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Remove Every Poison from the Body in Just 2 Days with a Detox Plan for the Weekend

by March 9, 2017

Do you feel tired all the time? You may be in need of a detox.

Being in need of a detox makes your body more prone to things like viruses and infections. If you detox as needed then you will be able to get the health and energy back you need in order to feel better. The detox I am going to show you will cleanse your lungs, liver, lymph, and intestines.

It is best that you do this a few times a year for ten days straight in order to reap all the benefits, however, doing it for a few weekends at a time does not hurt. Please follow the instructions below carefully.


Before eating and drinking, first thing each day in the morning drink 250ml of warm water. The following will be based on one whole weekend cleanse.

Saturday’s meals:



  • 250ml of water
  • 2 cups of salad (tomato, greens, arugula.)
  • Grilled hake 250 g
  • Swiss chard and olive oil with a potato
  • 1 small banana and a slice of melon



  • 250ml of water
  • 2 cups of salad
  • Integral pastry
  • Grilled tuna 150 g
  • 1/2 cup of steamed veggies (broccoli and spinach)

Sunday’s Meals:


  • 1 cup of oat flakes
  • 1 spoonful of linseed
  • 200ml of almond milk
  • Diet yogurt
  • 1 pear
  • Green tea


  • 250 ml of water
  • Veggie soup (pepper, carrot, onion, celery, beans, potato.)
  • 200g grilled chicken
  • 150g of pickles


  • Grapefruit


  • Nettle tea
  • beet and carrots with lemon juice
  • Integral pastry

All of these things combined will give you one of the best possible cleanses. You will be feeling and looking much better in no time. Enjoy!

Here’s How Lack of Sleep Changes Your Brain

by March 9, 2017

There are never enough hours in the day to do the things we feel like we need to do. This often results in the neglect of our sleeping schedules.

Sleep deprivation is not healthy and is something we should avoid. Lack of sleep affects not only your physical health but your mental health as well. You could develop illnesses like diabetes or even lose or gain weight depending on your body.

As far as your mental health goes you could end up with things like:

If you do not get enough sleep your brain will not clean itself out and you will end up being unhealthy. If you are someone who does not get enough sleep for whatever reason I strongly suggest you change that. When you don’t sleep as you should you are putting yourself at risk both mentally and physically. Sleep is something we cannot live without. Try getting a good night’s rest and see how amazing you feel the next day.

For more information on this please take the time to watch the video below. You should always do your best to keep your body functioning properly. Six to eight hours of sleep a night will do wonders for your health.

This Plant Can Return Your Vision, Remove Fat From Your Liver, and Completely Clean Your Colon!

by March 9, 2017

Staying healthy in a world that is full of people trying to keep us unhealthy is especially hard, however, it is possible. Are you eating enough of this plant?

Beetroot is something you should eat more of whether you like it or not. This reddish vegetable is generally consumed raw or added to salads and has tons of health benefits. Beets are able to do things like prevent colon obstructions, clean fat from your liver, improve your blood circulation, and provide your body with energy for the day all at the same time.

This vegetable contains substances that calm down our nerves and combat stress like betaine and tryptophan. If you want to reap the benefits of this amazing vegetable then you can in a number of ways. My favorite way is in a salad. Continue reading for the recipe. Also if you are having trouble deciding which beets to ingest I suggest trying fermented beets as they are not as high in sugar as fresh beets are.

Beetroot Salad Recipe


(Keep in mind this is enough for three or more people)

  • 6 beets
  • 4 onions
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Vinegar
  • Salt to taste
  • Any other veggies you would like to add


  • Peel the beets and cook them in water with a pinch or two of salt as needed.
  • Chop them into small slices and place them in a bowl.
  • Chop the onion next and mix it in with the beets.
  • Add some olive oil to this and vinegar.
  • Season with salt to taste and sprinkle the salad with vinaigrette if you’d like at the end.
  • Leave it alone for 30 minutes to 1 hour and enjoy!

This salad will benefit you in great ways. I strongly suggest eating it at least a little each day. Now for those who don’t like the taste of beets juicing is your best option.

Here’s how:

Beet Juice Recipe


  • 1 apple
  • 1/2 of a large beet
  • 1/2 of a piece of ginger
  • Ice


  • Run the beet and ginger through the food processor or juicer.
  • Cut the apple into quarters and remove the core as well as the peel.
  • put this into the juicer and juice it.
  • Make sure these things are mixed well and add a bit if ice to make it cold.
  • Drink up!

Beets are extremely beneficial and should without a doubt be added into your daily diet. For more beet recipes please take the time to watch the video below.

How To: Ginger Plaster for Various Pains and Rheumatic Problems

by March 9, 2017

Ginger is something you may have already heard about. It is bursting with a multitude of benefits for our health. When it comes to pain relief ginger is definitely a fantastic go to, if you’re looking for something natural.

Ginger can help to relieve things like arthritis, headaches, muscle soreness, and is known for boosting blood circulation. You have probably already heard of juicing ginger and drinking it or adding it to your everyday meals, but have you considered ginger press? This is in my opinion, the best natural way to ease pain caused by swelling.

Ginger press will give a mild warm burning sensation but that only means it is doing what it is supposed to be doing. Ginger press will soak into your skin and target the source of your pain making you feel better with little time. The best part about making a ginger press is how simple it really is.

