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This Painkiller Is as Effective As Morphine and Is Probably Growing In Your Backyard

by March 31, 2017

We are overwhelmed with pain, it is something that will forever be increasing given the world we live in. How do you treat your pain?

Big Pharma will preach to you that the only way to rid yourself of pain is to get hooked on their dangerous expensive products, but they are wrong. Have you ever heard of wild lettuce? Wild lettuce is a fantastic natural alternative to toxic painkillers and even can replace some anxiety pills.

You most likely have some of this growing right in your backyard. Some people refer to it as “opium lettuce” or “bitter lettuce.” It is a tall leafy plant that can have small yellow buds. It contains a white milk-like substance. (This plant is all natural and legal to use for those confused by the nickname above.) The ‘milk’ found in this plant is known as lactucarium and it can reduce pain just like morphine.

If you are dealing with anything like fibromyalgia, nerve injury, inflammation, or even surgical pain this is the remedy for you. This remedy is most commonly used to treat things like insomnia, migraines, anxiety, and coughs. It has antitussive properties and works well to alleviate things like asthma. To learn more about this plant please take the time to watch the video below. Say goodbye to pain pills and hello to wild lettuce!

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This Bath Pulls Toxins Out of The Body, Improves Muscle and Nerve Function, Reduces Inflammation and Improves Blood Flow

by March 31, 2017

We all know how great Epsom salt baths can be and how they benefit our bodies. People across the world use Epsom salt because it is effective and inexpensive.

This salt is different than other salts because it is a naturally occurring pure mineral compound made up of magnesium and sulfate. These are both things that can do amazing things for our health. When we bathe in this salt we are allowing our bodies to absorb the minerals and they are entering our bloodstream.

In doing this our skin is removing toxins and in taking these amazing minerals. This is something we refer to as reverse osmosis. It eliminates salt and the dangerous toxins from our bodies leaving the minerals themselves to enter our system. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals there are.

Magnesium is needed for things like soothing inflammation, boosting blood flow, and enhancing the function of nerves as well as muscles. If you want healthy skin then Epsom salt baths are a necessity. I love them myself because on top of being healthy they are extremely relaxing. Learn how to take an Epsom salt bath below.

Epsom Salt Bath

  • Make sure you have at least thirty minutes to an hour of spare time for your bath, this is going to be a long relaxing process. You see your body will need time to eliminate and absorb.
  • You will need to add the proper amount of Epsom salt to your bath based on your weight.
  • If you weigh between 60-100lbs you will need to add 1 cup to a standard size bath.
  • If you weigh between 100-150lbs you will need to add 1 and 1/2 cup to a standard size bath.
  • If you weigh between 150-200lbs you will need to add 2 cups to a standard size bath.
  • For every 50 pounds over this amount, you will need to add half of a cup more.

This is not one of those ‘get myself clean’ baths, you should avoid soap when doing this. This bath is all about relaxing and detoxifying your body. Rest for a few hours after taking this bath, I try to take one at least once a week. It has really helped me to feel much better overall. For more on Epsom salt please take the time to watch the video below.

Blend Turmeric and Ginger With Coconut Milk, Drink Before Bed to Flush Liver Toxins While You Sleep

by March 31, 2017

Remember back when you were a child? Your mom would send you off to bed with a warm glass of milk, why not do that now?

This bedtime recipe will calm and soothe your body with ease. You see, it is packed full of healthy substances that your body will eat up! This is something we refer to as golden milk and it is delicious, I never go to bed without drinking this first.

If you are dealing with any nervous feelings or overwhelming stress drinking this before bed will rid you of them almost instantly. While you are resting this mind-blowing drink will be fast at work, detoxifying your body and preparing you for the next day. Why not add this to your bedtime routine. The benefits never cease to amaze me!

By drinking this golden milk you will be protecting yourself from a large amount of serious health issues. All of the ingredients that make golden milk are known for fighting off things like cancer, migraines, and in some cases even strokes!

Golden Milk



  • Whisk all of these ingredients together in a saucepan except for the honey.
  • Cook them over medium heat until you notice bubbles starting to form on the surface.
  • Reduce the heat to the minimum and let the flavors blend for about five minutes or so.
  • Remove the bits of ginger and add in the honey.
    Stir lightly and drink up.
    (This is one single serving if making for more than one person double the recipe.)

