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Farting: 7 Surprising And Spectacular Health Benefits

by March 7, 2017

Humorous, embarrassing, or rude farting is part of our human nature! Not only is farting natural, it is actually extremely healthy for your body!

Whether you like to admit it or not, we all fart; yes ladies, you too. Admit it: there is nothing more relieving that letting one rip while nobody is around. That instant relief in your tummy, and the funny little sound! They’re irresistible! Turns out farting is actually an indicator of good health! If you find yourself cutting the cheese more than a few times a day, you probably have excellent digestive health. Here are seven more health benefits from farting!

  • The Colon Appreciates It – Farting provides a relief of gasses and unneeded air from the colon. Always remember not to hold your farts in for too long too! It won’t kill you to hold one in during class – in fact, please do. However, holding your farts in consistently can lead to more severe gastrointestinal issues.
  • It relieves Bloating – Everyone hates bloating. It feels terrible, and makes you feel insecure too! This is caused by trapped air or water. You usually fart after dinner, and this is why!
  • The Smell is Healthy – Mostly, people will deny this one. Which is understandable, i mean, it’s a little weird… However the weirdness, the smell of your farts is actually healthy. When we pass gas we release small amounts of hydrogen sulfide. This is beneficial for fighting off future diseases.
  • It Indicates a Healthy Gut and Bacterial Composition – Dr. Purna Kashyap is a doctor of gastroenterology at the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota, and he says, “Eating foods that cause gas is the only way for the microbes in the gut to get nutrients. If we didn’t feed them carbohydrates, it would be harder for them to live in our gut.”
  • It Balances Your Diet – When you pass gas, you are eliminating gasses that were trapped somewhere along your digestive system. When You release these gases it allows your stomach to digest your food much better!
  • It Can Be a Health Alarm – If you are suddenly experiencing more than averagely stinky farts, and they are rather consistent you might need to consult with your doctor. These can even be symptoms of colon cancer.

Number 7? It feels freaking awesome. Take pride in your stink!

Instead of Treating Depression, Antidepressants May be Worsening It

by March 7, 2017

Depression has taken a huge toll on society today. It affects over sixteen million adults in the United States, and our methods of treatment seem to be making it worse.

Due to the advancements of medical science and technology, we have been able to confirm that depression is, in fact, a neurological disorder. It is mostly said to be causedimages by a neurological chemical imbalance. The neurochemicals that are considered to be imbalanced are serotonin and dopamine, but primarily serotonin.

In modern day America if you were to walk into a psychiatrist’s office and claim that you were depressed, you would probably be there for a max time of 20 minutes, and leave with a prescription for several different antidepressants. Antidepressants are also known as SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor’s). However, there has been many studies performed proving that these medications might actually be worsening depression. They have been treating patients with depression with SSRI’s since the 1950’s, and you would imagine there would be at least somewhat of a decrease in depressed people, but it has only risen.


A leading professor of psychology is arguing that we have not only been treating depression wrong the entire time, but we have also been served incorrect information about what depression really is. David Healy, Head of Psychiatry at the Hergest psychiatric unit in Bangor, North Wales claims that the entire drug market of antidepressants is fake.

Dr. David Healy wrote a report that was published in the journal of BMJ stating that “in the 1990’s no one even knew if SSRI’s raised or lowered Serotonin levels, but there was no evidence that the treatment worked as a treatment at all.” He says that depression should be reclassified as an infectious disease rather than an emotional disorder. He isn’t the only one that says this either. Dr. Turhan Canli of Stony Brook University in New York also believes that depression could be caused by parasitic, bacterial, or viral infection!


Dr. Canli argues that we need further research on this subject because scientists could potentially develop a vaccine against depression. After all, the method we have been using for half of a century isn’t doing any good at all. In fact, more people are depressed now than they ever have been.

Only 15% of depressed patients treated with antidepressants experience a long-term relief of depression. The other 85% experiencing continued relapses and can even become chronically depressed. In severe cases, antidepressants have even been thought to cause suicide. The commercials even say that it there is a chance of “increased suicidal thoughts.” That does not sound like a very educated approach to depression, does it?

While it could take years for them to ever be able to develop an appropriate treatment method for depression, there are many natural remedies that have much better results than antidepressants do. Natural remedies are always a good method, as they pose no harmful or adverse side effects! You can see a few natural remedies for depression below.

The Amish Don’t Get Autism, But they Also Don’t Vaccinated

by March 7, 2017

Starting out as rumors, studies have recently proven that some vaccines can cause adverse side effects and diseases such as autism, but there still is no medical reform. Additionally, the Amish are vaccine free and autism free. Coincidence? I think not.