How to make ginger press:


  • Ginger root
  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • 4 tablespoons of sea salt


  • Pound the ginger, make sure it is crushed well.
  • Remove the skin from the garlic.
  • Add the ingredients together in a bowl.
  • Using a mortar and pestle mix these ingredients until they are all ground properly.
  • Place this mixture on plastic film.
  • Position the film on an area of your body that is causing you pain.
  • Use a bandage to keep this from falling off and tape as well if needed.
  • Leave the ginger press to act for about six hours.

If you are dealing with an open would I do not advise using this, however, it is perfect for muscle aches and things of that sort, This is something that will be just as effective as aspirin or Tylenol without all the associated risks. Will you be trying this remedy? For more information on the amazing benefits of ginger please take the time to watch the video below.

5 Ways to Stop Overthinking

by March 8, 2017

What if I accidentally spend too much money before I pay the bills? What if I’m getting on their nerves? Does this sound familiar? If it does then you are pretty familiar with the concept of overthinking.

Overthinking is one of the worst mental habits to have. When you overthink you make your entire reality negative, and it can seriously distort your self-image. Not only can it make you feel bad about yourself, but it can make you feel bad about life in general. Life is packed full of tough rides, hurt, and pain, but that doesn’t make it bad. Life is a great thing so here are 5 ways to stop yours over thinking habit!

Overthinking causes you to constantly visualize life with a negative perception. It eliminates all the lighting at the end of a dark tunnel. Before you know it, you’re used to being miserable all the time, and you might not even realize you’re miserable.

Overthinking induces so many negative thoughts because you’re literally focusing on every bad thing that could possibly go wrong. Don’t worry, the universe has it covered. Life and time go on regardless, so there is no reason to worry about it. Our mistakes are human nature trial-and-errors, and they are crucial for our growth. Instead of reflecting on all of the negative effects of something, think about how you spiritually grew during a bad time.

Notice When you’re Over Thinking – it is natural for us to evaluate all the situations we are enticed in, but when you are over doing it things get sticky. Over thinking not only has tons of negative mental effects, but it can also affect your physical health. If you’re imagining going on a first date and you are worried that the roof might fall on you, there’s a chance you have been heavily overthinking. When you start getting into such detailed “what-if” thinking stop yourself from it. Recognize that you are doing yourself a misfortune.

Challenge Your Thoughts – For instance, if you’re worried that your significant other is going to dislike you for something, think to yourself: Why would they be with me in the first place? Also, if they are bothered by small materialistic things, you probably don’t need them in your life anyway.

Focus on Problem Solving – You will experience much better results when you assess what problems you can physically take care of. The things you can’t control, don’t try; it will only exhaust you. Ask yourself, “why did this happen?’ or “what can I do to fix this?”

Schedule Reflection Time – Set aside time every day for you to reassess your day. Go over the things that are on your mind and think of them from a third person’s point of view. What if someone else was worried about something this silly? You’ll soon see that life is much simpler than you think.

Meditate – Meditation is great for overthinking, anxiety, depression, addiction, disease, and every other thing you can imagine. Meditation gives the mind a chance to relax and recap. Meditating Is clinically proven to reduce stress, so why not give it a shot?

Every Single Person Who Has Cancer Has A pH That is Too Acidic. Here is the Easiest Way to Check Your pH Balance

by March 8, 2017

New studies show that every person who has cancer, has a pH level that is way too acidic! Checking your pH level is really easy, and it might save your life!

Your body is in a consistent balance between alkalinity and acidity. Each one is important in their own individual way. While your stomach requires high acidity to digest food, your immune system relies on alkalinity. The pH scale runs from 0-14, and the lower the number the higher the acidity, and vice versa. Signs that your body is too acidic are excess weight, bone weakness, sensitive teeth, and sleep problems.

141128 Phil Holliday - pH scale

According to science, when your body becomes too acidic it can cause a variety of diseases such as:

  • Weakened immunity
  • Premature aging
  • Osteoporosis, weak or brittle bones, fractures and bone spurs.
  • Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup
  • Low energy and chronic fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Obesity, slow metabolism and inability to lose weight
  • Chronic inflammation
  • High blood pressure
  • Weight gain, obesity and diabetes
  • Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones
  • Slow digestion and elimination
  • Yeast/fungal overgrowth

A higher acid level in the body causes disease to thrive because of the environment if presents. It is scientifically proven that disease can not survive in an alkaline environment. Also, bacteria, yeast, mold, candida, fungus, and cancer cells thrive in acidic environments. It is important to check your pH level because if it is too high, you can correct it before you experience any long-term effects – like cancer.

How To Check your pH Balance

Although you can do the test anytime during the day, the best would be to do so at the same time each morning.  The goal is to achieve a morning urine pH between 6.5 and 7.5.

The pH for the saliva should be similar to the urine. Two hours after eating is the best time to measure your saliva pH. Before you place saliva on the strip, fill the mouth with saliva and swallow it a few times in order to ensure your spit is clean.

As for your diet, aim for a 70:30 ratio of alkaline to acid foods. Given that stress has a huge impact on pH levels, practice deep breathing, drink plenty of water, and eat your veggies in order to get rid of you acidic load.

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