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Here’s What Your Urine Color Says About Your Health. Pay Attention!

by April 4, 2017

Sometimes it’s dark yellow, sometimes it’s almost kool-aid orange, and sometimes it looks like plain water – yes, you guessed it – your pee! The color of your urine can actually determine a lot about your health!

Okay, so you might be asking yourself why the color of your pee even matters, right? Well, there are lots of reasons actually! You can even diagnose a multitude of medical issues just by assessing your yellow fluids – or is it even yellow? Well, whatever color it is, here’s what it means for your health.

The Cleveland Clinic released a chart regarding the colors of your urine! You can see it below. Although deciphering whether or not your pee is healthy is not at all hard. If your pee has a reddish hue to it, you should probably contact a urologist immediately. It could be a sign of blood in the urine and could be an indicator of liver disease, or severe dehydration.

You’re in the clear if your pee is clear! See through or transparent urine is a good indicator of high health. Clear pee shows that your body is properly hydrated, however, there is such thing as too much water. If your urine looks like water, it can be a sign of over-hydration. People’s pee is most commonly a darker yellow color!

Keeping a check on your health is crucial for a long-lasting, healthy life. Keeping a close eye on your urine can prevent you from suffering from lots of health issues! Catching any health ailments early can save your life, and it might just be your pee that warns you first.

Here’s How Having A Lot of Tattoos is Making You Healthier

by April 4, 2017

People with tattoos are less likely to get sick than people who do not have tattoos. Sounds crazy right? Well, it’s true!

This information comes from a recent study that was done at the University of Alabama. In this study, researchers took saliva samples from 29 participants who were getting tattooed and used it to test their levels of immunoglobulin. For those who do not know that is the antibody that helps us to fight off infections. Their findings showed that those with tattoos or who get tattooed regularly had higher immune systems.

Yes, their tattoos were making them less likely to get sick. Now, this does not apply to people who get only one tattoo as getting just one could lower your immunity. We assume this is because the body itself is reacting to a foreign substance (the ink) going into the body.

If you get more than one your body is often already prepared to defend itself beforehand. Dr. Lynn or of the researchers from this study hopes that this will help take away some of the negative stigma surrounding tattoos in general. He compares getting tattooed to working out which could not be more accurate. The more you do it the more your body gets used to it.

So, next time someone has something negative to say about your tattoos shrug it off, you’re not going to get a sick as they are. Your body is ready to fight off any potential infections while theirs is not. For those who would like to take a look at this study please click here.


Chinese Face Map Reveals What Your Body Fights With

by April 3, 2017

When one of your largest organs start showing symptoms that there is somthing wrong. It is not uncommon they go unnoticed or unaware of why. Your skin could be showing you signs of a much deeper problem. According to Chinese medicine these signs appear when there is an imbalance within you. These signs consist of pimples, rash and change of skin color.


Forehead -> Bladder and Small Intestine

Cause: Too much fats and processed food causes slow digestion, as well as too much alcohol, sugar and staying up late, stress.

Cure: Raw food, lots of water, alcohol abstinence and good sleep.


Between the eyebrows -> Liver

Cause: Your stomach is working too much and doesn’t get the rest it needs. You eat a lot of meat and you might be allergic to some ingredients.

Cure: Healthy and fresh food is recommended, fresh air, exercises like yoga, fast walk and meditation.


Eyebrow arch -> Kidneys

Cause: Too much smoking, alcohol, bad circulation, weak heart

Cure: A lot of clean water, cut down on caffeine, sweetened drinks and alcohol. Check if you have dehydrated.

Nose -> Heart

Cause: Closed rooms, polluted air, gasses, swollen stomach, bad circulation. High blood pressure can also cause many problems in this area of the face.

Cure: Check your blood pressure, follow the cholesterol level. Organic green tea can help you get rid the toxins. Exercising is mandatory.

Upper part of the cheeks -> Lungs

Cause: Asthma, pollution, smoking…..There is also a chance of dark circles round your eyes

Cure: Keep away from polluted air and smoke. If you smoke, stop smoking. Start with physical activities.


Cheeks -> Lungs and Kidneys

Cause: Smoking, stress and bad food as well as lots of sugar

Cure: Eliminate bad food and start using quality cosmetic products.


Mouth and chin -> Stomach

Cause: Food that contains lots of fat, sugar and stimulants like caffeine and alcohol. This part is most affected after using season food. Staying up until late as well as stress can cause imbalance.

Cure: Start a diet that can help you establish balance. Eat a lot of fruit. If the problems continue visit a doctor.

Jaw and neck -> Hormones

Cause: Too much salty food, spices and not enough water. Sometimes too much caffeine.

Cure: Cut down on salt, spices and caffeine. But, drink more water.

The Complete History of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation”

by April 3, 2017

There is no doubt that mega corporations control everything we do, say, buy, eat, drink, and use. However, there are some corporations that are just in it for money but some corporations have the intent to bring society down as a whole.

