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23 Signs Your Body is Too Acidic and 11 Ways to Quickly Alkalize it

by March 14, 2017

Acidity is something that can affect all parts of your body. If the environment in your body is excessively acidic your body will suffer from many different health issues.

When the body enters a state of acidosis things are going to become increasingly worse. This is because your body is ready to provide a home for several different serious health issues. Your body will become a home for things like chronic inflammation and cancer.

The unhealthy diets we have in this modern day are definitely one of the causes behind this acidic state. Most meats, dairy products, alcohols, refined sugars, and highly processed foods are highly acidic. When we consume them and they are metabolized the body generates acidic waste products as well. These are things that should be neutralized and eliminated.

If you want to know if your body is too acidic take your diet into consideration and then check to see if you are dealing with any of the following symptoms:

  1. Skin issues like eczema, acne, or rashes.
  2. Immune deficiency
  3. Sinus issues
  4. Chronic fatigue
  5. Osteoporosis
  6. Joint pain
  7. Muscle aches
  8. Excess mucus
  9. Bladder infection
  10. Kidney infection
  11. Cardiovascular damage from acidic plaques
  12. Neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s, dementia, or Parkinson’s.
  13. Diabetes
  14. Chest pain
  15. Candida
  16. Yeast infection
  17. Chronic cough
  18. Stomach issues including bloating, indigestion, and acid reflux.
  19. Allergies
  20. Cavities
  21. Sensitive gums
  22. Sciatica
  23. Stiff neck

You see, the tissues and fluids in the body are all alkaline except for the stomach when they become too acidic other tissues have to take alkalizing elements from other parts of the body in order to try to regulate the pH level on its own. We need to assist our bodies in the alkalization by changing out diet and lifestyle as needed. This will keep us much healthier in the long run and prevent us from getting chronic illnesses.

Here is how to reduce acidity in the body:

  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Drink lemon water from time to time.
  3. Consume more alkaline foods.
  4. Increase your intake of greens.
  5. Avoid acidic foods.
  6. Avoid GMO products.
  7. Control your anger, stress, and fear. The body’s pH balance can be affected by your emotional state.
  8. Do not ingest artificial sugars.
  9. Do not drink sodas.
  10. Keep control of your diabetes.
  11. Do not drink alcohol.

We are responsible for the condition our bodies are in. When it comes to our health we need to provide the things our body needs in order for it to operate and function properly.

Is Your Perfume Making You Sick? New Study Suggests so!

by March 14, 2017

New research is showing that those ‘smell good’ sprays we love so much may be doing harm to our health. Should you throw yours out?

We spray these things on our necks and wrists almost daily without thinking. What is this stuff doing to our bodies? New research from a recent study at the University of Melbourne has found that one in three Australians have reported adverse effects from frequent use of these products.

These adverse effects include things like breathing issues, migraines, skin irritations, and in some cases asthma attacks. These products don’t just stop at perfumes and body sprays you could also categorize hand soaps, household cleaners, and even scented candles with them. They could all have disabling effects depending on the person and the product. Breathing the wrong thing too much can just about cost you your life. If you have a section of your room that looks like the image below you need to know about this dangerous issue.


Fragranced products are becoming an increasing issue all around the world and specifically making a big impact in Australia. According to Professor Anne Steinemann overall, almost all of the Australian population is exposed to fragranced products once a week if not more frequently. Findings from this study show that almost ten percent of people have had time off of work or even lost their job because of illnesses they developed from exposure to fragrance products.

When it comes to things like this we need to try and go for fragrance-free products. Now, if that is not an option or someone in the same household as you refuses to stop, open a window. The more air flow the better when it comes to being exposed to these things. For more information on this specific study please take the time to click here or watch the video below for a walkthrough of the issues that can come from using these products on a more detailed level. These things are very dangerous, no matter how cute the container may be.

10 Plants That Cure Aches and Pains That You Can Grow in Your Garden

by March 14, 2017

We do not need to be so dependent on manufactured medications and pills. Plants and natural remedies can relieve whatever illness you are dealing with, without the side effects of manufactured medications.

These plants will have you looking and feeling much better. If you could use a plant to treat your pain would you? This is without a doubt something you need to know! The ten plants below can be used to heal burns, scrapes, bruises, and reduce muscle aches as well as mild pain in general.

10 plants you can grow at home to use in reducing minor aches, pains, and other issues:

1. Thyme

This one is a powerful antiseptic and antioxidant. If you drink tea made from this plant you will be able to relieve cold symptoms easily. Thyme should be planted in dry light soil in order to live properly. I do not suggest using thyme when you are pregnant.

2. Sage

Gargling the cooled broth of this will rid you of a sore throat. It needs full sun and dry sandy soil in order to grow properly. This is one of my all time favorites!

3. Parsley

Eating one teaspoon of this plant a day is a great idea. If you have a low immune system this will give it the boost you need. When growing this plant be sure not to let the soil get dry, Parsley needs very wet soil all the time.

