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24 Home Remedies to Get Instant Relief from Knee Pain Plus 18 Tips to Ease The Pain

by February 25, 2017

Knee pain is one of the most common issues and is actually one of the easiest to relieve. If untreated pain in the knee can lead to pain in the joints and cause difficulty when walking.

Regardless of your age knee pain can be experienced by everyone and varies from mild to severe. When it comes to things like this alternative medicine is the way to go. Whether your knee pain is the result of a sports injury or aging; natural remedies can help you.

These are the best natural remedies for knee pain:

1. Dandelion Leaves


  • 6 tablespoons of powdered dandelion leaves
  • 8 drops of honey
  • 2 cups of water


  • Add the powdered leaves into the water and boil the mixture over medium heat.
  • Add honey to taste, strain, and drink.
  • Use this mixture a few times a week.

2. Cold Compress


  • 10-12 ice cubs
  • A towel


  • You should place the ice cubes in a towel and onto the painful area.
  •  Leave the compress to act for about thirty minutes and then repeat daily.

3. Grape Juice


  • Six cups of grape juice
  • One tablespoon of pectin


  • Combine the ingredients and consume this mixture daily for two weeks.

4. Fenugreek Seeds With Water



  • Leave the seeds in the water to soak overnight.
  • Strain the liquid in the morning and then eat the seeds in order to soothe the pain.
  • Do this daily.

5. Fenugreek Seeds With Water Method Two



  • You should roast the seeds and then leave them to cool.
  • Powder them and then add them to the water.
  • Prepare a paste and apply it to your knee.
  • Leave the paste to work its magic for about thirty minutes to an hour then rinse with warm water.
  • Do this daily to ease your pain.

6. White Willow Tea



  • Boil the water over medium heat and add in the powder.
  • Soak this for about fifteen minutes and then remove it from the heat.
  • Add honey, strain and drink this tea twice a week.

7. Eucalyptus Oil



  • Mix the oils together in a small glass bottle and apply it to the knees when you feel pain.
  • Leave this on for an hour then rinse it off.

8. Ginger Oil



  • Apply the oil to the area in which you are feeling pain.
  • Leave it for an hour then rinse with water.
  • Repeat daily.

9. Ginger Tea


  • 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger
  • 4 drops of lemon juice
  • 4 drops of honey 
  • two cups of water


  • Combine the ingredients and boil this mixture for about ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Strain and drink the tea while it is still hot.
  • Repeat daily

10. Epsom Salt



  • Fill the tub with hot water and add the Epsom salt.
  • Soak your knees in the water for at least twenty minutes to reduce pain and inflammation.

11. Juniper Berry Tea


  • 2 tablespoons of dried juniper berries
  • 6 drops of honey
  • 2 cups of water


  • Boil the water and add the dried berries.
  • Allow them to soak for about twenty-five minutes.
  • Add the honey and strain the tea.
  • Drink while it is hot.
  • Do this once a day but do not use this remedy while pregnant.

12. Turmeric With Milk


  • 2 tablespoons of turmeric
  • 4 drops of honey
  • 2 glasses of milk


  • Add the turmeric into the milk first and then the honey.
  • Boil this for five minutes and then drink the mixture.
  • Do this once a day.

13. Turmeric And Ginger


  • 2 and a half tablespoons of turmeric
  • 2 and a half tablespoons of chopped ginger
  • 4 drops of honey
  • 2 cups of water


  • Add all of these things together and boil the mixture over medium heat.
  • Do this for about ten to fifteen minutes and allow it to cool after.
  • Strain and then consume.

14. Olive Oil


  • 3-6 drops of olive oil


  • Apply this oil to your knee and leave it for about an hour.
  • Repeat this daily as needed.

15. Mustard Oil


  • 4 tablespoons of mustard oil
  • 4-6 garlic cloves
  • Hot water
  • A towel


  • Heat the oil over a medium heat and chop the garlic.
  • Add the garlic in with the oil and heat it for about twenty minutes then apply the mixture to your knee.
  • Leave this for about an hour and place a towel dipped in hot water over your knee.

16. Apple Cider Vinegar With Hot Water


  • 4 cups of ACV
  • Hot water


  • Fill the tub up with hot water and add the vinegar.
  • Stir it with your hands and then soak your knees in this while the water is still hot for about thirty minutes to an hour.
  • Do this once a day for a week.

17. ACV With Olive Oil


  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil


  • Combine the ingredients and apply the mixture to your knees.
  • Leave for thirty minutes and rinse with clean water.

