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This Is How To Fix All Your Sleep Problems With Science

by March 27, 2017

Not being able to sleep sucks! It can also cause your overall health to decline. Although there are literally tons of sleeping medications, it seems like you can never really achieve a sound night’s sleep.

Sleeping pills are technically classified as sedative hypnotics. The big pharma claims that they are the answer to all of your insomniac issues, but they don’t even work – and they cost a freaking fortune. Benzos such as valium, Xanax, Ativan, and other anti-anxiety medications are also commonly prescribed to people with insomnia. This is pure medical negligence because nobody should have to become addicted to a lethal drug just to get a good night’s rest. That’s why you should fix your sleep issues with science, not drugs.

Side Effects of Sleeping Medications:

  • Burning or tingling in the hands, arms, feet, or legs
  • Changes in appetite
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty keeping balance
  • Dizziness
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Dry mouth or throat
  • Gas
  • Headache
  • Heartburn
  • Impairment the next day
  • Mental slowing or problems with attention or memory
  • Stomach pain or tenderness
  • Uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body
  • Unusual dreams
  • Weakness

It sounds like it would be hard to fix your sleep issues using science, but it’s not. It’s actually the easiest and most simple way to gain back control of your sleeping schedule. One of the best ways to increase your restlessness during sleep is to sleep on your back. If you don’t like sleeping on your back, try sleeping on your side! You should never sleep on your stomach because it puts your organs in an awkward position and it can also cause back pain and bad posture.

Another way to increase your chances of good sleep according to science is to turn everything off and make your bedroom as dark and quiet as possible. The average time it takes a human to fall asleep in complete darkness is 7 minutes! The lack of distractions can really increase your chances of getting some shut-eye. You should also avoid any sugary drinks and foods at least an hour before bedtime!

One thing I suffer with severely is aching legs while I’m trying to sleep. This causes me to toss and turn all night long, and I can never get a comfy spot – it sucks, it hurts, and it’s even worse that you get no sleep because it keeps you up all night. However, I discovered a method that actually worked. My mom would always tell me to do it when I was younger, but I never paid attention to her. All you have to do is put some pillows on the end of your bed and prop your feet up. The venous blood contained will run downward – relieving the pain.

I hope that these methods will help you get some good night’s sleep! Everyone needs it! I additionally hope that it will be a great substitute for the expensive and ineffective sleeping medications on the market today!

What Causes Cancer and What is it Really?

by March 27, 2017

When it comes to explaining the cause of cancer there is no easy answer. Just about everything we come in contact with these days has something dangerous in it.

We are often told that things like low oxygen, an acidic pH level, and emotional stress are the main causes but that is not entirely true. Those are all without a doubt contributing factors but they are not the main causes. None of these things accurately describes what causes cancer.

Man (mankind) is the cause of cancer if you want to get technical about it. We would not have cancer if not for man. Cancer is a man-made disease. With the exception of stress, there is no cause to cancer that has not been ‘created.’ That is why in the past there were little to no cases of cancer. We are filling our bodies to the breaking point with toxins. The things we eat, touch, and even play with are all contaminated in one way or another.

When you think about the dangers of all the carcinogens we come in contact with day in and day out it is amazing that we are not all riddled with cancer. Cancer seems to be some sort of survival mechanism no matter how you look at it. According to Andreas Moritz when our cells are being put under stress by being exposed to toxins it can cause changes in the cellular mitochondria. This is something that changed the RNA instructions and causes the cells to stop taking in oxygen. That is when they begin to use glucose as a way to produce energy.

These cells refuse to die, they multiply and form a protective layer to make them harder to kill. If we want a world free of cancer we need to reduce the amount of toxins we are allowing around us. We need to cut these big corporations down to size, they should not be allowed to poison us to increase profit. We all matter, don’t let anyone make you think differently. Living in a toxic world is unacceptable. We need to do something about this.

Science Examined People Who Claim Not to Eat or Drink. What They Found is Mind-Boggling!

by March 27, 2017

Breatharianism is generally the practice of living without food or water. This concept is something that has been around for thousands of years.

Being able to live without food or water sounds completely unrealistic and impossible when you think based off of modern day biology. Now, when we look back at cases of people who claim to not eat or drink being examined things get a bit hazy. For instance, Prahlad Jani a local of Ahmedabad, India who claims at the age of eleven the Hindu goddess Amba came to him and told him he no longer needed to eat food.

He claims to have been living in a cave since the 1970s and says for most of his life he has eaten nothing. This is something we would find strange because he is around 85 years old. Now, back in 2003, Jani was tested as well as in 2010 by a large team of doctors at the Sterling Hospital. He was monitored 24/7 during this time for a period of ten days and he did not eat or drink anything.

The strangest part though is that he did not show any psychological changes. He showed no signs of having been affected by the lack of food. This goes against everything we think we know about the nutritional requirements of the body as well as human psychology.

While these studies have encountered a lot of criticism the evidence appears to be overall very solid. We are now learning that fasting can be beneficial to our health depending on our bodies. So, could people like Jani really be onto something? Mark Mattson Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging spoke about fasting back in 2014. He went over how this practice has shown that it can aid in generating new stem cells, fighting cancer, and fighting several types of dementia.

When it comes down to the root, somethings we cannot explain just yet with science. If all signs say no and there is still something happening somehow, maybe we are wrong? What do you think about the possibility of being able to live without eating?

