to your temple will provide you with quick pain relief. For a sinus headache apply the rub under your nose.
  3. Keep Animals Away- If you’re having trouble keeping your pet off of a specific piece of furniture you may want to try dabbing some of this rub on it. This will keep them off easily.
  4. Stopping Muscle Aches– Massage Vicks over any muscles that are causing you pain then wrap them in a warm dry towel for an hour.
  5. Repel Bugs- Apply a small amount of Vicks to your clothing and skin, this will keep the bugs from being attracted to you.
  6. Relieve Itches- If you happen to get bitten by some sort of bug apply some Vicks to it, this will relieve your itching.
  7. Rejuvenate your Heels-  For dry cracked heels apply this to the ball of your foot as well as the heel then massage the damaged areas. Do this and sleep with socks on overnight, the next morning rinse the Vicks off and exfoliate.
  8. Soothe Earaches- This is something that goes hand in hand with ear infection most of the time. Put Vicks on a cotton ball and place it in your ear, this will relieve some of if not all of your pain.
  9. Rid Yourself Of Toenail Fungus- If you are dealing with an infected toenail then you should rub it with Vicks at least three times a day for as long as needed. This can take several weeks to completely get rid of the fungus.

Vicks Vaporub really does come in handy, this is especially great considering how easily attainable it is. If you aren’t already using Vicks for something give it a try! Please watch the video below for more information on this.

Medical Breakthrough: Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-16 Weeks

by February 11, 2017

There are tons of people out there in the world today suffering from cancer. Cancer is an epidemic we have been looking to put an end to for quite some time now.

Nowadays, almost every single person I know has had a close family member die of cancer. It is something we consider common in households. Cancer affects us all in one way or another. If you have lost a loved on to cancer or are battling it yourself then you know how hard it can be. Cancer eats away at the people you love and there is nothing you can do about it, you feel powerless watching them wilt away.

The cancer industry as I have said many times is making too much of a profit in keeping us sick to ever offer a cure. Chemotherapy costs everything a person has. It leaves them with nothing even if they by chance happen to make it through the dangerous ordeal. If anything all chemotherapy does is make matters worse. None of the people benefiting from the profit made in the cancer industry care about our wellbeing. They want us sick and then after they have drained us and our families for all we have they want us dead.

One man, a Dr. Leonard Coldwell has been through a lot when it comes to cancer. All seven brothers and sisters from his mother’s side of the family suffered carcinoma. his father and grandmother also died from cancer. he saw exactly how this terrible disease was killing his friends and family viciously and dedicated his life to finding a cure that actually worked.

Dr. Coldwell has seen over 35,000 patients and has one of the leading roles in the search for a cure. His website was actually blocked by the federal government at one point when he found a cure! He claims that cancer in most patients can be cured without chemotherapy or radiation. The sad part of this story is, he is no longer allowed to tell anyone that. Big Pharma will not allow it.

That being said some things have come about, according to Dr. Coldwell cancer can be cured in 2-16 weeks if we eat more veggies! He says that a diet consisting mostly of veggies provides the body with lots of oxygen and adding things like calcium will make a big difference. He says that we need to alkalize our bodies in order to stop the progress of cancer and begin reversing it.

We should be obtaining 100 cc every single day of vitamin C. This can be done by injection according to the Doctor. If injections are not your thing then I highly suggest upping your vitamin C intake as much as possible. Avoid chemicals, they won’t help when it comes to cancer. What it all boils down to is that if you want to cure cancer you need to consume fresh organic veggies and other fresh raw foods.

Dr. Coldwell is a very smart man and we obviously have a lot to learn from him. To hear more of what he has said on how to cure cancer please take the time to watch the video below. Enjoy!

9 ‘Facts’ the Meat Industry Wants You to Believe

by February 10, 2017

When it comes to the meat industry they are very driven to increase profit to the maximum amount. They will do this even if it means being unfair to these animals that have been dealt a terrible hand in the game of life.

The meat industry does it’s best to keep the things that go on inside slaughter facilities under wraps. We are supposed to assume these animals are on a cute little barnyard farm like back in the old days but that is far from the truth. These animals are being factory farmed and it is truly disgustingly heartbreaking to learn about the things these animals go through.

The animals who are factory farmed the most consist of pigs, cows, chickens, and fish. Do not be deceived by the lies you are being fed. These animals deserve better even if they are destined to be slaughtered they deserve a good life while they are here.

‘Facts’ The Meat Industry Wants You To Believe:


Chicken is healthy- A study done in 2012 found that chickens living on these factory farms are growing so fast that the muscle in them becomes fat and is not as nutritious as the meat industry pretends it is.


Animals raised for meat are treated humanely- All animals bred for food will meet a terrible unnecessary death and no animal wants to die. These animals are not treated humanely at all. If you want to see the terrible things done to these beautiful animals please watch the video below.


Farmed animals are raised in open pastures- No, they are not. Those happy cows and other animals you see on the packaging are not real. These animals are kept in tiny spaces, abused, neglected, and slaughtered. 

grass fed

Grass fed beef is better- This is not true, the only sustainable beef is beef that was never produced or consumed.


Meat is sustainable- This is a lie no matter what the packaging says. Animal agriculture is one of the leading things contributing to climate change. In doing things like this we are wasting resources. Animal products are not sustainable or environmentally friendly in any way at all.


You cannot receive calcium without milk- We do not need to consume milk in order to have strong bones. Cow’s milk is actually not healthy and comes with a lot of suffering on the animals part. You can get loads of calcium via plant-based foods.


You need meat for protein- Protein is abundant in a lot of plant-based foods. You can get protein in things like nuts, beans, and tofu. You can get enough protein easily through plant-based foods. Meat is not a necessity.


Factory farming is the only way to keep everyone fed- Factory farming is extremely wasteful. It takes 16 pounds of grain to produce just one single pound of beef! We could feed a much larger amount of people with the grain versus the beef. It is all about profit.


They don’t feel it (when they are slaughtered)- These animals feel exactly what is happening. They are forced to live in fear and then slaughtered in the most disgusting ways. Would you want your throat slit or maybe to be boiled alive? We are going to have a lot of hell to pay when the time comes to take punishment for the things we have done.

Whether you are a meat eater or not I am sure you can at least agree that these animals deserve a good life while they are in this world. Would you rather eat a chicken that has been pumped with steroids and had its beak seared off or a chicken that is steroid free and lived a good life on a real farm till the time came for it to pass? The question is not as hard as some people make it out to be. Your answer says a lot about who you are as person.


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