To see this being made please take the time to watch the video below. You will be surprised at how delicious this drink really is. Not to mention all the benefits you will be reaping by adding it to your life. Enjoy!

Edible Film Made From Essential Oils can Protect Foods Better Than Plastic

by March 31, 2017

Of course, we have known for quite some time now that we need to ditch the plastic products, however, this could make doing so much easier. This edible film is made from essential oils!

Not only is this edible film better for you than keeping the food in plastic it also does a much better job of keeping your food than the plastic has done in the first place. This amazing finding comes from researchers who have been hard at work in the Department of Food Technology at the Federal University of Vicosa in Brazil, it has since been published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

This edible film is made from the essential oils of oregano and clove. When tested it showed that they proved to keep foods longer than conventional plastics did. You see both of these essential oils are able to reduce the rigidity and increase the extensibility of the films. These oils are ideal because they lower the amount of yeast and mold in the sliced bread.

I am sure by now you are well aware of the dangers of plastic. Chemicals like BPA wreak havoc on our bodies and do a lifetime of damage. With the development of things like this well underway, we should be grateful for the hope we are being given for a better future. When it comes to protecting ourselves and the environment we will have to cut plastic out completely even if little by little.

For a little information on the dangers of plastic and the chemicals that products made from them can leach please take the time to watch the video below. There have been a lot of amazing things in the works in just the past few years, we can save this planet. Even if the starting point is something small like this. What do you think about these edible films?

This Breed Of Dog Can Sniff Out Cancer With 100% Accuracy

by March 31, 2017

What if I told you that certain dogs breeds can sniff out Cancer with 100 percent accuracy? Most people wouldn’t believe me, but according to studies, it is true.

According to the Daily Mail, dogs can sniff out this type of cancer with 100% accuracy. Do you think it is possible for dogs to diagnose humans with cancer?

New studies have found that man’s best  friend, or woman’s best friend in this case, can sniff out breast cancer with 100% accuracy! After 6 months of training two German shepherd dogs became 100% accurate in spotting breast cancer! Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the United States, as well as the entire world. Id dogs can be trained to sniff it out accurately, we could save thousands of lives! Breast cancer can be cured but it is important that it is early diagnosed.

“In these countries, there are oncologists, there are surgeons, but in rural areas often there is limited access to diagnostics,” Isabelle Fromantin, who is the head of project Kdog, told journalists in Paris, according to the Daily Mail. The result of limited access to diagnostics? People arriving too late to receive not only a diagnosis, but life-saving treatments, Fromantin told journalists. “If this works, we can roll it out rapidly,” she added.

During the study the dogs were trained using a game playing and reward method. They trained for 6 months, and afterwards they were put to the test over a period of several days. The dogs training seemed to pay off tremendously! They used 32 bandages from different cancer patients the dogs responded to all of them!

You’ve Been Pooping Wrong Your Whole Life (It’s Cancer-Causing!) Here’s How You Should do it…

by March 30, 2017

The way we poop could be contributing to issues like hemorrhoids, constipation, heart attacks, and more! The modern toilet requires us to change the position we use to evacuate our bowels, how could this be a good thing?

You may have assumed this would never be something you were thinking about and even now you may think it sounds crazy but this is true! How do you sit on the toilet? You know sitting on the toilet like shown in the photo below is actually sealing off your intestines natural passageway? Forcing poop out this way can lead to a plethora of health issues one being colon cancer.

When we poop we should be at a thirty-five degree, squatting so to speak. This is the position that allows nature to take its course. Why is it that we assume sitting on the toilet is more ‘civilized?’ Are we really that lazy? When you think about it we are the only ‘animals’ that actually sit to poop, while some people won’t think too intensely about that others see it as what it is. You can see below the rectum is much more strained when sitting than when squatting.

The benefits of squatting far outweigh the negatives of sitting. Of course, at this point it would not make much sense to convert every single toilet here in the US to be squatable but adding a stool or even a box to your bathroom may be what you need. Try doing what is shown in the picture below.

For more information on why you should be squatting to take a poop rather than sitting please take the time to watch the video below. (While it may seem a bit overly funny it makes some great points and recommends a fantastic product. We all need a squatty potty!) There is no reason as to why we should be straining our rectum to this extent. You only get one, don’t blow it!

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