All posts by: Marshall

Tyson Foods Now Listed as Bigger Polluter than US Department of Defense, Koch Industries, and Exxon Mobile

by in Environment December 25, 2016

Tyson Foods has quite the reputation for the animal abuse that transpires within its facilities that are used to provide chicken, eggs, and other products. However, the madness doesn’t stop there either, as they have now been deemed the worst corporate polluter on the planet. For years, Tyson’s atrocious practices have been revealed in numerous […]

Microwave Ovens ‘Fluke” Your Heart While They ‘Nuke’ Your Food- Alarming Studies Reveal Microwave Frequency Radiation Can Affect Heart and Blood

by in Health December 24, 2016

Most people who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle have either cut back on microwave use or eliminated it altogether. This is because microwaves eliminate nutritional value from food and have a negative impact on our hearts. Frequencies produced by microwave ovens mess with our heart rates as well as many other things. According […]