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How Only 15 Minutes of Walking Can Change Everything

by March 17, 2017

When people are thinking about getting healthier, they usually bring up the idea of going walking or running. For good reason too – walking for just 15 minutes a day can change your whole body.

With all of the technological advances in the modern day society, most of our jobs consist of sitting at a desk for 5 or 6 hours a day – Sometimes even more. While we can’t change the way we work, we can change what we do in our free time. Studies show that walking can seriously increase your overall health. It can even change your body completely!


Several studies were performed on this subject. A lot of them were performed by the University Hospital of Saint-Etienne, the University of Lyon, the University Hospital of Dijon, the Regional Center for Cancer Prevention and Jean Monnet University in France. According to one study, over people over the age of 60 need to start walking at least 15 minutes a day!

According to the study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, people aged 60 and over who did just 15 minutes of exercise daily and they reduced their risk of dying early by 22%, compared with people who did not exercise at all. A 15-minute daily walk ‘will help you live longer! Some of the long term effects of walking 15 minutes every day include:

  • It helps us lose weight
  • Waking boosts vitamin D
  • It relives pain
  • Walking improves our mood
  • Walking improves our cardiovascular functions.
  • Helps us prevent diabetes
  • Helps us prevent colon cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer

So what are you waiting for!? Let’s get walking!

CT Scan Show’s Man’s Pancreas Caked In Calcium

by March 17, 2017

Today people are heavily underestimating the effects of alcohol – they always have. Alcohol is virtually poison for your body and should always be consumed in moderation; if at all.

Alcohol is terrible for the body, and thousand of people die from it every year. Alcohol consumption causes physical and emotional changes that can do great harm to your body and your overall quality of life. Alcohol is particularly horrible for the liver. Heavy drinkers often experience cirrhosis of the liver, which is debilitating and deadly.

We have known for a while that alcohol is extremely dangerous for your body, but medical advancements are causing us to discover more and more negative effects of alcohol. A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that one heavy drinkers pancreas was paying the price. A CT scan showed that because of his drinking, his pancreas is covered in calcium!


The scan showed that he was suffering from a serious case of pancreatitis. His entire pancreas is essentially calcified. He went to the hospital because he was suffering from extreme stomach pain around his ribs. He told doctors he had been drinking about a half a pint of vodka per day – for 15 years. Luckily for the man, his liver proved to be working properly which is extremely rare for a drinker of this severity. The 50-year-old man was discharged from the hospital with pancreatic enzymes and enrolled in an AA program.

Build A Living Kid’s Playhouse That Brings Them Back To Mother Nature

by March 17, 2017

If your kids are homebodies and don’t get outside very much, then this is the perfect idea to get them outside! Playing outside is healthy for kids and they need to exercise their imaginations!

Because of all of the technology and video games of today, kids virtually have no reason to go outside. If they are outside they have a cell phone or tablet with them! It is important for kids to exercise their imaginations because we need to learn how to maintain a childlike perception – even in adulthood. The spirit of a child has healing abilities! If you’re trying to get your kids outside again, these clubhouse ideas are perfect.


Runner Bean Tee-Pee

You need:

1) 8 – 10 long bamboo canes (6 – 7 feet minimum).
2) Gardening string or a cable tie or similar.
3) A packet of runner bean seeds.
4) Large roll of gardening string or a roll of chicken wire (optional).



1) Choose a spare area of garden, either on a border, or on the lawn. You’ll have to remove a small area of lawn to plant the seeds.

2) Push your bamboo canes into the ground in a circle to form a large pyramid/teepee shape. Leave a large gap between two of the canes for an entrance. Secure the tops of the canes together using either a some garden string, twine, or wire.

3) For best results cover bamboo teepee in either chicken wire, or a network of gardening string.

4) Dig one square foot (12″x 12″ and 12″ deep) around the bases if the bamboo canes.

5) Add compost and/or well rotted manure.

5) Poke two holes approximately 1 – 2″ deep at the base of each cane.

6) Drop one runner bean seed into each hole and fill the hole with water. Once the water has drained away gently drag soil back over the holes and then water again thoroughly. (Runner Beans seeds can also be started off in 3″ pots and transplanted when they reach about 6″ tall).

NOTE: You’ll need to protect the seedlings from slugs by manually removing the slugs every evening until the bean plants are about 6″ tall.

7) If the Runner Beans don’t find the bamboo naturally you can carefully wrap the main shoots around the first part of the bamboo canes or chicken wire until they begin to climb on their own.

8) Keep weeds down and moisture in using lawn trimmings or bark chips around the fresh Runner Bean plants. Water frequently.

The runners bean clubhouse is the perfect way to get the kids outside and playing again! I built this for my own kids and they love it. I even have to beg them to come back inside on some sunny days! It’s also an awesome yard decoration!

Shocking: Miracle Drink That Cures Diabetes in Only 5 Days!

by March 16, 2017

Diabetes is a very serious illness that affects an enormous amount of people all over the world. Are you a diabetic?