18. ACV With Cold Water


  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 cups of water


  • Pour the ACV in the water and drink the solution.

19. Lemon



  • Slice the lemon and place the slices in the cheese cloths.
  • Tie them and dip them into the sesame oil for a few minutes.
  • Put the cloth on the painful area and leave it to act for about fifteen minutes.
  • Do this once or twice a day.

20. Cayenne pepper With Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)



  • Mix the ingredients together and pour them into a bath.
  • Soak your knees in this for thirty minutes.

21. Cayenne Pepper With Olive Oil



  • Mix these ingredients together into a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area and repeat daily for a week.

22. Coconut Oil



  • Boil the oil for a few minutes over medium heat and then apply it to the painful area.
  • Leave it on for a few hours and then wash it off.
  • Do this twice daily.

23. Take Magnesium Supplements

24. Black Strap Molasses 



  • Heat the water until warm but not hot.
  • Stir in the molasses and drink.
  • Do this once a day.
  • Be aware this can have a laxative effect at times.

Now, there are tips you can also use in order to relieve and prevent the pain as well:

  1. Stay hydrated in order to improve the movements of leg tissue.
  2. Lose any extra weight you may have to release the pressure on your knees.
  3. Do not stand for prolongued periods at a time if you do not have to.
  4. Do not wear high heels.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes.
  6. Use proper foot pads as needed if you will be standing for a long period.
  7. Walk for twenty minutes a day to exercise your leg muscles.
  8. Take proper care of any injuries.
  9. Massage your knees as needed.
  10. Do not smoke as it will make inflammation much worse.
  11. Do not lift objects that are too heavy.
  12. Apply a heat pad to reduce pain and swelling.
  13. Consume fresh fruits and veggies that are rich in magnesium.
  14. Avoid activities that strain your knees.
  15. Rest you Knees when they are in pain.
  16. Do exercises that target knee joints.
  17. Stretch before work if you work.
  18. Do not over do yourself.

Knee pain can be very serious and should be addressed as soon as possible. Do not ignore it. If you follow the remedies above, your knee pain will be drastically reduced in no time.

Excess Sugar Linked to Alzheimer’s: Study Finds a ‘Tipping Point’

by February 25, 2017

Scientists have found something quite interesting, Alzheimer’s disease could be caused by excess sugar. Could this be a reason to ditch the sweet stuff?

Research from the University of Bath found excess glucose damages a vital enzyme involved with inflammation response to the early stages of this disease. Abnormally high blood sugar levels or what is known as hyperglycemia is a characteristic of diabetes and obesity. As you may know, diabetic patients have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

There is a molecular link between glucose and Alzheimer’s disease. By studying people with and without Alzheimer’s researchers have found that in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, glycation damages an enzyme called MIF. MIF is something that plays a role in immune response and insulin regulation and glycation limits its power to do so.

Researchers have come to believe that the inhibition and reduction of MIF activity could be the ‘tipping point’ in disease progression. Dr. Omar Kassaar from the University of Bath has stated that excess sugar is: 

“well known to be bad for us when it comes to diabetes and obesity, but this potential link with Alzheimer’s disease is yet another reason that we should be controlling our sugar intake in our diets.” 

Could reducing our sugar intake prevent us from getting Alzheimer’s or at least reduce our chances? Only time will tell, there is much more research to be done but this is very important information, to say the least. What do you think about all of this?

This Simple Remedy Cures Headaches Better Than Any Drug I’ve Tried

by February 25, 2017

Headaches are awful and annoying, as someone who has been plagued with them my whole life I know first hand. However, this remedy actually works!

Migraines and headaches are often accompanied by things like aching, throbbing, and pounding pain. For me and a lot of other people, this can and does lead to nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity. People often go straight for the bottle of Tylenol when they feel a headache coming on but that is not a good thing in any way. When it comes to headaches there are natural remedies that do work. I used to overuse Tylenol myself until I found this remedy.

Unlike commercial pain relievers, this remedy has no adverse effects and works much more effectively. Commercial pain relievers often cause things like kidney issues, upset stomach, nausea, liver damage, and stomach ulcers. This remedy only calls for three ingredients and takes less than five minutes to make.

Headache Remedy



  •  Squeeze the juice from the lemons into a glass of water.
  • Mix the salt into this and stir well.
  • Drink right away

You will begin to feel the effects from this within minutes. This remedy works wonders on my headaches. As soon as I feel one coming on I do this. Enjoy!

