All posts by: Marshall

The Way You Sit Reveals A Lot About Your Personality

by in Other May 14, 2017

30% of communication is verbal and 70% is non-verbal! Body language dominates our conversations, without us realizing it! The way that you sit can reveal a lot about your personality, what does it reveal about you?  Your sitting posture indicates intentions from your deep subconscious. This form of communication is categorized under Microexpression’s which involves […]

Key Findings: First Vaccinated VS Unvaccinated Study

by in Health May 14, 2017

Vaccines have become a very controversial subject because many studies have linked them to autism and other serious health complications. However, we have never had a study that compared a group of unvaccinated people and vaccinated people – until now. The study was led by Dr. Mawson, and he found some amazing discoveries. They key […]

FEW Doctors Will Discuss The REAL Cause of Acid Reflux. Here’s the TRUTH!

by in Food, Health, Natural Cures May 13, 2017

Acid reflux is a health issue experienced by numerous people. GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), Peptic ulcer, acid reflux, and heartburn, affects one out of two Americans, and one out of every four, once a month!  The real cause of GERD, heartburn, acid reflux is dehydration, psychical discomfort (tight clothes), over-eating, sphincters malfunctioning, stress, H-Pylori, food […]