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“I Spent My Career Watching Pets Die” Veterinarian Speaks Out, Presents Decades of Research Linking Pet Deaths to Over-Vaccinations. His Plea is Met with Laughter…

by March 4, 2017

Like humans’ dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but what I told you that unlike humans all dogs are given the same dosage of vaccinations no-matter what size they are. Yes, you read that correctly an 8 pound Chihuahua gets the same dose as a 100 pound Great Dane.

Connecticut Doctor John Robb has been fighting to save pet lives for the past 32 years. Like a doctor, he took an oath to protect the lives of his patients no matter the circumstances, even if that means breaking the law.

He has been outspoken when it comes to vaccines, which he rightfully sees as dangerous. Because of his educated opinion and compassion for the animals that he treats he has been ridiculed, arrested, ignored, put on probation, and even lost his clinic. Thankfully, none of that has stopped him from doing what he knows is right; he refuses to stop until animals are no longer suffering, injured and dying due to vaccinations.

Did you know that the number of vaccines is not regulated? Not just that, the dose is also not adjusted for body weight, making the shot potentially dangerous or worse, lethal for smaller sized animals.

Dr. Robb has been administering half shots of the vaccines to his smaller patients, which has gotten him into a lot of trouble over the years.

People always treat animals as if they are lesser beings, putting them in harm’s way just to prove this point. My question is if you wouldn’t give adult doses of vaccines to children because of potential harm, why would you give full doses to small animals?

“If you know that you are going to inject a vaccine into a pet that has the potential to kill him and you know the pet doesn’t even need it, then you can’t do it ethically and morally, no matter what the law is.”

In the following video, Robb is talking to the Connecticut State Board of Veterinary, just to give you a little piece of what you are going to watch; Dr. Robb challenged the board with an ethical question, which was met with laughter from a representative:

“I asked the State Board if I have to kill an animal to obey that law, would I have to do it? They said ‘yes.’”

If that answer shocked you as much as it did me then you will know that this is one of biggest problems with health laws in the government. They are passed by people who have come straight from the pharmaceutical industry. This is an outrage!


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How to Get Rid of Stubborn Eye Bags with Essential Oil and Aloe Vera

by March 3, 2017

Bags under the eyes are very common and can make you feel much older than you really are. However, these eye bags can be eliminated quite easily.

Using this homemade morning eye solution you will be able to rid yourself of eye bags. This is achievable because of the four ingredients that make this remedy so special. The most beneficial ingredient is going to be something known as witch hazel, this is a plant extract with the ability to reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, and soothe wounds.

Eye Bag Remedy



  • Put all of these things together in a jar.
  • Place the jar in your fridge overnight.
  • When you wake up, apply a small amount of this mixture around your eyes where the bags would be.
  • Allow it to sit for as long as you possibly can and then gently remove it with your normal face wash or water.

Doing this will make you look and feel younger in no time. Don’t let something as simple as eye bags hold you back. For a little information on what causes these eye bags please take the time to watch the video below. Enjoy!

Don’t Believe Your Eyes, These Strawberries are Not Red

by March 3, 2017

This image has taken the internet by storm, much like the black and blue dress did just a few years ago. What could this be?

The image of a bright red strawberry tart with a blue-ish tint was originally posted by a Japanese professor of psychology named Akiyoshi Kitaoka who creates and studies optical illusion artworks. While you may not be able to believe it the strawberries on top are not red. As a matter of fact, there are no red pixels in the image at all. If you isolate the colors of the image with a photo editing software you will see that they are actually legitimately just a pale greenish gray color.


For those who are not familiar with this sort of thing, it is referred to as color constancy. In other words, it is a feature of the human visual system that leads the surroundings of an object to influence how we perceive that specific object. A visual expert from the National Eye Institute Bevil Conway told the Motherboard that your brain sees it like this ”the light source that I’m viewing these strawberries under has some blue component to it, so I’m going to subtract that automatically from every pixel.”

We closely associate strawberries with the color red so it does not come as a surprise that we would assume they were red. However, they are not red at all. For more information on color constancy please take the time to watch the video below.

5 Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer that Every Woman Needs to Know

by March 3, 2017

Cancer is the leading cause of death in most places these days. It affects more people than any other known disease.