The FDA is Warning People Not to Use This Dangerous Antibiotic

by February 24, 2017

Antimicrobial resistance AMR is an increasingly serious threat to the global public health. This is something that requires action now!

The FDA has been warning against using a popular class of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones. These antibiotics may be causing serious sudden and most likely permanent nerve damage. These antibiotics are commonly used to treat anything from a respiratory illness to a UTI (urinary tract infection.)

The nerve damage they are causing is known as peripheral neuropathy, this is damage to the nerves that work to send information to and from the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body. The side effects from this often begin within a few days of the beginning of treatment.  If you take these antibiotics and notice numbness, tingling, burning, shooting pains, or other things of the sort please contact a doctor immediately. To hear first hand what fluoroquinolones have done to many people please listen to the distressed firefighter below.

To hear first hand what fluoroquinolones have done to many people please listen to the distressed firefighter below. This is a very serious issue. Please be careful.

Scientific Breakthrough: Alzheimer’s Ultrasound Therapy Fully Restores Memory Function in Mice

by February 24, 2017

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there were a way to restore memory function in people with Alzheimer’s? We may be well on our way to doing just that!

Scientists in Brisbane, Australia have discovered a non-invasive ultrasound technology that fully restores memory function in 75 percent of animals with Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and in case you weren’t aware dementia affects around fifty million people across the globe. One in eight elderly Americans have Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disease that happens when abnormal protein deposits accumulate in the brain causing cells to die. This is a terrible thing for both the patient and their family members to go through. Any possible way to reverse or slow the process is needed without a doubt. Treatment for this has been limited, to say the least for quite some time.

These researchers believe the technology they have found could change the lives of everyone who has Alzheimer’s. During the course of their study, they dealt with mice that had been genetically altered to produce amyloid plaques in their brains. They then treated these mice with focused beams of ultrasound and discovered they were able to completely clear the plaque in seventy-five percent of these mice with no brain tissue damage.

“using a particular type of ultrasound called a focused therapeutic ultrasound, which non-invasive beams sound waves into the brain tissue. By oscillating super-fast, these sound waves are able to gently open up the blood-brain barrier, which is a layer that protects the brain against bacteria and stimulate the brain’s microglial cells to activate. Microglial cells are basically waste-removal cells, so they’re able to clear out the toxic beta-amyloid clumps that are responsible for the worst symptoms of Alzheimer’s.”

The research team hopes to begin human trials sometime this year. Hopefully, these findings will provide some great results in the lives of those dealing with Alzheimer’s. What do you think about this?

8 Gross Things That Are Legally Allowed in Your Food

by February 24, 2017

Food is one of the most important things in our lives. Without food, we would waste away to nothing but skin and bones.

The enormous companies producing our food are mass producing things with a few extra ingredients that no one likes to talk about. Thanks to the FDA disgusting things like beetle eggs and even feces are making their way to our mouths in each meal we consume. How much of this can we take?

The FDA actually allows up to nine milligrams of rat pellets (rat feces) in wheat. Yes, that bread you eat almost every day could have been made with rat poop. I wish I could say this was the worst of it, but it is not. There are even bug heads in some foods as well as flame retardants. Delicious, right? The list below will go over a few of the disgusting things in our food.

Nasty Things Legally Allowed in Your Food:


  • Feces (As mentioned above.)
  • Larvae (Mostly in canned veggies. The FDA allows two or more three mm or longer larvae and/or larval fragments whose aggregate length exceeds twelve mm.)
  •  Thrips (Bugs, the FDA allows up to forty of more per one hundred grams of food such as asparagus or beer hops.)
  • Bug Heads (Mostly found in fig paste. Thirteen or more insect heads per one hundred grams of fig paste is allowed.)
  • Flame Retardant (BVO, used in sodas and sports drinks.)
  • Maggots ( Yes, maggots. Less than twenty per one hundred grams of drained mushrooms is allowed as long as they are under two mm.)
  • Beetle Eggs (Most common on canned asparagus.)
  •  Fruit Flies (Up to fifteen fruit fly eggs and one or more maggots per one hundred grams of tomato sauce is allowed.)

Who knew the foods we were eating were this gross? Sure we already knew they were riddled with cancer causing chemicals but they are also covered in poop and bugs? Is there no end to the amount of feces these giant food corporations are going to shovel at us? We deserve better than this. Sure a little extra protein never hurt anyone but is this really what we want? Gardening never looked more fun than it does right now.

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