Today you can’t glance anywhere without seeing something being advertised. Corporations own the entire world and they control every natural resource there is. One of the most malevolent corporations out there is Monsanto – and you probably didn’t even know. Monsanto is among the most evil doing corporations there are. Whether they are poisoning our food and water, they are ruining the soil that brings us our vegetation.

Monsanto was created by John Francis Queeny in 1901. He started the company with a mere 5,000 dollars on November 30th in St Louis, Missouri. Little did the public know that this company would be the root cause of probably all major health ailments in the modern day. No other company in the entire world can be associated with evil more than Monsanto. The company genetically modified seeds and has been the face of corporate evil for years. The company branched out into industrial chemicals and drugs in the 1920’s. They were the world’s largest maker of aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid – which is extremely toxic. However, it all went to shit when they introduced their newest concoction, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

“PCBs were considered an industrial wonder chemical, an oil that wouldn’t burn, impervious to degradation and had almost limitless applications. Today PCBs are considered one of the gravest chemical threats on the planet. Widely used as lubricants, hydraulic fluids, cutting oils, waterproof coatings and liquid sealants, are potent carcinogens and have been implicated in reproductive, developmental and immune system disorders. The world’s center of PCB manufacturing was Monsanto’s plant on the outskirts of East St. Louis, Illinois, which has the highest rate of fetal death and immature births in the state.”

In the 1940’s they began researching the uses of radioactive uranium. The first used it for the Manhattan Project’s first atomic bomb – the one that would later be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If you haven’t heard about this already, it killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese, Korean, and US military serviceman. It also poisoned billions of other people. This is not at all where Monsanto’s killing spree ends.

Afterwards Monsanto decided to create pesticides for agriculture. Their pesticides contain extremely harmful chemicals – including the dreadful dioxin. Dioxin has poisoned water and food supplies, causing tons of adverse side effects by the masses in America. They are so prevalent that they seem to just be modern day health issues. Monsanto failed to disclose their dioxin use because doing so would have forced them to shut down – because it has created an environmental hell on earth.

Monsanto also did some work with Walt Disney in the 1950’s. A Disney’s tomorrow land they had their own several attractions the depicted the ‘glories’ of chemicals and plastic! The house of the future is what it was called and it was constructed of completely toxic and non-biodegradable plastic.

“After attracting a total of 20 million visitors from 1957 to 1967, Disney finally tore the house down, but discovered it would not go down without a fight. According to Monsanto Magazine, wrecking balls literally bounced off the glass-fiber, reinforced polyester material. Torches, jackhammers, chain saws and shovels did not work. Finally, choker cables were used to squeeze off parts of the house bit by bit to be trucked away.”

Monsanto is a corporation founded on worse evils than corporate greed. The company will be the cause of the complete downfall of society. Everyone should avoid as many Monsanto products as they are able to! Once we are able to have Monsanto shutdown, we will have a chance of earthly prosperity.

Banish Your Under-Eye Circles for Pennies

by April 3, 2017

Dark circles under your eyes are not a very appealing feature to have. No matter how many naps you take it seems like you can never get rested enough, or get rid of them! They can be caused by tons of different things too.

Dark circles can be caused by lack of sleep, stress, simple aging, and a few other things. There are literally thousands of creams, gels, medications, ointments, and other pharma concoctions that are advertised to be the solution to all your bag issues, but be weary – none of them work, and they’re super expensive.

Dark circles make you appear to be tired, prolonged crying, lack of sleep, and an unhealthy diet. Although all those expensive eye creams broke you, don’t worry – there are tons of natural remedies that are inexpensive and are effective! The best natural ingredients to use when treating dark circles are cucumbers, almond oil. Raw potato, rosewater, tomato, lemon juice, coconut oil, tea bags, cold compression, and of course, turmeric.

Almond oil is fantastic for dark circles because it is packed full of vitamin E. Regular use of almond oil will help fade away the dark circles under your eyes. It is fantastic to combine vitamin E oil and almond oil together. Your dark circles will soon vanish!

Every wondered why people always have cucumbers over their eyes at the spa? Well turns out that cucumbers are great for re-hydrating the circles around our eyes. They have mild astringent properties that exterminate the dark circles. They are also great for getting rid of acne breakouts. Raw potatoes have mild and natural bleaching agents. They can help lighten dark circles and get rid of the puffiness that comes alongside.

Alongside these natural treatments, using this beauty mask will definitely get rid of those dark circles. The recipe is a super easy do it yourself. Here’s the directions!

1 tablespoon raw honey
1 teaspoon fresh cucumber juice
1 teaspoon freshly grated potato

1. Mix ingredients together to form a paste.
2. After cleansing your skin, apply and leave on for 20 minutes.
3. Rinse with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

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