4. Rosemary

Rosemary can reduce the effects of seasonal affective disorder and get rid of your hangover. Just make tea with the leaves, be sure to give this plant lots of sunlight.

5. Mint

Make tea with the leaves from this plant. Drinking the tea will get rid of your anxiety, nervousness, and stomach cramps. This one is quite easy to grow.

6. Lemon Balm

Rub the leaves of this plant directly on your skin, it will work as a natural bug repellent and get rid of cold sores. Be sure to keep this plant potted as it will spread quickly if out in the open.

7. Lavender

This is an amazing anti-inflammatory plant, adding a handful of crushed lavender to a bowl of boiling water will be the best face wash you’ve ever had. This will eliminate blemishes and make your skin feel great.

8. Basil

This one is great for getting rid of headaches. Just rub the crushed leaves against your temple. It is ideal to grow this plant in a pot.

9. Aloe Vera

One of the most common uses of this is healing sunburn. All you have to do is cut the leaves open and rub the gel on the affected areas of your body. Leave this plant in full sunshine and water it often if you want it to thrive.

10. Oregano

You can use this one in cooking and therapeutically as needed. Oregano is a fantastic natural anti-inflammatory as well as an anti-viral. If you come down with the flu you should use this plant to make yourself better. Ingesting it can also get rid of unwanted mucus in your lungs.

When it comes to small things like these why not choose the natural route over using poison? We deserve better than these dangerous prescription drugs. When the side effects of our medicine include the symptoms of another chronic illness, we should take it as a sign, not feed into the problem. These plants will benefit you and your family greatly.

Cut Lemons and Keep Them in Your Bedroom… Here’s why!

by March 14, 2017

Lemons can be used for a lot of things but did you know that they could also be used to treat anxiety and depression? This fruit offers a ton of benefits!

If you want to reap some of these benefits you don’t even have to eat the lemon. You can energize the body, fight off a hangover, enhance your breathing. and treat a cold all without ingesting the lemon. If you do this you will notice drastic improvement quickly, I sure did!

  • Cut three lemons.
  • Put them beside your bed.
  • Go to sleep.
  • Move them the next day.

If you do this every day you will notice the difference, sure it sounds silly at first but it works wonders! According to Dr. J.V. Hebbar at the Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College using lemon essential oil will also offer benefits like improved mood and weight loss. Give it a try what do you have to lose?

For more on the benefits of lemon please take the time to watch the video below. We should be using lemon oil and such on daily basis. Adding lemon to your life could be exactly what you need.

Asia’s First-Ever Vertical Forest Will Produce 132 Pounds Of Oxygen Each Day

by March 13, 2017

Deforestation has become something malevolent. Without trees and plants, we would have no oxygen to breathe, or food to eat. Thankfully, Asia has built the first-ever vertical forest!

Deforestation is killing off species by the thousands every single year, and also drives climate change. Forest soils are moist, but without protection from sun-blocking tree cover, they quickly dry out. Trees also help perpetuate the water cycle by returning water vapor to the atmosphere. Without trees to fill these roles, many former forest lands can quickly become barren deserts. Corporate greed is causing the downfall of society, but some people are finally realizing that we have to turn back now. Consequently, Asia has built the world’s first ever vertical forest!


Stefano Boeri Architetti presented his idea of installing a vertical forest in Milan, and developers were beyond excited about the idea. Fast forward a bit to present day and you will discover that the architecture firm has been approved in the building process.

The building will be completed by the end of 2018, and no it is not just plants and trees. The building will be overflowing with 1,100 trees from 23 different species! It will also feature over 2,500 cascading shrubs and plants. They expect the building to produce over 132 pounds of oxygen a day!

It will consist of two towers. The tallest, coming in at a whopping 656 feet, will hold offices, a museum, architecture school, and a rooftop club. The second tower is 354 feet tall and is a 247 room hotel by Hyatt. It will also feature a rooftop swimming pool.


This Mouthwash Removes Plaque From Teeth in 2 Minutes

by March 13, 2017

Your oral health is much more important than you think. Are you doing the necessary things to keep your mouth healthy?

Lots of people brush their teeth every day and do not stop to think about whether that is enough. Rinsing with mouthwash is something we all should do. This is because it reduces the presence of plaque and works to fight bacteria that has escaped and evaded your toothbrush.

However, I do not recommend using commercial mouthwashes because of the chemicals and additives most mouthwashes are overflowing with. If you are not using any mouthwash or want to try a healthy chemical free alternative to mouthwash this is the recipe for you. Making your own mouthwash is actually pretty easy!

Homemade Mouthwash



  • Combine the salt and baking soda together then wet your toothbrush and use it to apply the mixture and scrub your teeth.
  • After this, use the hydrogen peroxide and warm water rinse your mouth for two full minutes, then spit.
  • Now use a toothpick to remove any tartar from between your teeth. Rinse with cold water.

Do this at least three times a week and I strongly recommend you start oil pulling as well if you are not already doing so. For more information on oil pulling please take the time to watch the video below.

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