Ovarian cancer to be specific has had around 22,280 new cases in the United States in 2016 alone. Ovarian cancer is something that develops when the cells of your ovaries form malignant tumors. This is something often referred to as the ‘silent killer,’ because it often shows no symptoms and is difficult to detect even with screenings. When it comes to ovarian cancer it is often fatal and early detection could save your life.

If you notice any of the following symptoms you may have ovarian cancer:

1. An increased need to urinate.

If you notice that you happen to be making visits to the restroom much more frequently than usual, without ingesting more liquid than you normally would it is likely that you could be in the early stages of ovarian cancer. Another big sign would be when you feel as if you have to pee and cannot hold it all of a sudden.

2. You become full much quicker than usual.

An unexplainable decrease in your appetite could also be a sign of cancer or even a bowel issue. This is something that should be enough cause to visit your doctor right away.

3. If you become bloated and it will not go away.

Frequent and almost constant bloating that continues for more than a few weeks is often the result of tumor growth.

4. If you are dealing with lower abdominal pain or pelvic pain.

Yes, period cramps and pains are terrible but this will be a much worse more consistent pain. If you are dealing with pain in these areas that lasts more than three weeks you need to get yourself in to see a doctor. Do not pass this off as simply period pain.

5. If you notice any abdominal swelling that will not go away.

This is linked with tumor growth and should not ignore it. However, this can be something other than cancer it still is very serious and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

These symptoms are things that can be easily mistaken for other issues so it is very important that you monitor them and consult your doctor. These symptoms are often a sign that the cancer itself has begun spreading beyond the ovaries and needs immediate attention. Please do not ignore these signs.

15 Dangerous Things to Avoid Before Going to Sleep

by March 3, 2017

These are things we do often without realizing it. If you are dealing with insomnia you should especially avoid doing these things.

Getting the proper amount of sleep and good sleep at that is important fo your overall functioning. Not getting the right amount of good sleep can affect your mood, your energy levels, and more. When we suffer from any sort of sleep disorder it is usually the result of something we are doing unintentionally.

Avoid doing these things before bed:

1. Do not use your cellphone or any sort of electronics at least one hour before bedtime.

This is because the blue light given off by electronic devices prevents the production of melatonin, which is something that helps the body become sleepy. According to Mayo Clinic, you should actually always keep the device at least 14 inches from your face and turn the brightness down as low as you can to reduce your risks of light related sleep issues.

2. Do not take certain medications.

Sometimes medications and supplements can interfere with your quality of sleep. If you are experiencing sleeping issues and take a specific medicine contact your doctor to see if that could be the cause of your issue.

3. Do not nap during the day.

Napping during the day makes it harder for your brain to shut down at night. Keep your sleeping hours separate.

4. Eat dinner at least three hours before laying down for the night.

When the belly is full and heavy it is harder for you to sleep not to mention your body is not getting the rest it wanted because it is still having to digest your food while you sleep.

6. Do not drink coffee or any sort of drink high in caffeine 4-5 hours before bedtime.

This is one that should go without saying, however, for some reason, there are people who think it is a good idea to drink a cup of coffee and then try to go to bed. The caffeine boosts the heart as well as your whole body and will make it almost impossible for you to sleep properly.

7. Make sure you have a proper mattress.

When it comes to our sleep, we need comfortable mattresses. If you are sleeping on a mattress that is uncomfortable it is time for an upgrade. This makes a huge difference in your quality of sleep.

8. Do not forget to allow your body time to wind down before bed.

You need to give yourself a decent amount of time before bed to wind down each night. Take at least thirty minutes to an hour before bed to just relax and focus on an activity that will bring closure to your evening. Don’t overstimulate yourself before bed. Simply make a shopping list for the next day or something easy.

9. Do not drink alcohol before bed.

You may think that alcohol makes you sleep better, however, it does not. Alcohol only tricks you into thinking that. It often makes you drowsy and can make it easier to fall asleep but once your body begins to metabolize the alcohol the REM sleep (the period where our sleep is most restorative) is reduced dramatically. This makes us wake up still tired or unable to concentrate.

Alcohol is also a diuretic and will make you have to use the bathroom throughout the night as well as interfere with the body’s ability to regulate sleep, according to a study done back in 2014 by the University of Missouri. Does a night of waking up to use the bathroom and a hangover in the morning really sound like a good night’s sleep to you? Avoid the late night beer or before bed glass of wine.

10. Do not read any books before bed, it will only keep you up.

You will stay up trying to get further in the book or lay in bed thinking about what you just read. Reading is great but should not be done right before you lay down, try to do it a few hours before bedtime.