Vaccines have known carcinogenic and toxic chemicals in them, and we know that they increase the risk of autism (particularly in infant males), so why are we still being injected with them? Well, according to officials in the nation’s regulatory agencies, the main obstacle we are faced with in the termination of toxic vaccines, is having a large enough group of people that are un-vaccinated to compare it with.

We know that thimerosal, formaldehyde, and many other toxic chemicals are in the flu shot, and you would think that would be grounds for their shutdown, but it isn’t. We need to prove that non vaccinated people are healthier than the vaccinated. The Amish refrain from vaccines, but are constantly harassed by government officials attempting to convince them to get the vaccinations. Most Amish communities still refuse to vaccinate their children, but sadly some smaller communities have succumbed to the Pharma’s deceitfulness.  

On October 14, 2005 the media was was absolutely hysterical after the vaccine-strain of the polio virus was found in the stools of four Amish children. The media initially declined to mention that it was the chemically-inactivated version, which is only found in the orally-given vaccine. This means that the source of the outbreak was the vaccine itself. The situation was sensationally exploited to terrorize parents who had been avoiding vaccines. In fact, other studies report that the FDA has even been exaggerating the effects of Polio.

Cancer Dies in Just 42 Hours! This Juice Has Cured More than 50,000 People!

by March 7, 2017

There have been many studies on different natural methods of treatment for cancer. While almost every single one has a better outcome than Chemotherapy, this one is sure to kick cancer’s ass.

Cancer has become severely common in modern day society. Whether it be the toxic chemicals in our food, vaccines, or water fluoridation, more people than ever have been stricken with this lethal disease. Cancer foundations have claimed that they are medically advanced, yet cancer rates have only increased… While the most effective and natural treatment for cancer is THC, it is extremely controversial and highly illegal in most parts of the world.

Until the medical awakening of marijuana is broken through, this juice is sure to get the job done! It is packed full of all the most naturally cancer-fighting ingredients there is. If cancer cells are presented with a certain environment, they will naturally enter a state of apoptosis. This is the cancer cell essentially killing itself! The juice has been used by many people across the world, and supposedly has cured over 50,000 cases of cancer! The recipe is below.


  • 55% of beet
  • 20% of celery (root)
  • 20% of carrots
  • 3% of potatoes
  • 2% of radishes


    Simply mix the ingredients together in a blender or juicer and take the juice 2 times a day.

THIS is What Happens When You Use Adderall Recreationally

by March 7, 2017

Recreation medication use seems to be a popular thing with younger people these days; I’m sure anyone who has spent time in college has probably encountered it before. But do you know what can happen to your brain if you use them without having the problem they are used to treat?

Adderall is commonly used by people who need help focusing, but recently it is being used as a party drug or by students who need extreme focus when it comes to studying or final exams.

In a world that values alertness, efficiency, and productivity, it is tempting to turn to stimulants of some kind to heighten your natural abilities. But there is a huge difference between downing a cup of Joe to jump-start your day and abusing prescription medications. Consuming Adderall recreationally can be highly detrimental to a person’s health.

While this drug may seem like a miracle to teens or adults who need the extra focus, using the medication when you don’t need it can have life-threatening side effects such as:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Heart attack or stroke in adult users
  • Death in users with heart problems, even children, and teenagers
  • Delays in development in kids and teens
  • Tolerance, dependence, and addiction

In the following video, Dr. Samoon Ahmed, tells us about all the effects it can have on the body. If you or a loved one enjoy taking the drug recreationally, it is a good idea to know about how it can affect you. If you like this post give it a share, who knows, it could save a life!

She Poured Kool-Aid Into Her Toilet For An Awesome Reason!

by March 6, 2017

It is finally time for spring cleaning! Although you’ve been ignoring it for weeks, it has to be done; chances are you already know what it is – The toilet.

Cleaning the toilet is ultimately horrible and nobody wants to do it. The only thing worse than cleaning a toilet is a dirty toilet. Nobody wants to walk into a restroom to find a toilet splattered with… Well, you know. The point is that we have to clean our toilets, and now it just a whole lot easier!

There are many chemical cleaning products or natural home remedies for your toilet, but this seems to be one of the most effective. It is also extremely cheap, and requires very little hands-on cleaning. What is it? Kool-Aid! I have heard of many different uses for kool-aid such as a tender hair dye, or even for cleaning dishes, but I have never Screen-Shot-2017-01-31-at-10.34.44-AM-850x804heard of using it for the toilet until recently. How does it work? The Orange flavored kool-aid ahs natural citric acid in it. The citric acid breaks down tough stains and watermarks on your toilet! Lemon flavor also works just as well.

All you have to do is empty a pack of orange flavored kool-aid into the toilet, and swirl it around a bit before bed. Leave it overnight and the work is done for you!

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