For those who aren’t aware diabetes is a condition that causes a person’s blood sugar level to become much higher than it should be. There are two types of diabetes type one and type two to be exact. The second type is much more common than the first however they are both a very serious issue.

Some women even end up suffering from something called gestational diabetes. Overall diabetes is generally easiest, to sum up as a disease that impairs the bodies ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin this causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine because your body is no longer able to process your food properly.

There are many different natural remedies for this sort of thing but none that work so quickly. The remedy I am going to be showing you will have your blood sugar levels lowered in only five days! This remedy can work wonders for your health.

Miracle Drink


  • Wash and peel the apples then cut the carrots.
  • Make sure you remove the seeds from the apples.
  • Place all of the ingredients into your blender or juicer.
  • Mix well and drink this on an empty stomach.

If you drink this every day for five days you will reap some major benefits. All of these ingredients contain things that will contribute to your blood sugar levels going down as needed. You see the apples contain something known as malic acid, spinach is loaded with tons of vitamins, and celery is jam packed with magnesium as well as potassium. All of these things are great for lowering blood sugar levels.

If you have been looking for a natural remedy that could impact your life in a big way quickly, this is the remedy for you! Doing this every day could be the best thing you ever do for yourself. Why not give it a try? For a little information on foods that will also help lower your blood sugar please take the time to watch the video below. If you pair this remedy with a better diet you may never have to worry about your diabetes again.

Why Australia no Longer Does The Pap Test and Still Has The Lowest Rates of Cervical Cancer

by March 16, 2017

The pap smear has been the means of detecting tons of early cervical cancer signs, but it is totally unnecessary. Early detection is imperative when it comes to having a chance against this terrible illness.

Newer information that has been found regarding the role of HPV (human papillomavirus) and the development of cervical cancer has shown us a more effective means of screening. Cervical cancer generally comes about when there is some sort of DNA change in the cells of the cervix. These tumors that form at this point have the ability to spread to the rest of the body depending on how things go.

Lots of things can increase your risks of developing cervical cancer, for example:

  • HPV
  • Oral contraceptive use
  • Having used or been born to a mother who used DES (a form of estrogen) between the years 1940-1971 (it is used to treat miscarriages.)
  • Weakened immune system
  • Sexual activity
  • Giving birth several times
  • Smoking

Now, as you may already be aware HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that can infect the cervix. Some strains of HPV cause abnormal changes to occur in the DNA of your cells. This is something that turns into cancer. Australia is the first country to try and use a new screening test that has proven to be more effective than the pap smear when it comes to detecting the early signs of cervical cancer.

The technology being used will be completely different than that of a pap smear however the process will be the same, but rather than every two years, women will need to be checked every five years now. If a woman tests positive for HPV (one of the high-risk types) she will immediately be referred for further testing. One of the best things about this new screening process is that women are able to take a vaginal swab themselves and send it in to be tested.

Cervical cancer is something we can avoid having if we catch it in time. Don’t smoke, eat healthy foods, and reduce your exposure to HPV these things could save your life. If you notice any of the following symptoms please do hesitate to see a doctor and find out if you may be a victim of cervical cancer:

  • Pain in your pelvis
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Pain in your legs
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Constipation
  • Blood in stool
  • Blood in urine
  • Pain during sex
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Abnormal discharge
  • Long heavy periods

How long will it be before the rest of the world begins testing for cervical cancer this way? Would you like to be able to wait five years in between testing rather than two? I am excited to see what new things are going to come from this. This new screening process may put the pap smear out of business not too long from now.

How to Cleanse Your Body of Toxins Through Your Feet

by March 16, 2017

Detox foot pads have been used around the world for quite some time now originating in Japan there are several different companies that commercially sell them. These foot pads work similar to acupuncture and have quite the effect on a person’s energy.

The foot pad itself stimulates the liver and kidney meridian which increases a person’s metabolic rate. This causes your body to detox itself at a much faster rate than usual. The issue with commercially produced foot pads is not all of them work. Lots of people just put whatever they want on them and sell them to naive people for profit. Making your own is really the best route to go. Luckily it is very easy and doesn’t take much time at all to do so.

Homemade Detox Foot Pads



  • Bring about half of a cup of apple cider vinegar to a boil in the saucepan.
  • Add the onions and garlic to this.
  • Allow it to steep for ten whole minutes.
  • Remove it from the heat after and allow it to cool.
  • Pour the mixture onto your gauze pads, make sure they are saturated well but not dripping wet.
  • Squeeze any excess fluid out of the pads.
  • Apply these to the center of the soles of your feet.
  • Put socks on and keep them in place while you sleep.
  • Take them off in the morning and wash your feet with baking soda and warm water as needed.

When it comes to giving yourself the energy you need this is perfect! You will feel the difference overnight. Will you be trying this foot pad recipe?

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