
10 Plants That Cure Aches and Pains That You Can Grow in Your Garden

by in DIY, Home, Natural Cures March 14, 2017

We do not need to be so dependent on manufactured medications and pills. Plants and natural remedies can relieve whatever illness you are dealing with, without the side effects of manufactured medications.

These plants will have you looking and feeling much better. If you could use a plant to treat your pain would you? This is without a doubt something you need to know! The ten plants below can be used to heal burns, scrapes, bruises, and reduce muscle aches as well as mild pain in general.

10 plants you can grow at home to use in reducing minor aches, pains, and other issues:

1. Thyme

This one is a powerful antiseptic and antioxidant. If you drink tea made from this plant you will be able to relieve cold symptoms easily. Thyme should be planted in dry light soil in order to live properly. I do not suggest using thyme when you are pregnant.

2. Sage

Gargling the cooled broth of this will rid you of a sore throat. It needs full sun and dry sandy soil in order to grow properly. This is one of my all time favorites!

3. Parsley

Eating one teaspoon of this plant a day is a great idea. If you have a low immune system this will give it the boost you need. When growing this plant be sure not to let the soil get dry, Parsley needs very wet soil all the time.

4. Rosemary

Rosemary can reduce the effects of seasonal affective disorder and get rid of your hangover. Just make tea with the leaves, be sure to give this plant lots of sunlight.

5. Mint

Make tea with the leaves from this plant. Drinking the tea will get rid of your anxiety, nervousness, and stomach cramps. This one is quite easy to grow.

6. Lemon Balm

Rub the leaves of this plant directly on your skin, it will work as a natural bug repellent and get rid of cold sores. Be sure to keep this plant potted as it will spread quickly if out in the open.

7. Lavender

This is an amazing anti-inflammatory plant, adding a handful of crushed lavender to a bowl of boiling water will be the best face wash you’ve ever had. This will eliminate blemishes and make your skin feel great.

8. Basil

This one is great for getting rid of headaches. Just rub the crushed leaves against your temple. It is ideal to grow this plant in a pot.

9. Aloe Vera

One of the most common uses of this is healing sunburn. All you have to do is cut the leaves open and rub the gel on the affected areas of your body. Leave this plant in full sunshine and water it often if you want it to thrive.

10. Oregano

You can use this one in cooking and therapeutically as needed. Oregano is a fantastic natural anti-inflammatory as well as an anti-viral. If you come down with the flu you should use this plant to make yourself better. Ingesting it can also get rid of unwanted mucus in your lungs.

When it comes to small things like these why not choose the natural route over using poison? We deserve better than these dangerous prescription drugs. When the side effects of our medicine include the symptoms of another chronic illness, we should take it as a sign, not feed into the problem. These plants will benefit you and your family greatly.