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Stem-Cell Dental Implants Grow New Teeth in Your Mouth

by February 21, 2017

Dentures and dental implants may be a thing of the past! Stem cell research is making some very amazing advances, why not regrow your missing teeth?

Stem cells have the ability to transform and multiply into many different types of cells in the body. These stem cells repair tissue by dividing continually either as a new stem cell or a cell with a more specific job. For instance as a red blood cell, skin cell, or muscle cell. In the future people will be able to have their missing teeth replaced with ones that have been grown from cells taken from their own mouth! Science is amazing!

These hybrid teeth have already been successful in mice trials. All they had to do was combine human gum cells and stem cells from mouse teeth in order to grow them in lab mice. How interesting is that? This could lead to dentures being completely unnecessary. Why have dentures when you can just grow your own new teeth?

Professor Paul Sharpe who led research on this at King’s College London’s dental institute says that:

“These easily accessible epithelial cells are thus a realistic source for consideration in human bio-tooth formation. The next major challenge is to identify a way to culture adult human mesenchymal cells to be tooth-inducing, as at the moment we can only make embryonic mesenchymal cells do this.”

“What is required is the identification of adult sources of human epithelial and mesenchymal cells that can be obtained in sufficient numbers to make bio-tooth formation a viable alternative to dental implants,”

How amazing would it be to just grow more teeth instead of getting dental implants or dentures? This is going to open so many doors in the dental community it is unreal. Would you consider growing hybrid teeth?

11 True Causes of Fibromyalgia That Your Doctor Will Never Tell You About

by February 21, 2017

Fibromyalgia has been estimated to affect around six million people, that is one in fifty. Do you have Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is usually characterized by chronic pain, fatigue, brain fog, cognitive impairment, depression, and sleep disturbances. Conventional medicine has not yet concluded as to what the cause for this is. They only offer means of managing the symptoms of it through medications like pain pills and antidepressants. This is not something that will ever go anywhere because conventional medicine is all about making money off of sick people.

Doctors will never tell you the things that could be causing this. The top eleven causes of Fibromyalgia can be singled out when you look deep and try to assess the root cause. If you have Fibromyalgia look into these and see if they may be your underlying issue. Dr. Amy Myers M.D. Says she has helped thousands around the world recover from chronic illnesses like this one through her dietary based program.

Mercury Toxicity

If you have mercury amalgam fillings, have them removed. Mercury is toxic to our bodies as you may already know. Have yourself tested for heavy metals as soon as possible.

Glutathione Deficiency

Glutathione is a molecule that is very critical when it comes to detoxification in our bodies. This is something our bodies recycles unless the toxic burden is too high. Sometimes we lack the enzymes needed in order to recycle and produce glutathione.

MTHFR Mutations

You can get a test for this done through any conventional lab. The more mutations you have at the MTHFR gene the less able you are to methylate and detoxify toxins like lead and mercury.


These are extremely toxic substances that are produced by toxic molds. Only about twenty-five percent of the population carries the genes to be susceptible to the effects of mycotoxins. Use a urine mycotoxin test to determine if you have been exposed to these.

Adrenal Fatigue

This the result of chronic stress. chronic pain is a stress to the adrenal glands. Now, the initial stressor is usually something like a food intolerance or something along those lines.

Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth 

We are full of bacteria. When these bacteria get out of balance we can lose our ability to digest and absorb nutrients. Gluten can cause SIBO as well as leaky gut.

Leaky Gut

Leaky gut can come from food intolerances and is a vicious cycle once it begins. With any illness fixing your gut health first is most important.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Deficiencies in things like vitamin D, B12, and magnesium can cause this issue. They are common in people who have fibromyalgia.


Most of the people out there in this world are dealing with thyroid issues and they don’t even know it. It is vital that your doctor checks six different blood markers in order to measure your thyroid gland’s function. Make sure that they use optimal levels rather than standard reference range when assessing and diagnosing thyroid disorders.

Candida Overgrowth

Candida is a fungus or yeast. A small amount of it lives in your intestines and when it is overproduced it breaks down the wall of your intestines and can penetrate into your bloodstream. This is very bad because it releases toxic byproducts into your body and causes a large amount of unpleasant symptoms.

Gluten Intolerance

This is actually the most common out of all of the causes I have mentioned. Gluten has been linked with more than fifty-five diseases. Gluten intolerance can cause symptoms you wouldn’t think of usually.

Sometimes these things are caused by a combination of the listed things above and not just one of them. Getting to the root cause of things like this can be complex and take time. However, if you find a physician in your area that will work with you and uncover the issue you will be able to reduce or eliminate your symptoms without pain pills or antidepressants. There are many functional medicine physicians out there that can help with the proper testing needed for these things.