Could it be possible that the human body really can transmute ambient energy into nutrients? According to Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences we can do just that. Breatharianism is something that comes across as hard to wrap our heads around, however, in time we will understand these things more.
When it comes to things like this we should not try them at home minor fasts are fine as long as you take the time to understand what you are doing. There is much more going on other than simply not eating and drinking. The average person could die from trying to go without eating for such a long period. Just what is going on here?

“Destroyer of Weakness” This Ancient Mineral Restores Your Physical and Mental Health!

by March 27, 2017

New studies have revealed that this rare super food is the destroyer of weakness! Chances are, you’ve probably never even heard of it either!

Everybody wants to be healthier, however, not everyone is willing to put in the effort to do so. That isn’t the only issue either; people are really busy today. Everyone has somewhere to be at a certain time almost every single day of their youth. It can be impossible to find extra time to workout, and if you do end up having it you’re already beat from a hectic day! If you can relate to this, then this is the perfect superfood for you.

So what is this super powerful food I’m talking about? Well, probably nothing you ever heard of before, and certainly nothing you can pick up at Publix. However, it’s rarity, it has been used for thousands of years in ancient Chinese medicine. In fact, it’s one of the greatest ones they had. It is essentially the destroyer of weakness because it increases the health and performance of virtually every organ in your body. It’s called Shilajit.

Laboratory analysis of Shilajit reveals a complete spectrum of every essential mineral on the planet in ionic form—the most easily absorbable and assimilated by the human body – so you can expect it to do some wonders. It is also packed full of amino acids, fulvic, and humic acids, all of which are amazing for the human body.

Although the tar is relatively rare, you can find it for sale in various health stores across the globe. The best, and/or most potent Shilajit is that of the Himalayas!

During A Pedicure She Felt A Sharp Pain. Next Thing She Knows, She is Fighting For Her Life!

by March 27, 2017

Sure pedicures can be fun and lots of people enjoy getting them but should we be getting them? After hearing the new stories from below you may think twice about it.

There have actually been quite a few new stories pertaining to those who have had pedicures. A woman by the name of Stacey Wilson living in Arkansas got a pedicure on February 6th, 2016. During her pedicure, the pumice stone being rubbed on her heel caused a sharp pain. She immediately knew something was wrong without having looked yet, she was unaware of just what was going on and how severe her injury was.

She assumed this was not an issue and went about her business as if nothing had happened. However, Only a few days after the incident she noticed her ankle had swelled up a lot. She had come down with a fever and decided to go to the emergency room after dealing with unbearable pain in her foot.

The doctors saw right off the bat that Wilson had something called infection cellulitis. This was something that was most likely contracted from the pedicure. She is doing just fine now after proper treatment but things could have gotten much worse.

Now that for me is enough to make me want to take care of my feet at home but there is more. Back in 2013, a man in Indiana, Bruce Walters (63 years old) decided to go to a salon for a pedicure as means of pampering himself. As far as he knew everything had gone well but after returning home he noticed something serious was happening. Ten days after his pedicure Walters noticed swelling in his foot and was very dizzy.

He visited his doctor and they found that he had contracted a major infection from the pedicure. He ended up having to go under the knife for immediate surgery in order to stop the inflammation of his leg. Walters had to actually undergo five separate surgeries in order to remove all the infection. If he had not gotten medical attention when he did it is likely he would have lost his leg. Bacteria like this can enter your feet through pedicures. We are not always aware of things like this.

Please be careful when it comes to getting your feet done. While the people mentioned above are okay now they are lucky. If you cannot avoid getting one done you need to be aware of the place you are going to never go for a pedicure anywhere questionable. Things like this can happen to anyone, for more on Walters story please take the time to watch the video below. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above after having one done please do not hesitate to see a doctor.

7 Proven Ancient Methods To Remove ALL Negative Energy From Your Home

by March 26, 2017

Have you ever felt like you just can’t get things going right, no matter how hard you try? If so, you’re not alone and the answer to our problems was discovered long ago – we just don’t hear about them anymore.

Sometimes our homes, workplaces, or your most frequented location can possess bad energy. This bad energy can range in severity from simple bad vibes to malicious entities. In the modern day such things as energies are passed off as science fiction, however, they are very real. They might just be what is holding you back from your happiness and satisfaction with life. They can even cause people to become physically sick! Although it is kind of an eerie topic, you should never fear – life trumps all negative energies. Also, you can use these simply 7 methods to eliminate them from your home completely!

Get Plants – Plants are a living source and they constantly purify the air. They are great to have in your homes because the liveliness of them tends to keep the negative energies away. Having plants in your house has been proven to increase positivity and overall mood!

Salt – Salt is an excellent resource for cleansing negative energies. A lot of the time negative energy can be left behind by previous homeowners. Sprinkling salt around in the carpet is a great way to get rid of the past. It cleanses it and makes it your own space.

Smudging Ceremonies – SMudging has been used for literally thousands of years. People burn sage in their homes to clear out the ‘bad ju-ju’. Burn the white sage and rotate it in a counterclockwise motion.

Essential Oils – Essential oils are a great way to cleanse a room or an entire home. Some of the best ones to use are frankincense, lavender, and patchouli.

Remove Clutter – clutter is stuff that is unnecessary and takes up space. Just like the clutter, negative energy can take up the space too. Clutter causes it to be difficult for vibrations and energy to travel – thus causing ‘build-ups. Removing clutter from your home is a fantastic way to drive the negative energy out!

Meditate – when you meditate, you draw in massive amounts of positive energy. The energy you bring in causes the negative ones to get out of dodge.

Rearrange the Furniture – Rearranging furniture is a good way to cleanse the energy of a room. Moving things around allows energy to flow freely and in a new path. It also allows a new route for the negative energy to escape.

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