11. Do not drink lots of water before bed.

Of course, staying hydrated is important but it is not the best idea to down a whole glass right before settling in for the night. If you do this chances are you will wake up during the night in order to use the bathroom. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and use the bathroom before bed.

12. Do not work out too intensely right before bed.

Yes, exercising regularly has been known to help treat insomnia but too much exercise before bed can affect your sleep big time. Avoid high-intensity workouts before bed as it may make it a bit harder for you to fall asleep. Working out a bit earlier may benefit you greatly.

13. Make sure you are not too cold or too hot.

Everyone has a different preference when it comes to the temperature they like best. If you sleep better when the room is cooler make sure the room is cooler. The same goes for if you would prefer a warm room.

14. Do not go to bed angry.

Stress is one of the most common causes of insomnia. If you go to bed stressed or angry you will simply play things over in your head on repeat until your body gives out. Going to bed with unresolved issues will not help anyone. Try to work out any issues you are having before you lay down.

15. Do not purchase an alarm clock with bright lights.

Those bright lights can and will disturb your sleep quality. This is especially true for people who prefer the room to be completely dark while they sleep.

Getting a good nights sleep is very important. Do not let yourself go through each day as a zombie when the solution to your issue could be as simple as any of the things listed above. Give them a try and see if your quality of sleep improves! For information on why sleep is so important please take the time to watch the video below.

Almost No Children in France Are Medicated for ADHD – Here is How They Define and Treat It.

by March 3, 2017

Mass amounts of American children and being diagnosed with a possibly fictitious disease; even worse they are being prescribed addictive and lethal drugs for it.

The ‘disease’ is known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The disease is said to be a common behavioral disorder. It is said to affect over 10% of school age children. It is characterized by the inability to direct one’s complete focus and concentration on one thing at a time. It is also often characterized by excess hyperactiveness. If you were to ask me, I would say that children are hyper and energized naturally. Of course, the average child isn’t going to be enthusiastic about taking a math test, and chances are you’re probably not going to get their full attention either.

Children are hyperactive, this isn’t new information to us. Thousands of years ago they didn’t feed children Methamphetamine’s when they weren’t focusing on their academics. The disease itself isn’t what is scary – it is the medication they are prescribing to kids. The brain of a child is rapidly developing, so anyone could assume that it would be unsafe for a child to be taking a drug that is essentially meth. After all, that is pretty much what it is. The most commonly prescribed drug to ADHD patients, including children, are Methamphetamine’s. The drug poses extreme overdose and addiction risks too.

Withdrawal Effects of Methamphetamine’s

  • Sleep problems
  • Decreased appetite
  • Delayed growth
  • Headaches and stomachaches
  • Rebound (irritability when the medication wears off)
  • Tics
  • Moodiness and irritability


The Pharma companies of the world have labeled hyperactive children with a disease, and they are pumping them full of toxic drugs. You would assume that there would be a little bit of revision for this issue, and fortunately, you are right. France has a quite different approach than the United States does. In fact, almost no children in France are medicated for this disease at all. They define it completely differently and also treat it differently too.

Children’s psychiatrists in France deal with this ‘disease’ with a much different approach. They actually use an entirely different system than American children psychiatrist’s do. Instead of using the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the French use an alternative classification system produced by the French Federation of Psychiatry called Classification Française des Troubles Mentaux de L’Enfant et de L’Adolescent (CFTMEA).

France defines ADHD as a sociological disorder. They say that it is caused by a set of social situations. This is different than the US definition of the disease, as our definition of ADHD is a neurological disorder. Instead of prescribing drugs to the child upon diagnosis, they search for underlying causes. They compare the child’s distress to their social situation. therefore, ADHD is often treated with psychotherapy or even family counseling. Very rarely do French psychiatrists prescribe medications to treat ADHD, as it’s usually rendered unnecessary after taking a more holistic approach.

Children and full of energy and they have a vast imagination. The bare realities of our world are of no interest to them, and I personally believe that we should study that factor. If adult brains could be as stress-free as a child’s brain it could result in an extreme improvement in productivity and even your overall happiness in life. Just like puppies, children are a handful. It is inhumane to prescribe such toxic drugs to them. French psychiatrists also consider a child’s diet before treatment. There are many natural remedies and treatments that you can use to get our child to calm down and focus on his or her priorities. You can see a few in the video below!

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