When it Comes to Heart Attacks, Women are Different Than Men

by February 20, 2017

The brief moments you have during a heart attack are crucial to your future. Just a few seconds can mean life or death; that’s why we need to know everything we can in the case of an emergency.

A heart attack is defined by a sudden and sometimes fatal occurrence of coronary thrombosis, typically resulting in the death of a heart muscle. The best ways to combat heart attack is to call 911 or emergency services immediately. Afterward, take an Aspirin to thin your blood. Heart attacks can also be hard to identify. They usually come with a series of side effects such as chest pain or discomfort, arm pain, stomach pain, shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, or fatigue. It is important to be able to diagnose a heart attack, and that is why it is important for you to know that women and men have different heart attacks.

Men experience slightly different symptoms of heart attack than women do. For starters, if you’re a man, you’re already more likely to have a heart attack. Men will often feel a rapid or irregular heartbeat in the event of a heart attack. They also might experience a cold sweat, or even upper body pain or discomfort including the arms, left shoulder, back, neck, and jaw. Other symptoms include dizziness, nausea, and extreme indigestion. The heart attack symptoms in men are pretty standard, but over the years medical researchers have found that women’s heart attack symptoms are significantly different than that of men.

In 2003, the journal Circulation published the findings of a multicenter study of 515 women who’d experienced a heart attack. You would assume that the most reported symptom was chest pain, but it was not. The most frequently reported symptoms were unusual fatigue, sleep disturbances, and anxiety! Almost 80% reported experiencing at least one symptom for more than a month before their heart attack. Other common symptoms of heart attack for women include lightheadedness, Shortness of breath, jaw pain, a pressure in the chest, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and gas like pain/indigestion.

This is What You Need to Check Whenever You Buy Bottled Water

by February 20, 2017

Are you picking the right kind of bottled water? When you go to the store how often do you take the time to check the bottle before buying?

Companies are obligated to label the contents of their products. When it comes to picking your water you need to look for a few things on the label. The thing below are exactly what you should be looking for when checking labels.

PETE or PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) 

These release chemicals and heavy metals that are known to affect the production of hormones in the body.

PS (Polystyrene)

This is something you will see most often on fast food casings and coffee cups. This type of plastic releases carcinogens into the content.

PP (Polypropylene)

This is a semi-transparent more white plastic that is often added to the plastic used for yogurt cups and syrup packages. This is one of the more safe plastic types.

LDPE  (Low-Density Polyethylene)

This is added to plastic bags usually and is not really fit for the production of plastic bottles. However, it does not release any chemicals as far as we know.

Non-Labelled Plastic or PC

This is the most dangerous plastic it releases BPA and is used in the production of food containers as well as sports water bottles.

HDPE or HDP (High-Density Polyethylene)

This is probably one of the safest plastics to buy when put beside the others. It is considered the most healthy because so far these do not release chemicals or toxins into the water. (This does not mean it is 100 percent safe just better than the other options.)

Now sometimes this won’t be on the label, it will be on the bottom of the bottle. Do not hesitate to check for these things. When it comes to being safe the best way to avoid issues with water bottles is to not buy them at all, however, sometimes it is unavoidable.

When we drink bottled water we are potentially exposing ourselves to the following chemicals:

BPA (Bisphenol A)

This is a chemical that mimics estrogen and has been linked with a large number of health issues including things like behavioral problems, early puberty in girls, prostate cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, obesity, and altered immune system function.


These are widely used in the United States when it comes to making plastics like PVC more flexible. Phthalates are endocrine disrupting chemicals that are linked with a number of issues like reduced sperm counts, liver cancer, reproductive effects, and developmental problems.

Now, if you must drink bottled water try doing it in the safest manner possible. Do not leave bottled water in your car as heat exposure will cause even more of a serious exposure to these chemicals. Ultraviolet rays from the sun or high temperatures will cause the leaching of these plastics to increase dramatically.

Don’t fall for the vitamin water scam, most waters are all the same just because it has a pretty label does not mean it is any better than the rest. Please be safe when choosing your water and pay close attention to the bottle. Water is important to our bodies, make sure the water you ingest is as safe as it can be. For more information on the dangers of plastic bottles please take the time to watch the video below.

This Spice Prevents Fluoride From Destroying Your Brain…

by February 20, 2017

Fluoride is found in more places than you would think these days. It is in everything from antibiotics to drinking water.

Exposure to fluoride is almost unavoidable. We have been quite lucky, however, to be given research showing that curcumin, a common household spice, can prevent fluoride damage! A study published in the Pharmacognosy Magazine titled, “Curcumin attenuates neurotoxicity induced by fluoride: An in vivo evidence,” has provided us with information that suggests fluoride is legitimately a brain-damaging substance.

The neurotoxicity of fluoride has been a ‘debate’ for quite some time now. It is well known for it’s IQ lowering properties, research has shown that Curcumin also known as turmeric is an ideal agent worth testing as a neuroprotective substance. Research in the past has shown that curcumin is more than capable of acting as an antioxidant. In order to assess this as a possible means of protecting against fluoride damage researchers randomly divided mice up into four groups for a thirty day period.

The groups were broken up as follows:

  1.  Control group (no fluoride)
  2. Fluoride (120ppm): fluoride was given in distilled water drinking water was without restriction.
  3. Fluoride (120 ppm/30 mg/kg body weight) along with curcumin: Oran dose of curcumin dissolved in olive oil along with fluoride in drinking water.
  4. Curcumin (30 mg/kg body weight)

When it came to seeing how effective this was the researchers measured the malondialdehyde (MDA) content in the brains of the mice used. MDA is something that has been used as a marker for oxidative stress/damage for a long time now. As was expected the fluoride only group showed highly elevated MDA levels when beside the other groups. The third group that was given both fluoride as well as curcumin saw reduced levels. This is quite the demonstration of just how neuroprotective curcumin can be against fluoride’s neurotoxicity.

Do you get enough turmeric (curcumin) in your daily life? If you don’t then it is time to start ingesting more of it especially when even our toothpaste is riddled with fluoride. Try drinking some turmeric golden milk it tastes great and will help protect you from fluoride. Learn how to make it by watching the video below.

11 Secrets Fast Food Companies Don’t Want You to Know

by February 20, 2017

When it comes to fast food these companies try hard to target children in order to get complete families coming into their stores. Ever wonder why the face of McDonald’s is a clown?

The fast food companies don’t care about your health or your families health. Their only goal is to make sales. The more money they can squeeze out of you the better.

Here are 11 secrets fast food companies don’t want you to know: 

1. Fast food places are marketing exploitatively to children.

If you haven’t caught on to this then you are not as bright as I’d like to hope you are. It is more than obvious that when these companies market in this manner they are trying to convince your whole family to be drawn into the store. If they get the whole family in then they can get more sales.

2. Sources for fast food places are not inspected as often as we would like to think.

Food prep and packaging industries are not inspected as often as we think or these companies would like to make us think. As many as 56% of all food facilities have gone at least five years without inspection.

3. Fast food juices can contain much higher levels of arsenic than expected.

Due to the relaxed standards and content requirements of the FDA this is something that happens often. Fast food juices is going to have a higher level than grocery store juice. Arsenic is a carcinogen and should be avoided.

4. There is no regulation on the use of the word ‘natural’ when it comes to fast food.

Something labeled natural is still just as bad as their other products in most cases.

5. Some fast food sponsored charities might be wasting money.

Fast food chains have been sponsoring local events and such in an attempt to spread their name. Some restaurants even lie about how much of the profits from donations are actually going to the charity they are sponsoring.

6. Some fast food companies have been caught using out of date meat.

Mcdonald’s has been accused of this and many other things, however, this is true for quite a few Asian Mcdonald chains. Several Mcdonalds have even been shut down temporarily over this while looking for a new meat supplier. Others have completely taken meat products off the menu for the time being.

7. Fast food soda machines contain significant fecal bacteria.

This is because the soda machines available at fast food restaurants are not sanitary.

8. Until recently Jimmy John’s actually forced workers to sigh a non-compete agreement.

This means that you are forbidden from working at any other restaurant until the term of the contract has ended. It has only been dropped from their contracts because it was deemed ‘unlawful’ by the New York attorney general’s office.

9. Delivery fees from pizza chains do not go to delivery drivers. 

This is just a way for the company to make more money. It is something that keeps many people from tipping because they are not aware of this. People often think that the delivery fee is something the driver is given however it is not.

10. Some companies use ‘tip-sharing’ as a means to pay all the workers less than minimum wage.

This is something I have seen firsthand and it is terrible.

11. The meat being used to make your delicious burgers has been chemically cleaned.

Does eating a chemically washed burger sound like a good idea to you?

Fast food is convenient and tasty but it is not good for us and most of these companies don’t treat their employees properly as it is. Making chicken nuggets at home for your family is much healthier than spending a fortune at McDonald’s for them. Take the extra time to make your family dinner at home your body will thank you.

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